51 Bible Verses about Man And Woman
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For as woman came from man, so man comes through woman. But everything comes from God.
Creating them male and female, he blessed them and called them humans when he created them.
In the Lord, however, woman is not independent of man, nor is man of woman.
Jesus told her, "You are quite right in saying, "I don't have a husband,' because you have had five husbands, and the man you have now is not your husband. What you have said is true."
Now I want you to realize that the Messiah is the head of every man, and man is the head of the woman, and God is the head of the Messiah.
When the man was asleep, he removed one of the man's ribs and closed up the flesh where it had been. Then the LORD God formed the rib that he had taken from the man into a woman and brought her to the man.
and the two will become one flesh.' So they're no longer two, but one flesh.
The way an eagle flies in the sky, the way of a serpent on a rock, the way of a ship on the high seas, and the way of a man with a young woman.
But a married man is concerned about things of this world, that is, about how he can please his wife,
For the husband is the head of his wife as the Messiah is the head of the church. It is he who is the Savior of the body.
So God created mankind in his own image; in his own image God created them; he created them male and female.
Now about what you asked: "Is it advisable for a man not to marry?"
A wife does not have authority over her own body, but her husband does. In the same way, a husband doesn't have authority over his own body, but his wife does.
Because sexual immorality is so rampant, every man should have his own wife, and every woman should have her own husband.
Later, the LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make the woman to be an authority corresponding to him."
A man should not cover his head, because he exists as God's image and glory. But the woman is man's glory.
Among the things I seek but have not found: one man among a thousand I did find, but I have not found one woman to be wise among all these.
A husband should fulfill his obligation to his wife, and a wife should do the same for her husband.
"Suppose a man marries a wife, but after having sexual relations with her, he despises her,
To married people I give this command (not really I, but the Lord): A wife must not leave her husband.
But each individual man among you must love his wife as he loves himself; and may the wife fear her husband.
"A woman must not wear what is appropriate to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman's garment, because anyone who does this is detestable to the LORD your God.
Wife, you might be able to save your husband. Husband, you might be able to save your wife.
So the man exclaimed, "At last! This is bone from my bones and flesh from my flesh. This one will be called "Woman,' because she was taken from Man."
He answered them, "Haven't you read that the one who made them at the beginning "made them male and female'
And if a woman has a husband who is an unbeliever and he is willing to live with her, she must not abandon him.
When a man has sexual relations with a woman and the man releases semen, both are to bathe with water, and they will remain unclean until evening."
"When a man seduces a virgin who is not engaged to be married and has sexual relations with her, he must pay her bride price, and she is to become his wife.
(Therefore a man will leave his father and his mother and cling to his wife, and they will become one flesh.)
Now the woman had taken the two men and hid them. So she replied, "The men really did come to me, but I didn't know from where they came.
"Instruct the Israelis that whenever a man or woman does something contained in the list of the sins of man, thereby acting treacherously against the LORD, then that person stands guilty.
Husbands, love your wives as the Messiah loved the church and gave himself for it,
Now in the resurrection, whose wife of the seven will she be, since all of them had married her?"
In the same way, their males also abandoned their natural sexual function toward females and burned with lust toward one another. Males committed indecent acts with males, and received within themselves the appropriate penalty for their perversion.
You are to kill every male child and every woman who has had sexual relations with a man.
His disciples asked him, "If that is the relationship of a man with his wife, it's not worth getting married!"
Her husband may confirm or revoke every vow and binding obligation that afflicts her.
because jealousy incites a strong man's rage, and he will show no mercy when it's time for revenge.
Moreover, in the area of teaching, I am not allowing a woman to instigate conflict toward a man. Instead, she is to remain calm.
A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband, but a wife who puts him to shame is like bone cancer.
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Marriage Between Man And Woman
1 Corinthians 7:33But a married man is concerned about things of this world, that is, about how he can please his wife,
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