Search: 10 results
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For the power of these horses is in their mouths and their tails. Their tails have heads like snakes, which they use to inflict pain.
And they had no regret for putting men to death, or for their use of secret arts, or for the evil desires of the flesh, or for taking the property of others.
And he makes use of all the authority of the first beast before his eyes. And he makes the earth and those who are in it give worship to the first beast, whose death-wound was made well.
Another angel came out of the sanctuary, crying out in a loud voice to the One who was seated on the cloud, “Use your sickle and reap, for the time to reap has come, since the harvest of the earth is ripe.”
Yet another angel, who had authority over fire, came from the altar, and he called with a loud voice to the one who had the sharp sickle, “Use your sharp sickle and gather the clusters of grapes from earth’s vineyard, because its grapes have ripened.”
[No one buys their] cinnamon, spices, incense, myrrh, frankincense, wine, [olive] oil, flour and wheat. [No one buys their] cattle, sheep, horses, wagons, or the bodies and souls [i.e., the very lives] of people [i.e., slaves used for all purposes].
and he will [again] go out to deceive the nations which are [located] throughout the whole world --- Gog and Magog. [Note: Based on Eze. 35-40, it appears that these names are used here figuratively for all the forces of wickedness which are enemies of God]. Satan will assemble them together for battle, and they will be as numberless as the sand on the seashore.
But those who are full of fear and without faith, the unclean and takers of life, those who do the sins of the flesh, and those who make use of evil powers or who give worship to images, and all those who are false, will have their part in the sea of ever-burning fire which is the second death.
Then he measured its wall, 144 cubits according to human measurement, which the angel used.
Outside are the dogs, and those who make use of evil powers, those who make themselves unclean, and the takers of life, and those who give worship to images, and everyone whose delight is in what is false.
Search Results by Versions
Search Results by Book
- Genesis (30)
- Exodus (58)
- Leviticus (37)
- Numbers (35)
- Deuteronomy (46)
- Joshua (6)
- Judges (29)
- Ruth (1)
- 1 Samuel (33)
- 2 Samuel (24)
- 1 Kings (28)
- 2 Kings (29)
- 1 Chronicles (24)
- 2 Chronicles (34)
- Ezra (4)
- Nehemiah (7)
- Esther (11)
- Job (34)
- Psalm (43)
- Proverbs (17)
- Ecclesiastes (12)
- Song of Songs (1)
- Isaiah (57)
- Jeremiah (71)
- Lamentations (6)
- Ezekiel (69)
- Daniel (9)
- Hosea (16)
- Joel (1)
- Amos (4)
- Micah (7)
- Nahum (1)
- Habakkuk (2)
- Zephaniah (3)
- Haggai (1)
- Zechariah (9)
- Malachi (2)
- Matthew (47)
- Mark (40)
- Luke (54)
- John (29)
- Acts (60)
- Romans (28)
- 1 Corinthians (41)
- 2 Corinthians (17)
- Galatians (15)
- Ephesians (15)
- Philippians (3)
- Colossians (9)
- 1 Thessalonians (7)
- 2 Thessalonians (7)
- 1 Timothy (16)
- 2 Timothy (7)
- Titus (5)
- Philemon (1)
- Hebrews (19)
- James (6)
- 1 Peter (10)
- 2 Peter (9)
- 2 John (1)
- Jude (6)
- Revelation (10)
Related Words
Related Readings
Related Topics
- Before The Flood
- Guardians
- Swords
- Eden
- Metaphorical Trees
- God's Sword
- Angelic Guardianship
- Gardens
- Cherubim
- Direction
- Autonomy
- Calling upon God
- God, The Lord
- Language
- Speech
- Humanity
- Bricks
- Equipping, physical
- Baking
- Building
- Abraham, Family And Descendants
- Abraham
- Blessed
- Gentiles, In Ot
- Enemies, of Israel and Judah
- Mediation
- Participation, In Christ
- Messianic Prophecies
- Blessing Through God's People
- God Cursing
- Curses
- People Wearing Out
- Soliloquy
- The Promise Of A Baby
- Sex
