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Gauntlet of Shar

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Shadow-Cursed Lands
Gauntlet of Shar Shadowfell
Grand Mausoleum
The Gauntlet of Shar is a Location within the Shadow-Cursed Lands in Act Two of Baldur's Gate 3. It is only accessible through the Grand Mausoleum in the Shadow-Cursed Lands. It is the major dungeon of Act Two, featuring many puzzles and combat encounters, while its completion leads to pivotal developments in multiple questlines. This location also plays a central role in Shadowheart Shadowheart's personal quest Daughter of Darkness Daughter of Darkness.
Book Tome R Unfaded.png
What can silence the Nightsong? Only the Nightsinger herself - Shar. Mistress of the Night. Lady of Loss.

Walkthrough[edit | edit source]

Overview[edit | edit source]

The map of Gauntlet of Shar (upper level)

To progress through the dungeon, the party must solve a number of puzzles and encounters. However, the layout of the dungeon is fairly open-ended past the entry chamber and can be completed in a variety of approaches, including entering it multiple times. No parts of the dungeon are restricted from fast travel and resting, except the Trials of Shar after entering the doors of every chamber. The dungeon has its own Waypoints (one past the entrance hall and another one before the descent into the Shadowfell).

In order to reach the Aylin Nightsong in the Shadowfell, the party must obtain four Umbral Gems. Three of them are granted upon completing the Trials of Shar. The fourth one must be acquired from the orthon Yurgir Yurgir, also residing in the Gauntlet (see below). Once all four Umbral Gems are in the party's possession, it is necessary to obtain Spear of Night in the Silent Library, to be able to deal with the Nightsong if Shadowheart is in the party.

Entrance hall[edit | edit source]

The statue and pedestal called "Umbral Gem" in front of it.

Just inside the entrance is a statue of Shar with a pedestal at its feet, surrounded by a circle of purple-glowing glyphs. The pedestal is called an "Umbral Gem" and serves to unlock the door to proceed further in the dungeon. However, it looks differently from Umbral Gems that are needed to reach the final part of the Gauntlet, being a visual copy of the Orb of Darkvision that can be found in the Grymforge in Act One. Likewise, it cannot be picked up, only interacted with. Shar Shar speaks directly through the statue, inviting the party to take on her trials and prove themselves worthy. However, directly approaching the statue triggers a hidden forcefield, pushing the party members away and knocking them down.

In order to continue, the party must extinguish eight Mystic Thuribles hanging high around the room. There are two side hallways to the east and west of the room, and levers located in alcoves to the north and south of each hallway. Each alcove is protected by one pressure plate and one vent, which can be disarmed with a DC 10 Sleight of Hand check. Four more vents are located along edges of the circular "bottom" of the room, and two more between the entrances to alcoves. Activating any of the traps produces a Void Cloud Void Cloud and enables turn-based mode.

The party must activate the levers to lower the Thuribles, then interact with them to snuff out their lights. Any other sources of light like Torches, Moonlanterns, or cantrips like Produce Flame Produce Flame or Dancing Lights Dancing Lights must also be unequipped or deactivated. Once the room is shrouded in total darkness, another, larger circle of purple glyphs is revealed around the statue. It is necessary to follow the gaps in the glyph rows and touch the Umbral Gem. This opens the stone door with the Arcane Lock Arcane Lock to the north, as well as the double doors to the west, and also renders the traps inactive. The gaps in the rows do not change their position, allowing the puzzle to be solved via route memorization on subsequent walkthroughs.

It is also possible to extinguish the Thuribles without lowering them by casting Ray of Frost Ray of Frost, Ice Knife Ice Knife or firing Arrows of Ice on each of them.

Alternatively, any party member can reach the area inside the inner glyph circle by using Misty Step Misty Step, Dimension Door Dimension Door, Arrow of Transposition or other similar means to land closely to the statue and then activate the Umbral Gem.

The party can bypass the puzzle entirely by teleporting a party member past the stone door by the same means and opening it with the lever to let the rest party members in. Also, Minthara Minthara's Boots of Striding can be used to prevent forced movement as long as the wearer is concentrating.

Lastly, the party can walk around the door, proceeding through the western hallway and down to Mushroom cave (see below). This way, though leading to encounters with several enemies and non-player characters, can also be used to open the magically sealed door from within later.

