Campaign finance agencies in Oregon

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In Oregon, there is one primary agency involved in campaign finance regulation: the Oregon Secretary of State, Elections Division.

See also: Campaign finance requirements in Oregon


The secretary of state is the chief elections officer, auditor and archivist of the state of Oregon. Under Oregon election law, candidates must file campaign finance reports with the secretary of state. The secretary of state has the authority to create the forms that candidates must file. The secretary of state may issue subpoenas compelling candidates to produce records, and may impose a civil penalty against violators of the law.[1][2][3]


The table below provides information about the executive team of the office of the Oregon Secretary of State.[4]

Oregon Secretary of State—executive team as of July 2015
Name Position Email address
Jeanne P. Atkins Secretary of State [email protected]
Robert Taylor​ Deputy Secretary of State [email protected]
Jim Williams Director, Elections Division [email protected]
Source:, "Meet the Executive Team," accessed July 30, 2015

Agency budget

From 2013-2015, total revenues for the office equaled $76,886,879. The table below provides information about the funds contributing to the office's budget.[5]

Oregon Secretary of State—revenues
Years General funds Federal funds Other funds Total revenue
2013-2015 $8,663,845 $9,956,186 $58,266,848 $76,886,879
2011-2013 $12,500,468 $9,950,799 $50,314,438 $72,765,705
Source:, "Money Coming In: Revenue," accessed July 30, 2015

Electronic reporting system

The elections division has developed an online campaign finance reporting system called ORESTAR. The system can be accessed here.

Contact information

Oregon Secretary of State, Elections Division

Public Service Building Suite 501
255 Capitol St. NE
Salem, Oregon 97310
Telephone: (503) 986-1518
Fax: (503) 373-7414
Email: [email protected]

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Campaign finance Oregon. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also

State Executive Officials

External links
