Plastic Learning with Deep Fourier Features
††footnotetext: Correspondence to: Alex Lewandowski <[email protected]>.Deep neural networks can struggle to learn continually in the face of non-stationarity. This phenomenon is known as loss of plasticity. In this paper, we identify underlying principles that lead to plastic algorithms. In particular, we provide theoretical results showing that linear function approximation, as well as a special case of deep linear networks, do not suffer from loss of plasticity. We then propose deep Fourier features, which are the concatenation of a sine and cosine in every layer, and we show that this combination provides a dynamic balance between the trainability obtained through linearity and the effectiveness obtained through the nonlinearity of neural networks. Deep networks composed entirely of deep Fourier features are highly trainable and sustain their trainability over the course of learning. Our empirical results show that continual learning performance can be drastically improved by replacing ReLU activations with deep Fourier features. These results hold for different continual learning scenarios (e.g., label noise, class incremental learning, pixel permutations) on all major supervised learning datasets used for continual learning research, such as CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and tiny-ImageNet.
1 Introduction
Continual learning is a problem setting that moves past some of the rigid assumptions found in supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised learning (Ring,, 1994; Thrun,, 1998). In particular, the continual learning setting involves learning from data sampled from a changing, non-stationary distribution rather than from a fixed distribution. A performant continual learning algorithm faces a trade-off due to its limited capacity: it should avoid forgetting what was previously learned while also being able to adapt to new incoming data, an ability known as plasticity (Parisi et al.,, 2019). Current approaches that use neural networks for continual learning are not yet capable of making this trade-off due to catastrophic forgetting (Kirkpatrick et al.,, 2017) and loss of plasticity (Dohare et al.,, 2021; Lyle et al.,, 2023; Dohare et al.,, 2024). The training of neural networks is in fact an active research area in the theory literature for supervised learning (Jacot et al.,, 2018; Yang et al.,, 2023; Kunin et al.,, 2024), which suggests there is much left to be understood in training neural networks continually. Compared to the relatively well-understood problem setting of supervised learning, even the formalization of the continual learning problem is an active research area (Kumar et al., 2023a, ; Abel et al.,, 2024; Liu et al.,, 2023). With these uncertainties surrounding current practice, we take a step back to better understand the inductive biases used to build algorithms for continual learning.
One fundamental capability expected from a continual learning algorithm is its sustained ability to update its predictions on new data. Recent work has identified the phenomenon of loss of plasticity in neural networks in which stochastic gradient-based training becomes less effective when faced with data from a changing, non-stationary distribution (Dohare et al.,, 2024). Several methods have been proposed to address the loss of plasticity in neural networks, with their success demonstrated empirically across both supervised and reinforcement learning (Ash and Adams,, 2020; Lyle et al.,, 2022; 2023; Lee et al.,, 2024). Empirically, works have identified that the plasticity of neural networks is sensitive to different components of the training process, such as the activation function (Abbas et al.,, 2023). However, little is known about what is required for learning with sustained plasticity.
The goal of this paper is to identify a basic continual learning algorithm that does not lose plasticity in both theory and practice rather than mitigating the loss of plasticity in existing neural network architectures. In particular, we investigate the effect of the nonlinearity of neural networks on the loss of plasticity. While loss of plasticity is a well-documented phenomenon in neural networks, previous empirical observations suggest that linear function approximation is capable of learning continually without suffering from loss of plasticity (Dohare et al.,, 2021; 2024). In this paper, we prove that linear function approximation does not suffer from loss of plasticity and can sustain their learning ability on a sequence of tasks. We then extend our analysis to a special case of deep linear networks, which provide an interesting intermediate case between deep nonlinear networks and linear function approximation. This is because deep linear networks are linear in representation but nonlinear in gradient dynamics (Saxe et al.,, 2014). We provide theoretical and empirical evidence that general deep linear networks also do not suffer from loss of plasticity. The plasticity of deep linear networks is surprising because it suggests that, for sustaining plasticity, the nonlinear dynamics of deep linear networks are more similar to the linear dynamics of linear function approximation than they are to the nonlinear dynamics of deep nonlinear networks.
Given this seemingly natural advantage of linearity for continual learning, as well as its inherent limitation to learning only linear representations, we explore how nonlinear networks can better emulate the dynamics of deep linear networks to sustain plasticity. We hypothesize that, to effectively learn continually, the neural network must balance between introducing too much linearity and suffering from loss of deep representations and introducing too much nonlinearity and suffering from loss of plasticity. In fact, we show that previous work partially satisfies this hypothesis, such as the concatenated ReLU (Shang et al.,, 2016), leaky-ReLU activations (Xu et al.,, 2015), and residual connections (He et al.,, 2016), but they fail at striking this balance. Our results build on previous work that identified issues of unit saturation (Abbas et al.,, 2023) and unit linearization (Lyle et al.,, 2024) as issues in continually training neural networks with common activation functions. In particular, we generalize these phenomena to unit sign entropy. We show that linear networks have high unit sign entropy, meaning that the sign of a hidden unit on different inputs is positive on approximately half the inputs. In contrast, deep nonlinear networks with most activation functions tend to have low unit sign entropy, which indicates saturation or linearization.
