A Journal of Joy: Things that make my heart smile…
By Barbara Dahlgren

Conceptually, I understand that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son Jesus to die for it (John 3:16). His redemption was for all of us. He didn’t come to condemn the world, but to save the world (John 3:17). However, I must admit I have a difficult time comprehending God’s love for me as an individual. Academically, I know He loves me. Emotionally, I’m not always sure. After all, why would He love me?
When I look at myself, I see nothing but flaws and imperfections. I fall short of the person I want to be or the one I think God would have me be. Plus, society functions in a way that makes me feel insignificant. It’s a great big world and I am just one small cog in the wheel of life – not even a name to most, but more like an impersonal line of data entry. I have a voice but cannot be heard.
But here’s the truth… Although I may be just a number in the world, I am not with God. God knows my name (Isaiah 43:7; John 10:3). God hears my voice. God cares about what I think and how I feel. The hairs on my head are numbered (Matthew 10:30-32). He knows my sorrows and keeps track of my tears (Psalm 56:8). He knows my sitting down and rising up. He knows my paths. He understands my thoughts. God knows me inside and out. I may not matter much to most of the world, but I matter to God. Such knowledge is too wonderful to comprehend (Psalm 139:1-6).
That God would know me intimately and love me anyway, in spite of my shortcomings, brings me much joy! I don’t have to earn God’s love. I don’t have to jump through hoops or make long lists of dos and don’ts. He loves me when I’m good and He loves me when I’m not too good. God is love (1 John 4:8) and He loves everybody, but His love for me is special. God has the ability to love each one of us like we are His only child.
God’s love is hard to fathom. It is wide and long and deep and high (Ephesians 3:17-19). Nothing can separate me from God’s love (Romans 8:35-38). It’s there if I want it. It’s there when I need it. It’s there for me all the time. I may not fully understand it, but I gladly accept and appreciate it.
Lord, thank You for loving me. There is no reason why You should and that’s what makes Your love all the more precious to me. When this world gets me down, Your love lifts me up. Your love for me makes my life matter.