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And once more the messenger who was speaking with me, roused me up, just as a man might be roused up out of his sleep.

Verse ConceptsSleeplessnessawakening

and, the deep red, have come forward and sought to go their way, that they might journey to and fro in the land, so he said, Go your way, journey to and fro in the land, - and they journeyed to and fro in the land.

Verse ConceptsPatrolling

Howbeit they refused to give heed, but put forth a rebellious shoulder, - and, their ears, made they hard of hearing, that they might not hear;

Verse ConceptsDeafnessWilful IgnoranceRebellion Against God, Shown InSpiritual DeafnessShouldersSelf WillRefusing To HearObstinate Individuals

For I have bent for me - Judah, As a bow, have I grasped Ephraim, Thus will I rouse up thy sons, O Zion, against the sons of Greece, and will make thee as the sword of a mighty one.

Verse ConceptsBow And Arrows, Symbol Of Strengthenemies, of Israel and JudahArchers, Likened To God

So shall they become like mighty ones, trampling on the mire of lanes, in battle, and they will fight because, Yahweh, is with them, - and will abash the riders of horses.

Verse ConceptsCavalryGod With YouRiding HorsesTrampling PeopleMarshesShaming PeopleFighting EnemiesSpiritual Warfareheroes

So will I make mighty ones of the house of Judah, and, the house of Joseph, will I save, and will cause them to continue, because I have had compassion upon them, So shall they be as though I had not rejected them, - for, I, Yahweh, will be their God, and will answer them;

Verse ConceptsGod, Compassion OfGrace, In OtPrayer, God's Promises ConcerningRevival, CorporateGod Giving StrengthGod Will AnswerGod Not ForsakingReturning to their landGod Gives StrengthGod Saves The NeedyGod Will Show MercyI Will Be Their GodRejection

And they shall be as the mighty one of Ephraim, and their heart, shall rejoice, as through wine, - yea, their children, shall see and rejoice, their heart, shall exult, in Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsJoy, And Human ExperienceRenewed HeartRejoicingEffect Of WineChildren BlessedFuture Rejoicing In God

And I will make them mighty in Yahweh, and, in his name, shall they march to and fro, - Declareth Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsTravelling With GodGod Giving StrengthGod Gives StrengthIn God's Namefaith and strength

So I took my staff Grace, and cut it in two, - that I might set aside my covenant which I had solemnised with all the peoples.

Verse ConceptsCovenant, God's with NoahBreaking SticksBlessingBreaking The Covenantgraciousness

Then cut I in two my second staff, even Union, - that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.

Verse ConceptsBrotherhoodBreaking SticksNations UnitedUnrelated PeopleTogetherness