Periodic activation functions (Parascandolo et al.,, 2017), like the sinusoid function (sin), are a notable exception for having high unit sign entropy despite still suffering from loss of plasticity. Thus, in addition to unit sign entropy, we demonstrate that the network’s activation function should be well-approximated by a linear function. We propose deep Fourier features as a means of approximating linearity dynamically, with every pre-activation being connected to two units, one of which will always be well-approximated by a linear function. In particular, deep Fourier features concatenate a sine and a cosine activation in each hidden layer. The resulting network is nonlinear while also approximately embedding a deep linear network using all of its parameters. Deep Fourier features differ from previous approaches that use Fourier features only in the input layer (Tancik et al.,, 2020; Li and Pathak,, 2021; Yang et al.,, 2022) or that use fixed Fourier feature basis (Rahimi and Recht,, 2007; Konidaris et al.,, 2011). We demonstrate that networks using these shallow Fourier features still exhibit a loss of plasticity. Only by using deep Fourier features in every layer is the network capable of sustaining and improving trainability in a continual learning setting. Using tiny-ImageNet (Le and Yang,, 2015), CIFAR10, and CIFAR100 (Krizhevsky,, 2009), we show that deep Fourier features can be used as a drop-in replacement for improving trainability in commonly used neural network architectures. Furthermore, deep Fourier features achieve superior generalization performance when combined with regularization because their trainability allows for much higher regularization strengths.
2 Problem Setting
We define a deep network, with a a parameter set, , as a sequence of layers, in which each layer applies a linear transformation followed by an element-wise activation function, in each hidden layer. The output of the network, , is defined recursively by , and, where is the width of the network, and . We refer to a particular element of the hidden layer’s output as a unit. The deep network is a deep linear network when the activation function is the identity, . Linear function approximation is equivalent to a linear network with .
The problem setting that we consider is continual supervised learning without task boundaries. At each iteration, a minibatch of observation-target pairs of size , , is used to update the parameters of a neural network using a variant of stochastic gradient descent. The learning problem is continual because the distribution from which the data is sampled, , is changing. For simplicity, we assume this non-stationarity changes the distribution over the input-target pairs every iterations. The data is sampled from a single distribution for steps, and we refer to this particular temporary stationary problem as a task, . The distribution over observations and targets that defines a task is denoted by .
We focus our theoretical analysis on the problem of loss of trainability, in which we evaluate the neural network at the end of each task using samples from the most recent task distribution, , as is commonly done in previous work (Lyle et al.,, 2023). Loss of trainability refers to the problem where the neural network is unable to sustain its initial performance on the first task to later tasks. Specifically, we denote the optimisation objective by for some loss function , and task-specific data distribution . We use to denote the iteration count of the learning algorithm, and thus the current task number can be written as .
3 Trainability and Linearity
In this section, we show that, unlike nonlinear networks, linear networks do not suffer from loss of trainability. That is, if the number of iterations in each task is sufficiently large, a linear network sustain trainability on every task in the sequence. We then show theoretically that a special case of deep linear networks also does not suffer from loss of trainability, and we empirically validate the theoretical findings in more general settings. These results provide a theoretical basis for previous work that uses a linear baseline in loss of plasticity experiments.
3.1 Trainability of Linear Function Approximation
We first prove that loss of trainability does not occur with linear function approximation, . We prove this by showing that any sequence of tasks can be learned with a large enough number of iterations per task. In particular, the suboptimality gap on the -th task can be upper bounded on a quantity that is independent of the solution found on the first tasks. Linear function approximation avoids loss of trainability because the optimisation problem on each task is convex (Agrawal et al.,, 2021; Boyd and Vandenberghe,, 2004), with a unique global optimum, . We now state the theorem, which we prove in Appendix B
Theorem 1.
Let denote the linear weights learned at the end of the -th task, with the corresponding unique global minimum for task being denoted by . Assuming the objective function is -strongly convex, the suboptimality gap for gradient descent on the -th task is
where each task lasts for iteration, is the assumed bound on the parameters at the global minimum for every task, and is the step-size.
In addition to convexity, we assume that the objective function is -strongly convex, , where denotes the Hessian. This assumption is often satisfied in the continual learning problem outlined in Section 2 (see Appendix A.1 for more discussion). Lastly, we assume that the parameters at the global optimum for every task are bounded: . This is true for regression problems if the observations and targets are bounded. In classification tasks, the global optimum can be at infinity because activation functions such as the sigmoid and the softmax are maximized at infinity. In this case, we constrain the parameter set, , and project the optimum onto this set. Intuitively, this theorem states that if the problem is bounded and effectively strongly convex due to a finite number of iterations, then the optimisation dynamics are well-behaved for every task in the bounded set. In particular, this means that the error on each task can be upper bounded by a quantity independent of the initialization found on previous tasks. Thus, given enough iterations, linear function approximation can learn continually without loss of trainability.
3.2 Trainability of Deep Linear Networks
We now provide evidence that, similar to linear function approximation, deep linear networks also do not suffer from loss of trainability. Deep linear networks differ from deep nonlinear networks by not using nonlinear activation functions in their hidden layers (Bernacchia et al.,, 2018; Ziyin et al.,, 2022). This means that a deep linear network can only represent linear functions. At the same time, its gradient update dynamics are nonlinear and non-convex, similar to deep nonlinear neural networks (Saxe et al.,, 2014). Our central claim here is that deep linear networks under gradient descent dynamics avoid parameter configurations that would lead to loss of trainability.
To simplify notation, without loss of generality, we combine the weights and biases into a single parameter for each layer in the deep linear network , , and . We denote the product of weight matrices, or simply product matrix, as , which allows us to write the deep linear network in terms of the product matrix: . The problem setup we use for the deep linear analysis follows previous work (Huh,, 2020), and we provide additional technical details for optimisation dynamics of deep linear networks in Appendix A.3.
