Bryan Martin

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Bryan Martin
Image of Bryan Martin
Elections and appointments
Last election

May 6, 2023


High school

Bastrop High School


Texas Tech University, 2007

Austin, Texas
Orthodox Christian
Business owner

Bryan Martin ran for election to the San Antonio City Council to represent District 10 in Texas. He lost in the general election on May 6, 2023.

Martin completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2023. Click here to read the survey answers.


Bryan Martin was born in Austin, Texas. Martin earned a bachelor's degree from Texas Tech University in 2007. His career experience includes being a business owner. Martin has served as vice president and executive director of Bike San Antonio. He has also been affiliated with the Citizens' Climate Lobby.[1]



See also: City elections in San Antonio, Texas (2023)

General election

General election for San Antonio City Council District 10

The following candidates ran in the general election for San Antonio City Council District 10 on May 6, 2023.

Marc Whyte (Nonpartisan)
Image of Joel Solis
Joel Solis (Nonpartisan) Candidate Connection
Robert Flores (Nonpartisan)
Image of Bryan Martin
Bryan Martin (Nonpartisan) Candidate Connection
Image of Madison Gutierrez
Madison Gutierrez (Nonpartisan) Candidate Connection
Margaret Sherwood (Nonpartisan)
Rick Otley (Nonpartisan)

Total votes: 19,197
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
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Campaign themes


Ballotpedia survey responses

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Candidate Connection

Bryan Martin completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2023. The survey questions appear in bold and are followed by Martin's responses. Candidates are asked three required questions for this survey, but they may answer additional optional questions as well.

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I was born and raised in Austin Texas, and Bastrop Texas.

Studied fine art and metal sculpture at Texas Tech University school of art. I’ve had a lifelong love for two wheels. In 2017 I turn that passion into a business called Bronko Bikes, LLC. My small business built custom electric bikes, along with repairs and maintenance. In 2018 I became involved with by San Antonio, a nonprofit centered around bicycle, safety, and infrastructure.