- Consistency
- Mission, Of Israel
- Water Containers
- Shortage Other Than Food
- Nearness Of Death
- Death Will Soon Happen
- Abundance, Material
- Excavation
- Freedom
- Moving To A New Place
- Space
- Land
- Night
- The Sun
- Beds
- Sunsets
- Stones As Monuments
- Anointing, Objects
- Anointing With Oil
- Morning Devotions
- Oil
- Rising Early
- Those Who Rose Early
- Anointing Things
- Poles
- Envy, Example Of
- Getting Rich
- Taking Possessions
- Reckoned As Foreigners
- Storing
- Human Authority, Nature Of
- Frugality
- Gathering Food
- Stores Of Food
- People Keeping
- Chariots
- End Of Actions
- Indeterminate Sums Of Money
- Loss Of Donkeys
- Why People Did Things
- Fear Of Individuals
- Possibility Of Death
- Finances
- Saving Money
- Body
- Herds
- Limitations Of The Body
- Things Revealed
- Literal Planting
- Love, And The World
- Men's Orders
- Grandfathers
- Asking
- Gold
- Ornaments
- People Giving Clothes
- Fishes
- Death Of Creatures
- Unable To Do Other Things
- Drinking Water
- Owning Livestock
- People Not Abandoning
- Feet Of Creatures
- Ignorant Of Facts
- Burning Sacrifices
- Remaining Offerings
- Communion
- Celebrations
- Hand Of God
- History
- Yeast
- Strength Of God
- Groups Of Slaves
- Slavery
- God, Power Of
- Miracles, Responses To
- Servanthood, In Life Of Believers
- Servants Of The Lord
- Equality In Payment
- Plenty For The Poor
- Not Alone
- Bad Language
- Ethics, personal
- God, Zeal Of
- Irreverence
- Law, Ten Commandments
- Oaths, Human
- Promises, Human
- Respect, For God's Character
- Speech, Negative Aspects Of
- Cursing
- Crude Language
- Swearing Being Forbidden
- Profaning God's Name
- Useless Words And Thinking
- Misusing God's Name
- Social duties
- Swearing
- Joking
- Altars, Made Of
- Architecture
- Tools
- Lack Of Holiness
- Animals, Types Of
- Striking To Death
- Forbidden Food
- Instructions About Stoning
- Corpses Of Animals
- Being In Debt
- Lending
- Borrowing
- Hiring
- Loss
- Money, Uses Of
- Credit
- Creditors
- Interest
- Money, Stewardship Of
- Capitalism
- Lent
- Dress
- Animals, religious role of
- Dogs
- People Of God, In Ot
- Animals Torn To Pieces
- A Holy Nation
- Pets
- Spoons
- Bowls
- Gold Items For The Tabernacl
- Provision Of Temple Utensils
- Weights Of Gold
- Tents
- Pegs
- Bronze Items For The Tabernacle
- Linen
- Red Material
- Blue Cloth
- Purple Cloth
- Gold Transferred
- Blue Purple And Scarlet
- Colors, Blue
- People Involved In Judgement
- Similar Items
- Decision Making
- Other References To The Heart
- Animal Sacrifices, Heave Offering
- Priests Garments
- Priests Atoning
- Reminders
- Priests, Institution In Ot Times
- The Tabernacle
- Ointment
- Provision For The Body
- Those To Be Cut Off From Israel
- Priests, Function In Ot Times
- Enquiring of God
- Tent Of Meeting
- Outside The Camp
- Looking Intently At People
- Moses, Significance Of
- Prayer, As A Response To God
- God Speaking
- Friendship And Trust
- People Willing
- Volunteering
- Basins
- Shovels
- Right Measures
- Coinage
- Silver
- Amassing Silver
- Three To Nine Hundred Thousand
- Tax To Be Paid
- Clothing
- Cloth
- Sanctuary
- Aaron, As High Priest
- Applied With The Finger
- Sacrifice On The Bronze Altar
- Base Of Things
- Fraud
- Covenant breakers
- Servants, Bad
- Unfaithfulness, To God
- Avoiding Deceit
- Cheaters
- Clay
- Clay, Uses
- Breaking Containers
- Clean Objects
- Pots For Cooking And Eating
- Blood Of Sacrifices
- Food For Priests Defined
- Vows
- Making Vows
- Free Will
- Useful Things
- Touch
- Touching Unclean Things
- Eating Meat
- Pork
- Football
- Clean Food
- Brooks
- Fish
- The Sea
- Abominations
- God Hating Things
- Fitness
- Unclean Until Evening
- Sowing Seeds
- Clean Clothes
- Carrying Other Loads
- Unclean Spirits
- Clean And Unclean
- Clean Animals
- Unclean Animals
