Dean Poirier

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Dean Poirier
Image of Dean Poirier
Elections and appointments
Last election

September 13, 2022



Hesser College, 2008


Service / branch

U.S. Army

Years of service

1988 - 1995

Concord, N.H.
Political activist

Dean Poirier (Republican Party) ran for election to the U.S. House to represent New Hampshire's 2nd Congressional District. He lost in the Republican primary on September 13, 2022.

Poirier completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2022. Click here to read the survey answers.


Dean Poirier was born in Concord, New Hampshire. He served in the U.S. Army from 1988 to 1995. He earned an associate degree from Hesser College in 2008. Poirier's career experience includes working as a political activist.[1]



See also: New Hampshire's 2nd Congressional District election, 2022

General election

General election for U.S. House New Hampshire District 2

Incumbent Annie Kuster defeated Bob Burns in the general election for U.S. House New Hampshire District 2 on November 8, 2022.

Image of Annie Kuster
Annie Kuster (D)
Image of Bob Burns
Bob Burns (R)
 Other/Write-in votes

Total votes: 307,584
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

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Democratic primary election

Democratic primary for U.S. House New Hampshire District 2

Incumbent Annie Kuster advanced from the Democratic primary for U.S. House New Hampshire District 2 on September 13, 2022.

Image of Annie Kuster
Annie Kuster
 Other/Write-in votes

Total votes: 48,954
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

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Republican primary election

Republican primary for U.S. House New Hampshire District 2

The following candidates ran in the Republican primary for U.S. House New Hampshire District 2 on September 13, 2022.

Image of Bob Burns
Bob Burns
Image of George Hansel
George Hansel
Image of Lily Williams
Lily Williams Candidate Connection
Image of Scott Black
Scott Black Candidate Connection
Image of Jay Mercer
Jay Mercer
Image of Dean Poirier
Dean Poirier Candidate Connection
Image of Michael Callis
Michael Callis
 Other/Write-in votes

Total votes: 63,868
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

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Withdrawn or disqualified candidates

Campaign themes


Ballotpedia survey responses

See also: Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection

Candidate Connection

Dean Poirier completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2022. The survey questions appear in bold and are followed by Poirier's responses. Candidates are asked three required questions for this survey, but they may answer additional optional questions as well.

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I am a 100% disable Veteran from the Gulf War time period. Taking part in Provide promise & Provide Comfort. The Humanitarian missions that were a major military priority at the time. Where I had the opportunity to make a larger than expected contribution to the overall success of the mission. So much so that I was personally thank for my contribution by the SGM of the Army at the time SGM Kidd. I only say that to point out that, even as a very young man, I was someone that could get the job done no matter how much I had to get it done.

That is what we need right now, PATRIOTS that just want to get things done right for the American people while also staying focused on what you NEED to do for the people of you home state.

Because: “Our country is in crisis, and too many politicians prioritize their political party and personal gain over what’s best for our country. If you elect me to Congress, I promise that I will NOT serve the political establishment in Washington -- but rather work for the people of New Hampshire - 2nd Congressional District and America.”

Putting "SERVICE NOT SELF-INTEREST" into Washington DC.

(Personal note: I am someone that loves the ART of Tattooing. I have about 18 on my body at this time. Hopefully I will get my 603 on my forearm soon. but anyways, My Tattoos are placed for personal reasons. Like a visual map of my life and feelings. with that explained, I have 9 flag or Patriotic tats so far. My LOVE for America is Etched into my Body!