I am a proud parent and husband, who believes in strong family values and caring and compassion for your fellow man. I hope to raise my son, knowing that a great man isn’t made by his word or wealth, but by his actions and kindness for others.
  • Public safety, whether it’s in our schools are senior centers, our place of worship place of business. We also need safer streets along with infrastructure and drunk, driving awareness.
  • Workforce development, economic growth, and small business aid. It is only one our small mom and pop businesses through flourish that we have a true local economy were wealth could be kept in communities, and passed down through generations.
  • Homelessness should not exist in San Antonio. We need housing for solutions and workforce development to get Folks off the street. We should never see a homeless veteran or women and children on the streets either. I will tackle this by partnering with key community, leaders, and organizations that have resources to help the I housed.
Community Question Featured local question
Community Question Featured local question
Crime rates go up when the unemployment rates go up. Folks are looking for enriching work that gives them a sense of purpose, and a way to give back to their to community. When needs housing education, transportation, healthy, food, healthcare access, mental health and substance abuse resources are available. Most folks will take the hand up and find meaning and purpose in your life so they can be productive. Members of society
Community Question Featured local question
Yes, I believe San Antonio is downtown and in entertainment districts are healthy and a great source of tourism, which is one of our largest exports where this downtown has challenges is workforce development homeless housing for solutions, paired with wraparound services to keep Folks off the streets and panhandling. It is also key that we make sure to build affordable housing in around the downtown to encourage urban density and encourage and support public transportation and micro mobility to make sure our air is clean and f bro what the folks have healthier options of getting around the core of the city.
Community Question Featured local question
Local government is about democracy, in action. Without the voice to people representation is in accurate, the will of the people should be heard, and as an elected official, your job is to represent your constituents and their concerns in the community. Also, public officials should represent the best of us. And not be concerned about career, climbing or monetary rewards. Reaching voters constituents, where they are at talking to them, and letting them know that someone is listening to them and their concerns.
Community Question Featured local question
Record requests of any public records should be readily available at a minimal fee. Transparency and accountability are to trust in our communities. Corruption can grow rampant when we let the fox guard the henhouse we need accountability officers in our local government to ensure tax use wisely, and all contractors and small businesses have a fair opportunity to go out for city and county bids.
Community Question Featured local question
Crime in Public Safty Europe upmost concern in my district. Criminals hate organized neighborhoods so I would encourage all neighborhood organizations and district 10 to come together and help each other out also working with code enforcement and public safety officers can help ensure safety of our citizens. Lastly, as a parent, I am very worried about the safety of our children in public schools. This is why I am supporting prop A so that our lawn Forssman can focus on violent crimes and protect our children in their schools. Prioritizing, violent crimes over petty theft, and first time offenders will free up man hours, and save lives.
Community Question Featured local question
Community Question Featured local question
My priorities for district 10 are the meat and potatoes of constituent services. We need to make sure that are most horrible communities are taken care of and that common sense solutions are used to address many common problems facing lower, economic, and working class families.
Community Question Featured local question
In general our law-enforcement, does a good job. But there is still much room for transparency, accountability, and compassionate policing. Also, as mentioned before drunk driving is a huge issue in the city, and we need to prosecute drunk drivers to the state of the law and protect vulnerable communities like pedestrians and cyclists children seniors and disabled.
Community Question Featured local question
Environmental health is is an issue or concern as more and more cars and pollution enter our atmosphere, we see more air pollution, and not being able to attain light standards set by the EPA on air quality. As stated prior investment into greater public transportation, sidewalks and bike lanes could go a long way to improving air, quality, congestion, and other environmental health issues.
Community Question Featured local question
My district D 10 has many crumbling roads, dilapidated, or nonexistent sidewalks, and no existing bike Netwerk. Also, some drainage concerns close to our green spaces. Also improvements to roads like Bulverde and Wetmore by adding sidewalks and bike lanes or share paths.
Another issue, which is more of a public safety concern is painting medians and curves were needed and yellow reflective paint so that they are highly visible at night. Will help keep Folks safe.
Community Question Featured local question
As mission before our police force in San Antonio needs some criminal justice for form to increase transparency and accountability. No one is above the law and our police forces need to reflect the communities they serve.
Community Question Featured local question
During Covid, mini small businesses did not get the kind of relief. They needed many folks needed more assistance, or were not aware of current programs available.
I do believe since Covid has made the tech industry and billionaires much more wealthy. We need to impose a wealth tax to Take care priorities in our country Like crumbling roads, bridges and inadequate, healthcare access.
Transportation, is one of my biggest passions, as I believe Folks deserve options that don’t revolve just around cars. As a seventh largest city in the US, San Antonio needs world-class, public transport, coupled with micro mobility, bike lanes, green spaces, and trails can greatly improve the quality of life to existing Santonian‘s and newcomers bringing their families and businesses to San Antonio, we need outside of the box thinking that works with our local transit authority via along with innovative solutions like rapid transit, and even looking at gondola ski lift technology.
As a member of the city council, you have a direct impact on your constituents lives. Folks look to you to help solve problems. As a public official is your job to uphold the law and be an example that Folks can look up to.
I look up to community leaders, small business owners, entrepreneurs organizers, musicians and artists, and public servants who put their needs before others, and thinks about what community really is. MLK Junior, Bernie Sanders, Muddy Waters, Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, Rosa Parks, Cesar Chavez, Nelson Mandela, Carl Sagan, Mr. Rogers, and just to name a few.
The untold stories of the United States, a book and Showtime series of the same name by Oliver Stone. And Ken Burns jazz.
I believe that I am a good organizer and uniter of clans. To lead through your own actions, and to get in the trenches with your workers or volunteers or colleagues to get the hard work done. I consider myself to be a reasonable person who can be talked to and listen to the other party. I also have life experiences that put me in touch with how many Americans live and issues and troubles that they May face. Mostly, I have a compassion for humanity, and want to see more winners in our society.
To represent all of your constituents even the ones that don’t vote for you or come to your public functions as maybe they are very busy with multiple jobs and don’t have time to research every candidate. Even Folks I disagree with on a particular issue. I can believe there could be common ground found, like the safety of our children.
Making this a better planet for our children, and solving many of the issues that have been left in the millennials lap by past generations solving systemic core problems in our society.
Very first job was lifeguarding. Swim lessons at the Bastrop state park pool. The following 3 Summers I lifeguarded and taught, junior, lifeguard classes.
It’s probably a tie between the Hells angels by Hunter S Thompson, or the three musketeers by Alexander Dumas
Reconciling my concerns for Capitalism The, environmental issues with the need to create my own small business and wealth for my family.
Yes, the city Council member can decide where to use a general slush fund to help with pressing issues in their district. I would use these funds to find innovation and solutions too many problems facing the constituents of D10..
No, I don’t believe it’s beneficial for holders of political offices, to initially have experience in government, as potentially that experience can be tainted by biases and personal gain. The job of an elected official is not to use offices to career climb, but rather to find ways to serve their community better. Even if it’s only for one term.
I believe genuine life experiences they give you an insight to how many Americans live their day-to-day lives is key to having compassion and heart for serving.
Knock knock who’s there interrupting cow, the interrupting cow, wh… moo!
Northeast Bear County Democrats, San Antonio AFL-CIO

The Stonewall Democrats
Former D10 candidate, Ezra Johnson,
and Gabrien Gregory, Alex Sheiva

Bexar County Clerk, Lucy-Adame Clark

Note: Ballotpedia reserves the right to edit Candidate Connection survey responses. Any edits made by Ballotpedia will be clearly marked with [brackets] for the public. If the candidate disagrees with an edit, he or she may request the full removal of the survey response from Ballotpedia does not edit or correct typographical errors unless the candidate's campaign requests it.

Note: Community Questions were submitted by the public and chosen for inclusion by a volunteer advisory board. The chosen questions were modified by staff to adhere to Ballotpedia’s neutrality standards. To learn more about Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection Expansion Project, click here.

See also

External links


  1. Information submitted to Ballotpedia through the Candidate Connection survey on April 2, 2023