Philippians 2:19-24 - Timothy's Proven Character

19 I am hoping, however, in the Lord Jesus - Timothy, shortly, to send unto you, in order that, I also, may be of cheerful soul, when I have ascertained the things that concern you. 20 For, no one, have I, of equal soul, who, genuinely, as to the things that concern you, will be anxious; 21 For, they all, their own things, do seek, not the things of Christ Jesus; 22 But, of the proof of him, be taking note, - that, as child, with father, with me, hath he done service for the glad-message; 23 Him, indeed, therefore, am I hoping to send - as soon as I can look off from the things that concern myself, - forthwith. 24 I am assured, however, in the Lord, - that I, myself, shall shortly come.