  • I am working for YOU! I am running my campaign while Not begging for money from big/random donors that I have never meet and have never heard my reasons and passion for running. .I have been running using my disability money. To help prove to NH, I am here to help, not get a new career or to get rich! As someone that was born and raised right here in the Concord NH area, I have a deep love for our State and many of the communities in the state. My priority will ALWAYS be what is best for the People of our state & America, and I will fight with my own party if needed to make sure that that is done! I have the Courage and Passion to always fight for what is right for the people!
  • The Poirier 50% Pledge I make this pledge to you, the citizens of New Hampshire - 2nd District. I will be sending 50% of my Congressional pay, every year in office, right back to New Hampshire. 25% for food kitchens/pantries & child help programs. The other 25% is for Loan & Grant programs to help grow or start small businesses in our District. That's $87,000 per year. "That is Service Not Self-Interest!“ Our country is in crisis, and too many politicians prioritize their political party and personal gain over what’s best for our country. If you elect me to Congress, I promise that I will NOT serve the political establishment in Washington -- but rather work for the people of New Hampshire's 2nd Congressional District and America.”
  • Voting and Elections need to be kept at the State level to avoid the full corruption of our voting system that the Democrats want to put in place. Voter ID is the only way to keep our Voting system Honest and needs to be put into Law. Along with the banning of ballot Harvesting and mass mailing of ballots. If you want it by mail , you should have to request it and provide ID to do so!

Job creation, Veterans issues to include the VA medical and Veterans Administration as a whole.
( I know ways that we can save Billions of dollars a year from each area.)
And it will lessen the expenses of those agencies by Billions moving forward.

& As one of my tattoos says, "I will defend the 2nd Amendment!"
Anyone that has met me will attest also, I believe in and will fight for our 1st Amendment right with uncommon passion and fierceness!
As well as protecting the rest of OUR Constitution!

My life long favorite person has been President Lioncln.
It was the old books i would read as a young child. I didn't even know why. Looking back, I was kinda fanboyish about old Honest Abe.

The Never give up on things that matter always really appealed to me.
(side note, my mom sometimes called my "honest Abe" because I would tell on myself for doing something or breaking something.
There were even times that I was taking the blame for other people and got caught.
My mom would question if i really did do something on if I was taking the hit for someone else.. That has just always been me,, Honor first.
As my Grandfather Pickard would say to me when we were working around the yard,

"Dean Allan, the one thing someone can Never take from you, no matter how bad they beat you down, and that's the Honor in your Heart. You Need to remember that cause life is Hard." God Bless you Grampa!!

A personal sense of Honor grown from my Love for this Country, that I will never let anyone compromise.
And the social & moral strength to stand up for what is right!

To represent and fight for the policy ideas that the people of your state elected you to represent.

The State government figures out their stances, and a congressman is in Congress to fight for those issues.

While always protecting the people of their state and of the USA from policies that go against the constitution.
And hurt the American people.

That I was I Loving, loyal Father &
That I always worked for the betterment of Our Country and its people and that I always worked to and did everything I could, to help those that deserve the help most, our Children and our Elders.

I remember sitting in front of my grandfather as we watch Ronald Ragon debate & win the hearts of America, on his way to a historic presidency! I was 11 or 12 years old. It's when I learn that I was born a Conservative.

Or, while in Berlin Germany working for my father and the Kine circus as a Lion groom, I had the privilege to be there when the Berlin wall fell.

I have a piece of the wall the size of a fist that I personally took out of the wall with a sledgehammer and then shared with two old Grammas that were there because they had family on the other side of the wall. So, I broke it in 3 piece and gave a piece to each of them. That is why my piece is only as big as a fist.

(I was the 4th person there in our line of people to be able to see though the hole we collectively had made in the Wall. It was EPIC!!!

I was also there the day they opened the gate and the World changed forever. (Watching riots for and against the Wall opening, sometimes in the same streets. It was an ultra-intense place to be.)

My first jobs were actually when I was in my early teens.
The summer I was 13 was the first of many summers to follow that I would work for my stepfather in the construction field.
Primarily labor tasks. The summer that I was 14, I was putting in septic systems for him as he had a business doing that work.
I would get left with materials, a blueprint to go by and the machines & Shovels/wheel barrel, to do the needed work.
Sometimes the main holes for the system were dug and other times I did that too. And a LOT of wheel barrels of stone. (at 14yrs old)
The same year I started mason tending for him.
My first paying job was as a janitor at the gym in my community that me and my friends played basketball at. My mother said, if you need special shoes for that, find a way to buy them yourself. So, I asked the PYC if I could get the cleaning job posted. And I did. I would clean the toilets and floors as my friends played ball. All so I could have the needed shoes to play on the basketball team in my town. As always in my life, I did whatever it took to get done what needs to be done! So yah, 14yrs old and I was a PT janitor.

