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Previous page (Kirsten J. Libby (Scandia City Council At-large, Minnesota, candidate 2024)) | Next page (Kori Beck Bumgarner (8th Judicial Circuit Commonwealth's Attorney, Kentucky, candidate 2024))
- Knapp, Wisconsin
- Knappa-Svensen-Burnside Fire District Bond Measure (May 2012)
- Knappa-Svensen-Burnside Rural Fire District Bond Issue, Measure 4-166 (May 2013)
- Knappa School District, Oregon
- Knappa School District, Oregon, elections
- Knappy-Svensen-Burnside Rural Fire Protection District Bond Measure (November 2012)
- Kneeland Fire Protection District, California, Measure D, Fire Safety Protection Parcel Measure (November 2024)
- Kneeland Fire Protection District Special Tax, Measure L (June 2014)
- Kneeland School District, California
- Kneeland School District, California, elections
- Knees Elementary, Montana
- Knees Elementary School District, Montana
- Knees Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Knick v. Township of Scott, Pennsylvania
- Knierim, Iowa
- Knightdale, North Carolina
- Knighton Road Development in Churn Creek Bottom Referendum, Measure A (June 2012)
- Knighton Road Development in Churn Creek Bottom Referendum, Measure B (June 2012)
- Knights Ferry Elementary School District, California
- Knights Ferry Elementary School District, California, Measure C, Governing Board Size Measure (November 2022)
- Knights Ferry Elementary School District, California, elections
- Knightsen Elementary School District bond proposition, Measure H (November 2012)
- Knightsen Elementary School District bond proposition, Measure N (November 2010)
- Knightsen Elementary School District bond proposition (November 2012)
- Knightsen School District, California
- Knightsen School District, California, elections
- Knightsen Town Community Services District, California, Measure R, Repeal of the Special Tax Measure (November 2022)
- Knightstown, Indiana
- Knightsville, Indiana
- Knippa Independent School District, Texas
- Knippa Independent School District, Texas, elections
- Knob Noster, Missouri
- Knob Noster R-8 School District, Missouri
- Knob Noster R-VIII School District, Missouri
- Knob Noster R-VIII School District, Missouri, elections
- Knobel, Arkansas
- Knola Ransome
- Knolls Property Owners Community Services District, California, Measure B, Increase Maximum Voter Approved Parcel Tax (June 2022)
- Knollwood, Texas
- Knott County, Kentucky
- Knott County, Kentucky, elections, 2024
- Knott County, Kentucky, elections, 2025
- Knott County, Kentucky (Judicial)
- Knott County, Kentucky ballot measures
- Knott County Sample Ballot (Kentucky)
- Knott County Schools, Kentucky
- Knott County Schools, Kentucky, elections
- Know-Nothing Party
- Knowles, Oklahoma
- Knowlton Township School District, New Jersey
- Knowlton Township School District, New Jersey, elections
- Knox, Indiana
- Knox, North Dakota
- Knox, Pennsylvania
- Knox Blackmar (Talbot County Commission, District 1, Georgia, candidate 2022)
- Knox City, Missouri
- Knox City, Texas
- Knox City-O'Brien Consolidated Independent School District, Texas
- Knox City-O'Brien Consolidated Independent School District, Texas, elections
- Knox City Municipal Court, Texas
- Knox Community School Corporation, Indiana
- Knox Community School Corporation, Indiana, elections
- Knox County, Illinois
- Knox County, Illinois, elections, 2024
- Knox County, Illinois, elections, 2025
- Knox County, Illinois (Judicial)
- Knox County, Illinois ballot measures
- Knox County, Indiana
- Knox County, Indiana, elections, 2022
- Knox County, Indiana, elections, 2024
- Knox County, Indiana, elections, 2025
- Knox County, Indiana (Judicial)
- Knox County, Indiana ballot measures
- Knox County, Kentucky
- Knox County, Kentucky, elections, 2024
- Knox County, Kentucky, elections, 2025
- Knox County, Kentucky (Judicial)
- Knox County, Kentucky ballot measures
- Knox County, Maine
- Knox County, Maine, elections, 2024
- Knox County, Maine, elections, 2025
- Knox County, Maine (Judicial)