The gradient of the loss function with respect to the parameters of a deep linear network can be written in terms of the gradient with respect to the product matrix (Bah et al.,, 2022):
where the term is the gradient of the loss with respect to the product matrix, treating it as if it was linear function approximation. The gradient is nonlinear because of the coupling between the gradient of the parameter at one layer and the value of the parameters of the other layers. Nevertheless, the gradient dynamics of the individual parameters can be combined to yield the dynamics of the product matrix (Arora et al.,, 2018),
The dynamics involve a preconditioner, , that accelerates optimisation (Arora et al.,, 2018), which we empirically demonstrate in Section 3.3. On the left-hand side of the equation, we use to denote the combined dynamics of the gradients for each layer on the dynamics of the product matrix.111Note we use because is not a gradient for any function of ; see discussion by Arora et al., (2018). This means that the effective gradient dynamics of the deep network is related to the dynamics of linear function approximation with a precondition. While the dynamics are nonlinear and non-convex, the overall dynamics are remarkably similar to that of linear function approximation, which is convex.
We now provide evidence to suggest that, despite deep linear networks being nonlinear in their gradient dynamics, they do not suffer from loss of trainability. We prove this for a special case of deep diagonal linear networks, and provide empirical evidence to support this claim in general deep linear networks.
Theorem 2.
Let be a deep diagonal linear network where . Then, a deep diagonal linear network converges on a sequence of tasks under the same conditions for convergence in a single task (i.e., the conditions in Arora et al.,, 2019).
Theorem 2 states that a deep diagonal linear network, a special case of general deep linear networks, can converge to a solution on each task within a sequence of tasks. The proof, provided in Appendix B, shows that the minimum singular value of the product matrix stays greater than zero, . Hence, deep diagonal linear networks do not suffer from loss of trainability. This result provides further evidence suggesting that linearity might be an effective inductive bias for learning continually.
While the analysis considers a special case of deep linear networks, namely deep diagonal networks, we note that this is a common setting for the analysis of deep linear networks more generally (Nacson et al.,, 2022; Even et al.,, 2023). In particular, the analysis is motivated by the fact that, under certain conditions, the evolution of the deep linear network parameters can be analyzed through the independent singular mode dynamics (Braun et al.,, 2022), which simplifies the analysis of deep linear networks to deep diagonal linear networks.
3.3 Empirical Evidence For Trainability of General Deep Linear Networks
In the previous section, we proved that a special case of deep linear networks do not suffer from loss of trainability. We now provide additional empirical evidence that general deep linear networks do not suffer from loss of trainability. To do so, we use a linearly separable subset of the MNIST dataset (LeCun et al.,, 1998), in which the labels of each image are randomized every 100 epochs. For this experiment, the data is linearly separable so that even a linear baseline can fit the data if given enough iterations. While MNIST is a simple classification problem, memorizing random labels highlights the difficulties associated with maintaining trainability (see Lyle et al.,, 2023; Kumar et al., 2023b, ). We emphasize that the goal here is merely to validate that linear networks remain trainable in continual learning. We also provide results with traditional nonlinear neural networks on the same problem, showing that they suffer from loss of trainability in this simple problem. Later in Section 5, we extend our investigation of loss of trainability to larger-scale benchmarks.
In Figure 2, we see that deep linear networks ranging from a depth of to can sustain trainability. Using a multi-layer perceptron with ReLU activations, deep nonlinear networks quickly reach a much higher accuracy on the first few tasks. However, due to loss of trainability, deep nonlinear networks of any depth eventually perform worse than the corresponding deep linear network. With additional epochs, the linear networks could achieve perfect accuracy on this task because it is linear separable. The number of epochs is comparatively low to showcase that, with some additional layers, a deep linear network is able to improve its trainability as new tasks are encountered.
4 Combining Linearity and Nonlinearity
In the previous section, we provided empirical and theoretical evidence that linearity provides an effective inductive bias for learning continually by avoiding loss of trainability. However, linear methods are generally not as performant as deep nonlinear networks, meaning that their sustained performance can be inadequate on complex tasks. Even deep linear networks have only linear representational power, despite the fact that the gradient dynamics are nonlinear and can lead to accelerated learning. We now seek to answer the following question:
How can the sustained trainability of linear methods be combined with
the expressive power of learned nonlinear representations?
To answer this question, we first seek to better understand the effects of replacing linear activation functions with nonlinear ones in deep networks for continual learning. We observe that deep linear networks have diversity in their hidden units, which can be induced in nonlinear activation functions by adding linearity through a weighted linear component, an idea we refer to as -linearization. To dynamically balance linearity and nonlinearity, we propose to use deep Fourier features for every layer in a network. We prove that such a network approximately embeds a deep linear network, a property we refer to as adaptive linearity. We demonstrate that this adaptively-linear network is plastic, maintaining trainability even on non-linearly-separable problems.
4.1 Adding Linearity to Nonlinear Activation Functions
Deep nonlinear networks can learn expressive representations because of their nonlinear activation function, but these nonlinearities can also lead to issues with trainability. Although several components of common network architectures incorporate linearity, the way in which linearity is used does not avoid loss of trainability. One example is the piecewise linearity of the ReLU activation function (Shang et al.,, 2016), , that can become saturated and prevent gradient propagation if for most inputs . While saturation is generally not a problem for learning on a single distribution, it has been noted as problematic in learning from changing distributions, for example, in reinforcement learning (Abbas et al.,, 2023).
