Reference: Man
(1.) Heb 'Adam, used as the proper name of the first man. The name is derived from a word meaning "to be red," and thus the first man was called Adam because he was formed from the red earth. It is also the generic name of the human race (Ge 1:26-27; 5:2; 8:21; De 8:3). Its equivalents are the Latin homo and the Greek anthropos (Mt 5:13,16). It denotes also man in opposition to woman (Ge 3:12; Mt 19:10).
(2.) Heb 'ish, like the Latin vir and Greek aner, denotes properly a man in opposition to a woman (1Sa 17:33; Mt 14:21); a husband (Ge 3:16; Ho 2:16); man with reference to excellent mental qualities.
(3.) Heb 'enosh, man as mortal, transient, perishable (2Ch 14:11; Isa 8:1; Job 15:14; Ps 8:4; 9:19-20; 103:15). It is applied to women (Jos 8:25).
(4.) Heb geber, man with reference to his strength, as distinguished from women (De 22:5) and from children (Ex 12:37); a husband (Pr 6:34).
(5.) Heb methim, men as mortal (Isa 41:14), and as opposed to women and children (De 3:6; Job 11:3; Isa 3:25).
Man was created by the immediate hand of God, and is generically different from all other creatures (Ge 1:26-27; 2:7). His complex nature is composed of two elements, two distinct substances, viz., body and soul (Ge 2:7; Ec 12:7; 2Co 5:1-8).
The words translated "spirit" and "soul," in 1Th 5:23; Heb 4:12, are habitually used interchangeably (Mt 10:28; 16:26; 1Pe 1:22). The "spirit" (Gr. pneuma) is the soul as rational; the "soul" (Gr. psuche) is the same, considered as the animating and vital principle of the body.
Man was created in the likeness of God as to the perfection of his nature, in knowledge (Col 3:10), righteousness, and holiness (Eph 4:24), and as having dominion over all the inferior creatures (Ge 1:28). He had in his original state God's law written on his heart, and had power to obey it, and yet was capable of disobeying, being left to the freedom of his own will. He was created with holy dispositions, prompting him to holy actions; but he was fallible, and did fall from his integrity (Ge 3:1-6). (See Fall of man.)
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Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, to be like us. Let them be masters over the fish in the ocean, the birds that fly, the livestock, everything that crawls on the earth, and over the earth itself!"
Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, to be like us. Let them be masters over the fish in the ocean, the birds that fly, the livestock, everything that crawls on the earth, and over the earth itself!" So God created mankind in his own image; in his own image God created them; he created them male and female.
So God created mankind in his own image; in his own image God created them; he created them male and female. God blessed the humans by saying to them, "Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it! Be masters over the fish in the ocean, the birds that fly, and every living thing that crawls on the earth!"
So the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground, breathed life into his lungs, and the man became a living being.
So the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground, breathed life into his lungs, and the man became a living being.
Now the Shining One was more clever than any animal of the field that the LORD God had made. He asked the woman, "Did God actually say, "You are not to eat from any tree of the garden'?" "We may eat from the trees of the garden," the woman answered the Shining One, read more. "but as for the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden, God has said, "You are not to eat from it, nor are you to touch it, or you will die.'" "You certainly will not die!" the Shining One told the woman. "Even God knows that on the day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you'll become like God, knowing good and evil." When the woman saw that the tree produced good food, was attractive in appearance, and was desirable for making one wise, she took some of its fruit and ate it. Then she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate some, too.
The man answered, "The woman whom you provided for me gave me fruit from the tree, and I ate some of it."
He told the woman, "I'll greatly increase the pain of your labor during childbirth. It will be painful for you to bear children, "since your trust is turning toward your husband, and he will dominate you."
Creating them male and female, he blessed them and called them humans when he created them.
When the LORD smelled the pleasing aroma, he told himself, "I will never again curse the land because of human beings even though human inclinations remain evil from youth nor will I destroy every living being ever again, as I've done.
About 600,000 Israeli men traveled from Rameses to Succoth on foot, not counting children.
We utterly destroyed them, just as we did King Sihon of Heshbon, attacking them in every city the men, women, and children.
He humbled you, causing you to be hungry, yet he fed you with manna that neither you nor your ancestors had known, in order to teach you that human beings are not to live by food alone instead human beings are to live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the LORD.
"A woman must not wear what is appropriate to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman's garment, because anyone who does this is detestable to the LORD your God.
The total of all who fell that day, including men and women, was 12,000 the entire population of Ai.
Saul told David, "You can't go against this Philistine and fight him. You are only a young man, but he has been a warrior since his youth."