Past the door, the corridor opens into a vast hall with a vista onto a gigantic statue of Shar. From it, down the stairs to the north is the Pedestal of Reckoning (an altar where one of the Umbral Gems should be used), to the east lies the area where the Kill Raphael's Old Enemy Kill Raphael's Old Enemy quest is resolved, while to the west the outpost of the necromancer Balthazar Balthazar is situated. He is a disciple of Ketheric Thorm Ketheric Thorm. However, the western wing might also be accessed without passing the arcane-locked door, as described below.

Mushroom cave and Feast Hall[edit | edit source]

The area to the west of the entrance hall is blocked by Bulky Doors, which unlike the arcane-sealed stone door, can be lockpicked with a DC 14 Sleight of Hand check. Past it, the temple walls degrade and open into a large natural cave overgrown with giant mushrooms, similar in appearance to those that are abundant in the Underdark. A Cloaker Cloaker lies in wait to ambush party at X: -819 Y: -867, baiting them with a Gilded Chest with random potions and some gold inside. Cutting through this cave and lockpicking the double door ( DC 14 Sleight of Hand check) leads into a kitchen and feasting hall. Looting around the kitchen brings a fair amount of alchemical ingredients and camp supplies of mushroom derivation.

In an adjoining room at X: -809 Y: -816 five Rat Rats encircle an Altar to Shar. Each party member can interact with the Altar and pass a DC 14 Religion check [1] to obtain Nightsinger's Favour Nightsinger's Favour until next long rest. Failing the check (or praying as a Cleric Cleric of Selûne Selûne) causes the party member to be afflicted by Shar-Stricken Shar-Stricken curse.[2]

Speaking with any of the Rats via Speak with Animals Speak with Animals might lead to a fight with the rodents, but causes no consequences until starting the Break Yurgir's Contract Break Yurgir's Contract subquest (see below).

In the room across the altar the party can find a skeleton of one of Dark Justiciars, who apparently locked himself inside to survive the assault on the Gauntlet. Entries in his Abandoned Journal correlate with the hints on the temple's fate that the party might have found out when speaking with Kith Stonemason Kith in Grymforge, and expand the story a bit.

Balthazar's Outpost and the Vault[edit | edit source]

The western part of the hall past the first Stone door is patrolled by three undead (a Reconstituted Duellist Reconstituted Duellist and two Reconstituted Marksman Reconstituted Marksmen). Upon noticing any party member, the automated dialogue with them starts, making it clear that the skeletons are puppets of a powerful entity (apparently, Balthazar), who is annoyed by the party exploring the Gauntlet.

The dialogue is interrupted by the Gauntlet's ghostly defenders, Dark Justiciar Dark Justiciars, who immediately attack the group. They are constantly summoned through several Umbral Tremors that appear around, until the latter are destroyed. The skeletal undead fight along the party as neutrals against the Sharran shades. After the fight, the party may proceed down the stairs and up the another one to get to the vast antechamber abutting Balthazar Balthazar's room. Along the first staircase there is a lift that descends to the lower part of the temple, and also a Waypoint. Between the two stairs starts a north-leading hall that opens into the Trials of Shar chambers (see below).

In the antechamber the party meet three more skeletal puppets. A second, larger episode of tremors begins, and Justiciars are summoned again to attack the party. Several waves appear, including a Deep Umbral Tremor in the center of the room which summons a Justiciar Crusader Justiciar Crusader if not destroyed. Following the battle, the stone door to Balthazar's outpost at X: -852 Y: -786 opens up, revealing the necromancer himself along with Flesh Flesh and three Ghoul Medic Ghoul Medics.

The antechamber might be also reached through the Mushroom Cave and the Feast Hall. Pulling the lever at X: -825 Y: -810 opens the way to it. If the fight in Balthazar's antechamber occurs first, the one taking place in the open hall does not occur when venturing there afterwards. In this case, the necromancer is more positively inclined towards the party.

In the following cutscene in the antechamber, Balthazar blames the party for summoning the Sharran shades. However, he assumes the party members are True Souls and orders them to clear the way through the Gauntlet for him, as the Justiciar ghosts have been "uncooperative". Inherently, this means passing the Trials of Shar.