A potential solution to saturation is to use a non-saturating activation function. Two noteworthy examples of non-saturating activation functions include a periodic activation like (Parascandolo et al.,, 2017) and (Xu et al.,, 2015), both of which are zero on a set of measure zero. Surprisingly, using leaky-ReLU leads to a related issue, “unit linearization” (Lyle et al.,, 2024), in which the activation is only positive (or negative) Unlike saturated units, linearized units can provide non-zero gradients but render that unit effectively linear, limiting the expressive power of the learned representation. While unit linearization seems to suggest that loss of trainability can occur due to linearity, it is important to note that a “linearized unit” is not the same as a linear unit. This is because a linearized unit provides mostly positive (or negative) outputs, whereas a linear unit can output both positive and negative values.
We generalize the idea behind unit saturation and unit linearization to unit sign entropy, which is a metric applicable to activation functions beyond saturating and piecewise linear functions, such as periodic activation functions. Intuitively, it measures the diversity of the activations of a hidden layer.
Definition 1 (Unit Sign Entropy).
The entropy, , of the unit’s sign, , on a distribution of inputs to the network, , is given by .
The maximum value of unit sign entropy is 1, which occurs when the unit is positive on half the inputs. Conversely, a low sign entropy is associated with the aforementioned issues of saturation and linearization. For example, a low sign entropy for a deep network using ReLU activations means that the unit is almost always positive (, meaning it is linearized) or negative (, meaning it is saturated).
With unit sign entropy, we investigate how the leak parameter for the leaky-ReLU activation function influences training as pure linearity is traded-off for pure nonlinearity . The idea of mixing a linearity and nonlinearity can also be generalized to an arbitrary activation function, which we refer to as the -linearization of an activation function.
Definition 2 (-linearization).
The -linearization of an activation function , is denoted by .
A natural hypothesis is that, as increases from to , and the network becomes more linear, loss of trainability is mitigated. We emphasize that the -linearization is primarily to gain insights from empirical investigation and it is not a solution to loss of trainability. This is because any benefits of -linearization depend on tuning , and even optimal tuning can lead to overly linear representations and slow training compared to nonlinear networks.
Empirical Evidence for -linear Plasticity
To understand the trainability issues introduced by nonlinearity, we present a case-study using sin and ReLU with different values of the linearization parameter, . The same experiment setup is used from Section 3.3. Referring to the results in Figure 3, we see that both ReLU and sin activation functions are able to sustain trainability for larger values of . This verifies the hypothesis: a larger provides more linearity to the network, allowing it to sustain trainability. For -ReLU, we also verify the hypothesis that the unit sign entropy increases for larger values of (inset plot). The fact that the periodic sin activation function has a high unit sign entropy despite losing trainability is particularly interesting, and we will return to this in Section 4.2. Note that, while trainability can be sustained, it is generally lower than the nonlinear networks for a large values of .
4.2 Adaptive-linearity by Concatenating Sinusoid Activation Functions
Using the insight that linearity promotes unit sign entropy, we explore an alternative approach to sustain trainability. In particular, we found that linearity can sustain trainability but requires tuning , and even optimal tuning can lead to slow learning from overly linear representations. Our approach is motivated by concatenated ReLU activations (Shang et al.,, 2016; Abbas et al.,, 2023), , which avoids the problems from saturated units, but does not avoid the problem of low unit sign entropy. In particular, we propose using a pair of activations functions such that one activation function is always approximately linear, with a bounded error.
One way to dynamically balance the linearities and nonlinearities of a network is using periodic activation functions. This is because, due to their periodicity, the properties of the activation function can re-occur as the magnitude of the preactivations grows rather than staying constant, linear, or saturating. But, as we saw in Figure 3, a single periodic activation function like sin is not enough. Instead, we propose to use deep Fourier features, meaning that every layer in the network uses Fourier features. This is a notable departure from previous work which considers only shallow Fourier features in the first layer (Rahimi and Recht,, 2007; Tancik et al.,, 2020). In particular, each unit is a concatenation of a sinusoid basis of two elements on the same pre-activation, . The advantage of this approach is that a network with deep Fourier features maintains approximate linearity in some of its units.
Proposition 1.
For any , there exists a linear function, , such that either: , or , for and all .
An intuitive description of this is provided in Figure 1. The advantage of using two sinusoids over just a single sinusoid is that whenever is near a critical point, , we have that , meaning that (and vice-versa). The argument follows from an analysis of the Taylor series remainder, showing that the Taylor series of half the units in a deep Fourier layer can be approximated by a linear function, with a small error of . While we found that two sinusoids is sufficient, the approximation error can be further improved by concatenating additional sinusoids, at the expense of reducing the effective width of the layer.
Because each pre-activation is connected to a unit that is approximately linear, we can conclude that a deep network comprised of deep Fourier features approximately embeds a deep linear network.
Corollary 1.
A network parameterized by , with deep Fourier features, approximately embeds a deep linear network parameterized by with a bounded error.
Notice that piecewise linear activations also embed a deep linear network, but these embedded deep linear networks do not use the same parameter set. For example, the deep linear network embedded by a ReLU network does not depend on any of the parameters used to compute a ReLU unit that is zero. Although the leaky-ReLU function involves every parameter, the deep linear network vanishes because the leak parameter is small, , and hence the embedded deep linear network is multiplied by a small constant, , where is the depth of the network.
