B.C. Nirmal
B.C. NIRMAL, B. Sc, LL.M, PhD (Law), former VICE CHANCELLOR,National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi- 835215Jharkhand. Former Professor, Head & Dean, Law School, BHU
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Papers by B.C. Nirmal
adds to its existing corpus. Traceable to a time when the penal law was not the law of crimes, it was law of wrongs1 or, to use a more technical term, tort, it developed in a time when the states were not sufficiently organised to have a centralised prosecuting authority, and the task of punishing the wrongful conduct was left to private individuals.2As it is said, tort law was a form of legalised self-help. Tort law in its present form owes much to the rigours of judicial minds that have over the years toiled hard to put in place a series of doctrines and principles that form the foundation of the edifice of tort law.4 That being so, judicial pronouncements occupy a primal place in the realm of law of tort, and it is a matter of great significance to be aware of what the courts have said on a particular question of tortious liability. The year under review brings to fore some of the important judgments of the Supreme Court and the high courts that have either added to tort law jurisprudence in India or have at last reiterated or applied the time-tested principles of tort law in the context of Indian cases.
* Former Vice-chancellor, National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi, and
Former Dean, Faculty of Law, Banaras Hindu University. The author acknowledges the research
assistance provided by Rabindra Kr. Pathak, Assistant Professor, NUSRL, Ranchi.
1 M Stuart Madden, “Tort Law Through Time And Culture: Themes of Economic Efficiency”
in M Stuart Madden (ed) Exploring Tort Law 12 (Cambridge University Press, 2005).
2 Matthew D. Adler, “Corrective Justice and Liability for Global Warming” 155 U. Pa. L. Rev.
1859 (2007).
3 Hanoch Sheinman, “Tort Law and Corrective Justice” 22 Law and Philosophy 21(2003).
4 “A draft code of torts for India was prepared by Sir Frederick Pollock but it was never enacted
into law.” See, M C Setalvad, The Common Law in India 110 (London, Steven and Sons
Limited, 1960).
5 Per Krishna Iyer, J in Rohatas Industries Limited v. Rohats Industries Staff Union, AIR 1976
SC 425.
B C Nirmal*
TORT LAW represents a society’s revealed truth as to the behaviours it wishes to encourage and the behaviours it wishes to discourage. The sphere of tort law is getting wider as a result of the felt necessities of the prevailing times, more so in areas such as climate change that requires a revisitation to the foundational idea of corrective justice, an idea so essential to understand the working of tort law. However, as regards tort law in India, based upon Common Law and largely uncodified, this law has evolved keeping in view the ‘local conditions’ as it was believed that we cannot incorporate English torts without any adaptation into Indian law. This process of evolution and adaptation rests upon the contribution made by way of judicial pronouncements. The ‘survey’ seeks to map the growth of tort law each year taking into the account the judgments of the Supreme Court and the high courts that contribute to its growth. This year’s survey explores some of the important judgments that need to be discussed in order to understand and appreciate the incremental growth that has taken place in tort law.
become an essential part of legal education in the preceding few
decades reflecting its ever-widening sphere and impact. The
growing significance is also an indicator1 of the ways international
law and relations have evolved and developed in the late twentieth
and twenty first century. The world today is a far cry from what it
used to be decades ago, more so because of the advent of
globalisation, consequent growth in international trade,
globalisation of economy, worldwide human rights movement, and
momentous advancements in technology. The rapidity with which
imperceptible and epochal changes have engulfed human life has
had its own indelible imprint upon the growth of international law
and the same has begun to find reflection in ways adopted to teach
international law. Besides the traditional bifurcation of
international law into public international law and private
international law, there are many other areas of study that today
remain subsumed under the rubric of international law.
adds to its existing corpus. Traceable to a time when the penal law was not the law of crimes, it was law of wrongs1 or, to use a more technical term, tort, it developed in a time when the states were not sufficiently organised to have a centralised prosecuting authority, and the task of punishing the wrongful conduct was left to private individuals.2As it is said, tort law was a form of legalised self-help. Tort law in its present form owes much to the rigours of judicial minds that have over the years toiled hard to put in place a series of doctrines and principles that form the foundation of the edifice of tort law.4 That being so, judicial pronouncements occupy a primal place in the realm of law of tort, and it is a matter of great significance to be aware of what the courts have said on a particular question of tortious liability. The year under review brings to fore some of the important judgments of the Supreme Court and the high courts that have either added to tort law jurisprudence in India or have at last reiterated or applied the time-tested principles of tort law in the context of Indian cases.
* Former Vice-chancellor, National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi, and
Former Dean, Faculty of Law, Banaras Hindu University. The author acknowledges the research
assistance provided by Rabindra Kr. Pathak, Assistant Professor, NUSRL, Ranchi.
1 M Stuart Madden, “Tort Law Through Time And Culture: Themes of Economic Efficiency”
in M Stuart Madden (ed) Exploring Tort Law 12 (Cambridge University Press, 2005).
2 Matthew D. Adler, “Corrective Justice and Liability for Global Warming” 155 U. Pa. L. Rev.
1859 (2007).
3 Hanoch Sheinman, “Tort Law and Corrective Justice” 22 Law and Philosophy 21(2003).
4 “A draft code of torts for India was prepared by Sir Frederick Pollock but it was never enacted
into law.” See, M C Setalvad, The Common Law in India 110 (London, Steven and Sons
Limited, 1960).
5 Per Krishna Iyer, J in Rohatas Industries Limited v. Rohats Industries Staff Union, AIR 1976
SC 425.
B C Nirmal*
TORT LAW represents a society’s revealed truth as to the behaviours it wishes to encourage and the behaviours it wishes to discourage. The sphere of tort law is getting wider as a result of the felt necessities of the prevailing times, more so in areas such as climate change that requires a revisitation to the foundational idea of corrective justice, an idea so essential to understand the working of tort law. However, as regards tort law in India, based upon Common Law and largely uncodified, this law has evolved keeping in view the ‘local conditions’ as it was believed that we cannot incorporate English torts without any adaptation into Indian law. This process of evolution and adaptation rests upon the contribution made by way of judicial pronouncements. The ‘survey’ seeks to map the growth of tort law each year taking into the account the judgments of the Supreme Court and the high courts that contribute to its growth. This year’s survey explores some of the important judgments that need to be discussed in order to understand and appreciate the incremental growth that has taken place in tort law.
become an essential part of legal education in the preceding few
decades reflecting its ever-widening sphere and impact. The
growing significance is also an indicator1 of the ways international
law and relations have evolved and developed in the late twentieth
and twenty first century. The world today is a far cry from what it
used to be decades ago, more so because of the advent of
globalisation, consequent growth in international trade,
globalisation of economy, worldwide human rights movement, and
momentous advancements in technology. The rapidity with which
imperceptible and epochal changes have engulfed human life has
had its own indelible imprint upon the growth of international law
and the same has begun to find reflection in ways adopted to teach
international law. Besides the traditional bifurcation of
international law into public international law and private
international law, there are many other areas of study that today
remain subsumed under the rubric of international law.