Campaign finance agencies in Delaware

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In Delaware, there are two primary agencies involved in campaign finance regulation: the Delaware Department of Elections and the Delaware Attorney General. The former oversees the campaign finance reporting process and enacts and enforces necessary regulations. The latter prosecutes criminal violations of the law.[1]

See also: Campaign finance requirements in Delaware

Delaware Department of Elections


The state elections department is authorized to oversee campaign finance reporting processes for candidates and political committees. In addition, the department is authorized "to enact rules and regulations to implement and enforce" Delaware's campaign finance laws. The elections department can levy fines against individuals or groups that fail to file timely reports. More serious violations of the law are prosecuted by the state attorney general.[2]


The department is led by a commissioner. The elections commissioner is appointed by the governor, subject to confirmation by the Delaware State Senate. The commissioner serves a four-year term.[1]

The Delaware State Board of Elections is the department's governing body. The board comprises 10 members, all of whom are appointed by the governor. Five board members must be Democrats and five must be Republicans. The elections commissioner serves as an ex officio member of the board. The table below lists board members as of August 2015.[1]

Delaware State Board of Elections—members as of August 2015
Name Party Position
Elaine Manlove Electiondot.png Democratic Commissioner (ex officio)
Sharon A. Williams-Mayo Electiondot.png Democratic Member
Kay Sandstrom Electiondot.png Democratic Member
John N. Pasquale, Jr. Electiondot.png Democratic Member
Karen H. Pugh Electiondot.png Democratic Member
Lawrence Smith Electiondot.png Democratic Member
James A. Sterling, III Ends.png Republican Member
Kim Warfield Ends.png Republican Member
Marilyn P. Whittington Ends.png Republican Member
Denise Tatman Ends.png Republican Member
Gregory Chambers Ends.png Republican Member
Source: Delaware Department of Elections, "About Agency," accessed August 10, 2015

Agency budget, 2014

In fiscal year 2014, general fund spending for the state elections department totaled $3.9 million. See the table below for further details.[3]

Delaware Department of Elections—general fund spending in fiscal year 2014
Budgeted amount Actual spending Variance
$4,400,000 3,900,000 500,000
Source: Delaware Department of Finance, "Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2014," accessed August 10, 2015

Delaware Attorney General

See also: Delaware Attorney General


State law stipulates that the Delaware Superior Court has jurisdiction over all criminal violations of campaign finance law. The attorney general's office is responsible for prosecuting cases on behalf of the state in the Superior Court.[4][5]


Delaware's attorney general serves as the state's chief law enforcement officer. As of August 2015, the state's attorney general was Matt Denn. At that time, the office of the attorney general employed more than 400 people. The agency comprises five divisions:[6]

  1. Criminal Division
  2. Civil Division
  3. Family Division
  4. Fraud and Consumer Protection Division
  5. Civil Rights and Public Trust Division

The Criminal Division is responsible for criminal campaign finance violations.[5]

Contact information

Delaware Department of Elections

905 S. Governors Ave., Suite 170
Dover, Delaware 19904
Telephone: (302) 739-4277
Email: [email protected]

Delaware Attorney General, Criminal Division

820 N. French St.
Wilmington, Delaware 19801
Telephone: (302) 577-8400
Email: [email protected]

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Campaign finance Delaware. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also

State Executive Officials

External links
