Usuariu alderique:Oriciu/Archivos/2013
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Bienllegáu, bienllegada. ¿Qué me cuentes?
[editar la fonte]Bones. Yá que tas nesta páxina, aprovecha pa contame daqué :)--Oriciu 19:36, 11 mayu 2011 (UTC)
[editar la fonte]Hola Oriciu, Etienfr preséntase p'alministrador nel Uiccionariu. Anímote a votar equí. --Bar (alderique) 10:31, 3 abril 2013 (UTC)
[editar la fonte]Bones, quería consultate enantes pa nun facelo ensin el to permisu... pero gustaríame presentate como candidatu a alministrador. El motivu ye que, anque nun seyas l'usuariu más activu, agora mesmo ye'l que más controles de temes téunicos de torna en mediawiki y rellación xeneral col proyeutu wikimedia. Que tengas permisu d'alministrador aidaríenos a que les tos collaboraciones específiques seyan más eficientes ¿nun te paez? Un saludu --Vsuarezp (alderique) 04:05, 16 mayu 2013 (UTC).
- Fai poco Esbardu unvióme un corréu electrónicu, nun aporta muncho per equí porque ta preparando oposiciones, pero ta al tanto de la to candidatura, si tovía nun te fexo alministrador, supongo que será porque hai un mes de plazu pa les votaciones. Si ves que pasa munchu tiempu y tovía nun tienes los poderes d'alministrador, siempre puedes escribí-y un e-mail. Un saludu de --Bar (alderique) 12:40, 13 xunu 2013 (UTC)
Cambéu de nome
[editar la fonte]Veo que'l to nome d'usuariu va pasar a Xuacu... A mi gustaríame pasar de Vsuarezp a Vítor Suárez (agora téngolo namás como firma) Yá que tas más averáu, como dices, al "cuartu de máquines" ¿sabes cómo he de facer? ¡Gracies! --Vsuarezp (alderique) 12:22, 23 mayu 2013 (UTC)
[editar la fonte]¿Sabes si hai manera de qu'un almnistrador global se pueda encargar del nuestru problema col spam? Ta entamando a ser cafiante. --Vsuarezp (alderique) 22:46, 23 mayu 2013 (UTC)
Últimes noticies téuniques de la comunidá téunica de Wikimedia. Por favor, informe d'estos cambios a otros usuarios.
- Cambios recientes nel software
- (Non tolos cambios van afeuta-y)
- La estensión Translate ya'l Selector universal de llingua s'activaron en Wikimedia Commons el 20 de mayu. Los usuarios de Commons agora puen cambiar de llingua fácilmente, y traducir les páxines con una interfaz amistosa. [1]
- La función de Avisos, activada na Wikipedia n'inglés, agora tien encontu pa llistes blanques y llistes prietes llocales. Ye posible tapecer usuarios (por exemplu ciertos bots) de tolos avisos de la wiki. Los avisos per corréu agora tamién tan agrupaos. [2] [3]
- La primera versión estable de MediaWiki 1.21 pa sitios fuera de Wikimedia espublizóse'l 25 de mayu. [4]
- La ferramienta que guarda información de les llingües (CLDR) anovóse a la última versión (23.1). [5]
- Por aciu d'un problema de software, los usuarios nun podíen activar o desactivar Gadgets. El problema yá ta iguáu.
- Cambios futuros nel software
- MediaWiki dejará de sofitar XHTML 1.0 y les versiones de HTML menores de la versión 5. HTML5 agora será'l llinguax predetermináu de les páxines creaes pol programa. [6] [7]
- El programa comprobará si tolos ficheros xubíos son seguros y casen col so tipu. [8]
- La app d'Android de Wikimedia Commons saldrá de la fase beta nel siguiente llanzamientu. [9]
- La creación de cuentes por aniciu de sesión manual agora grabaráse nel rexistru de creación de cuentes (bug 42434). [10]
- Los enllaces a les páxines de descripción de ficheru nuevamente serán accesibles direutamente dende dientro de los videos (bug 43747). [11]
- Reescribióse'l programa que ta detrás del patrulláu de los cambios recientes; el cambiu arregla problemes rellacionaos col patrulláu de páxines nueves, ente otres coses. [12]
- Demientres un alcuentru, los desendolcadores alcordaron regles sobro facer grandes cambios nel software. [13]
- Agora hai una categoría pa facer la llista de páxines con códigu musical inválidu. [14]
Noticies téuniques preparaes por embaxadores téunicos y distribuíes per Distribución global de mensaxe • Collaborar • Traducir • Ayuda • Comentar • Encaboxar suscripción.
Últimes noticies téuniques de la comunidá téunica de Wikimedia. Por favor, informe d'estos cambios a otros usuarios.
- Cambios recientes nel software
- (Non tolos cambios van afeuta-y)
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf5) was added to non-Wikipedia wikis on May 29. It will be enabled on the English Wikipedia on June 3, and on all other Wikipedias on June 5. [15]
- The Tamil Wikipedia shared a Lua module they created to automate their Main Page. [16]
- There is now a test wiki to test new features in right-to-left languages. [17]
- The Thanks feature was added to the English Wikipedia; users can now thank others for individual edits. [18]
- The new interface for account creation and log-in is now the default on 30 wikis, including the English Wikipedia, Commons, Meta, and Wikidata. The feature will be added to all wikis after June 5. Users can return to the old look by adding ?useNew=0 to the web address. [19]
- Videos are now played in pop-up windows if their size on the page is smaller than 200 pixels (800 pixels on the English Wikipedia). [20]
- Opening your talk page now marks notifications as read, for wikis using the Notifications feature. (bug 47912) [21].