If the party have found Balthazar's secret room in Moonrise Towers and his notes, they can mention knowing about Aylin Nightsong being the very relic that Balthazar is ordered to retrieve for his master. The necromancer, outraged by their prying, confirms it, but nevertheless refuses to provide any further details on the subject, simply hinting that as a chef-d'oeuvre of his metier.

The party can either agree to help him or attack him outright. If they agree, Balthazar can be convinced with a DC 14 Persuasion check to offer help in the form of a bell that summons his "brother", golem Flesh Flesh. The golem, being summoned in the fight, sides with the party, but acts as a neutral. However, its loyalties are clear, and if the party try to summon it in the battle with Balthazar himself, Flesh automatically sides with the necromancer.

Obtaining the bell and using it in the battle (including fighting Balthazar[Needs Verification]) gains Inspiration Icon.pngInspirational Event Meat Shield (Noble Noble background).

Also, there is a side route to instigate a fight with Balthazar without choosing the direct dialogue option. On the shelf to the right stands a bottle titled Mother Dearest, outlined red. It can be stolen by any means of concealment or using invisibility invisibility (but this must be done before the initial dialogue with the necromancer). Throughout the dialogue with Balthazar, the party might inquire about his "family": first about Flesh, then about his mother. Having the bottle in the inventory at the moment provides the party with additional dialogue options revealing the theft to the necromancer. Refusing to give it back earns approval from most companions and immediately makes Balthazar and his minions hostile.

Eliminating Balthazar and all his minions earns the Inspiration Icon.pngInspirational Events from following Backgrounds:

Nearby the point of the first battle with the shadowy Dark Justiciars the shortbow Least Expected can be found inside a hidden Gilded Chest at X: -730 Y: -800. Balthazar's outpost can also be looted for a decent amount of various alchemical ingredients, including rare ones like Carrion Crawler Tentacle and Gremishka Tail.

Just north of the antechamber to Balthazar's outpost is a locked Vault door guarding Sharran treasures at X: -822 Y: -759. Lockpicking it requires an exceptional DC 30 Sleight of Hand check. There is no key for this door, but the Knock Knock spell can be used to bypass the lock. Inside the party can find three Opulent Chests with gold, random scrolls, and, most notably, a piece of Infernal Iron and Callous Glow Ring.

Trials of Shar[edit | edit source]

Combined map of all Trial Chambers: Self-Same and Soft-Step (up), Faith-Leap and the Silent Library (down)

Three Umbral gems can be obtained her upon completing the Trials of Shar.

The corridor that opens into the trials' hall starts at X: -758 Y: -783 between two stairs leading to Balthazar's outpost. To the left of the hall are the doors to the Soft-Step Trial and to the Self-Same Trial. At the far end of the hall there is a spiral staircase that leads down to the lower lever of the Gauntlet, where Faith-Leap Trial and the Silent Library are located. The lower level can also be reached by using the lift mentioned above. However, the lever that calls the lift up is broken, and to use it for descending, the party must first find the missing handle and insert it into the mechanism. A texture bug has been reported multiple times, resulting in the death of party members while using the lift. It is recommended to unchain the party members and move them individually onto the platform of the lift and make sure they do not stand on the edge of the platform.

Each trial must be started by interacting with the sacrificial bowl at the trial's entrance. If Shadowheart Shadowheart is in the party, she volunteers each time, gaining Shadowheart approves +5, if she is allowed to give blood, and losing Shadowheart disapproves -1 if she is not. However, if refused, all initial dialogues provide an option to change your mind, earning both approval and disapproval points. Whoever gives blood to begin the trial receives a single turn of Bleeding Bleeding.

