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Previous page (Hawkins Municipal Court, Texas) | Next page (Healthcare and Medical Liability Reform Committee, Arizona Senate)
- He'lchie Koton Watts
- Head of Delaware Republican Party resigns
- Head of Wisconsin Judicial Commission John Dawson denied reappointment
- Head of the Harbor, New York
- Head of the Harbor Village Court, New York
- Headen Thomas
- Headland, Alabama
- Headland Municipal Court, Alabama
- Headrick, Oklahoma
- Heady Coleman
- Healdsburg, California
- Healdsburg, California, Fluoridation of Water Supply, Measure T (November 2016)
- Healdsburg, California, Growth Management Ordinance, Measure R (November 2016)
- Healdsburg, California, Hotel Tax Adjustment, Measure S (November 2016)
- Healdsburg, California, Measure H, Income-Restricted Housing for Rent or Sale Ordinance (March 2020)
- Healdsburg, California, Measure L, Transient Occupancy Tax Measure (November 2022)
- Healdsburg, California, Measure M, Cannabis Business Tax (November 2022)
- Healdsburg, California, Measure O, Growth Management Ordinance Measure (November 2024)
- Healdsburg, California, Measure P, Additional Housing Permits for Rental Units (November 2018)
- Healdsburg, California, Measure T, Sales Tax (November 2020)
- Healdsburg Sales Tax Increase, Measure V (November 2012)
- Healdsburg Sales Tax Increase (November 2012)
- Healdsburg Unified School District, California
- Healdsburg Unified School District, California, Bond Issue, Measure D (November 2016)
- Healdsburg Unified School District, California, Measure R, School Bond Measure (November 2024)
- Healdsburg Unified School District, California, elections
- Healdsburg Unified School District Measure H (June 2008)
- Healdsburg Unified School District bond proposition, Measure E (June 2012)
- Healdsburg Unified School District parcel tax, Measure H (June 2008)
- Healdsburg Urban Growth Boundary Extension, Measure W (November 2012)
- Healdton, Oklahoma
- Healdton Public Schools, Oklahoma
- Healdton Public Schools, Oklahoma, elections
- Health, Children, and Social Services Committee, Delaware State Senate
- Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, New Jersey Senate
- Health, Education, and Welfare Committee, Rhode Island House of Representatives
- Health, Education and Human Services Committee, New Hampshire State Senate
- Health, Education and Welfare Committee, Rhode Island House
- Health, Education and Welfare Committee, Rhode Island House of Representatives
- Health, Government and Indian Affairs Committee, New Mexico House of Representatives
- Health, Government and Indian Affairs Committee, New Mexico House of Representatives (Decommissioned)
- Health, Health Insurance, Privacy, Property Tax Relief, and Revenue Committee, Wisconsin Senate
- Health, Health Insurance, Privacy, Property Tax Relief, and Revenue Committee, Wisconsin State Senate (Decommissioned)
- Health, Housing and Family Security Committee, Minnesota Senate
- Health, Housing and Family Security Committee, Minnesota State Senate
- Health, Human Services, & Homelessness Committee, Hawaii House of Representatives
- Health, Human Services, and Medicaid Committee, Ohio State Senate
- Health, Human Services and Aging Committee, Ohio Senate
- Health, Human Services and Aging Committee, Ohio State Senate
- Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee, New Hampshire House
- Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee, New Hampshire House of Representatives
- Health, Human Services and Housing Committee, Minnesota Senate
- Health, Human Services and Housing Committee, Minnesota State Senate
- Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee, New Jersey Senate
- Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee, New Jersey State Senate
- Health, Insurance and Environment Committee, Colorado House of Representatives
- Health, Mental Health, Seniors and Families Commitee, Missouri Senate
- Health, Mental Health, Seniors and Families Committee, Missouri Senate
- Health, Mental Health, Seniors and Families Committee, Missouri State Senate
- Health, Mental Health, Seniors and Families Committee, Missouri State Senate (decommissioned)
- Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee, Virginia House
- Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee, Virginia House of Delegates
- Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee, Virginia House of Representatives
- HealthCare Access and Affordability Committee, Ohio House
- HealthCare Access and Affordability Committee, Ohio House of Representatives
- HealthCare Access and Affordability Committee, Ohio House of Representatives (Decommissioned)
- Health & Family Services Policy Council, Florida House
- Health & Family Services Policy Council Committee, Florida House
- Health & Government Operations Committee, Maryland House of Delegates
- Health & Healthcare Disparities Committee, Illinois House of Representatives
- Health & Healthcare Disparities Committee, Illinois House of Representatives (decommissioned)
- Health & Human Development Committee, Delaware House of Representatives
- Health & Human Resources Committee, Tennessee House
- Health & Human Resources Committee, Tennessee House of Representatives
- Health & Human Services Committee, Florida House of Representatives
- Health & Human Services Committee, New Mexico House of Representatives
- Health & Human Services Committee, Pennsylvania House
- Health & Human Services Committee, Pennsylvania House of Representatives
- Health & Human Services Committee, Pennsylvania House of Representatives (Decommissioned)
- Health & Human Services Committee, Pennsylvania State Senate
- Health & Human Services Committee, Rhode Island State Senate
- Health & Human Services Committee, Texas Senate
- Health & Human Services Committee, Texas State Senate
- Health & Human Services Committeel, Florida House of Representatives
- Health & Long-Term Care Committee, Washington State Senate
- Health & Public Affairs Committee, New Mexico State Senate
- Health & Social Services Committee, Alaska House of Representatives
- Health & Social Services Committee, Alaska Senate
- Health & Social Services Committee, Alaska State Senate
- Health & Social Services Committee, Delaware Senate
- Health & Social Services Committee, Delaware State Senate
- Health & Welfare Committee, Kentucky General Assembly
- Health & Welfare Committee, Louisiana Senate
- Health & Welfare Committee, Louisiana State Senate
- Health Access Oversight Committee, Vermont Legislature
- Health Access Oversight Committee, Vermont State Legislature
- Health Care, Human Services and Rural Health Policy Committee, Oregon State Senate
- Health Care, Human Services and Rural Health Policy Committee, Oregon State Senate (decommissioned)
- Health Care Appropriations Committee, Florida House
- Health Care Appropriations Committee, Florida House (decommissioned)
- Health Care Appropriations Committee, Florida House of Representatives
- Health Care Availability & Access Committee, Illinois House of Representatives
- Health Care Availability & Accessibility Committee, Illinois House of Representatives
- Health Care Availability Access Committee, Illinois House of Representatives
- Health Care Committee, North Carolina Senate
- Health Care Committee, North Carolina State Senate
- Health Care Committee, Oregon House
- Health Care Committee, Oregon House of Representatives
- Health Care Committee, Oregon Senate
- Health Care Committee, Oregon State Senate
- Health Care Committee, Oregon State Senate (Decommissioned)
- Health Care Committee, Oregon State Senate (decommissioned)
- Health Care Committee, Vermont House
- Health Care Committee, Vermont House of Representatives
- Health Care Committee, Washington State Senate
- Health Care Compact
- Health Care Compact seeks to nullify Obamacare
- Health Care Compact seeks to nullify federal health care reform
- Health Care Compact wants states, not feds, to handle health care
- Health Care Delivery & Financing Joint Committee, Maryland General Assembly
- Health Care Delivery and Financing Committee, Maryland General Assembly
- Health Care Delivery and Financing Committee, Maryland General Assembly (decommissioned)
- Health Care Delivery and Financing Committee, Maryland State Legislature
- Health Care Financing Joint Committee, Massachusetts General Court
- Health Care Financing Joint Committee, Massachusetts State Legislature
- Health Care Licenses Committee, Illinois House of Representatives
- Health Care Oversight Committee, Rhode Island General Assembly
- Health Care Oversight Committee, Rhode Island General Assembly (decommissioned)
- Health Care Oversight Committee, Rhode Island State Legislature