- All autoconfirmed users can now reset transcoding of video files; previously only administrators could do this. [22]
- The Nearby feature allows people who use mobile devices to see Wikipedia articles about objects and places around them. [23]
- Cambios futuros nel software
- The PostEdit feature is now part of MediaWiki, and will work on all wikis. (bug 48726) [24]
- The Narayam and WebFonts extensions will be replaced by the Universal Language Selector extension. [25]
- MediaWiki will now be updated every week, starting on June 6. Thanks to this, bugs will be fixed and features will be added faster than they are now. [26]
Noticies téuniques preparaes por embaxadores téunicos y distribuíes per Distribución global de mensaxes • Collaborar • Traducir • Ayuda • Comentar • Suscribise o encaboxar suscripción.
Últimes noticies téuniques de la comunidá téunica de Wikimedia. Por favor, informe d'estos cambios a otros usuarios.
- Cambios recientes nel software
- (Non tolos cambios van afeuta-y)
- La última versión de MediaWiki (1.22/wmf6) amestóse a les wikis de pruebes y a el 6 de xunu. Activaráse nes wikis non-Wikipedia el 10 de xunu, y pa toles Wikipedias el 13 de xunu. [27]
- Una versión alfa del VisualEditor activóse pa toles Wikipedias el 6 de xunu. [28]
- Dellos fallos de VisualEditor corrixeronse; los usuarios agora puen amestar, editar y desaniciar categoríes direutamente dende dientro del editor.
- Los mensaxes d'error de Wikimedia yá nun enllacen a la canal d'IRC #wikipedia de Freenode. [29]
- El logo de 16 Wikipedias camudó a la versión 2.0 nun cuartu grupu d'actualizaciones. [30]
- Una copia de pruebes de Wikidata anicióse y ta disponible en [31]
- Los usuarios yá puen patrullar la primera versión d'una páxina recién creada si la visiten dende Special:NewPages o Special:RecentChanges. [32]
- Les páxines de traducción yá nun incluyen enllaces d'edición de seición (bug #40713). [33]
- Cambios futuros nel software
- Espublizóse un informe sobro los errores nes xubes dende móviles, y esperense cambios nel software pa reducir el númberu de fallos. [34]
- Principió en una solicitú de comentarios sobro anovar MediaWiki pa usar RDFa version 1.1 (cambiu en Gerrit #67608).
Noticies téuniques preparaes por embaxadores téunicos y distribuíes per Distribución global de mensaxes • Collaborar • Traducir • Ayuda • Comentar • Encaboxar suscripción
20:00, 11 xunu 2013 (UTC)
Permisos d'alministrador
[editar la fonte]Bones, Oriciu. Norabona, yá tienes activu l'estatus d'alministrador. Siento la tardanza. A plazu curtiu voi poder yá collaborar más normalmente equí. Un saludu candial --Esbardu (alderique) 22:57, 15 xunu 2013 (UTC)
- Bones Oriciu, perdona pol afoguín a la de nomate candidatu tamién a Burócrata, pero al ver que controles del tema y viendo la bayura ataques de spam que tamos careciendo paecíame que yera necesario. Yá ta retirada. Un saludu. --Vsuarezp (alderique) 16:05, 16 xunu 2013 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Translations are available.
- Recent software changes
- (Not all changes will affect you.)
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22wmf7) was added to test wikis and on June 13. It will be enabled on non–Wikipedia sites on June 17, and on all Wikipedias on June 20. [35]
- The Narayam and WebFonts extensions were successfully replaced by Universal Language Selector on June 11. [36]
- VisualEditor news:
- VisualEditor was temporarily disabled on Wikipedia sites on June 14 due to an issue that inserted a lot of HTML code. The issue is now fixed and VisualEditor works as before.
- Users can now use VisualEditor to add images and other media items from their local wikis and Wikimedia Commons. [37].
- VisualEditor also allows editing references. [38]
- The new Disambiguator extension, which was previously part of MediaWiki itself, was enabled on test wikis. It adds the magic word
to mark disambiguation pages. [39] - The newly enabled Campaigns extension allows Wikimedia Foundation data analysts to track account creations that result from a specific outreach campaign.
- Future software changes
- Universal Language Selector will be added to the Catalan (ca), Cebuano (ceb), Persian (fa), Finnish (fi), Norwegian Bokmål (no), Portuguese (pt), Ukrainian (uk), Vietnamese (vi), Waray-Waray (war) and Chinese (zh) Wikipedias on June 18. [40]
- Starting on June 18, VisualEditor will be randomly enabled by default for half of newly created accounts on the English Wikipedia to test stability, performance and features. [41]
- Two new webfonts (UnifrakturMaguntia and Linux Libertine) will be added to wikis that use Universal Language Selector. [42] [43]
- It will now be possible to hide the sidebar while using the Translate extension to reduce distractions (bug #45836). [44]
- A patrolling link will now be visible for un-patrolled pages, even if users don't visit it from Special:NewPages or Special:RecentChanges (bug #49123). [45]
- A request for comments on enabling a new search engine for MediaWiki was started.
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by Global message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Unsubscribe.