Empirical Evidence for Nonlinear Plasticity
We now consider a similar experimental setup from Sections 3.3 and 4.1, except we make the problem non linearly-separable by considering random label assignments on the entire dataset. Each task is more difficult because it involves memorizing more labels, and the effect of the non-stationarity is also stronger due to randomization of more datapoints. As a result, the deep linear network can no longer fit a single task well. Referring to Figure 4, the -linear activation functions can sustain and even improve their trainability, albeit very slowly. In contrast, using deep Fourier features within the network enables the network to easily memorize all the labels for 100 tasks. Deep Fourier features surpass the trainability of the other nonlinear baselines at initialization, CReLU and shallow Fourier features followed by ReLU. This is surprising, because deep nonlinear networks at initialization are often a gold-standard for trainability.
5 Experiments
Our experiments demonstrate the benefits of the adaptive linearity provided by deep Fourier features. While trainability was the primary focus behind our theoretical results and empirical case studies, we show that these findings generalize to other problems in continual learning. In particular, we demonstrate that networks composed of deep Fourier features are capable of learning from diminishing levels of label noise, and in class-incremental learning, in addition to sustaining trainability on random labels. The main results we present are on all of the major continual supervised learning settings considered in the plasticity literature. They build on the standard ResNet-18 architecture, widely used in practice (He et al.,, 2016).
Datasets and Non-stationarities
Our experiments use the common image classification datasets for continual learning, namely tiny-ImageNet (Le and Yang,, 2015), CIFAR10, and CIFAR100 (Krizhevsky,, 2009). We augment these datasets with commonly used non-stationarities to create continual learning problems, with the non-stationarity creating a sequence of tasks from the dataset. Specifically, following recent work on continual learning (Lee et al.,, 2024), we consider diminishing levels of label noise on each dataset: We start with half the data being corrupted by label noise and reduce the noise to clean labels over 10 tasks. Additionally, for the datasets with a larger number of classes, tiny-ImageNet and CIFAR100, we also consider the class-incremental setting: the first task involves only five classes, and five new classes are added to the existing pool of classes at the beginning of each task (Van de Ven et al.,, 2022). Other results and more details on datasets and non-stationarities considered can be found in Appendix C.
Architecture and Baselines
We compare a ResNet-18 using only deep Fourier features against a standard ResNet-18 with ReLU activations. The network with deep Fourier features has fewer parameters because it uses a concatenation of two different activation functions, halving the effective width compared to the network with ReLU activations. This provides an advantage to the nonlinear baseline. We also include all prominent baselines that have previously been proposed to mitigate loss of plasticity in the field: L2 regularization towards zero, L2 regularization towards the initialization (Kumar et al., 2023b, ), spectral regularization (Lewandowski et al.,, 2024), Concatenated ReLU (Shang et al.,, 2016; Abbas et al.,, 2023), Dormant Neuron Recycling (ReDO, Sokar et al.,, 2023), Shrink and Perturb (Ash and Adams,, 2020), and Streaming Elastic Weight Consolidation (S-EWC, Kirkpatrick et al.,, 2017; Elsayed and Mahmood,, 2024).
5.1 Main results
Our main result demonstrates that adaptive-linearity is an effective inductive bias for continual learning. In these set of experiments, we consider the problem of sustaining test accuracy on a sequence of tasks. In addition to requiring trainability, methods must also sustain their generalization.
Diminishing Label Noise
In Figure 5, we can clearly see the benefits of deep Fourier features in the diminishing label noise setting. At the end of training on ten tasks with diminishing levels of label noise, the network with deep Fourier features was always among the methods with the highest test accuracy on the the uncorrupted test set. On the first of ten tasks, deep Fourier features could occasionally overfit to the corrupted labels leading to initially low test accuracy. However, as the label noise diminished on future tasks, the network with deep Fourier features was able to continue to learn to correct its previous poorly-generalizing predictions. In contrast, the improvements achieved by the other methods that we considered was oftentimes marginal compared to the baseline ReLU network. Two exceptions are: (i) networks with CReLU activations, which underperformed relative to the baseline network, and (ii) Shrink and Perturb, which was the best-performing baseline method for diminishing label noise. Interestingly, the performance benefit of deep Fourier features is most prominent on more complex datasets, like tiny-ImageNet.
Class-Incremental Learning
Deep Fourier features are also effective in the class-incremental setting, where later tasks involve training on a larger subset of the classes. The network is evaluated at the end of each task on the entire test set. As the network is trained on later tasks, its test set performance increases because it has access to a larger subset of the training data. In Figure 6, we see that Deep Fourier features largely outperform the baselines in this setting, particularly on tiny-ImageNet in which the first forty tasks involve training on a growing subset of the dataset and the last forty “tasks” involve training to convergence on the full dataset. 222We use quotation marks to characterize the last forty tasks because they are, in fact, a single task, as the data distribution stops changing after the first forty tasks. We call them “tasks” because of the number of iterations in which they are trained. Not only are deep Fourier features quicker to learn on earlier continual learning tasks, but they are also able to improve their generalization performance by subsequently training on the full dataset. On CIFAR100, the difference between methods is not as prominent, but we can see that deep Fourier features are still among the top-performing methods.
5.2 Sensitivity Analysis
In the previous sections, we used deep Fourier features in combination with spectral regularization to achieve high generalization. However, the theoretical analysis and case-studies that we presented earlier concerned trainability. We now present a sensitivity result to understand the relationship between trainability and generalization. Using a ResNet-18 with different activation functions, we varied the regularization strength between no regularization and high degrees of regularization. In Figure 7, we can see that deep Fourier features indeed have a high degree of trainability, sustaining trainability at different levels of regularization. However, without any regularization, deep Fourier features have a tendency to overfit. Over-fitting is a known issue for shallow Fourier features (e.g., when using Fourier features only for the input layer, Mavor-Parker et al.,, 2024). However, deep Fourier features are able to use their high trainability to learn effectively even when highly regularized. Thus, while trainability does not always lead to learning, the trainability provided by adaptive-learning still provides a useful inductive bias for continual learning.