- Health Care Oversight Committee, Vermont State Legislature
- Health Care Oversight Committee, Vermont State Legislature (decommissioned)
- Health Care Policy Committee, Missouri House of Representatives
- Health Care Reform Committee, North Carolina House of Representatives
- Health Care Reform Committee, North Carolina House of Representatives (decommissioned)
- Health Care Reform Law Upheld
- Health Care Reform Oversight Committee, New Hampshire State Legislature
- Health Care Regulation Policy Committee, Florida House
- Health Care Regulation Policy Committee, Florida House (decommissioned)
- Health Care Services Policy Committee, Florida House
- Health Care Services Policy Committee, Florida House (decommissioned)
- Health Care Services Policy Committee, Florida House of Representatives
- Health Care Transformation Committee, Missouri House of Representatives
- Health Care Transformation Committee, Missouri House of Representatives (decommissioned)
- Health Care and Human Services Committee, Oregon State Senate
- Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight Committee, Minnesota House of Representatives
- Health Care and Wellness Committee, Washington House of Representatives
- Health Care and Wellness Committee, Washington State House
- Health Care for All - California
- Health Care for All Ohioans Act (2008)
- Health Care for Michigan (2008)
- Health Care issue sweeping nation is absent in Maryland
- Health Committee, Alabama House of Representatives
- Health Committee, Alabama Senate
- Health Committee, Alabama State Senate
- Health Committee, Arizona House of Representatives
- Health Committee, California General Assembly
- Health Committee, California Senate
- Health Committee, California State Assembly
- Health Committee, California State Senate
- Health Committee, Hawaii House of Representatives
- Health Committee, Hawaii House of Representatives (decommissioned)
- Health Committee, Hawaii State Senate
- Health Committee, Hawaii State Senate (Decommissioned)
- Health Committee, New Jersey General Assembly
- Health Committee, New Mexico House of Representatives
- Health Committee, New York Assembly
- Health Committee, New York Senate
- Health Committee, New York State Assembly
- Health Committee, New York State Senate
- Health Committee, North Carolina House
- Health Committee, North Carolina House of Representatives
- Health Committee, Ohio House
- Health Committee, Ohio House of Representatives
- Health Committee, Ohio State Senate
- Health Committee, Pennsylvania House of Representatives
- Health Committee, Tennessee House of Representatives
- Health Committee, West Virginia Legislature
- Health Committee, West Virginia State Legislature
- Health Committee, Wisconsin State Assembly
- Health Committee, Wisconsin State Senate
- Health Committee, Wisconsin State Senate (Decommissioned)
- Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services Committee, Maine State Legislature
- Health Emergency Preparedness Committee, West Virginia State Legislature
- Health Emergency Preparedness Committee, West Virginia State Legislature (Decommissioned)
- Health Equity Committee, Tennessee General Assembly
- Health Equity Committee, Tennessee State Legislature
- Health Equity Committee, Tennessee State Legislature (decommissioned)
- Health Finance and Policy Committee, Minnesota House of Representatives
- Health Hospital Corporation Bond Issue (November 2009)
- Health Insurance Committee, Missouri House of Representatives
- Health Insurance Committee, Missouri House of Representatives (Decommissioned)
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
- Health Policy Committee, Florida State Senate
- Health Policy Committee, Michigan House of Representatives
- Health Policy Committee, Michigan Senate
- Health Policy Committee, Michigan State Senate
- Health Policy Oversight Committee, Kansas State Legislature
- Health Policy Oversight Committee, Kansas State Legislature (decommissioned)
- Health Policy Oversight Joint Committee, Kansas State Legislature
- Health Policy Oversight Joint Committee, State Legislature
- Health Policy and Human Services Committee, Michigan State Senate
- Health Reform Oversight Committee, Vermont State Legislature
- Health Regulation Committee, Florida Senate
- Health Regulation Committee, Florida State Senate
- Health Regulation Committee, Florida State Senate (decommissioned)