EdwardsBot (alderique) 22:20, 16 xunu 2013 (UTC)
[editar la fonte]Namás quería felicitate pol to increíble trabayu nes cuestiones técniques d'esta Uiqui, la verdá ye que yo nun entiendo muncho de lo que tas faciendo, pero veo que tas trabayando duramente nel tema de les plantíes, paezme estupendu y si precises ayuda (anque nun sé si voi sirvir de muncho) namás tienes que dexame un mensaxe. Yá falaremos esta selmana sobro'l tema de les "quincenes a setaferia", aver si consiguimos impulsar la Uiqui. --Asturllionés (alderique) 11:42, 18 xunu 2013 (UTC)
[editar la fonte]Hola Oriciu, quería pidite un favor, yá sabes que mañana empieza la quincena a sestaferia, asina que sería de gran aida que tu, que controles d'eso de códigos, informática y toes eses coses complicaes, pudieres poner l'anunciu coles dates (24 de xunu - 1 de xunetu) y el tema (llugares y xeografía d'Asturies) na portada col envís de que tol mundu enterárase. ¡Munches gracies! --Asturllionés (alderique) 16:21, 23 xunu 2013 (UTC)
- ¡Munches gracies! Yes el meyor :) --Asturllionés (alderique) 18:41, 23 xunu 2013 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Translations are available.
- Cambios recientes nel software
- (Non tolos cambios van afeuta-y)
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22wmf8) was added to test wikis and on June 20. It will be enabled on non–Wikipedia sites on June 24, and on all Wikipedias on June 27. [46]
- Universal Language Selector was successfully enabled on the Catalan (ca), Cebuano (ceb), Persian (fa), Finnish (fi), Norwegian Bokmål (no), Portuguese (pt), Ukrainian (uk), Vietnamese (vi), Waray-Waray (war) and Chinese (zh) Wikipedias. [47]
- The new interface for account creation and log–in is now the default on all Wikimedia wikis. The old look is no longer available (bug #46333). [48]
- The TimedMediaHandler extension now supports native FLAC files. A discussion to allow this file type is taking place on Commons (bug #49505). [49]
- After a test period, the Disambiguator extension was enabled on the English Wikipedia on June 18. [50]
- VisualEditor news:
- A VisualEditor bug temporarily made all new accounts unusable. The issue is now fixed and account creation works as before (bug #49727).
- A high importance file insertion bug has been fixed, but the feature does not work perfectly yet. [51]
- It is now possible to synchronise local CSS and JavaScript files with the beta cluster. This should make it easier to test software features before they are enabled on live wikis. [52]
- Cambios futuros nel software
- The default link to a help page on editing, visible below the editing window, will change on almost 600 Wikimedia wikis and will now link to (bug #45977). [53]
- Universal Language Selector will be enabled on wikis without language versions (such as Wikisource and Wikispecies) on June 25. [54]
- The AbuseFilter extension will allow filtering links and HTML code for page creations. [55]
- The related changes special page will now include upload log entries. [56]
- It will soon be possible to choose the language of SVG files that contain translations. [57]
- MediaWiki will now allow converting audio files from one format to another. [58]
- The Wikidata technical team has started a discussion about how Wikidata can support Wiktionary. [59]
- The search feature on Wikimedia sites is planned to be modified to use Solr on all wikis by the end of 2013. [60]
Noticies téuniques preparaes por embaxadores téunicos y distribuíes per Distribución global de mensaxes • Collaborar • Traducir • Ayuda • Comentar • Encaboxar suscripción.
18:00, 23 xunu 2013 (UTC)
Plantíes pa coordenaes
[editar la fonte]Hola. Perdona, ¿cómo s'usen les plantíes pa poner les coordenaes xeográfiques? Nun soi pa entendelo. Gracies.--etienfr (¡Vamos parolar!) 16:16, 24 xunu 2013 (UTC)
- Ah, val; voi esperar a que sigas con elles, y pongas la documentación pa saber cómo usales, hehe. Perdona. Llueu miro l'enllaz que me diesti, y tento de ponelo nos artículos de los cabos Peñes y Torres que vengo de revisar. Gracies.--etienfr (¡Vamos parolar!) 16:37, 24 xunu 2013 (UTC)
- Ok, munches gracies. Yá punxi les coordenaes pal Cabu Torres.--etienfr (¡Vamos parolar!) 20:13, 24 xunu 2013 (UTC)
- Ah, val; voi esperar a que sigas con elles, y pongas la documentación pa saber cómo usales, hehe. Perdona. Llueu miro l'enllaz que me diesti, y tento de ponelo nos artículos de los cabos Peñes y Torres que vengo de revisar. Gracies.--etienfr (¡Vamos parolar!) 16:37, 24 xunu 2013 (UTC)
Plantía "ensin referencies"
[editar la fonte]Bones Oriciu, quería pidite que creares una plantía pa marcar cuando un artículu necesita referencies. Gracies y un saludu --Vsuarezp (alderique) 16:39, 24 xunu 2013 (UTC)
- Gracies otra vuelta, ta perfeuta. Fadríala yo mesmu, pero básicamente dáseme permal. --Vsuarezp (alderique) 19:06, 24 xunu 2013 (UTC)
Done some broad blocking
[editar la fonte]Hi. Due to the ongoing spambot attacks that seem to be focusing on svWP and astWP, I have done some broad IP blocking locally and some globally in response. Will have yet another look in 24 hours and do some more tidying up. Even with this range type blocking it is going to take some time due to the breadth of abuse that is happening through what are presumably some hijacked webhost and zombie PCs. Billinghurst (alderique) 12:09, 26 xunu 2013 (UTC)
- Seems that between us we are getting some level of success. Only two spambot addresses in two days seems to indicate getting some wins, though I am not yet prepared to call it a win. I will attempt to keep a close watch on the spambot creations for the another week to see how well we are going. Billinghurst (alderique) 00:55, 6 xunetu 2013 (UTC)