6 Conclusion
In this paper, we proved that linear function approximation and a special case of deep linearity are effective inductive biases for learning continually without loss of trainability. We then investigated the issues that arise from using nonlinear activation functions, namely the lack of unit sign entropy. Motivated by the effectiveness of linearity in sustaining trainability, we proposed deep Fourier features to approximately embed a deep linear network inside a deep nonlinear network. We found that deep Fourier features dynamically balance the trainability afforded by linearity and the effectiveness of nonlinearity, thus providing an effective inductive bias for learning continually. Experimentally, we demonstrate that networks with deep Fourier features provide benefits for continual learning across every dataset we consider. Importantly, networks with deep Fourier features are effective plastic learners because their trainability allows for higher regularization strengths that leads to improved and sustained generalization over the course of learning.
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Appendix A Additional Details
A.1 Assumptions for Trainabiilty of Linear Function Approximation
Neither squared nor cross-entropy loss are -strongly convex in general. However, the assumption is satisfied under reasonable conditions in practice and in the problem settings considered in this paper.
For regression, denote the features for task as where is the feature dimension and is the sample size. For linear function approximation, the Hessian is the outer products of the data matrix, . Thus, the squared loss is strongly-convex if the data is full rank. This is satisfied in high dimensional image classification problems, which is what we consider.
For binary classification, the Hessian involves an additional diagonal matrix of the predictions for each datapoint,
where , , and is the sigmoid function. If the prediction becomes sufficiently confident, , then there can be rank deficiency in the Hessian. However, because each task is only budgeted a finite number of iterations this bounds the predictions away from .
A.2 Related Work Regarding Trainability of Deep Linear Networks
Some authors have suggested deep linear networks suffer from a related issue, namely that critical learning periods also occur for deep linear networks (Kleinman et al.,, 2024). Unlike the focus on loss of trainability in this work where the entire network is trained, these critical learning periods are due to winner-take-all dynamics due to manufactured defects in one half of the linear network, for which the other half compensates.
Finally, we note that some previous work have found that gradient dynamics have a low rank bias for deep linear networks (Chou et al.,, 2024). One important assumption that these works make is that the neural network weights are initialized identically across layers, . Our analysis assumes that the initialization uses small random values, such as those used in practice with common neural network initialization schemes (Glorot and Bengio,, 2010; He et al.,, 2015).
A.3 Details For Deep Linear Setup
To simplify notation, without loss of generality, we consider a deep linear network without the bias terms, , and . We denote the product of weight matrices, or simply product matrix, as , which allows us to write the deep linear network in terms of the product matrix: . The problem setup we use for the deep linear analysis follows previous work (Huh,, 2020), and we provide additional details in Appendix A.3. We consider the squared error, . and we assume that the observations are whitened to simplify the analysis,
, focusing on the case where the targets are changing during continual learning. Then we can write the squared error as
where is the distance to the optimal linear predictor, .
The convergence of gradient descent for general deep linear networks requires an assumption on the deficiency margin, which is used to ensure that the solution found by a deep linear network, in terms of the product matrix, is full rank (Arora et al.,, 2019). That is, the deep linear network converges if the minimum singular value of the product matrix stays positive, .
We now show that a diagonal linear network maintains a positive minimum singular value under continual learning. This is a simplified setting for analysis, where we assume that the weight matrices are diagonal and thus the input, hidden, and output dimension are all equal. Let be a diagonal linear network, defined by a set of diagonal weight matrices, . The output of the diagonal linear network is the product of the diagonal matrices, . Then the product matrix is also a diagonal matrix, whose diagonals are the products of the parameters of each layer, . The minimum singular value of a diagonal matrix is the minimum of its absolute values, . Thus, we must show that the minimum absolute value of the product matrix is never zero.
Lemma 1.
Consider a deep diagonal linear network, and . Then, under gradient descent dynamics, iff for .
The proof of this proposition, and the next, can be found in Appendix B. This first proposition states that two parameters that are initialized to different values, such as by a random initialization, will never have the same value under gradient descent. Conversely, if the parameters are initialized identically, then they will stay the same value under gradient descent. This means that, in particular, two parameters will never be simultaneously zero.
Lemma 2.
Denote a deep diagonal linear network as where . Then, under gradient descent dynamics, iff two (or more) components are zero, , for .
While the analysis considers a special case of deep linear networks, namely deep diagonal networks, we note that this is a common setting for the analysis of deep linear networks more generally (Nacson et al.,, 2022; Even et al.,, 2023). In particular, the analysis is motivated by the fact that, under certain conditions, the evolution of the deep linear network parameters can be analyzed through the independent singular mode dynamics (Saxe et al.,, 2014), which simplify the analysis of deep linear networks to deep diagonal linear networks. The target function being learned, , is represented in terms of the singular-value decomposition, . We also assume that the neural network has a fixed hidden dimension, so that ; and we apply the singular value decomposition to the function approximator’s parameters, . To simplify the product of weight matrices, we assume , , and . The simplifying result is that the squared error loss can be expressed entirely in terms of the singular values, , which is equivalent to our analysis of the deep diagonal network, as the matrix of singular values is a diagonal matrix. These decoupled learning dynamics are closely approximated by networks with small random weights and they persist under gradient flows (Huh,, 2020).