Asa cried out to the LORD his God, telling him, "LORD, there is no one except for you to help between the powerful and the weak. So help us, LORD God, because we're depending on you and have come against this vast group in your name. LORD, you are our God. Let no mere mortal man defeat you!"
Will your irrational babble silence people, and when you mock them, will you escape without being shamed?
"What is mankind, that he can be blameless? Or does being born of a woman mean he'll be in the right?
what is man that you take notice of him, or the son of man that you pay attention to him?
Rise up, LORD, do not let man prevail! The nations will be judged in your presence. Make them afraid, LORD, Let the nations know that they are only human. Interlude
A person's life is like grass it blossoms like wild flowers,
because jealousy incites a strong man's rage, and he will show no mercy when it's time for revenge.
then man's dust will go back to the earth, returning to what it was, and the spirit will return to the God who gave it.
Your men will die violently, while your forces fall in battle
The LORD also told me, "Take a large tablet and write on it with a stylus pen, "For Maher-shalal-hash-baz'.
Don't be afraid, you little worm Jacob, and you insects of Israel! I myself will help you,' declares the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel."
"It will come about at that time," declares the LORD, "that you will address me as "My husband,' and you will no longer call me "My master'.
"You are the salt of the world. But if the salt should lose its taste, how can it be made salty again? It's good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled on by people.
In the same way, let your light shine before people in such a way that they will see your good actions and glorify your Father in heaven."
Stop being afraid of those who kill the body but can't kill the soul. Instead, be afraid of the one who can destroy both body and soul in hell.
Now those who had eaten were about 5,000 men, besides women and children.
because what profit will a person have if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life? Or what can a person give in exchange for his life?
His disciples asked him, "If that is the relationship of a man with his wife, it's not worth getting married!"
and to clothe yourselves with the new nature, which was created according to God's image in righteousness and true holiness.
and have clothed yourselves with the new nature, which is being renewed in full knowledge, consistent with the image of the one who created it.
May the God of peace himself make you holy in every way. And may your whole being spirit, soul, and body remain blameless when our Lord Jesus, the Messiah, appears.
For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul and spirit, joints and marrow, as it judges the thoughts and purposes of the heart.
(See ADAM; CIVILIZATION; CREATION .) Hebrew "Aadam," from a root "ruddy" or fair, a genetic term. "iysh," "man noble and brave". "Geber," "a mighty man, war-like hero", from gabar, "to be strong". "nowsh" (from 'aanash, "sick, diseased"), "wretched man": "what is "wretched man" (nowsh) that Thou shouldest be mindful of him?" (Ps 8:4; Job 15:14.) "methim," "mortal men"; Isa 41:14, "fear not ... ye men (mortals few and feeble though ye be, methey) of Israel." In addition to the proofs given in the above articles that man's civilization came from God at the first, is the fact that no creature is so helpless as man in his infancy.
The instincts of lower animals are perfect at first, the newborn lamb turns at once from the mother's breast to the grass; but by man alone are the wants of the infant, bodily and mental, supplied until he is old enough to provide for himself. Therefore, if Adam had come into the world as a child he could not have lived in it. Not by the natural law of evolution, but by the Creator's special interposition, man came into the world, the priest of nature, to interpret her inarticulate language and offer conscious adoration before God. As Adam's incarnation was the crowning miracle of nature, so Christ's incarnation is the crowning miracle of grace; He represents man before God, as man represents nature, not by ordinary descent but by the extraordinary operation of the Holy Spirit. Not a full grown man as Adam; but, in order to identify Himself with our weakness, a helpless infant.
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"What is mankind, that he can be blameless? Or does being born of a woman mean he'll be in the right?
what is man that you take notice of him, or the son of man that you pay attention to him?
Don't be afraid, you little worm Jacob, and you insects of Israel! I myself will help you,' declares the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel."