Plantía conceyos
[editar la fonte]Siento ser tan cafiante col tema plantíes, pero ye dalgo colo que nun sé remanar. La plantía nueva de conceyos que fexo Denis ta mui guapa pero tien el problema de nun poner embaxo de la bander y l'escudu l'artículu correspondiente; como por exemplu apaez n'Amieva. Agora que tamos na Selmana a sestaferia con esti tema ¿podríes igualo? Gracies fonderes --Vsuarezp (alderique) 21:58, 27 xunu 2013 (UTC)
- Sí, referíame a que ponga Bandera d'Onís o Bandera de Candamu por exemplu en cada artículu, nun sé si te dará problemes a la hora de diferencia Bandera d' o "Bandera de" pero ye dalgo que necesitamos enllazar yá que munches vegaes tán fechos los artículos correspondientes. Un saludu. --Vsuarezp (alderique) 09:33, 28 xunu 2013 (UTC)
- Yá que tamos... Per otru llau na plantía de países en cuenta de poner "Bandera y escudu de..." pon (en detalle)... Si soi mui pesáu avisa :P --Vsuarezp (alderique) 22:04, 27 xunu 2013 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Translations are available.
- Recent software changes
- (Not all changes will affect you.)
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf9) was added to test wikis on June 27. It will be enabled on non–Wikipedia sites on July 8, and on all Wikipedias on July 11.
- On Wikisource, the canonical names of the "Index" and "Page" namespaces in the Proofread Page extension are no longer localized (bug #47596). Please check scripts that depend on
. [61] - A JavaScript problem caused the "Ver historial" and "Amestar seición" tabs in the Vector skin to be moved into the drop-down menu on right-to-left wikis. The issue is now fixed and links are visible as before (bug #50196). [62]
- There was a short site outage on June 28.
- The automated Category:Wikipedia:Páxines con enllaces frañíos a ficheros now includes broken file links inserted inside the
<gallery />
tag (bug #50119). [63] - The Nearby feature is now enabled on Commons and shows images in a user's area. [64]
- There is now a special page listing disambiguation pages for wikis that use the Disambiguator extension (bug #44040). [65]
- The old version of the Article feedback tool (version 4) was removed from wikis that still used it. [66]
- VisualEditor news:
- Many bugs that caused text to be removed or damaged have been fixed, including one related to copy-paste (bug #49816).
- VisualEditor now offers a visual interface to edit references.
- In preparation for enabling the VisualEditor on a wider scale, new documentation has been created, including a list of frequently-asked questions and a user guide with many images. Please help with translations.
- Several problems related to overlapping of elements with the VisualEditor toolbar have been fixed (bug #50096, #50159, #50324).
- TemplateData information is now displayed for templates that are added to a page (bug #49778).
- Section edit links now show links to both VisualEditor and the old (source) editor (bug #49666).
- Images are now loaded securely when using HTTPS (bug #43015). [67]
- Future software changes
- VisualEditor will be enabled for all logged-in English Wikipedia users on July 1, and for all users on July 8.
- From July 8, it will be possible to upload WAV and native FLAC files to Commons, and use them directly on wiki pages ([[<tvar|bug-49505>bugzilla:49505</>|bug #49505]]). [68]
- The Universal Language Selector will be added to the English Wikipedia on July 2, and to remaining wikis on July 9. [69]
- Erratum
- Tech news #26 incorrectly reported that audio transcoding was added to TimedMediaHandler; it was actually statistics about audio transcoding that were added. [70]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by Global message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
14:15, 1 xunetu 2013 (UTC)
Latest [[<tvar|technews>m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News</>|tech news]] from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. [[<tvar|more-transl>m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/2013/28</>|Translations]] are available.
Recent software changes (Not all changes will affect you.)
- VisualEditor news:
- VisualEditor deployment has been delayed by a week. It is now planned to enable the editor for logged–in editors on chosen Wikipedias on July 22, and on all Wikipedias on July 29.
- A bug that made it impossible to save VisualEditor edits that triggered a CAPTCHA has been fixed. [71]
- Several bugs that occurred on right–to–left wikis have been fixed last week (bug #49416, bug #49613, bug #50543).
- Uploading files has been restricted on Meta Wiki to administrators and the newly created uploader group. An exemption doctrine policy is being developed (bug #50287). [72]
- Emergency priority CentralNotice banners will always be shown unless users have hidden them, ignoring cookies set for lower priority banners. [73]
Future software changes
- MediaWiki will allow choosing a specific page of a PDF document or a thumbnail of a video file to show up inside the
- It will now be possible to create empty
messages, for instance in order to disable them (bug #50124). [75] - The Nearby feature will soon be enabled on Wikivoyage wikis again. [76]
- The Notifications extension messages will now include a direct link to diffs on wiki as well as in notification e-mails (bug #48183). [77]
- Table of contents will now use the HTML <div /> element instead of <table />, fixing a nine–year–old bug #658. [78]
- First mock–ups of a mobile Wikidata application have been published by Pragun Bhutani as part of his Google Summer of Code project. [79]
- A discussion on minimum documentation practices in MediaWiki code has been started and awaits comments from the community.