- Knox County, Maine ballot measures
- Knox County, Missouri
- Knox County, Missouri (Judicial)
- Knox County, Missouri ballot measures
- Knox County, Nebraska
- Knox County, Nebraska (Judicial)
- Knox County, Nebraska ballot measures
- Knox County, Ohio
- Knox County, Ohio, elections, 2023
- Knox County, Ohio, elections, 2024
- Knox County, Ohio, elections, 2025
- Knox County, Ohio (Judicial)
- Knox County, Ohio ballot measures
- Knox County, Tennessee
- Knox County, Tennessee (Judicial)
- Knox County, Tennessee ballot measures
- Knox County, Texas
- Knox County, Texas, elections, 2022
- Knox County, Texas, elections, 2024
- Knox County, Texas, elections, 2025
- Knox County, Texas (Judicial)
- Knox County, Texas ballot measures
- Knox County 911 Sales Tax Question (November 2012)
- Knox County Board of Health Tax Levy Question (November 2012)
- Knox County Chancery Court, Tennessee
- Knox County Circuit Court, Indiana
- Knox County Circuit Court, Tennessee
- Knox County Court, Texas
- Knox County Court of Common Pleas, Ohio
- Knox County Criminal Court, Tennessee
- Knox County General Sessions Court, Tennessee
- Knox County Juvenile Court, Tennessee
- Knox County Municipal Court, Ohio
- Knox County Park District Tax Levy Renewal Question (November 2012)
- Knox County Probate Court, Maine
- Knox County Public Schools, Kentucky
- Knox County Public Schools, Kentucky, elections
- Knox County R-1 School Bond Measure (April 2012)
- Knox County R-I School District, Missouri
- Knox County R-I School District, Missouri, elections
- Knox County Recall Charter Amendment (2010)
- Knox County Sample Ballot (Illinois)
- Knox County Sample Ballot (Indiana)
- Knox County Sample Ballot (Kentucky)
- Knox County Sample Ballot (Maine)
- Knox County Sample Ballot (Missouri)
- Knox County Sample Ballot (Nebraska)
- Knox County Sample Ballot (Ohio)
- Knox County Sample Ballot (Tennessee)
- Knox County Sample Ballot (Texas)
- Knox County School District, Tennessee
- Knox County School District, Tennessee, elections (2020)
- Knox County School District, Tennessee, elections (2022)
- Knox County School District, Tennessee, elections (2024)
- Knox County School District elections (2014)
- Knox County School District elections (2018)
- Knox County School Sales Tax Increase (November 2010)
- Knox County Schools, Tennessee
- Knox County Schools, Tennessee, elections
- Knox County Schools elections (2014)
- Knox County Schools elections (2016)
- Knox County Senior Levy Renewal (March 2012)
- Knox County Superior Court, Indiana
- Knox County Superior Court, Maine
- Knox Ross
- Knox Town Court, New York
- Knox Township Fire & Road Levy Renewals, 2 (May 2011)
- Knox Township Garbage & Cemetery Levy Replacements, 2 (November 2011)
- Knox Township Homeworth Fire District Tax Levy Replacement Question (November 2012)
- Knox Township Liquor Question (November 2012)
- Knox Township North Georgetown Fire District Tax Levy Question (November 2012)
- Knox Township Replacement (November 2012)
- Knox Township Road Levy Tax Renewal Question (November 2012)
- Knox Township Roads Tax Levy Renewal Question (November 2012)
- Knoxville, Arkansas
- Knoxville, Illinois
- Knoxville, Iowa
- Knoxville, Pennsylvania
- Knoxville, Tennessee
- Knoxville Community School District, Iowa
- Knoxville Community School District, Iowa, elections
- Knoxville Community Unit School District 202, Illinois
- Knoxville Community Unit School District 202, Illinois, elections
- Knoxville Municipal Court, Tennessee
- Knoxville School District, Iowa
- Knoxville Tea Party and Bailout Protest 2009
- Knoxville Town Alcohol Prohibition Continuation Measure (April 2011)
- Knud Wefald
- Knut Gjovik
- Knut Haasch
- Knut Johnson
- Knute Buehler
- Knute E. Olson (Clinton School District
- Knute E. Olson (Clinton School District 32, At-large, Montana, candidate 2024)
- Knute Huber
- Knute Ogren
- Ko Moua
- Kobata Arianoff
- Kobayashi appointed Maui District Court judge
- Kobby Bryand
- Kobe Taylor
- Kobi Jason Dennis (Providence Public Schools school board District 2, Rhode Island, candidate 2024)