- Health Resources Priorities and Allocations System (HRPAS) (2024)
- Health Services and Long-Term Care Committee, Oklahoma House of Representatives
- Health and Aging Committee, Ohio House of Representatives
- Health and Education Committee, Nevada Senate
- Health and Environment Committee, Colorado House of Representatives
- Health and Family Services Committee, Kentucky House of Representatives
- Health and Government Affairs Committee, New Mexico House
- Health and Government Affairs Committee, New Mexico House of Representatives
- Health and Healthcare Reform Committee, Wisconsin Assembly
- Health and Healthcare Reform Committee, Wisconsin State Assembly
- Health and Healthcare Reform Committee, Wisconsin State Assembly (decommissioned)
- Health and Hospital Corporation of Marion County, Indiana v. Talevski
- Health and Human Resources Accountability Committee, West Virginia Legislature
- Health and Human Resources Accountability Committee, West Virginia State Legislature
- Health and Human Resources Committee, West Virginia House
- Health and Human Resources Committee, West Virginia House of Delegates
- Health and Human Resources Committee, West Virginia Senate
- Health and Human Resources Committee, West Virginia State Senate
- Health and Human Services Appropriations Committee, Florida Senate
- Health and Human Services Appropriations Committee, Florida State Senate
- Health and Human Services Appropriations Committee, Washington House of Representatives
- Health and Human Services Appropriations Committee, Washington State House
- Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee, Florida State Senate
- Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee, Florida State Senate (decommissioned)
- Health and Human Services Appropriations and Oversight Committee, Washington House of Representatives
- Health and Human Services Appropriations and Oversight Committee, Washington House of Representatives (decommissioned)
- Health and Human Services Committee, Alabama State Senate
- Health and Human Services Committee, Arizona House of Representatives
- Health and Human Services Committee, Arizona State Senate
- Health and Human Services Committee, Colorado General Assembly
- Health and Human Services Committee, Colorado General Assembly (decommissioned)
- Health and Human Services Committee, Colorado House of Representatives
- Health and Human Services Committee, Colorado Senate
- Health and Human Services Committee, Colorado State Senate
- Health and Human Services Committee, Georgia House of Representatives
- Health and Human Services Committee, Georgia Senate
- Health and Human Services Committee, Georgia State Senate
- Health and Human Services Committee, House of Representatives
- Health and Human Services Committee, Iowa State Senate
- Health and Human Services Committee, Kansas House
- Health and Human Services Committee, Kansas House of Representatives
- Health and Human Services Committee, Maine State Legislature
- Health and Human Services Committee, Maine State Legislature (Decommissioned)
- Health and Human Services Committee, Minnesota Senate
- Health and Human Services Committee, Minnesota State Senate
- Health and Human Services Committee, Minnesota State Senate (decommissioned)
- Health and Human Services Committee, Montana Legislature
- Health and Human Services Committee, Montana State Legislature
- Health and Human Services Committee, Nebraska Legislature
- Health and Human Services Committee, Nebraska State Legislature
- Health and Human Services Committee, Nebraska State Senate
- Health and Human Services Committee, Nevada Assembly
- Health and Human Services Committee, Nevada Senate
- Health and Human Services Committee, Nevada State Assembly
- Health and Human Services Committee, Nevada State Senate
- Health and Human Services Committee, New Hampshire Senate
- Health and Human Services Committee, New Hampshire State Senate
- Health and Human Services Committee, North Carolina House of Representatives
- Health and Human Services Committee, Ohio State Senate
- Health and Human Services Committee, Oklahoma Senate
- Health and Human Services Committee, Oklahoma State Senate
- Health and Human Services Committee, Rhode Island Senate
- Health and Human Services Committee, Rhode Island State Senate
- Health and Human Services Committee, South Dakota House