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by Global message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
18:25, 8 xunetu 2013 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Translations are available.
Recent software changes (Not all changes will affect you.)
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf10) was added to test wikis on July 11. It will be enabled on non–Wikipedia sites on July 15, and on all Wikipedias on July 18. [80]
- The Disambiguator extension was enabled on all Wikimedia wikis on July 9 (bug #50174). To use it, add the
code to disambiguation templates (see example). [81] - The Universal Language Selector was added to all remaining wikis on July 9, finishing the process of replacing the Narayam and WebFonts extensions. [82]
- The CommonsDelinker bot is now on-line and operating again, after a password problem was fixed (bug #51016).
- VisualEditor news:
- According to the schedule, VisualEditor will be available to all users on the English Wikipedia on July 15.
- Users should add TemplateData to templates to prepare for VisualEditor. A tutorial is available.
- Parameters marked as "required" in TemplateData are now auto-added when you add a template (bug #50747).
- Warnings are now displayed in VisualEditor when users edit pages that are protected or have edit notices (bug #50415).
- Many other bugs have been fixed in VisualEditor during the past two weeks.
- The Wikimedia technical report for June has been published, with a summary that can be translated.
Future software changes
- A new version of the Single User Login system for global accounts will be enabled on July 17. Users will now automatically go back to the previous page instead of seeing the "Login success" page with logos. [83]
- The software that resizes images on all wikis will change on July 18. Resizing of big images will be faster and more reliable, and the resolution limit for GIF, PNG and TIFF files (currently set at 50 megapixels) will be removed. [84]
- Edit tags (mostly used by AbuseFilter) will now also be on diff pages. They include a link to Special:Tags before the edit summary. Wikis that use links in tag messages should remove them. [85] [86]
- Global edit filters are currently in testing and will be added to wikis later. [87]
- Wikivoyage wikis will start to use Wikidata for interwiki links on July 22. [88]
- A new image gallery design has been proposed by Brian Wolff; comments and feedback are welcome.
- An IRC discussion about Bugzilla is planned for July 16, at 16:00 (UTC) on the IRC channel #wikimedia-office on Freenode (time conversion). [89]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by Global message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
17:25, 14 xunetu 2013 (UTC)
Últimes noticies téuniques de la comunidá téunica de Wikimedia. Por favor, informe a otros usuarios d'estos cambios. Hai traducciones disponibles.
Cambios recientes nel software: (Nun tolos cambios van afeuta-y)
- La última versión de MediaWiki (1.22/wmf11) amestóse a les wikis de pruebes y el 18 de xunetu. La mesma activaráse'n sitios non–Wikipedia el 22 de xunetu, y pa toles Wikipedias el 25 de xunetu. [90]
- Una versión nueva del prototipu Flow pue probase'n Wikimedia Labs. [91]
- Noticies de VisualEditor:
- Camudó la programación p'amestar VisualEditor nes Wikipedias que nun tan n'inglés: el nuevu editor tará disponible pa los usuarios qu'anicien sesión nes Wikipedias n'alemán (de), español (es), francés (fr), hebréu (he), italianu (it), neerlandés (nl), polacu (pl), rusu (ru) y suecu (sv) el 24 de xunetu, y pa tolos usuarios d'eses wikis el 29 de xunetu. [92]
- Agora apaez un avisu si una edición fecha con VisualEditor casa con un filtru d'edición (bug #50472).
- Tamién tienen sofitu los mensaxes de SpamBlacklist (bug #50826).
- Agora los usuarios puen editar bloques
(bug #47678). - Cuando un usuariu escribe testu al final d'un enllaz, agora l'enllaz espandese a esi testu. [93]
- Amestaronse fontes de llicencia llibre pa les llingües cree, inuktitut y urdu al Selector universal de llingua, iguando'l bug #42421 ya'l bug #46693.
- Jeroen De Dauw lliberó un complementu pa guetar en Wikidata pal restolador web Firefox que pue ddescargase dende'l sitiu web de complementos de Mozilla.
Cambios futuros nel software
- El cambiu del sistema d'escaláu d'imaxes de Wikimedia dende ImageMagick a VipsScaler (anunciáu nel númberu anterior) queda pospuestu fasta que se solucione'l bug #51370. [94]
- Los alministradores yá nun verán un enllaz desbloquiar pa les direiciones IP autobloquiaes na páxina de collaboraciones (bug #46457). [95]
- Anicióse una solicitú de comentarios sobro'l CSS xeneral del sitiu en [96]
Noticies téuniques preparaes por embaxadores téunicos y distribuíes per Distribución global de mensaxes • Collaborar • Traducir • Ayuda • Comentar • Suscribise o borrase.
20:55, 21 xunetu 2013 (UTC)
Últimes noticies téuniques de la comunidá téunica de Wikimedia. Por favor, informe a otros usuarios d'estos cambios; nun tolos cambios van afeuta-y. Hai traducciones disponibles.
