Departments and other structural units

Name of the structure Name, surname, patronymic of the heads(head, director)
1 Strategy and quality assurance department Imanova Sevil Novruz gizi
2 Accounting department Ruslan Hacalıyev Qalası oglu
3 Department of work with documents and archives Guliyeva Tahira Anvar gizi
4 Department of Human Resources and Law Aliyev Jannat Kazim oglu
5 Speacial Affairs Department Chalabiyev Rasim Gahraman oglu
6 Department of international relations  
7 Business relations and career center Ibrahimova Gulchohra Fakhraddin gizi
8 Software section Hasanov Vali Vahid oglu
9 Department of Science and Innovation Azizov Mayis Babulla oglu
10 Graduate Studies and Doctoral Department  
11 Technopark  
12 Library  and information center  Hamzayeva Amaliya Atabay gizi
13 Procurement and supply department Musayev Ismat Ramiz oglu
14 Household Department Ilgar Mirzayev Mursal oglu
15 Data Processing Centre Mammadov Ruslan Bayram oglu
16 Printing House Guliyev Ershan Yunis oglu
17 Public Relations Department Babayev Elman Shahbaba oglu
18 Division of Creative Arts Akhundova Zamina Mehdiagha gizi
19 Medical and psychological service Mehdiyeva Gozal Ismayil gizi
20 Department of Education Hajiyev Ramil Abdurahim oglu
21 Teaching methodical and practice department Nabiyev Nofal Dunyamali oglu
22 Sport Club Hasanaliyev ElshanNajafgulu oglu