Solving all three Trials of Shar earns the Inspiration Icon.pngInspirational Events from following Backgrounds:

  • Acolyte Acolyte - In Her Footsteps
  • Noble Noble - Recognised by Shadows

Soft-Step Trial[edit | edit source]

The first trial room is on the left of the Trial Hall, with a round plaque that says "Her Most Vaunted Treasure" on the floor in front of the door at X: -771 Y: -755

The Soft-Step Trial is a probe for an applicant in their ability to move stealthily and detect and eliminate any sources of danger in their way. It is a small Heavily Obscured Heavily Obscured maze that has to be walked to the end. It has four initially locked gates to enter ( DC 20 Sleight of Hand check each), not all of which provide the way forward, and several traps and moving walls inside. Only one character needs to successfully reach the end of the room to complete the trial. On the way the party might find the Soft-Step Trial Key in a hidden room at X: -803 Y: -760, which unlocks the iron gate that blocks the final point. To access the hidden room, the party member can flip a lever at X: -803 Y: -753, or simply jump over the breach in the front wall. However, the gate can be also lockpicked with a DC 10 Sleight of Hand check or bypassed entirely with any means of teleporting (f.e., a Scroll of Misty Step can be found on a skeleton at X: -807 Y: -762).

The key to the Soft-Step Trial.

There are two Shadows with Darkvision Darkvision patrolling the maze. The participant must avoid them or pass a DC 10 Stealth check, or use any means of Invisibility Invisibility (a Scroll of Invisibility can be found on a skeleton at X: -775 Y: -767). If any character is detected, all participants are teleported back to the start of the maze. Attacking Shadows is considered equal to being detected, but they do not fight back. However, if a shadow is instantly killed with one single attack it stays dead and does not respawn, and therefore cannot detect the party members anymore. If both Shadows are killed it is possible to walk straight through the maze and complete it. The vision cone of a Shadow sometimes reaches past the line of the entrance gates, and if any party member outside of the maze is "detected" there, the attempt is also considered a failure.

It is possible to explore the maze before starting the trial, disarming the traps and lockpicking the gate. Doing this allows a single party member to get into the gem room before the shadows appear, then initiate the trial with any of the rest party members to spawn the gem, and pick it up to finish the trial.

Once the Gem is taken, a transporter appears that can be interacted with to teleport any party members to the starting point of the trial.

Self-Same Trial[edit | edit source]

The location of the Self-Same Trial.

The next door to the north from the Soft-Step Trial is a door marked with a round floor plaque that says "Her Most Hallowed Mercy". This is the entrance to the Self-Same Trial at X: -767 Y: -727.

The Self-Same Trial is a test for the participant of acknowledging their own weaknesses and of being ready to exploit them. It is a rather vast room with a building in the middle and adjacent stairs from left and right sides. The final point (where a transporter appears upon successful finishing the trial) is on the top of the building. However, the essence of the Trial is different from simply reaching the destination point.

Upon initiating the trial, the crouched shadowy copies of the party members are spawned at several points across the room, ambushing the party. These copies have the same abilities as the real party members, but cannot be restrained or shoved. Only party members that are within the trial room are copied into reflections. The doppelgangers of the companions (as well as their own copy if playing as any of the Origins) are called the same name and bear the Mirrored Mirrored condition. For the Custom Origin (Tav) the mirror-copy is created as a generic character of the according race and appearance (named by the race).

The gear equipped on the participants is also mirrored. Hence, stripping all armor and weapons off the party members before starting the test makes the trial spawn all the doppelgangers in the same naked and disarmed state. Assuming that the fight starts only after attacking shadowy copies or being detected by them, there is plenty of time to re-equip armor and weapons before engaging the enemy.

However, the trial is determined to define and fight one's own flaws. If a character ever attacks a copy of a different party member while their own copy is still alive, they receive Cheater's Folly Cheater's Folly condition, which reduces all Ability Scores by 1 until Remove Curse Remove Curse or a long rest is used. The debuff can be stacked up to four times. Once a party member's copy is dead, they can freely attack the other copies with no further penalties incurred, but already gained debuffs (if any) remain.

Familiars and other summoned creatures are not duplicated, and can freely attack anyone without incurring penalties.

Placing additional party members outside the room and trying to sneak them through by opening the door later forfeits the trial. However, this can be bypassed by destroying the Sturdy Sturdy door. After that it is possible to sneak in additional party members without failing the trial attempt.

The last defeated shadow copy drops an Umbral Gem to be picked up, and the transporter on the upper level of the room is activated to give a shortcut back to the entrance. Killer's Sweetheart can be found on the ground where the player character's reflection is defeated, but only if no party members received Cheater's Folly Cheater's Folly.