- La última versión de MediaWiki (1.22/wmf12) amestóse a les wikis de pruebes y el 25 de xunetu. La mesma activaráse'n sitios non–Wikipedia el 29 de xunetu, y pa toles Wikipedias el 1 d'agostu. [97]
- Wikivoyage tuvo fuera de llinia unos 40 minutos el 24 de xunetu. [98]
- Pywikipediabot treslladó'l so códigu de SVN a git; los dueños de bots necesiten anovar les ferramientes. [99]
- Les estensiones Notificaciones y Agradecimientos amestaronse a Meta-Wiki el 26 de xunetu; otres wikis recibiránles ceo. [100]
- Yá ye posible amestar resumes d'edición en Wikidata usando la API; esta carauterística pronto s'amestará a la interfaz d'usuariu. [101]
- El software que camuda de tamañu les imaxes PNG grandes en toles wikis camudó'l 25 de xunetu. El redimensionamientu de les imaxes PNG mayores de 35 megapixels agora tendría de ser más rápidu y más fiable. [102]
- Three new webfonts (Gentium, Old Persian and Shapour) will be added to Universal Language Selector. [103], [104], [105]
- Special:MIMESearch, which gives a list of files by type, will be enabled on all Wikimedia wikis with MediaWiki version 1.22/wmf12 (bug #13438). [106]
- Anicióse una llista de corréu p'aldericar tocante a les funciones multimedia; afalamos a los usuarios a dase d'alta nella.
- Noticies de VisualEditor:
- El 24 de xunetu, activóse VisualEditor amestóse pa tolos usuarios con sesión aniciada nes Wikipedias en alemán (de), español (es), francés (fr), hebréu (he), italianu (it), polacu (pl), rusu (ru) y suecu (sv); activaráse pa tolos usuarios d'eses wikis el 29 de xunetu. [107]
- El 24 de xunetu amestóse una preferencia pa desactivar completamente VisualEditor mentanto tea en fase beta. [108]
- Arreglaronse munchos fallos nes llingües de drecha a izquierda. [109] [110] [111] [112] [113] [114]
- It is possible again to scroll down in the template editing window (bug #51739).
- VisualEditor now works with the FlaggedRevisions extension. (bug #49699)
- If the user opens VisualEditor using a section edit link, the title of the section is added to the edit summary (bug #50872).
- Invisible templates now can't be deleted by accident or on purpose (bug #51322).
Noticies téuniques preparaes por embaxadores téunicos y distribuíes per Distribución global de mensaxes • Collaborar • Traducir • Ayuda • Comentar • Suscribise o borrase.
20:35, 28 xunetu 2013 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
- The previous version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf13) was added to test wikis and on August 15. It was enabled on non-Wikipedia sites on August 19, and on all Wikipedias on August 22. [115]
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf14) was added to test wikis and on August 22. It will be enabled on non-Wikipedia sites on August 26, and on all Wikipedias on August 29. [116]
- You can now use new styles of galleries. Please give feedback to User:Bawolff. [117]
- You can now visit a random page in a category, for example Special:RandomInCategory/Science. (25931) [118]
- You can now use the
HTML5 tag to say where a word can be cut. (52468) [119]
- Gadget authors: you can now use the
hook, so that your scripts are re-run when a page is changed after the
event (for example using Ajax). (30713) [120]
Problems fixed
- There was a bug where file redirects didn't work when a file was renamed; it is now fixed. There is still an issue with purging, but it should be fixed soon. (52200)
- Informes de mantenimientu provided by special pages will now all be updated on each wiki every six months. This will for example give you recent information on uncategorized pages, unused templates and most wanted pages (see details).
- There was a bug that caused false positives for anti-blanking edit filters; it is now fixed. (52077) [121]
VisualEditor news
- The "edit" and "edit source" tabs and section edit links can now be changed more easily; for example, some wikis are using "edit source" for wikitext editing, and "edit beta" for VisualEditor. You can ask for the same change in bugzilla.
- You can now edit references that are added inside a
<references> block. (51741)
- You can now test on new basic tools to add and edit struck text (with the button for the
<s> tag), lower text ( for <sub>), upper text ( for <sup>), underlined text ( for <u>), computer code ( for <code>
and <tt>), math text ( for <math>), Egyptian hieroglyphs ( for <hiero>), and to say that text is in another language ( for lang="ar" dir="rtl"). (51609, 51612, 51611, 51590, 51610, 52352)
- You can now use VisualEditor with the Opera browser. [122]
- Starting on August 26, you will be able to use data from Wikidata on Wikivoyage sites. [123]
- Starting on August 27, you will also get notifications on the mobile site if you're logged in to a wiki using notifications. [124]
- Starting on August 28, all users with an account will be using HTTPS to access Wikimedia sites. HTTPS brings better security and improves your privacy. Some countries (like China) will not use HTTPS. If HTTPS causes problems for you, tell us on meta. [125]
- Starting on August 29, you will get the code editor interface to edit JavaScript and CSS pages on all wikis. [126]
- The plan to use Solr for search in MediaWiki was changed; instead, Elasticsearch is now planned. [127]
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19:45, 25 agostu 2013 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
- Special:Listfiles can now display old versions of files a user has uploaded. A new link was also added (Special:AllMyFiles) that gives a list of all files the current user has ever uploaded (that haven't been deleted).
- There is now an Android application to contribute to from mobile devices. [128]
VisualEditor news
- VisualEditor now has a new toolbar with drop-down menus for advanced tools. [129]
- Many bugs were fixed, some related to copy-and-paste. [130]
- You can now move references, list of references, templates and other elements with the mouse ("drag-and-drop"). [131]
- You are invited to comment on designs for the interface to add references in VisualEditor.