- Health and Human Services Committee, South Dakota House of Representatives
- Health and Human Services Committee, South Dakota Senate
- Health and Human Services Committee, South Dakota State Senate
- Health and Human Services Committee, Utah House
- Health and Human Services Committee, Utah House of Representatives
- Health and Human Services Committee, Utah Senate
- Health and Human Services Committee, Utah State Senate
- Health and Human Services Committee, Wisconsin State Senate
- Health and Human Services Finance Committee, Minnesota House of Representatives
- Health and Human Services Finance Committee, Minnesota House of Representatives (decommissioned)
- Health and Human Services Finance and Policy Committee, Minnesota State Senate
- Health and Human Services Policy Committee, Minnesota House of Representatives
- Health and Human Services Policy Committee, Minnesota House of Representatives (decommissioned)
- Health and Human Services Reform Committee, Minnesota House of Representatives
- Health and Human Services Reform Committee, Minnesota House of Representatives (decommissioned)
- Health and Human Services Subcommittee, Oklahoma Senate
- Health and Human Services Subcommittee, Oklahoma State Senate
- Health and Insurance Committee, Colorado House of Representatives
- Health and Long Term Care Committee, Washington State Senate
- Health and Mental Health Policy Committee, Missouri House of Representatives
- Health and Pensions Committee, Missouri State Senate
- Health and Provider Services Committee, Indiana State Senate
- Health and Senior Services Committee, New Jersey General Assembly
- Health and Social Services Committee, Delaware State Senate
- Health and Welfare Committee, Idaho House of Representatives
- Health and Welfare Committee, Idaho Senate
- Health and Welfare Committee, Idaho State Senate
- Health and Welfare Committee, Kentucky General Assembly
- Health and Welfare Committee, Kentucky House of Representatives
- Health and Welfare Committee, Kentucky Senate
- Health and Welfare Committee, Kentucky State Legislature
- Health and Welfare Committee, Kentucky State Senate
- Health and Welfare Committee, Louisiana House of Representatives
- Health and Welfare Committee, Tennessee State Senate
- Health and Welfare Committee, Vermont Senate
- Health and Welfare Committee, Vermont State Senate
- Health and Welfare Justice Committee, Louisiana House of Representatives
- Health care, Sharia law issues hit Alabama legislative session
- Health care and records, June 29, 2012
- Health care ballot measures
- Health care compact gains momentum with Texas and Missouri
- Health care costs in focus
- Health care data and public records, January 18, 2013
- Health care initiatives
- Health care issue being fought by ballot measures
- Health care issue hits Oklahoma
- Health care issue prompts U.S. Congressman to switch parties
- Health care issue will not be place before Kansas voters
- Health care measure clears Oklahoma House, penciled into November ballot
- Health care measure deemed fit for ballot by Ohio high court
- Health care measure may be coming to Kansas in 2010
- Health care measures faced mixed voter opinion
- Health care on the State of Washington ballot
- Health care opponents in Ohio submit signatures
- Health care question fails to make New Mexico ballot
- Health insurance coverage by source
- Health insurance coverage statistics by state
- Health insurance exchange issues
- Health insurance exchanges
- Health insurance policy cancellations since Obamacare
- Health insurance premiums before and after the Affordable Care Act
- Health maintenance organization
- Health reimbursement account
- Health savings accounts
- Healthcare, Sharia law issues hit Alabama legislative session
- rollout reactions
- website rollout
- Healthcare Access and Availability Committee, Illinois State Senate
- Healthcare CO-OP (Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan)
- Healthcare Committee, Alabama State Senate
- Healthcare Compact seeks to nullify Obamacare
- Healthcare Compact seeks to nullify federal health care reform
- Healthcare Compact wants states, not feds, to handle health care
- Healthcare Policy
- Healthcare Transformation Committee, Missouri House of Representatives
- Healthcare Transformation Committee, Missouri House of Representatives (decommissioned)