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and their feet were straight feet, - and the sole of their feet was like the sole of the foot of a calf, but sparkling, as shining bronze to look upon;

Verse ConceptsFeetBrassStraight ThingsSparklingThings Like BronzeTypes Of FeetColor

As for the likeness of the living ones, their appearance was like live coals of fire burning up like the appearance of torches, the same went to and fro between the living ones, - and the fire had brightness and out of the fire, went forth a lightning.

Verse ConceptsAppearances of

And the living ones ran and returned, - like the appearance of a flash of lightning.

Verse ConceptsGoing Through the Motions

The appearance of the wheels and of their structure was like a Tarshish-stone to look upon, and they four had one likeness, - and their appearance and their structure were just as would be a wheel in the midst of a wheel.

Verse ConceptsJewelsPrecious StonesFour SupportsWheelsSimilar ItemsSparklingAppearances ofColorcraftsmanshipstructure

And there was a likeness over the heads of the living one - an expanse, like terrible crystal to look upon, -stretched forth over their heads above.

Verse ConceptsCrystalsPrecious StonesThe ExpanseTransparencyExpanse [The Firmament]Fear Of Other Things

Thou, therefore son of man, hear what I am speaking unto thee., become not perverse like the perverse house, - open thy mouth, and eat that which I am giving unto thee.

Verse ConceptsRebellion, Against GodEating With MouthsPay Attention To God!rebellion

Lo! I have made thy face bold like as their faces, and thy forehead bold like as their forehead.

Verse ConceptsGod Hardening PeopleSuccess And Hard WorkNervousness

So I arose and went forth into the valley, and lo! there the glory of Yahweh, standing, like the glory which I saw by the river Chebar,-and I fell upon my face.

Verse ConceptsGlory, Revelation Ofequipping, spiritualGod's Glory In Israel

Then said Yahweh, In like manner, shall the sons of Israel eat their bread defiled, - among the nations whither I will drive them.

Verse ConceptsExile In ProspectUnclean Thingspoop

Yea I will execute upon thee that which I have not executed, And like unto which I will not execute again,- Because of all thine abominations.

Verse ConceptsAbominations, Idolatry IsUnique Events

and lo! there, the glory of the God of Israel, like the appearance which I had seen in the valley.

Verse ConceptsGod, Glory OfGlory, Revelation OfGod's Glory In Israel

And the sound of the wings of the cherubim was heard, as far as the outer court, - like the voice of the Almighty GOD when he speaketh,

Verse ConceptsCherubim, Description ofAngel's WingsSoundGod's VoiceCherubim

Then looked I. and lo! four wheels by the cherubim - one wheel by one cherub, and another wheel by another cherub, - and the appearance of the wheels was to look upon like a Tarshish stone;

Verse ConceptsJewelsPrecious StonesFour SupportsWheelsSparklingCherubim

Therefore shalt thou take forth thy baggage as baggage for exe, by day before their eyes, - and thou thyself, shalt go forth in the evening, before their eyes, like them who go forth to exe.

Verse ConceptsUsing The DayPlucking OutBaggageExile In ProspectSeeing Situations

Into myriads - like the bud of the field, made I thee, And thou didst increase and become well grown, and didst attain to most excellent adornments, - Thy breasts were well-formed And thy hair was grown, But thou thyself wast utterly naked.

Verse ConceptsBreasts, Figurative UseGrowing UpTall PeopleBleedingAppearance Of HairNaked In OriginHairMaturitybreastswomanhood

Lo! every one who useth proverbs, against thee, shall use a proverb saying, - Like the mother, so her daughter!

Verse ConceptsBeing A MotherLike People In CharacterOld SayingsmomsMothers And SonsMotivationFathers And Daughters

So he took of the seed of the land, and planted it in a field for seed,- He took it near mighty waters, Like a willow-tree, he set it.

Verse ConceptsFertile LandWater For PlantsWillowsPlanting Seedsfruitfulness

But he hath begotten a son Who is a violent man A shedder of blood,- Who doeth the like of any of these things;

Verse ConceptsPursuing Violence

But lo! he hath begotten a son, Who hath considered all the sins of his father which he hath done,- Yea lie hath considered and not done like them:

Verse ConceptsNot Imitating EvilEthicsFathers Responsibilities

Thy mother was like a vine of thy vineyard, By waters, was planted, - Fruitful and full of branches, she became By reason of waters abundant;

Verse ConceptsFruitfulness, SpiritualRivers And StreamsVineyardAbundance, MaterialWater For PlantsBearing Fruitfruitfulness

And as for that which is rising up on your spirit, it shall mot at all come to pass, In that ye are saying Let us be like the nations Like the families of the lands, By ministering unto Wood and Stone!

Verse ConceptsWoodNeverLike The NationsUnfulfilled WordWood And Stone

That the heart may melt And the overthrow be multiplied at all their gates, I have recompensed a slaying by the sword: Surety it hath been made ready to flash like lightning, keen for slaughter.

Verse ConceptsGatesStanding In The GatewaySparklingLosing CourageGod's Sword

Thou, therefore, son of man Prophesy and say, thus, saith My Lord. Yahweh, As to the sons of Ammon and as to their reproach Yea thou shalt say. A sword! a sword! Drawn for slaughter, Furbished, that when it beginneth, it may flash like lightning;

Verse ConceptsSparklingGod's Sword

Because her princes in her midst are like a roaring lion rending prey, - Life, have they devoured Wealth and precious things, have they been wont to take, Her widows, have they multiplied in her midst.

Verse ConceptsConspiraciesHuntingWidowsPeople Torn To PiecesLike CreaturesJudged As MurderersTaking PossessionConspiracy

Her rulers within her have been like wolves, rending prey,- In shedding blood In destroying lives, For the sake of getting dishonest gain.