But my first good Paying job, was as an equipment operator doing site work on a new housing complex on the Penacook Concord line. My hometown. when I was just 17. I didn't know it at the time but, it was under the table.

Captain America.. (it's what my boys would say I would say but, they will never let me live down ME saying it out loud like this.). LOL

Better together by: Luke Combs, or Where I find God by: Larry Fleet.
I can remember exactly the last time. But these two run though my head a Lot! (God chooses to talk to me when I am driving also..)

Keeping my mouth shut and not stepping in when I see injustice happening!

And to be honest, trying to control the overwhelming part of my personality that I guess would be called a "White Knight complex"

Everything in my being screams,, HELP Everyone!!
It has really helped me develop the ability to talk people down where others would have had to walk away.
Lucky for me I smartened up and learned the needed control to pick which situations I should get into as I hit my 30's. lol

It can be in some ways but, it has gotten to a point in history that we NEED new reps at all levels.
New passionate, principled people to get rid of the dead weight of the "Experience class"

New blood more often will at least help to stop some of the corruption running rampant in DC right now!

Taking back our country from the Woke Left while trying to keep China at bay is going to have to be a priority!!!!
While doing that, we should be straightening our Military and making sure it is ready to handle the threats of the future.

Veterans' affairs, The Armer services committee, Judiciary Committee, sub committee on Health to deal with VA issues & the House committee on Appropriations.

I believe two yrs. just like the founders wanted, is file. They Need to be held accountable to the people of their State!
But someone should only serve 4 terms as a norm!

I am personally self-term limiting. 4 terms and Done.
8 yrs is plenty in Congress.
I believe the founding fathers wanted us to serve and then go home . NOT create a ruling class by holding on to power bar nothing.!

I prefer a culture of Term limits but if that cannot be achieved, something has to be done.
Our elected offices should NOT be lifetime jobs!!
NOT how the Founders designed it to work!

I think Ted Cruz has some Talent/qualities that i would not mind having but, not to sound arrogant or anything but, I think right now in Americas history, we need a new breed of Reps. Ones that get into it due to sheer passion and love for this Country. Like our founders did.

My goal is to take to Honor my grandfather taught me, the wisdom God has given me by putting me where He has wanted me to be along my journey.
And be a Stong standout champion for what is right for the American people, for my State & best for America!
Always trying to set the example for others to do the right thing at all times!
And with Gods Blessing and hard work, A pray that I am such a force for good, that over time, others will look to me for inspiration and strength.

It can be needed if necessary but, it should Always be held tight to the chest and not just giving in every time they say "compromise"
In a compromise, both sides give to accomplish the task.
The GOP NEEDS to put its foot down solid Way more often!

Note: Ballotpedia reserves the right to edit Candidate Connection survey responses. Any edits made by Ballotpedia will be clearly marked with [brackets] for the public. If the candidate disagrees with an edit, he or she may request the full removal of the survey response from Ballotpedia does not edit or correct typographical errors unless the candidate's campaign requests it.

Campaign website

Poirier's campaign website stated the following:


This is an area where my point of needing someone willing to fight for Conservative ideas is truer than anywhere else.

Anyone who even calls themselves a republican, can without lying say that they support the American people's Right to the Freedom of speech and the Right to Bear Arms.

But, the key is, to elect someone willing to fight for those Rights regardless of how the political winds are blowing.

I am Not afraid to fight as hard as needed to protect these rights, because I am Not in Washington for an extended career.

I have no desire to stay in Washington!

I want to fight for the American people and more specifically the citizens of NH and then go home to NH to live out my life.

(Hence the reason for self-term limiting!)

Anyone that has ever met me and spoken to me, can attest to how much I support and love the 1st Amendment.

If we elect officials not willing to fight to defend Our 1st Amendment rights “as I would”, in any way necessary, then what good are they to the people of NH or America?

It should Always be Service, Not Self-interest that drives our elected officials!

Without the 2nd Amendment to protect our other rights, we have no hope of ever protecting those rights!