Appendix B Proofs
Proof of Theorem 1.
We first present the result for two tasks and we then generalize it to an arbitary number of tasks. Let the linear weights learned on the first task be , with the corresponding unique global minimum denoted by . The solution found on the first task is used as an initialization on the second task, which will end at , with the corresponding unique global minimum denoted by . We start from the known suboptimality gap for gradient descent on the second task (Garrigos and Gower,, 2023):
(1) |
We upper bound the distance from the initialization on the second task, , to the optimum, , by
(2) |
Where the last inequality uses the assumption that the objective function is -strongly convex. We upper bound the suboptimality gap on the second task by a quantity independent of :
(3) |
which implies that the parameter value learned on the previous task does not influence training on the new task beyond a dependence on the initial distance. This is true for an arbitrary number of tasks:
(4) |
where we denote . The last inequality follows from our assumption that the distance between the task solutions, , is bounded and using a geometric sum in . ∎
Proof of Lemma 1.
We first prove the lemma in the forward direction:
Assuming that for , we will show that .
Writing the gradient update for with a fixed step-size , we have that
(5) | ||||
(6) | ||||
(7) | ||||
(8) |
Similarly, the gradient update for is
(10) |
Using our assumption that , we set the two updates equal to eachother:
(12) |
We can simplify both sides of the equations, where the LHS is
(13) | ||||
(14) |
Similarly, the RHS of the equation is
(15) |
Notice that both expressions in the parenthesis on the LHS and RHS are equal. Thus,
The reverse direction follows directly by following the above argument in reverse.
Proof of Lemma 2.
We first prove the lemma in the forward direction:
Assuming that , we will show that .
We proceed by contradiction, and assume that only a single component is zero, that is and for . We will show that the gradient update will ensure that
First, consider the update to ,
(16) | ||||
(17) |
Because we assumed that for , we have that . Thus
Next consider the update to ,
(18) | ||||
(19) |
Where the last line follows from the fact that because .
Thus, we have shown that for all , and hence, which is a contradiction.
The reverse direction follows from the assumption directly. If two components are both equal to zero, , then every sub-product is zero, and so is the entire product, . ∎
Proof of Theorem 2.
We now show that a diagonal linear network maintains a positive minimum singular value under continual learning. This is a simplified setting for analysis, where we assume that the weight matrices are diagonal and thus the input, hidden, and output dimension are all equal. Let be a diagonal linear network, defined by a set of diagonal weight matrices, . The output of the diagonal linear network is the product of the diagonal matrices, . Then the product matrix is also a diagonal matrix, whose diagonals are the products of the parameters of each layer, . The minimum singular value of a diagonal matrix is the minimum of its absolute values, . Thus, we must show that the minimum absolute value of the product matrix is never zero.
This follows immediately from Lemma 1 and Lemma 2. Taken together, these two lemmas state that with a random initialization and under gradient dynamics, a diagonal linear network will not have more than one parameter equal to zero. This means that the minimum singular value of the product matrix will never be zero. Thus, we have shown that a diagonal linear network trained with gradient descent, if initialized appropriately, will be able to converge on any given task in a sequence. ∎
Proof of Proposition 1.
We prove this by considering the remainder of a Taylor series on the given interval. Due to periodicity of and , we can consider without loss of generality. We can further consider two cases, either or . In the first case, is near a critical point of and in the second case is near a critical point of .
We focus on a particular subcase, where , which is close to a critical point of , but far from a critical point of (the other cases follow a similar argument).
Because we know that , by Taylor’s theorem it follows that , where is the 1st degree Taylor remainder centered at for some . In the case of a sinusoid, this can be upperbounded, , using the fact that and .
Thus, when is close to a critical point, is approximately linear. A similar argument holds for the other case, when is close to a critical point, is approximately linear. In this other case, the error incurred is the same.
Proof of Corollary 1.
We prove this claim using induction.
Base case: We want to show that a single layer that outputs Fourier features embeds a deep linear network. Using Proposition 1, there exists one unit for each pre-activation that is approximately linear. Because each pre-activation is used in an approximately-linear unit, the single layer approximately embeds a deep linear network using all of its parameters.
Induction step: Assume a deep Fourier network with depth embeds a deep linear network, we prove that adding an additional deep Fourier layer retains the embedded deep linear network. There are two cases to consider, corresponding to the units of the additional deep Fourier layer which are approximately-linear and the other units that are not approximately-linear
Case 1 (approximately-linear units): For the additional deep Fourier layer, the set of approximately-linear units already embeds a deep linear network. Because linearity is closed under composition, the composition of the additional deep Fourier layer and the deep Fourier network with depth simply adds an additional linear layer to the embedded deep linear network, increasing its depth to .
Case 2 (other units): For the units that are not well-approximated by a linear function, we can treat them as if they were separate inputs to the deep Fourier network with depth . The network’s parameters associated with those inputs are, by the inductive hypothesis, already embedded in the deep linear network.
Note that case 1 embeds the parameters of the additional deep Fourier layer into the deep Fourier network. Case 2 states that the parameters of the network associated with the nonlinear units of the additional deep Fourier layer are already embedded in the deep Fourier network by construction.
Thus, a neural network composed of deep Fourier layers embeds a deep linear network. ∎
Appendix C Empirical Details
All of our experiments use 10 seeds and we report the standard error of the mean in the figures. The optimiser used for all experiments was Adam, and after a sweep on each of the datasets over , we found that was most performant.