The Bible is concerned with man only from the religious standpoint, with his relation to God. This article will deal only with the religious estimate of man, as other matters which might have been included will be found in other articles (Creation, Eschatology, Fall, Sin, Psychology). Man's dignity, as made by special resolve and distinct act of God in God's image and likeness (synonymous terms), with dominion over the other creatures, and for communion with God, as asserted in the double account of his Creation in Ge 1; 2, and man's degradation by his own choice of evil, as presented figuratively in the story of his Fall in Ge 3, are the two aspects of man that are everywhere met with. The first is explicitly affirmed in Ps 8, an echo of Ge 1; the second, without any explicit reference to the story in Ge 3, is taken for granted in the OT (see esp. Ps 51), and is still more emphasized in the NT, with distinct allusion to the Fall and its consequences (see esp. Ro 5:12-21; 7:7-25). While the OT recognizes man's relation to the world around him, his materiality and frailty as 'flesh' (wh. see), and describes him as 'dust and ashes' in comparison with God (Ge 2:7; 3:19; 18:27), yet as made in God's image it endows him with reason, conscience, affection, free will. Adam is capable of recognizing the qualities of, and so of naming, the living creatures (Ge 2:19), cannot find a help meet among them (Ge 2:20), is innocent (Ge 2:25), and capable of moral obedience (Ge 2:16-17) and religious communion (Ge 3:9-10). The Spirit of God is in man not only as life, but also as wisdom and understanding, counsel and might, skill and courage (see Inspiration). The Divine immanence in man as the Divine providence for man is affirmed (Pr 20:27).
In the NT man's dignity is represented as Divine sonship. In St. Luke's Gospel Adam is described as 'son of God' (Lu 3:38). St. Paul speaks of man as 'the image and glory of God' (1Co 11:7), approves the poet's words, 'we also are his offspring,' asserts the unity of the race, and God's guidance in its history (Ac 17:26-28). In his argument in Romans regarding universal sinfulness, he assumes that even the Gentiles have the law of God written in their hearts, and thus can exercise moral judgment on themselves and others (Ro 2:15). Jesus' testimony to the Fatherhood of God, including the care and bounty in Providence as well as the grace in Redemption, has as its counterpart His estimate of the absolute worth of the human soul (see Mt 10:30; 16:26; Lu 10:20,15). While God's care and bounty are unlimited, yet Jesus does seem to limit the title 'child or son of God' to those who have religious fellowship and seek moral kinship with God (see Mt 5:9,45; cf. Joh 1:12). St. Paul's doctrine of man's adoption by faith in God's grace does not contradict the teaching of Jesus. The writer of Hebrews sees the promise of man's dominion in Ps 8 fulfilled only in Christ (Heb 2:8-9). Man's history, according to the Fourth Evangelist, is consummated in the Incarnation (Joh 1:14).
The Bible estimate of man's value is shown in its anticipation of his destiny
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So the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground, breathed life into his lungs, and the man became a living being.
The LORD God commanded the man: "You may freely eat from every tree of the garden, but you are not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, because you will certainly die during the day that you eat from it."
After the LORD God formed from the ground every wild animal and every bird that flies, he brought each of them to the man to see what he would call it. Whatever the man called each living creature became its name. The man gave names to all the livestock, to the birds that fly, and to each of earth's animals, but there was not found a strength corresponding to him,
Even though both the man and his wife were naked, they were not ashamed about it.
So the LORD God called out to the man, asking him, "Where are you?" "I heard your voice in the garden," the man answered, "and I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid from you."
You will eat food by the sweat of your brow until you're buried in the ground, because you were taken from it. You're made from dust and you'll return to dust."
Abraham answered, "Look, even though I am only dust and ashes, I've ventured to speak to my LORD.
A person's spirit is the lamp of the LORD; it searches throughout one's innermost being.
"How blessed are those who make peace, because it is they who will be called God's children!
so that you will become children of your Father in heaven, because he makes his sun rise on both evil and good people, and he lets rain fall on the righteous and the unrighteous.
Indeed, even the hairs on your head have all been counted!
because what profit will a person have if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life? Or what can a person give in exchange for his life?
the son of Enos, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God.
And you, Capernaum! You won't be lifted up to heaven, will you? You'll go down to Hell!
However, stop rejoicing because the spirits are submitting to you. Instead, rejoice because your names are written in heaven."
However, to all who received him, those believing in his name, he gave authority to become God's children,
The Word became flesh and lived among us. We gazed on his glory, the kind of glory that belongs to the Father's unique Son, who is full of grace and truth.
From one man he made every nation of humanity to live all over the earth, fixing the seasons of the year and the national boundaries within which they live, so that they might look for God, somehow reach for him, and find him. Of course, he is never far from any one of us. read more. For we live, move, and exist because of him, as some of your own poets have said: ""Since we are his children, too.'