The Self-Same Trial is the only part of Shar's Trials part of the dungeon that grants its own Inspiration Icon.pngInspirational Event points from following Backgrounds (both are given to the character upon killing their own mirror-copy):

Faith-Leap Trial[edit | edit source]

Down the spiral stairs from the first two Trials, the lower level of the Gauntlet is accessed. To the right of the stairs end, there is a door to the Faith-Leap Trial chamber. On the floor outside it there is yet another round plaque that reads "Her Most Sacred Path".

The Faith-Leap Trial is a means of checking whether the applicant is able to follow the correct (i.e. here accordant to Shar's teaching) path, and at the same time tests their readiness to obey blindly, having firm faith in their goddess' benevolence and guidance. The trial chamber is a long rectangle with a vast chasm, which must be crossed to reach the transporter altar at the far end. Within the chasm there are three platforms with statues of Shar, wrapped in a cloud of Darkness Darkness.

In order to succeed in this trial, a character must follow an invisible maze-like path between the platforms. The full map of the safe lines is depicted on the mosaic floor in front of the sacrificial bowl. While walking the path, the "Chasm" reminder over the cursor if placing the point wrong cannot be seen.

Upon initiating the trial, three blue lights appear above the sacrificial bowl and above each of the statues, corresponding to safe attempts. Straying from the path returns the character to the start of the trial or to the nearest platform, and one light is extinguished. Any failure after the second instantly kills the character and then teleports them to the nearest platform. However, in Honour Mode even a single misstep results in immediate death.

The Faith-Leap Trial path, illuminated by Daylight (not possible since Patch 6)

As with the Soft-Step Trial, this trial should be completed with a single character. It is indeed quite important to split the party before venturing past the starting point, lest the other party members' pathing may send them to a premature death, simultaneously failing the trial for their applicant companion. Even after the trial has been completed and the Umbral Gem spawned, party members can still be killed by missing the pathway.

There are several ways to pass this trial:

  1. Following the Map: After looking at the map on the trial floor following it to the final platform without stepping off the path.
  2. Teleportation: Using teleportation spells such as Misty Step Misty Step and Dimension Door Dimension Door to teleport between the platforms until the character reaches the final one. This requires the party to cast Daylight Daylight to remove the Darkness Darkness from the platforms or else be wearing equipment that provides immunity to blindness (e.g. Eversight Ring).
  3. Dropping items: It is possible to drop items, for example camp supplies, on the ground before the party member, to make the path more visible.
  4. Using the movement ruler: In turn-based mode, the movement ruler of the character (i.e. the white line indicating movement) has a slight change in elevation where the path ends. This allows to navigate more reliably in the maze.

It is NOT possible to Jump Jump or Fly Fly across gaps in the path or between platforms, and any attempts to do so result in the character being teleported back to the nearest platform or killed. This includes enhanced jumps such as Enhance Leap Enhance Leap or Crushing Flight Crushing Flight. However, jumping from the path onto a platform (thus using the platform as a part of progress) and back from the platform onto the path is not prohibited.

Once the final platform is reached, looting the Umbral Gem triggers another teleporter that can bring the party member back to the entrance quickly.

Yurgir's Tribulation[edit | edit source]

The fourth and final Umbral Gem is in the possession of the orthon Yurgir Yurgir in the eastern wing of the Gauntlet. Exploring the part of the temple to the east from the entrance Stone Door, the party members have to jump over the broken staircase, on the bottom ground of which Nessa Nessa, a Displacer Beast awaits. The beast, however, does not attack the party, swiftly running away instead. Following it, the party reaches mostly ruinous part of the temple rather appositely called "The Chamber of Penance".

Upon entering the chamber, the party members might feel feel the ambush. Regardless of the check result, after walking a bit further, the automated dialogue with Yurgir starts. The party may choose to fight him or trick him into killing all his retinue and then himself, too. On the contrary, they might choose to help the orthon fulfill his contract with Raphael Raphael (the latter option starts the subquest Break Yurgir's Contract Break Yurgir's Contract). Aiding Yurgir to finish his contract comes into direct collision with Astarion Astarion's agreement with Raphael about revealing true purpose of his scars. The vampire is not shy to remind the party of this fact, both chiming in the dialogue with Yurgir and prompting to talk afterwards, if it ends peacefully.

