The findings, published in the journal Nature Communications, challenge existing assumptions and suggest that some species have evolved natural biological defenses against cancer.

A "harp" made out of two car doors that were salvaged from an accident on display for an exhibt

Ask Tra Bouscaren how he got into art and his answer is simple. “Art saved my life when I was 19,” he says. Now the assistant professor is the founder of the Expanded Media Lab, which brings together a network of collaborative artists and scholars and is launching a major exhibition this month.

ASU running back Kyson Brown wearing a white polo with an ASU pitchfork on it and holding a football.

ASU football fans know Kyson Brown as the speedy running back who rushed for 351 yards and two touchdowns last season. But they probably don't know the story of an honors student who mentors young athletes and was raised by two moms who call each other "sis."

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