They show that what the Law requires is written in their hearts, a fact to which their own consciences testify, and their thoughts will either accuse or excuse them
Just as sin entered the world through one man, and death resulted from sin, therefore everyone dies, because everyone has sinned. Certainly sin was in the world before the Law was given, but no record of sin is kept when there is no Law. read more. Nevertheless, death ruled from the time of Adam to Moses, even over those who did not sin in the same way Adam did when he disobeyed. He is a foreshadowing of the one who would come. But God's free gift is not like Adam's offense. For if many people died as the result of one man's offense, how much more have God's grace and the free gift given through the kindness of one man, Jesus the Messiah, been showered on many people! Nor can the free gift be compared to what came through the man who sinned. For the sentence that followed one man's offense resulted in condemnation, but the free gift brought justification, even after many offenses. For if, through one man, death ruled because of that man's offense, how much more will those who receive such overflowing grace and the gift of righteousness rule in life because of one man, Jesus the Messiah! Consequently, just as one offense resulted in condemnation for everyone, so one act of righteousness results in justification and life for everyone. For just as through one man's disobedience many people were made sinners, so also through one man's obedience many people will be made righteous. Now the Law crept in so that the offense would increase. But where sin increased, grace increased even more, so that, just as sin ruled by bringing death, so also grace might rule by bringing justification that results in eternal life through Jesus the Messiah, our Lord.
What should we say, then? Is the Law sinful? Of course not! In fact, I wouldn't have become aware of sin if it had not been for the Law. I wouldn't have known what it means to covet if the Law had not said, "You must not covet." But sin seized the opportunity provided by this commandment and produced in me all kinds of sinful desires, since apart from the Law, sin is dead. read more. At one time I was alive without any connection to the Law. But when the rule was revealed, sin sprang to life, and I died. I found that the very rule that was intended to bring life actually brought death. For sin, seizing the opportunity provided by the rule, deceived me and used it to kill me. So then, the Law itself is holy, and the rule is holy, just, and good. Now, did something good bring me death? Of course not! But in order that sin might be recognized as being sin, it used something good to cause my death, so that through the rule, sin might become more exposed as being sinful than ever before. For we know that the Law is spiritual, but I am merely human, sold as a slave to sin. I don't understand what I am doing. For I don't practice what I want to do, but instead do what I hate. Now if I practice what I don't want to do, I am admitting that the Law is good. As it is, I am no longer the one who is doing it, but it is the sin that is living in me. For I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but I cannot carry it out. For I don't do the good I want to do, but instead do the evil that I don't want to do. But if I do what I don't want to do, I am no longer the one who is doing it, but it is the sin that is living in me. So I find this to be a principle: when I want to do what is good, evil is right there with me. For I delight in the Law of God in my inner being, but I see in my body a different principle waging war with the Law in my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin that exists in my body. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is infected by death? Thank God through Jesus the Messiah, our Lord, because with my mind I myself can serve the Law of God, even while with my human nature I serve the law of sin.
A man should not cover his head, because he exists as God's image and glory. But the woman is man's glory.
and put everything under his feet." Now when God put everything under him, he left nothing outside his control. However, at the present time we do not yet see everything put under him. But we do see someone who was made a little lower than the angels. He is Jesus, who is crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might experience death for everyone.
Various Hebrew words are frequently translated 'man.'
1. Adam, 'man,' a generic term for man, mankind. Ge 1:26-27.
2. ish, ' man,' implying 'strength and vigour' of mind and body, 1Sa 4:2; 26:15; also signifying 'husband' in contra-distinction to 'wife.' Ge 2:23; 3:6.
3. enosh, 'subject to corruption, mortal;' not used for man till after the fall. Ge 6:4; 12:20; Ps 103:15.
4. ben, 'son,' with words conjoined, 'son of valour,' or valiant man; 'son of strength,' or strong man. 2Ki 2:16, etc.
5. baal, 'master, lord.' Ge 20:3; Ex 24:14.
6. geber, 'mighty, war-like.' Ex 10:11; 12:37.
In some passages these different Hebrew words are used in contrast: as in Ge 6:4, "The sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, 1 and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men (gibbor) which were of old, men 3 of renown." In Ps 8:4; "What is man, 3 that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, 1 that thou visitest him?" "God is not a man 2 that he should lie." Nu 23:19.
Man was God's crowning work of creation (see ADAM), and He set him in dominion over the sphere in which he was placed. It is impossible that man could by evolution have arisen from any of the lower forms of created life. God breathed into Adam's nostrils the breath of life, and man is responsible to Him as his Creator; and for this reason he will be called to account, which is not the case with any of the animals. "It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement." Heb 9:27. All have descended from Adam and Eve: God "hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; that they should seek the Lord or God." Ac 17:26-27.
The soul of man being immortal, he still exists after death, and it is revealed in scripture that his body will be raised, and he will either be in eternity away from God in punishment for the sins he has committed; or, by the grace of God, be in an eternity of happiness with the Lord Jesus through His atoning work on the cross.