- Kobuk, Alaska
- Koby Biran
- Koby Harris (Town of Stringtown Board of Trustees, Oklahoma, candidate 2023)
- Koby Schellenger
- Koby Schellenger (Winnebago County Board of Supervisors District 23, Wisconsin, candidate 2024)
- Koby Wright (Waseca City Council Ward 3, Minnesota, candidate 2024)
- Kodi Sawin
- Kodiak, Alaska
- Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska
- Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska (Judicial)
- Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska ballot measures
- Kodiak Island Borough Sample Ballot (Alaska)
- Kodiak Island Borough School District, Alaska
- Kodiak Island Borough School District, Alaska, elections
- Kodiak Proposition 1, Employee Unionization (October 2009)
- Kody Amour
- Kody Appleby (Morton's Gap City Council At-large, Kentucky, candidate 2024)
- Kody Czerwonka
- Kody Fahrenthold (San Patricio County Constable Precinct 6, Texas, candidate 2024)
- Kody Hart (Marathon County Board of Supervisors District 3, Wisconsin, candidate 2024)
- Kody Justus (Baker County Commissioner, Position 2, Oregon, candidate 2022)
- Kody Macaulay
- Kody Orn (Kingston City Council, Minnesota, candidate 2024)
- Kody Schuckman (Prairie Hill Community Consolidated School District 133, At-large, Illinois, candidate 2025)
- Kody Simpson (Atoka County Sheriff, Oklahoma, candidate 2024)
- Kody Turner (Gallatin County Circuit Clerk, Illinois, candidate 2024)
- Kody Zalewski
- Kody Zempel (Clintonville Alderperson District 3, Wisconsin, candidate 2023)
- Koen Robert Moore
- Koerri Elijah (Mayor of Kenosha, Wisconsin, candidate 2024)
- Koffey Smith El-Bey
- Kofi-Akin Kenyatta
- Kofi Nsia‐Pepra
- Kofi Opong-Mensah (Contra Costa Community College District Governing Board Ward 2, California, candidate 2024)
- Kofi Opong-Mensah (Hercules City Council At-large, California, candidate 2024)
- Koh confirmed to federal judgeship
- Kohler, Wisconsin
- Kohler Johnson
- Kohler School District, Wisconsin
- Kohler School District, Wisconsin, elections
- Kohn Fisher (Kalkaska County Board of Commissioners District 3, Michigan, candidate 2024)
- Koichi Hirose
- Kojo Asamoa-Caesar
- Kokeith Perry
- Kokesh v. SEC
- Kokomo, Indiana
- Kokomo-Center Township Consolidated School Corporation, Indiana
- Kokomo School Corporation, Indiana
- Kokomo School Corporation, Indiana, elections
- Kola Akingbade
- Kolatki
- Kolawole Ernest Adewumi
- Kolbe Cole
- Kolbe Guza (Huron County Board of Commissioners District 6, Michigan, candidate 2024)
- Kolbey Gardner
- Kolby Dickover (Tri-Central School Board, At-large, Indiana, candidate 2022)
- Kolby Kerzan (Vincennes School Board, At-large, Indiana, candidate 2024)
- Kolby M. Kerzan (Vincennes School Board, At-large, Indiana, candidate 2022)
- Kolby Robinson (City of Wilson Street Commissioner, Oklahoma, candidate 2023)
- Kolby Robinson (Wilson (Carter County) Public Schools school board Office 4, Oklahoma, candidate 2025)
- Kolby Robinson (Wilson Public Schools (Carter) school board Office 4, Oklahoma, candidate 2024)
- Kolby Stock (Uniontown Unified School District 235, Position 3, Kansas, candidate 2023)
- Kole Oswald
- Kole Renken (Illini Central Community Unit School District 189, At-large, Illinois, candidate 2025)
- Kolene Arvidson (Drummond Area School District, Towns of Kelly, Lincoln, Mason and Town of Mason, Wisconsin, candidate 2023)
- Kolene Arvidson (Lincoln Town Treasurer (Bayfield County), Wisconsin, candidate 2025)
- Kolette Kramer
- Koley Schaffner
- Kollean Stewart (Norton Community Schools, Position 3, Kansas, candidate 2023)
- Kollin Kosmicki (San Benito County Board of Supervisors District 2, California, candidate 2024)
- Kolten Montgomery
- Kolton Bacon
- Kolton Jensen (Marion County Justice of the Peace District 4, Arkansas, candidate 2024)
- Kolton Parker (Tupelo Public Schools, Seat 5, Oklahoma, candidate 2025)
- Komarek School District 94, Illinois
- Komarek School District 94, Illinois, elections
- Komi Agoda-Koussema
- Konawa, Oklahoma
- Konawa Public Schools, Oklahoma