Verse ConceptsWicked RulersRulers, WickedSheddingPeople Torn To PiecesWolvesJudged As Murderers

Thus saith My Lord Yahweh: Because Moab and Seir say, Lo! like all the nations, is the house of Judah.

Verse ConceptsLike The Nations

For thus saith My Lord Yahweh, When I make thee a desolate city, Like cities which cannot be dwelt in,- When I bring up over thee the roaring deep, And the mighty waters cover thee,

Verse ConceptsCovering The EarthEmpty CitiesIn The Heart Of The Sea

And shall take up for thee in their Wailing: a dirge, And shall chant over thee,- Who is like Tyre? Like the Sent One in the midst of the sea?

Verse ConceptsWailingUnique Nations

Son of man Say unto Pharaoh king of Egypt and unto his multitude, - Whom art thou like in thy greatness?

Verse ConceptsUnique Nations

Cedars hid him not. in the garden of God, Fir-trees were not like unto his boughs, Nor plane-trees, like his branches, - no, tree in the garden of God, was like unto him in his beauty.

Verse ConceptsBeauty Of ThingsEclipsewaterfalls

Son of man Take up a dirge over Pharaoh king of Egypt, and thou shalt say unto him. The young lion of the nations, thou didst deem thyself,- Whereas thou, wast like the crocodile in the seas, And didst cause thy streams to burst forth And didst trouble the waters with thy feet, And foul their rivers.

Verse ConceptsWhalesCosmic CreaturesLike Creatures

Then, will I make their waters subside, And their streams - like, will I cause to flow, - Declareth My Lord, Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsTransparency

Son of man The house of Israel were dwelling upon their own so, But they defiled it by their way, and by their doings. Like the defilement of her that is removed, became their way before me.

Verse ConceptsBleedingPolluting The Land

And they shall say, This land that was made desolate hath become like the garden of Eden,- And the cities that were waste and deserted and thrown down, now fenced, are inhabited;

Verse ConceptsGarden Of Eden, TheEdenInhabitation

Thus saith My Lord, Yahweh, Even yet - for this, will I be prevailed upon by the house of Israel to work for them, - I will multiply them-Like a flock - with men:Like a flock of holy offerings.

Verse ConceptsPrayer, God's Promises ConcerningAnswered PromisesGod Multipling People

Like the flock of Jerusalem in her appointed feasts So shall the waste cities be fled with flocks of men,- And they shall know that I, am Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsFestivals Observed

Then shalt thou come up, Like a storm, shalt thou enter, Like a cloud covering the land, shalt thou be, - Thou and all thy hordes, and many peoples with thee.

Verse ConceptsStormsCovering The EarthHer StrengthThe Storms Of Life

Therefore wilt thou come up, against my people Israel, like a cloud covering the land, - In the afterpart of the days, shall it be. that I will suffer thee to enter upon my land, To the end the nations may know me, when I hallow myself in thee before their eyes O Gog!

Verse ConceptsMission, Of IsraelEnd Of The WorldCovering The EarthNations Attacking Israel

And when he brought me thither, then lo! a man whose appearance was like the appearance of bronze, with a flax-cord in his hand and measuring reed, - and he was standing in the gate.

Verse ConceptsBronzeMeasuring RodLinenWeights And Measures, LinearStanding In The GatewayThings Like Bronze

And windows were there to it, and the recesses thereof round about on all sides, like these windows, - fifty cubits in length, and in breadth, five-and-twenty cubits.

Verse ConceptsDimensions Of DoorwaysWindows For The Temple

As for the wall of the temple, the door-posts were square, - and as for the face of the holy place, the appearance was like the appearance of the temple .

Verse ConceptsSquares

And there had been made unto them unto the doors of the temple cherubim and palm-trees, like as had been made to the walls, - and thick beams of wood unto the front of the porch without.

Verse ConceptsCherubim Depicted

For three stories, they were; and had not pillars like the pillars of the courts; for this cause, it differed from the lowest and from the middle, from the ground.

Verse ConceptsDecksPillars For Ezekiel's TempleThree Parts Of Constructions

And the way before them was like the appearance of the chambers which were toward the north, as was their length, so it was their breadth, - and all their exits were both according to their regulations, and according to their entrances.

Verse ConceptsSame Sizes

And it was like the appearance of the vision which I had seen like the vision which I saw - when I came in to destroy the city, also the visions were like the vision which I saw by the river Chebar, - so I fell upon my face.

Verse ConceptsDestruction Of JerusalemVisions From God

In the seventh month, on the fifteenth day of the month, throughout the festival, he shall offer like these seven days, - like the sin-bearer like the ascending-sacrifice, and like the meal offering, and like the.

Verse ConceptsThe Number FifteenMonth 7Seven DaysOil On SacrificesRegulations For Cereal OfferingsRegulations For The Sin Offering

And it shall come to pass that there shall stand by it fishers, from En-gedi even unto En-eglaim, places for spreading out nets, shall they be, - after their kind, shall be their fish, like the fish of the great sea exceeding many.

Verse ConceptsNetsSpreadingSeaMediterranean SeaFishingKinds Of Living Things

so shall ye inherit it each man like his brother, as to which I lifted my hand to give it to your fathers, - so shall this land fall to you as an inheritance.

Verse ConceptsHand Of God

And on the boundary of Judah, from the east side unto the west side, shall be the heave-offering which ye shall offer up, five and twenty thousand in breadth and, in length, like one of the portions from the east side unto the west side, so shall the sanctuary be in the midst thereof.

Verse ConceptsLengthEast And WestMeasuring Jerusalem And The LandPlans For A New Temple