In the N.T. the principal words are
1. nqrwpo" -->????????, man in the sense of 'humanity,' irrespective of sex. "Man shall not live by bread alone." Mt 4:4. In a few places it is used in a stricter sense in contrast to a woman: as "Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife?" Mt 19:3.
2. ????, man as distinguished from a woman. "The head of the woman is the man." 1Co 11:3. It is thus the common word used for 'husband:' a woman's man is her husband. "Joseph the husband of Mary." Mt 1:16,19. The words ???, ??????, ??????, are often translated 'man,' 'no man,' 'any man,' which would be more correctly translated 'one,' 'no one,' 'any one.' In 'men and brethren,' Ac 1:16; 2:29, etc., there are not two classes alluded to, but 'men who are brethren,' or, in our idiom, simply 'brethren.' So in Ac 7:2; 22:1, not three classes, but two: 'men who are brethren, and fathers.' See NEW MAN and OLD MAN.
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Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, to be like us. Let them be masters over the fish in the ocean, the birds that fly, the livestock, everything that crawls on the earth, and over the earth itself!" So God created mankind in his own image; in his own image God created them; he created them male and female.
So the man exclaimed, "At last! This is bone from my bones and flesh from my flesh. This one will be called "Woman,' because she was taken from Man."
When the woman saw that the tree produced good food, was attractive in appearance, and was desirable for making one wise, she took some of its fruit and ate it. Then she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate some, too.
The Nephilim were on the earth at that time (and also immediately afterward), when those divine beings were having sexual relations with those human women, who gave birth to children for them. These children became the heroes and legendary figures of ancient times.
The Nephilim were on the earth at that time (and also immediately afterward), when those divine beings were having sexual relations with those human women, who gave birth to children for them. These children became the heroes and legendary figures of ancient times.
So Pharaoh assigned men to Abram, and they escorted him, his wife, and all that he had out of the country.
But God came to Abimelech in a dream during the night and spoke to him, "Pay attention! You're about to die, because the woman you have taken is a man's wife!"
No! Let the men go and serve the LORD, for that is what you were seeking." Then they were driven out from the presence of Pharaoh.
About 600,000 Israeli men traveled from Rameses to Succoth on foot, not counting children.
He told the elders, "Wait here for us until we return to you. Look, Aaron and Hur are with you, and whoever has a dispute, let him come to them."
God is not a human male he doesn't lie, nor is he a human being he never vacillates. Once he speaks up, he's going to act, isn't he? Once he makes a promise, he'll fulfill it, won't he?
The Philistines deployed their forces to meet Israel, and as the battle spread Israel was defeated by the Philistines, who killed about four thousand men on the battlefield.
David told Abner, "Are you not a man, and who is like you in Israel? Why didn't you guard your lord, the king? Indeed, a soldier came to destroy the king, your lord.
Then they asked Elisha, "Look! We have 50 valiant men here with your servant! Please let them go out and search for your master Elijah. Perhaps the Spirit of the LORD has taken him up on a mountain or into a valley." Elisha responded, "Don't bother searching."
what is man that you take notice of him, or the son of man that you pay attention to him?
A person's life is like grass it blossoms like wild flowers,
Jacob fathered Joseph, the husband of Mary, who was the mother of Jesus, who is called the Messiah.
Her husband Joseph, being a righteous man and unwilling to disgrace her, decided to divorce her secretly.
But he answered, "It is written, "One must not live on bread alone, but on every word coming out of the mouth of God.'"
Some Pharisees came to him in order to test him. They asked, "Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason?"
"Brothers, the Scripture had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit spoke long ago through the voice of David about Judas, who was the guide for those who arrested Jesus,
"Brothers, I can tell you confidently that the patriarch David died and was buried, and that his tomb is among us to this day.
Stephen replied: "Listen, brothers and fathers!
From one man he made every nation of humanity to live all over the earth, fixing the seasons of the year and the national boundaries within which they live, so that they might look for God, somehow reach for him, and find him. Of course, he is never far from any one of us.
"Brothers and fathers, listen to the defense that I am now making before you."
Now I want you to realize that the Messiah is the head of every man, and man is the head of the woman, and God is the head of the Messiah.
Indeed, just as people are destined to die once and after that to be judged,
Four Hebrew terms are rendered "man" in the Authorized Version:
1. Adam, the name of the man created in the image of God. It appears to be derived from adam, "he or it was red or ruddy," like Edom. This was the generic term for the human race.
2. Ish, "man," as distinguished from woman, husband.
3. Geber, "a man," from gabar, "to be strong," generally with reference to his strength.
4. Methim, "men," always masculine. Perhaps it may be derived from the root muth, "he died."