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- ShaKeta Berrie
- ShaMecha King Simms
- ShaQuila Mathews (Hamilton City School District school board At-large, Ohio, candidate 2023)
- ShaToyia Bentley
- ShaVonne Brubaker (Beaverton Schools, At-large, Michigan, candidate 2024)
- Sha Steger Knight
- Shaakira Ali
- Shabadjot Bharara
- Shabaka Harrison
- Shabana Lundeen (Polk County Clerk, Wisconsin, candidate 2024)
- Shabba Woodley
- Shabbir Khan
- Shabbona, Illinois
- Shabnam Ahmed
- Shabnam Lotfi
- Shabnam Lotfi (Shorewood Hills Village Trustee, Wisconsin, candidate 2023)
- Shabnam Lotfi (Shorewood Hills Village Trustee, Wisconsin, candidate 2025)
- Shackelford County, Texas
- Shackelford County, Texas, elections, 2022
- Shackelford County, Texas, elections, 2024
- Shackelford County, Texas, elections, 2025
- Shackelford County, Texas (Judicial)
- Shackelford County, Texas ballot measures
- Shackelford County Court, Texas
- Shackelford County Sample Ballot (Texas)
- Shackelford Miller
- Shackelford Miller, Jr.
- Shackley F. Raffetto
- Shad Blackwell (Wayne Public Schools school board Office 4, Oklahoma, candidate 2024)
- Shad Bogany (Missouri City City Council District C, Texas, candidate 2024)
- Shad Branen (Burlington Alderperson District 1, Wisconsin, candidate 2023)
- Shad Branen (Burlington Alderperson District 1, Wisconsin, candidate 2025)
- Shad Clayton
- Shad F. Connelly
- Shad Foley (Greenbrier City Council Ward 3 Position 1, Arkansas, candidate 2024)
- Shad Hill (Lampasas County Commissioner Precinct 3, Texas, candidate 2024)
- Shad K. Boal (Grand Terrace City Council At-large, California, candidate 2024)
- Shad Lipinski (Mayor of Ivanhoe, Minnesota, candidate 2024)
- Shad Pearce
- Shad Redmon
- Shad Roth (Manchester Community Schools school board Pleasant Township, Indiana, candidate 2024)
- Shad White
- Shade-Central City School District, Pennsylvania
- Shade-Central City School District, Pennsylvania, elections
- Shade Gap, Pennsylvania
- Shade Miller (Childress County Constable, Texas, candidate 2024)
- Shadegg predicts health care amendment on 22 states in 2010
- Shadeland, Indiana
- Shadi Aboukhater (Ross Town Council At-Large, California, candidate 2024)
- Shadi Ayyas
- Shadi Zitoon
- Shadia Martini
- Shadid Malik
- Shadid considering Oklahoma City mayoral run
- Shadow Congresspersons
- Shadrach Bradshaw
- Shadrack McGill
- Shady Cove, Oregon
- Shady Cove City Water System Bond Question (November 2012)
- Shady Cove Municipal Court, Oregon
- Shady Cove Water District Dissolution (November 2010)
- Shady Dale, Georgia
- Shady Grove Public School, Oklahoma
- Shady Grove Public School, Oklahoma, elections
- Shady Point, Oklahoma
- Shady Point Public School, Oklahoma
- Shady Point Public School, Oklahoma, elections
- Shady Shores, Texas
- Shady Shores Municipal Court, Texas
- Shadyside, Bellaire & Bridgeport School District Levy Measures, 3 (May 2010)
- Shadyside, Ohio
- Shadyside Local School District, Ohio
- Shadyside Local School District, Ohio, elections
- Shadyside School District Levy Renewal (May 2011)
- Shadyside Village and Mead Township Precincts: 053, 054, 057, 061, 063 Tax Levy (November 2012)
- Shae Hornback
- Shae Jobe (Galveston Independent School District, District 3-C, Texas, candidate 2024)
- Shae Sortwell
- Shae Tubbs (City of Idabel City Clerk-Treasurer, Oklahoma, candidate 2025)
- Shaefer Oshefsky (Montpelier Town Clerk, Wisconsin, candidate 2023)
- Shaefer Oshefsky (Montpelier Town Clerk (Kewaunee County), Wisconsin, candidate 2025)
- Shaela Ellis
- Shaeleigh Severino
- Shaem C.P. Spencer
- Shaena Dela Cruz
- Shaena Dela Cruz Hoohuli
- Shafeqah Lodree
- Shafer, Minnesota
- Shaffen Woods (Thatcher Town Council At-large, Arizona, candidate 2024)