- Konawa Public Schools, Oklahoma, elections
- Kone Bowman
- Kongiganak Tribal Court
- Koni Lovett (Barnett, Wapella, and Waynesville Townships Multi-Township Assessor (De Witt County), Illinois, candidate 2025)
- Koni Ramos-Kaiwi
- Konner Bird
- Konni Burton
- Konnie Legried
- Konnie Meyer (Patrick Henry Local School District, At-large, Ohio, candidate 2023)
- Konocti Unified School District, California
- Konocti Unified School District, California, Bond Issue, Measure Y (November 2016)
- Konocti Unified School District, California, Measure S, School Facilities Improvement Bond Measure (November 2024)
- Konocti Unified School District, California, elections
- Konrad G.W. Ziegler
- Konrad K. Solberg
- Konstantine Anthony
- Konstantine Anthony (Burbank City Council At-large, California, candidate 2024)
- Konstantinos G. Fatsis
- Konstantinos Poulidis
- Konstantinos Roditis
- Konya Vivanti (Rossmoor Community Services District Board At-large, California, candidate 2024)
- Koochiching County, Minnesota
- Koochiching County, Minnesota, elections, 2022
- Koochiching County, Minnesota, elections, 2023
- Koochiching County, Minnesota, elections, 2024
- Koochiching County, Minnesota, elections, 2025
- Koochiching County, Minnesota (Judicial)
- Koochiching County, Minnesota ballot measures
- Koochiching County Sample Ballot (Minnesota)
- Koohan Paik-Mander
- Koons v. United States
- Koosharem, Utah
- Kooskia, Idaho
- Kootenai, Idaho
- Kootenai County, Idaho
- Kootenai County, Idaho (Judicial)
- Kootenai County, Idaho ballot measures
- Kootenai County, Idaho leaders taking steps after jail expansion voted down
- Kootenai County Sample Ballot (Idaho)
- Kootenai Joint School District, Idaho
- Kootenai Joint School District, Idaho, elections
- Kootenai School District, Idaho
- Kootenai Tribe of Idaho
- Kopie v. International Federation of Professional and Technical Employees
- Koppel, Pennsylvania
- Kopperl Independent School District, Texas
- Kopperl Independent School District, Texas, elections
- Kora Roberts Katz Vakil
- Korbett Crawford (Powers Township Town Supervisor Seat 3, Minnesota, candidate 2024)
- Korbey White
- Korby Holzhueter (Deerfield Town Treasurer (Dane County), Wisconsin, candidate 2025)
- Korby Kasperski (Spring Valley Community Consolidated School District 99, At-large, Illinois, candidate 2025)
- Kordell Kattenberg (Caldwell Schools, At-large, Kansas, candidate 2023)
- Kordell Van Heuveln (Mayor of Kerkhoven, Minnesota, candidate 2022)
- Kordell Van Heuveln (Mayor of Kerkhoven, Minnesota, candidate 2024)
- Kordero W. Cooper (Sebree City Council At-large, Kentucky, candidate 2024)
- Koreen MacNeil (Dickson Township Board of Trustees At-large, Michigan, candidate 2024)
- Koren Gray (Thorntown Town Clerk-Treasurer, Indiana, candidate 2022)
- Korey Cook (Bennington Township Supervisor (Marshall County), Illinois, candidate 2025)
- Korey D. Henderson (Tipton County Council At-large, Indiana, candidate 2024)
- Korey D. Henderson (Tipton County Sheriff, Indiana, candidate 2022)
- Korey Graham (Floresville Independent School District, Single Member District 1, Texas, candidate 2024)
- Korey Herrick (Lakeview Public Schools, At-large, Minnesota, candidate 2022)
- Korey Herrick (Lakeview School Board, Minnesota, candidate 2022)
- Korey Hughes (Lafayette Township Trustee, Madison County, Indiana, candidate 2022)
- Korey J. Young (Rains County Commissioner Precinct 3, Texas, candidate 2024)
- Korey Johnson
- Korey Koch
- Korey Kripli (Edwards Township Clerk, Michigan, candidate 2024)
- Korey L. Reiman
- Korey Mack
- Korey Miracle (Unionville Village Board of Trustees At-large, Michigan, candidate 2024)
- Korey Paul Starkey
- Korey Pulluaim (John Glenn School Board, Lincoln Township, Indiana, candidate 2022)
- Korey Reiman
- Korey Strozier (Tacoma Public Schools Board of Directors District 3, Washington, candidate 2023)
- Korey Sundby (Parker Township Town Clerk - Treasurer, Minnesota, candidate 2024)
- Korey Wahwassuck
- Korey Welch
- Korey Williams
- Korey Wilson
- Kori Ashley