The 2nd Amendment is the only thing standing in the way of America turning into the Hell the Dem/Gun Grabbers want for us!

Again... Having someone willing to fight for the people and not their own career interests, is what the people of NH & the people of America deserve!

Law Enforcement & Policing Issues

The entire idea of defunding the police is absolutely stupid to put it candidly!

Is there a need for changes in policing in America? Yes.

They need more money so they can be better equipped and trained. Trained better, in a wider range of skills. To make them better equipped physically & mentally for a wider range of scenarios.

More mandatory quarterly training. And that takes more $ not less! But, any training or standard changes Need to be led and directed by skilled, experienced law enforcement professionals not politicians!

One of the worst things we can do to our country is to allow the undermining of our law enforcement system.

Just another reason the Dems need to be stopped!

On top of that, Dems are using officers and putting them in a tough spot, to do their bidding and harass Conservatives, because of their political beliefs.

And That can not be allowed to continue in America either!.


The most important things a Congressional Rep can do about the Poison that is “CRT” or whatever name they trying to give it are,

1. To help fight at the Federal level to keep the Democrats from overriding the States' will (so, therefore, the will of the people.) and mandating that CRT is in all schools no matter what the local parents want.

2. Provide help to the states from the federal level in any way they can! (As I will!!) As in, helping to provide messaging @ the state level.

3. Fight in support of school choice in every way possible and at every opportunity!

As NH has moved towards the idea of school choice,

I will fight at the federal level to protect that right from the Democrats & the Teachers Unions that are trying to legislate school choice out at a federal level. Trying to completely disregard the will of the States themselves. Another reason we need someone willing to fight for what is right without regard for their political standing in Washington.


So, why is it that our congressmen are not doing more to bring jobs here?

Because they are more worried about helping their palls in the solar industry and other “Green Scam” industries make profits.

There is no reason that NH can not attract quality jobs to our state!

We have a very favorable tax code and our roads are the envy of many states.

Not to mention all the other favorable logistical issues.

All the Dems in office now are doing is selling us out to China by trying to get NH and the NH workers to rely on solar as an industry.

An industry completely dominated and controlled by China.

Then there is the issue of a very low number of jobs created even if the solar systems are made here.

And since the US Government tried propping up solar before, with disastrous consequences like the loss of billions of US Tax dollars. (can you say Solyndra?)

What makes anyone think it will work this time?

The entire solar program is a way for democrat politicians to give favors to donors and pocket major amounts of cash in kickbacks! (They did it before without getting caught, why not again?)


As far as issues concerning primarily Veterans, I have an endless stream of ideas to improve the systems that are meant to deal with & help Veterans! I will put a few here.

If elected, I will have staff tasked with doing nothing but working on researching the Best ways to innovate and change our VA systems, that are not only more responsive to Veterans needs but also will save the US Government. “therefore the American people” billions per year in costs once implemented. Working with the best, most innovative minds in the area of large-scale data processing and security protection.

So the VA & VA Medical systems can change in a positive way, as we update and move into the future.

A future that doesn’t see a Veteran of any kind die because they could not get the care that the VA and therefore the US government owes that veteran!

We also need a system in place that better prepares our military men & women to fit back into civilian life.

We spend months or years training them to be “servicemembers” and then when we are done with them, we drop them on the street with some voluntary programs they can “maybe find” if they try hard enough… And call that good.

For some, it may be good enough,,. But for many, it is completely insufficient and in my opinion downright cruel for that to be all we offer.

We need to look at developing a much more effective way to out-process our service members.


Voting and Elections need to be kept at the State level to avoid the full corruption of our voting system that the Democrats want to put in place.

Voter ID is the only way to keep our Voting system Honest![2]

—Dean Poirier's campaign website (2022)[3]

See also

External links


  1. Information submitted to Ballotpedia through the Candidate Connection survey on August 19, 2022
  2. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.
  3. Dean for Congress 2022, “Home,” accessed August 24, 2022

District 1
District 2
Democratic Party (4)

Video for Ballotpedia

Video submitted to Ballotpedia
Released Aug 19, 2022