- Shaffer Cormell
- Shaffer Elementary School District, California, Measure W, General Bond Measure (November 2024)
- Shaffer Union Elementary School District, California
- Shaffer Union Elementary School District, California, elections
- Shafi Shafat
- Shafik Ben Guesmia
- Shafter, California
- Shaftsbury School District, Vermont
- Shageluk, Alaska
- Shah Shahidul Haque
- Shahab Ahmed
- Shahabuddeen Ally
- Shahana Hanif
- Shahana K. Hanif
- Shaharazad Booth (District Attorney 3rd Judicial District Doña Ana County, New Mexico, candidate 2024)
- Shahbaz Raja (Woonsocket City Council At-large, Rhode Island, candidate 2024)
- Shaheen Emmanuel Lakhan
- Shaheer Akhtab
- Shahid Buttar
- Shahid Malik
- Shahin Assadnia
- Shahla S. Sabet
- Shahram Hadian
- Shahram Shariati
- Shahzad Anwar
- Shai Idelman (Highfill City Council Ward 3 Position 1, Arkansas, candidate 2024)
- Shaik Ahmed
- Shaila Mulholland
- Shailey Tripp (Mayor of Jarrell, Texas, candidate 2024)
- Shain Casebier (Clay County Constable Bradshaw and Haywood Township, Arkansas, candidate 2024)
- Shain Miller (Carrier Mills Township Highway Commissioner (Saline County), Illinois, candidate 2025)
- Shaina Bennett (Penn Township Clerk (Shelby County), Illinois, candidate 2025)
- Shaina Forsyth
- Shaina M. Thiner (Astoria Public Library District Trustee Board At-large, Illinois, candidate 2025)
- Shaina Maxey Pomerantz
- Shaina Smith
- Shaine Parr (Mayor of Willow River, Minnesota, candidate 2024)
- Shaine Parr (Willow River City Council, Minnesota, candidate 2022)
- Shair Leiby (Maple Rapids Village Library Board At-large, Michigan, candidate 2024)
- Shaira Ramzanali
- Shaizad Chatriwala
- Shaizad Chatriwala (Missouri City City Council District C, Texas, candidate 2024)
- Shajan M. Kuriakose
- Shak Hill
- Shakara Smithers Withers
- Shakara Trenesse Smithers
- Shakedra Jenerette
- Shakeel Ahmad
- Shaker Heights, Ohio
- Shaker Heights, Solon, Parma, North Olmsted & Lakewood School District Levy Additions, 5 (May 2010)
- Shaker Heights City Income Tax Increase (August 2012)
- Shaker Heights City School District, Ohio
- Shaker Heights City School District, Ohio, elections
- Shaker Heights Municipal Court
- Shaker Heights Municipal Court, Ohio
- Shaker Regional School District, New Hampshire
- Shaker Regional School District, New Hampshire, elections
- Shakeyla Ingram
- Shakeyla Ingram (Fayetteville City Council District 2, North Carolina, candidate 2022)
- Shakila Evette Spruill (Northampton County Board of Education, North Carolina, candidate 2022)
- Shakila Henderson-Baker
- Shakila Henderson-Baker (Newton County Board of Education District 3, Georgia, candidate 2022)
- Shakila Spruill (Northampton County Board of Education, North Carolina, candidate 2024)
- Shakima K. Thomas
- Shakima Thomas
- Shakira Lynn Hawkins
- Shakira Meyer (Dickinson County Agricultural Extension Council, Iowa, candidate 2024)
- Shakirah Howard
- Shakkiah Curtis
- Shakopee, Minnesota
- Shakopee Public Schools, Minnesota
- Shakopee Public Schools, Minnesota, elections
- Shakti
- Shaktoolik, Alaska
- Shala McKenzie Kudlac
- Shala Perez
- Shala Weaver
- Shalah Hendrix
- Shalah Rall (Brewster Public Schools, At-large, Kansas, candidate 2023)
- Shalai Moffatt (Mora Public School District, At-large, Minnesota, candidate 2024)
- Shalanda Miller
- Shalanda P. Williams (Peach County Coroner, Georgia, candidate 2024)
- Shalanda Young
- Shale L. Korpela (Wright City Council At-large, Minnesota, candidate 2022)
- Shale gas
- Shale play
- Shale rock
- Shale rocks
- Shalena Cook Jones (Georgia 1st Superior Court District Attorney Eastern Circuit, Georgia, candidate 2024)
- Shalena S. Meade (Bethany Town Council, At-large, Indiana, candidate 2022)