We used the Adam optimizer (Kingma and Ba,, 2015) for all experiments, settling on the default learning rate of after evaluating . Results are presented with standard error of the mean, indicated by shaded regions, based on 10 random seeds.
Dataset specifications and non-stationarity conditions:
For MNIST, Fashion MNIST and EMNIST: we use a random sample of of the observations and a batch size of (unless otherwise indicated, such as the linearly separable experiment).
For CIFAR10 and CIFAR1100: Full 50000 images for training, 1000 test images for validation, rest for testing. The batch size used was 250. Random label non-stationarity: 20 epochs per task, 30 tasks total. Labelnoise non-stationarity: 80 epochs, 10 tasks. Class incremental learning: 6000 iterations per task, 80 tasks. Note that the datasets on different tasks in the class incremental setting can have different sizes, and so epochs are not comparable.
tiny-ImageNet: All 100000 images for training, 10000 for validation, 10000 for testing as per predetermined split. The batch size used was 250. Random label non-stationarity: 20 epochs per task, 30 tasks total. Pixel permutation non-stationarity: 60 epochs, 100 tasks. Class incremental learning: 10000 iterations per task, 80 tasks. Note that the datasets on different tasks in the class incremental setting can have different sizes, and so epochs are not comparable.
Neural Network Architectures
For tiny-ImageNet, CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and SVHN2: We utilized standard ResNet-18 with batch normalization and a standard tiny Vision Transformer. The smaller datasets use an MLP with different widths and depths, as specified in the scaling section.
Appendix D Additional Experiments
These additional experiments validate the benefits of adaptive-linearity as a means of improving trainability. The experiments use the following datasets for continual supervised learning: MNIST (LeCun et al.,, 1998), Fashion MNIST (Xiao et al.,, 2017), and EMNIST (Cohen et al.,, 2017). We focus primarily on the problem of trainability, and thus consider random label non-stationarity, in which the labels are randomly assigned to each observation and must be memorized on each task. This type of non-stationarity is particular difficulty in sustaining trainability in continual learning (Lyle et al.,, 2023; Kumar et al., 2023b, ). We compare our adaptively-linear network against a corresponding nonlinear feed-forward neural network with ReLU activations with the same depth. Because the adaptively-linear network uses a concatenation of two different activation functions, the adaptively-linear network has half the width of the nonlinear network and less parameters, which provides an advantage to the nonlinear baseline.
D.1 Adaptively-Linear Networks are Highly Trainable
The main result of this appendix is presented in Figure 8. Across different datasets, almost-linear networks are highly trainable, either achieving high accuracy and maintaining it on easier tasks, such as MNIST, or improving their trainability on new tasks, such as on Fashion MNIST. In contrast, the nonlinear network suffered from loss of trainability in each of the problems that we studied. This is not surprising, as loss of trainability is a well-documented issue for nonlinear networks without some additional method designed to mitigate it (Dohare et al.,, 2021; Lyle et al.,, 2022; Kumar et al., 2023b, ; Elsayed and Mahmood,, 2024).
D.2 Methods for Improving Trainability
Given that a nonlinear network is unable to maintain its trainability in isolation, we investigate whether recently proposed methods for mitigating loss of trainability are able to make up for the difference in performance between an adaptively linear network and a nonlinear network. We investigate two categories of mitigators for loss of plasticity: (i) regularization and (ii) normalization layers.
Loss of plasticity occurs in nonlinear networks when they are not regularized. Thus, we compare the performance of the nonlinear network and the adaptively-linear network with varying regularization strengths. In particular, we use the recently proposed L2 regularization towards the initialization (Kumar et al., 2023b, ), because it addresses the issue of sensitivity towards zero common to L2 regularization towards zero. In Figure 9, we find that regularization does improve the trainability of nonlinear networks, validating previous empirical findings. However, we found that almost-linear networks do not benefit substantially from regularization. That is, almost-linear network with a smaller regularization strength always outperformed the nonlinear network.
Layer Normalization
Training deep neural networks typically involve normalization layers, either Batch Normalization (Ioffe and Szegedy,, 2015) or Layer Normalization (Ba et al.,, 2016). Recently, it was demonstrated that layer normalization is an effective mitigator for loss of trainability (Lyle et al.,, 2024). We investigate whether trainability can be improved with the addition of normalization layers, for both the nonlinear and adaptively-linear network. In Figure 10, we found that layer normalization increases performance but that loss of trainability can still occur with a nonlinear network. In addition to Layer Normalization, we also tried a linear version of LayerNorm which uses a stop-gradient on the standard deviation to maintain linearity, which improved training speed in some instances.
D.3 Scaling Properties of Almost-Linear Networks
Width Scaling
Another source of linearity recently proposed is an increasing width of the neural network, causing their parameter dynamics evolves as linear models in the limit (Lee et al.,, 2019). We investigate whether an increase in width can close the gap between the trainability of the nonlinear network and the almost-linear network. In Figure 11 (Top), we found that adaptively-linear networks scale particularly well with width, whereas width seems to have little effect on the trainability of nonlinear networks. Thus, our results suggest that increasing the width of a neural network does not necessarily impact its trainability, at least not to the width values we considered.
Depth Scaling
Neural networks in supervised learning tend to scale with depth, allowing them to learn more complex predictions. We investigate whether the depth scaling of almost-linear networks also leads to similar improvements in continual learning. In Figure 11 (Bottom), we found that adaptively-linear networks do improve with additional depth, but the degree of improvement was not as pronounced as scaling the width.