- Developers are looking for ideas of small technical projects that new developers could work on. Please add your ideas. [132]
- Developers are looking for wikis who would accept to try using secure links (HTTPS) for all users. [133]
- You can join an IRC discussion about "Beta features", a tool to try new features, on October 3. [134]
- You can join an IRC discussion about Flow, the new wiki discussion tool, on October 17.
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19:50, 2 ochobre 2013 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
- You can now choose which language to show for SVG files that contain several languages, using the "lang" option, like
for the German layer of File:Gerrit patchset 25838 test.svg.
- Developers are looking for wiki communities to try the new search system. [135]
VisualEditor news
- You can now create and edit references inside media captions. [136]
- You now need to press the "delete" key twice to delete a template, reference or image; the first time, they only become selected, to avoid accidental deletion of infoboxes and similar content. [137]
- When you resize images, you will now still see them, and their size will also be seen in the center. [138] [139]
- The new notifications system ("Echo") will be added to almost all wikis that don't already have it on October 22. It will notify you of changes and events that affect you. [140]
- MediaWiki 1.22wmf22 was added to test wikis on October 17. It will arrive to non-Wikipedia wikis on October 21 and all Wikipedia wikis on October 24 (calendar).
- The interface to reset your password will soon be changed. [141]
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09:05, 21 ochobre 2013 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
- The "Toolbox" section in the site sidebar is now called "Tools" in English. You can do the same in your language by editing the interface text on Someone else may have already done it. [142]
VisualEditor news
- On wikis with VisualEditor, you can now use it on pages in the Ficheru, Ayuda and Categoría spaces. [143]
- On October 22 (UTC), an error in the site settings caused
sites (like Meta-Wiki and Commons) to redirect to
for a few hours. [144]
- MediaWiki 1.23wmf1 was added to test wikis on October 24. It will arrive to non-Wikipedia wikis on October 28 and all Wikipedia wikis on October 31 (calendar).
- In the next days, servers in San Francisco will start providing (cached) content to users located in Oceania. If you are in that area and notice problems, please tell us. [145]
- You will soon be able to test new features easily using the "Beta Features" view. VisualEditor will be in the list on sites where it works and isn't automatically enabled. Another example is a set of changes in the article text style.
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09:35, 28 ochobre 2013 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
- The style and colors for warning boxes, error messages, and success messages in all skins of MediaWiki has been changed. [146]
VisualEditor news
- You will soon be able to switch from editing in VisualEditor to editing wikitext directly without having to save the page. You can't yet switch from wikitext to VisualEditor but developers hope to make it possible in the future. [147]
- There was a problem on October 31 during the activation of MediaWiki 1.22wmf2 on test wikis. was also broken, and if you had problems logging in, it was probably because of this as well.
- Because of the problem with MediaWiki 1.22wmf2, the calendar has changed. It will be added to and non-Wikipedia sites on November 4, and all Wikipedia sites on November 7.
JavaScript / Gadget developers
- Due to a recent change, gadgets and user scripts that use jQuery UI should explicitly load the appropriate modules, as they may not be loaded by default. [148]
- Developers have started to remove long-deprecated methods. You should check the JavaScript console (in
mode) and look for deprecation warnings and their stack trace. [149]
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10:25, 4 payares 2013 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
- You can now use the "Autonym" font of the Universal Language Selector (ULS) to display the name of languages (for example in navigation templates) in their correct script. To do this, add the CSS class
to the elements that include language names. Note that this font only works for the name of languages, not for any other text. [150]
- There was a problem with Parsoid (the program used by VisualEditor to convert wikitext to annotated HTML) on November 4, between 19:40 and 20:40 (UTC). Encoding issues caused non-ASCII characters (including those with diacritics, like "é") to be broken when converted to wikitext and saved to the page. [151]
- The Beta Features tool is now available on Commons and Meta-Wiki. With it, you can test new features before they're added for everyone. The plan is to add this tool to all wikis on November 21. [152]
- MediaWiki 1.23wmf3 was added to test wikis on November 7. It will arrive to non-Wikipedia wikis on November 12 and all Wikipedia wikis on November 14 (calendar). [153]
- The MassMessage tool will be added to all wikis on November 14. It will make it simpler to send messages across wikis. [154]
- The button of the Search page will soon be changed to be blue and bigger (see the difference). [155]
- You will soon be able to add a page name as parameter for
and similar functions, by writing for example {{REVISIONID:Apple}}
. [156]
- In the future, when you hide a CentralNotice banner on a wiki, it will also be hidden on other Wikimedia sites. [157]
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12:55, 11 payares 2013 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- There was a problem caused by too many requests to the database on November 14. [158]
- MediaWiki 1.23wmf4 was added to test wikis on November 14. It will arrive to non-Wikipedia wikis on November 19 and all Wikipedia wikis on November 21 (calendar).