- Shalene Grover
- Shaler Area School District, Pennsylvania
- Shaler Area School District, Pennsylvania, elections
- Shales
- Shaliek Tarpley
- Shalima Edwards
- Shalimar, Florida
- Shalimar Town Tax Limitation Charter Amendment (March 2011)
- Shalina Kumar
- Shalira Taylor
- Shalisa D. Harvey (Calumet City City Council Ward 1, Illinois, candidate 2025)
- Shalise Young
- Shallen Gross (Mayor of Mendota, Illinois, candidate 2025)
- Shallotte, North Carolina
- Shallowater, Texas
- Shallowater Independent School District, Texas
- Shallowater Independent School District, Texas, elections
- Shallowater Municipal Court, Texas
- Shalon Latour
- Shalon Ronning (Albany Area Schools, At-large, Minnesota, candidate 2024)
- Shalon Springg McMillen (Elmore City-Pernell Public Schools, Seat 5, Oklahoma, candidate 2025)
- Shalonda Jones Parker (Clayton County State Court, Georgia, candidate 2024)
- Shalonda Riley
- Shalonda Toomer (Jasper County School District, District 1, South Carolina, candidate 2024)
- Shalondria Galimore
- Shalonn "KiKi" Curls
- Shalonn Curls
- Shalunda Corzine
- Shalyn Anderson
- Shalyn Hamlin (Castro County Attorney, Texas, candidate 2024)
- Shalyne Beck (Altoona-Midway Unified School District 387, Position 2, Kansas, candidate 2023)
- Shama Haider
- Shama Mesiwala
- Shamaine Daniels
- Shamaiye Haynes
- Shamaka Schumake
- Shamann Walton
- Shambaugh, Iowa
- Shambra Mulder
- Shamed Dogan
- Shameeka Browne (Abington School District, At-large, Pennsylvania, candidate 2023)
- Shameem Clark Hubbard
- Shameka Parrish-Wright
- Shameka S. Brown
- Shameka Sterling-Shim
- Shameria Ann Davis (Copperas Cove Independent School District, Place 2, Texas, candidate 2024)
- Shamieka Rhinehart
- Shamima Mondal
- Shammara Henderson
- Shammas Malik (Akron Mayor, Ohio, candidate 2023)
- Shamokin, Pennsylvania
- Shamokin Area School District, Pennsylvania
- Shamokin Area School District, Pennsylvania, elections
- Shamokin Dam, Pennsylvania
- Shamong Township School District, New Jersey
- Shamong Township School District, New Jersey, elections
- Shampa Mukerji
- Shamrock, Texas
- Shamrock Independent School District, Texas
- Shamrock Independent School District, Texas, elections
- Shamrock Lakes, Indiana
- Shamrock Municipal Court, Texas
- Shams Abdussamad
- Shamus Sayed
- Shan
- Shan C. Wang (Minnesota 7th District Court Position 29, Minnesota, candidate 2024)
- Shan F. Embry
- Shan Haqqi
- Shan Hirsch
- Shan Rowbotham (Kittitas County Public Utility District Commissioner Board District 2, Washington, candidate 2024)
- Shan S. Tsutsui
- Shan Tsutsui
- Shana A. Lambourn
- Shana Althouse
- Shana Bachman
- Shana Black
- Shana Brouwers
- Shana Byers Vinyard
- Shana Defnet Ledvina (De Pere Alderperson District 1, Wisconsin, candidate 2024)
- Shana Dukes (Inver Grove Heights Schools, At-large, Minnesota, candidate 2023)
- Shana Elliott
- Shana Feliciano (Woodlynne Borough Council, New Jersey, candidate 2022)
- Shana Filicsky (Sidell Village Clerk, Illinois, candidate 2025)
- Shana Frost Matini
- Shana Guttery (Osborne County Unified School District 392, At-large, Kansas, candidate 2023)
- Shana Harmongoff
- Shana Harstad (Washakie County School District 2, At-large, Wyoming, candidate 2024)
- Shana Hazan
- Shana Hilgerson (Clayton County Agricultural Extension Council, Iowa, candidate 2024)
- Shana Holmes-Linder (North Gibson School District school board District 3, Indiana, candidate 2024)
- Shana Howard (Town of Achille Board of Trustees, Oklahoma, candidate 2023)
- Shana Klindt (Campbell-Tintah School Board At-large, Minnesota, candidate 2022)
- Shana Lucas (Glendale-River Hills School District, At-large, Wisconsin, candidate 2024)
- Shana McVickers
- Shana Melius
- Shana Murray