If choosing to eliminate the orthon, the party may pick a fight through several ways: attacking him straightaway, failing any passive or active checks within initial dialogue with him, or starting a fight with any member of his retinue (which consists of several Merregons, Hoarding Merregon and the Displacer Beast Nessa). Approaching the place of Yurgir's ambush from any point (apart from the way shown by Nessa initially) also provokes the orthon to attack without any introductory talking. These include coming from the far end of his lair and climbing up the broken stairs X:  Y:  across the one the party uses to reach the area.

At the far end of the chamber occupied by the orthon lies the rotten carcass of a dead giant spider. Investigating it by various ways may gives the party a hint on how Yurgir tamed a displacer beast, which might be used later to make Nessa neutral in the upcoming fight (another way is to speak and Detect Thoughts Detect Thoughts of the Hoarding Merregon). However, trying to taste the noxious remains results in gaining Disapproval and hearing rather spiteful remarks from all companions.

Portrait Gale.png
Dead spider. You licked it. <...> I think we need to get you some air and perhaps have a long talk about unresolved childhood issues.
Gale, commenting on the player character's manner of investigation

Near the spider carcass a Heavy Chest is located, containing Boots of Brilliance.

If choosing to try and help Yurgir, the party members have to hunt down the last of the living Dark Justiciars in the Shadow-Cursed Lands, Lyrthindor Lyrthindor. The hints on how to do this are thoroughly hidden, but eventually the party should realize that the issue has something to do with dozens of rats that swarm throughout the Gauntlet. Not far to seek, several vermin can be encountered near Yurgir's Marrow Throne, one more taking the seat on it.

Yurgir's makeshift throne

To proceed with the subquest, the party have to attack a rat anywhere in the Gauntlet. After that, the surviving rats flee, swarming all the way downward into the small grotto opposite from the Silent Library. Following the rodents is a simple way to locate the area. The party can access it through the series of cragged rocks starting at X: -736 Y: -753. At the bottom of the grotto, beneath the feet of the gigantic statue of Shar, an object named Broken Effigy can be found at X: -708 Y: -722. Upon passing a DC 14 Arcana check any party member recognizes the ritual as of definitely infernal derivation and remarks on it. The book One Becomes Many lies nearby; reading it adds more details both to the rats' true nature and to the tricky sub-current of Yurgir's contract.

Further attacking the rats begins a fight with a swarm of them (first plain rodents, but in further waves also Necrotic Rat Necrotic Rats and Soporific Rat Soporific Rats). The waves of rats spawn around the feet of the statue, but can climb up to the ground between cragged rocks through several holes hidden in the heaps of skulls around. Eventually the rats coalesce into Lyrthindor, who can be spoken with. However, regardless what lines are chosen within the dialogue with him, the last Justiciar eventually turns hostile to the party and must be killed.

The fight with the rats can still be commenced after killing Yurgir, but in that case the last rat does not turn into Lyrthindor. It can be killed and then may be looted for the same items as the last Justiciar himself.

Unearthing the ill fate of the Dark Justiciars gain the following Inspiration Icon.pngInspirational Event points:

Fighting the rat swarm and Lyrthindor may also occur without interacting prior with Yurgir and/or Balthazar.

After defeating Lyrthindor, the party must return to Yurgir to conclude the subquest and take the last Umbral Gem at X: -652 Y: -776, lying near his bed of corpses.

Finally, it is also possible to steal the gem and get out unnoticed with sufficient Stealth Stealth or using any means of Invisibility Invisibility.

Note that resolving Yurgir's subquest peacefully results in Astarion being totally outraged by player's decision (and hence trying to leave the party), as well as them losing a chance to obtain Hellfire Hand Crossbow - the best Hand Crossbow within the game.

Various actions in dealing with Yurgir and his retinue, as well as its possible outcomes earn the Inspiration Icon.pngInspirational Events from following Backgrounds:

Chamber of Command and surrounding area[edit | edit source]

Map of the eastern part of the temple's lower level

This is a part of the Gauntlet located at the lower level, right under Yurgir's lair. It can be reached by several ways:

  • Crossing the chasm at the feet of the giant statue of Shar to the other side, then climbing up the cragged rock and debris of broken stone, then completing some jumps into an alcove
  • Descending the staircase in the far end of the orthon's lair at X: -665 Y: -726 and then making some jumps
  • Jumping directly down from the same point with the use of any means of soft landing like Feather Fall Feather Fall or Grant Flight Grant Flight

Once reaching the alcove, the party can open a stone door at X: -663 Y: -721. Beyond the door is an abandoned ritual room containing a broken Mirror of Loss and Silver Key, which unlocks a nearby chest. The Shar Mural on the wall states "In Darkness truth. In shadows Justice. In the dark lady's name - always."