- The new Search tool (CirrusSearch) will be added to
, Wikimania and Wikisource wikis on November 19, and Wiktionary wikis on November 21 (except where it's already available). Once it is added, you can test it by adding &srbackend=CirrusSearch
to the address of the search results page. It will become the main search engine on Wikivoyage wikis on November 21. [159]
- The MassMessage tool will be added to all wikis on November 19 instead of November 14. It will make it simpler to send messages across wikis. [160]
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08:45, 18 payares 2013 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
- The Beta Features announced before are now available on all Wikimedia wikis. You can test new features easily by changing your Beta preferences. VisualEditor is one of those features on sites where it works and isn't automatically enabled. There is also a new media viewer and changes in the article text style. [161]
- Tools developers can now create tools that use the OAuth protocol to connect to accounts on Wikimedia sites. As a user, you can use those tools to make edits and other changes with your account without giving the tool your password. [162]
- Wikis that are currently testing CirrusSearch had problems with search results on November 18 from 16:00 to 20:00 UTC.
- There will be no major code changes on the week of November 25 because many developers will be on holiday for Thanksgiving.
- The editing interface of
pages on Wikisource (working with the Proofread Page extension) will soon also work without JavaScript. [163]
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06:40, 25 payares 2013 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
This newsletter is now posted using MediaWiki message delivery.
New features
- The CommonsMetadata feature was added to all wikis. It creates metadata information about multimedia files (like their license) that can be read automatically by computer programs. It not only works for Commons, but for all wikis, and you can use it for files on your wiki by editing templates used to describe metadata. [164]
- JavaScript code used on Wikimedia sites is now saved locally on your computer to load faster. [165]
- You can now paste formatted content copied from external sources (not just as plain text) into VisualEditor; this includes copy/pasting from other VisualEditor windows. [166]
- You can now open VisualEditor by adding
to the page URL, regardless of your user preferences. [167]
- Many bugs have been fixed, and VisualEditor should also look faster, for example when you save a page. [168]
- Due to issues, the new search tool ("CirrusSearch") was recently removed from wikis where it was enabled, then added again. [169]
- MediaWiki 1.23wmf6 was added to test wikis on December 5. It will arrive to non-Wikipedia wikis on December 10 and all Wikipedia wikis on December 12 (calendar).
- The old Etherpad tool (replaced by a new version) will be removed on December 30, 2013. You can still save old pads before that date using the old address: [170]
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08:38, 9 avientu 2013 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
- You can now see a legend on Special:RecentChanges and Special:Watchlist that explains the symbols used. [171]
- If your wiki is testing the new search tool ("CirrusSearch"), you can now test it by adding "New search" in your Beta features preferences. [172]
- The toolbar is now simpler; all text styles (bold, italics, underline, subscript, etc.) are in the same menu, and the "More" menu is called "Insert". [173]
- You can now use a basic tool to add special characters to your text. You can add more characters (useful in your language) by editing the MediaWiki interface on
- The tool to add and edit mathematical text is now called "formula". [174]
- There was a problem with the "Crear un llibru" tool (Collection); books could only be exported to PDF format. The change has been undone. [175]
- The log-in system for external tools ("OAuth") was broken on wikis that tested the new search tool. It was fixed last week. [176] [177]
- Because of a bug, this newsletter is delivered to users using the new MediaWiki message delivery, and to community pages using the old EdwardsBot. [178]
- MediaWiki 1.23wmf7 was added to test wikis on December 12. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on December 17 and all Wikipedia wikis on December 19 (calendar).
- You will soon be able to select the language of SVG images that have translations using a drop-down menu on the image page. (see example) [179]
- GLAMToolset, a tool to help GLAM groups (like museums) upload many pictures to Commons, will be added to Commons on December 17. [180]
- A Draft namespace will be added to the English Wikipedia to make it easier to create new pages. You will be able to use VisualEditor for drafts if you have enabled it. [181] [182]
- You can read the summary of the technical report for November 2013 to learn more about VisualEditor, Mobile and other features. [183]
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08:24, 16 avientu 2013 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf8) was added to test wikis and on December 19. It will be enabled on non-Wikipedia wikis on December 31 and on all Wikipedia wikis on January 2, 2014 (calendar).
- You can now test the new search tool ("CirrusSearch") on all Wikisource, Wiktionary and Wikimedia chapter wikis hosted on Foundation servers. Enable "New search" in your Beta features preferences. [184]
- There was a bug where notifications were not sent when the signature of the user leaving the message linked to a translated namespace. The problem was fixed in the software and will soon be fixed on Wikimedia sites. [185] [186]
- You can now use the log-in system for external tools (OAuth) on all Wikimedia wikis that use the unified login. [187]
- If your wiki adds stars or other icons to interwiki links for featured articles in other languages, you may need to change the JavaScript code. [188]
- You can thank other users for their edits even if your browser does not have JavaScript. [189] [190]
- All edits made through Flow, the new discussion system for MediaWiki, are now visible in user's contributions. You can test it on the Flow talk page on [191] [192]
- You can test a visual tool that shows edits made to an article over time. It only works for English Wikipedia pages for now and is slow on long articles. [193]
- You can test the first version of the new mobile Wikipedia app for Android and iOS. [194]
-, the site where you can translate the MediaWiki software, now has a new main page for users without an account. [195]
Future software changes
- There will be no technical changes this week (December 23 to December 29) due to end-of-year holidays.
- When someone deletes, restores, uploads, or moves a file on Commons, pages on all wikis that use that file will be refreshed. [196] [197]
- New users will soon have their user and talk pages added to their watchlist as soon as they create an account. [198] [199].
- The new search tool (CirrusSearch) will not show the text of versions of a page that have been hidden. [200] [201]
- You will soon be able to see the raw HTML created by some wikitext by using the Special:ExpandTemplates tool. [202] [203]
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08:22, 23 avientu 2013 (UTC)