- Shana Peterson
- Shana Potvin
- Shana R. Lane (Washington Township Trustee, Dearborn County, Indiana, candidate 2022)
- Shana Restucci
- Shana Roberts
- Shana Rooks Malone (Georgia 6th Superior Court District Clayton Judicial Circuit, Georgia, candidate 2024)
- Shana Sarns (Big Prairie Township Clerk, Michigan, candidate 2024)
- Shana Tarter (Central Wyoming College Trustee Board Subdistrict 4 (Fremont County), Wyoming, candidate 2024)
- Shana Tremaine
- Shana Westbrooks DeVille
- Shana White
- Shanai Dunmore
- Shanan Hesseldenz (Smithton Community Consolidated School District 130, At-large, Illinois, candidate 2025)
- Shanda Allen
- Shanda Henderson (Coffee County Tax Commissioner, Georgia, candidate 2024)
- Shanda LeBoeuf (Seaside City Council At-large, California, candidate 2024)
- Shanda M. Harry (Superior Court of Lake County, California, candidate 2024)
- Shanda Paul
- Shanda Willis
- Shanda Yates
- Shandaken Town Court, New York
- Shandal Boggs (Abbeville County Clerk of Court, South Carolina, candidate 2024)
- Shandale Terrell
- Shandon-San Juan Water District, California, Formation Question, Measure A-17 (April 2017)
- Shandon Joint Unified School District, California
- Shandon Joint Unified School District, California, Bond Issue, Measure K (November 2016)
- Shandon Joint Unified School District, California, District Bond Issue, Measure K (November 2016)
- Shandon Joint Unified School District, California, Measure H, Bond Issue (November 2020)
- Shandon Joint Unified School District, California, elections
- Shandon Phan
- Shandowlyon Hendricks-Williams
- Shandowlyon Hendricks Reaves
- Shandra Monique Cain
- Shandra Sims (Jackson County Register of Deeds, North Carolina, candidate 2022)
- Shanduke McPhatter
- Shandus Parish
- Shandy Stingley (Nashua Local Government Study Commission, Montana, candidate 2024)
- Shandy Stogsdill
- Shane' Darby
- Shane A. Bowman (Battle Ground City Council, Position 2, Washington, candidate 2023)
- Shane A. Hinze
- Shane A. Hunter (Marlette Community Schools, At-large, Michigan, candidate 2024)
- Shane A. Lacasse
- Shane A. McCampbell (Des Moines County Board of Supervisors At-large, Iowa, candidate 2024)
- Shane A. Schmidt (Douglas County Commissioner District 4, Minnesota, candidate 2022)
- Shane A. Tieman (Scioto County Prosecuting Attorney, Ohio, candidate 2024)
- Shane A. Williams (Wes-Del Community Schools school board Washington Township, Indiana, candidate 2024)
- Shane Abbott
- Shane Aguirre
- Shane Alderson (Baker County Commissioner, Position 3, Oregon, candidate 2022)
- Shane Allen Sellers (White County Justice of the Peace District 6, Arkansas, candidate 2024)
- Shane Atwell
- Shane Bailey
- Shane Baker
- Shane Baker (Kandiyohi County Attorney, Minnesota, candidate 2022)
- Shane Balken (Mayor of Rothsay, Minnesota, candidate 2024)
- Shane Balken (Rothsay City Council At-large, Minnesota, candidate 2022)
- Shane Ball (Hancock County Schools Board Of Education District 4, Kentucky, candidate 2024)
- Shane Barker (Summit County Sheriff, Ohio, candidate 2024)
- Shane Barnett
- Shane Bauer (Rosendale-Brandon School District, Rosendale Area, Wisconsin, candidate 2024)
- Shane Bellefy (Cherokee County Board of Supervisors District 5, Iowa, candidate 2024)
- Shane Blankenship (Scottsville City Council At-large, Kentucky, candidate 2024)
- Shane Bolling
- Shane Bolton
- Shane Boswell (Jennings County Commissioner Board District 2, Indiana, candidate 2024)
- Shane Bowden (Delmar School District, At-large, Delaware, candidate 2023)
- Shane Bowman
- Shane Brandt (Liberty Township Highway Commissioner (Effingham County), Illinois, candidate 2025)
- Shane Brassell (Hill Justice of the Peace Precinct 2, Texas, candidate 2022)