There are two loose tiles here; one of them is near a bookcase in the main room and contains a small amount of gold. The other one can only can be found by bargaining with rats after killing any three of them or upon interacting with the Broken Effigy. In this case, any next rat to be spoken to (or the one that spawns near the Effigy) offers to reveal a hidden treasure in exchange for its life. The cache is located at X: -685 Y: -710, next to the small mirror in the hallway and is marked on the map as "Sharran Provisions", containing gold and ingredients.

On the table a book can be found, containing the information that the original purpose of the Mirror is lost, with some speculations about it. In the book it is mentioned that there is some echo of the Nightsinger's power felt in its presence and perhaps if another of these holy relics were discovered, they could feel the full power of her embrace.

The area to the south of the Chamber of Command may be accessed by either climbing up the cragged rock from beneath the Broken Effigy or jumping down the balcony at X: -708 Y: -749. Near the entrance stands a Heavy Chest with some minor loot. Down the stairs the party can find impaled remains of Zealot of the Absolute, which can be looted for their standard set of armour and Instructions from B. Nearby is yet another chest with several random potions, a Gold Ingot and some raw gold.

The Silent Library[edit | edit source]

The Ancient Altar with the Pedestal of Reckoning and pre-inserted Umbral Gem

Once all four Umbral Gems are in the party's possession, it is possible to complete the Gauntlet of Shar and proceed to the Aylin Nightsong. However, if Shadowheart Shadowheart is in the party, she has another request now: she wants to make her dreams come true and become a Dark Justiciar. For that end, she asks the player character to aid her and find the Spear of Night. Shadowheart first speaks of it near the Pedestal of Reckoning (where one of Gems is applied to proceed to the lowest level of the Gauntlet), and then, if the player refuses her, insists on it again after she has prayed to Shar near the Verge of Shadows (see below).

The door to the Silent Library is located south of the Faith-Leap Trial. The Library is patrolled by several undead Dark Justiciar Dark Justiciars. In the centre of the library resides The Librarian Librarian, an entity visually resembling an Umbral Tremor. Its function, however, is different: it generates a Silence Silence effect that covers the entire Library and keeps any spells from being cast inside while the Librarian is active.

Upon being noticed by any of the library ghosts the fight starts. After resolving it, the party should check and loot the bookcases along the walls. All bookcases are trapped ( DC 15 Perception check to reveal, DC 14 Sleight of Hand check to disarm, the trap itself triggers a lowly Acid Splash Acid Splash), but disarming and looting them is crucial for accomplishing the walkthrough of the whole dungeon.

The bookcase at X: -772 Y: -741 (north-east of the library) contains a book called Teachings of Loss: The Nightsinger.

Prerequisite Icon.png This book is destroyable! If destroying the book, the party is locked out of the final puzzle. Therefore, it is highly recommended to not use any AoE attacks near the bookshelves.

The Iron Portcullis to the next chamber is unlocked by the button placed on one of the four thick columns around the room. The correct one (at X: -784 Y: -747) is detected as an interactable object, while three others trigger traps and are detected as such. However, if the party fails any of checks to locate the button, they can refer to a note near the skeleton in the far south-west corner of the library. Alternatively, the gate can be lockpicked ( DC 21 Sleight of Hand check), or the lever that opens it from the other side can be hit with a ranged attack through the cast-iron grate from certain angles.

The chamber contains a pedestal named The Riddle of the Night, which accepts Teachings of Loss: The Nightsinger and opens the way to a concealed chamber, where the party can find the Spear of Night, a Dark Justiciar Half-Plate, and a Dark Justiciar Helmet. The pedestal is surrounded by four vents that produce a surface similar to the effect of Evard's Black Tentacles Evard's Black Tentacles and can be disarmed with DC 21 Sleight of Hand check.

Obtaining the Spear of Night gains the Inspiration Icon.pngInspirational Event Made of Shadows for Guild Artisan Guild Artisan.

The Pedestal of Reckoning[edit | edit source]

Combined map of the Verge of Shadows (up) and the Nightsong's Prison (down)

The party must return to the Pedestal of Reckoning to the north of the entrance hall. Placing one of the four Umbral Gems on the altar unlocks a platform. The party must move onto the platform and then activate the Traversal Gem on its edge to take the party members downwards. It is recommended to ungroup the party members and move them one by one onto the platform, thus making sure they do not stand close to the edges. Otherwise, any of them may fall off to their death when the platform moves.

The Verge of Shadows[edit | edit source]

At the bottom of the temple stands another Ancient Altar. Placing the remaining three Umbral Gems into its sockets opens the final massive doors. However, this door can also be opened with Knock Knock, which allows to bypass all the three Trials of Shar entirely or bypass any two of them and Yurgir's Tribulation.

Inserting all Umbral Gems in their proper places earns the Inspiration Icon.pngInspirational Event Dark Machinations for Guild Artisan Guild Artisan.

Inside lies the Verge of the Shadows Waypoint and a pool of water that serves as a portal into Shadowfell. If Shadowheart Shadowheart is in the party she expresses her need to pray. While she is praying, the player might choose to pry into her mind via Detect Thoughts Detect Thoughts, which results in eavesdropping of Shar instructing Shadowheart on further actions to prove her faith and loyalty. If at this point the party have not yet acquired the Spear of Night, Shar orders Shadowheart to obtain it. Trying to talk her out of retrieving the Spear or ignoring her request at this point results in her leaving the party and/or turning hostile to them.

Prerequisite Icon.png Entering the portal serves as an event horizon for Act Two of the game, after which it is no longer possible to return to any Act One locations (including the Underdark, the Rosymorn Monastery Trail, and Creche Y'llek). This causes yet unfinished quests related to these areas to fail.

The portal takes the party to a part of Shadowfell, designated on the minimap as "Nightsong's Prison". The following sequence within the Shadowfell completes the subquest The Chosen of Shar The Chosen of Shar.

The Shadowfell - the Nightsong's Prison[edit | edit source]

If the party have not defeated Balthazar Balthazar in his outpost (or have not met him at all), the necromancer appears and thanks them for their help (even if it is unsought). Upon reaching the bottom of the prison the party at last makes acquaintance with the Aylin Nightsong in person and have to decide how to resolve the situation. They might side either with Balthazar (who is charged to take the prisoner to Ketheric Thorm Ketheric Thorm), with Shadowheart (who is promised to become the true Chosen of her goddess upon killing the Nightsong), or with the captive herself (which means freeing her from her cage). All these options are mutually exclusive and might lead to a massive battle and/or losing Shadowheart as a party companion.

Possible outcomes of the final conflict earn the following Inspiration Icon.pngInspirational Events from various Backgrounds:

  • Freeing the Nightsong (includes betraying Balthazar after promising to help him)
  • Killing the Nightsong/Allowing Shadowheart to kill her

Additionally, the following Backgrounds gain Inspiration Icon.png Inspiration points upon completing the Gauntlet of Shar under certain conditions:

  • Sage Sage - Emblem of the Moonmaiden: upon revealing the true nature of the Nightsong
  • Outlander Outlander - Path Least Followed: upon completing the dungeon without ever visiting Last Light Inn AND Moonrise Towers
  • Outlander Outlander - Always a Step Ahead of the Darkness: upon reaching the Nightsong without being ever afflicted by the Shadow Curse

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Clerics of evil Deities receive Nightsinger's Favour Nightsinger's Favour without a skill check.
  2. For multi-classed characters who are Clerics Clerics of Selûne Selûne, if the most recently obtained level is not as a Cleric, they may still be able to safely pray at Shar's Shar's altar and obtain her blessing, rather than her curse.

Waypoints[edit | edit source]

This location contains the following Waypoints Waypoints:

  • caption = Gauntlet of Shar Gauntlet of Shar X: -758 Y: -794
  • caption = Verge of the Shadows Verge of the Shadows X: -722 Y: -842

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