- Bugs
- Food Defined
- The Seventh Day Of The Week
- Cords
- Animal Skins
- Day 7
- Unclean Things
- Mold
- Other Right Parts
- Hunting
- Evil Associations
- Behavior
- Practice
- Remaining Food
- Acceptance
- Claims
- Perjury
- Profanity
- Witnesses, False
- Not Swearing Oaths
- I Am The Lord
- Cultivation
- Three Years
- Eating Forbidden Food
- First fruits
- Astrology
- Sorcery And Magic
- Fortunetelling
- Occultism
- Clairvoyances
- People Consuming Blood
- Avoid Sorcery
- Sorcery
- Magic
- Witches
- Occultism Being Forbidden
- Familiar Spirits
- Guidance, Need For God's
- Mediums
- Seeking God
- Spiritism
- Spirits
- Witchcraft
- Necromancy
- Pollution Forbidden
- Avoid Spiritism
- Defilement
- Ghosts
- Psychics
- Divination
- God Opposing
- Death Penalty For Heresy
- Death penalty
- Disabilities
- Mutilation
- Permitted To Eat Offerings
- Slavery, In Ot
- Poor People
- Property
- Useless Labour
- Tables
- Holy Vessels
- Sacred Vessels
- Hairs
- Shaving
- Razors
- Cutting Hair
- Dedication
- Hair
- Acceptance, divine
- Sprinkling
- Musical Instruments, Made Of
- Instrumentalists
- Fruit
- Vegetables
- Looking Backward
- People Remembering
- Free Of Charge
- Complaining
- Grinding
- Grinding Food
- Cooking
- Spiritual Harlotry
- Heart, Human
- Evil Eyes
- Setting Up The Bronze Altar
- Tithes And Offering
- Sacrilege
- Holiness, Believers' Growth In
- Means Of Purifying
- Being Cleansed From Sin
- God Blesses
- Harassment
- Walls
- Iron
- Judgement On Murderers
- Stones
- Being Struck With Stones
- Giants
- People Naming People
- Spoils Of War
- Fractions, One Half
- Conversion, God's demands for
- Sin, Nature Of
- Garden, Natural
- Rivers And Streams
- Not Like Things
- Herbs
- Blood
- Deer
- Insects
- Fractions, One Tenth
- Tithes
- Friendliness
- Authority Of Disciples
- Lending And Borrowing
- Money Blessings
- Almsgiving
- Altruism
- Charity
- Bulls
- Deer Etc.
- Scrolls
- Throne
- Writing
- Law
- Royalty
- Child sacrifice
- Human Sacrifices
- Drugs
- Divination, Practiced By
- Confirmation
- Disagreements
- Murder
- Rights
- Only One Person
- Two Or Three
- Guilt
- Witnessing
- Being Single
- Accusations
- Enjoyment, Material Things
- Happiness
- Vineyard
- Planting Vineyards
- Felling Trees
- Yokes
- Heifers
- Unused
- Divorce, amongst believers
- Avoid Divorce
- Shrines
- Sexual Perversion
- Homosexuality
- Male Prostitutes
- Whores
- Offerings
- Harlots
- Wantonness
- Abominations, To God
- Wages Of A Prostitute
- Giving Money To The Church
- Sales
- Poverty, Remedies For
- Sickles
- Ethics, social
- Bags
- Deception, Forbidden By God
- Work, And The Fall
- Business Ethics
- Dishonesty Condemned
- Just Weights
- Balance
- Weight
- Accuracy
- Measurement
- Not Mourning
- Spiritism Avoided
- Rain
- Years
- Provisions
- Seeking Things Above
- Blessing Others
- Relationship Troubles
- Marriage Kjv
- Building Relationships
- Matrimony
- Food For Other gods
- Iron Objects
- The Law Given Through Moses
- Princes
- Exclusiveness
- Participation, In Sin
- Servanthood, And Worship Of God
- Steadfastness
- Retribution
- Suffering, Causes Of
- Seventies
- Gentile Rulers
- Traitors
- Military
- Battle
- Tests
- Israel
- Training
- Stomachs
- Highway
- Roads
- Travellers
- Tragedy On The Streets
- Highways
- Nomads
- Farming
- Many Combatants
- Locusts
- Uncountable
- Artists
- Gideon
- Shouting
- Security
- Prostitution
- Trap
- Trees
- The Honourable Will Be Honoured
- Olive Trees
- Skulls
- Custom
- Feasting
- Ceremonies
- Banquets, Events Celebrated
- Enticing
- Arts And Crafts, Types of
- Prisoners
- Captives
- Heartlessness
- Prisons
- Brass
- Eyes Harmed
- Daughters
- Virgin
- Abuse
- Mistress
- Virginity
- Lewdness
- Attempting To Kill Specific People
- Gestures
- Markets
- Traditions
- Approval
- Contracts
- Pilgrimage
- Sacrifice, In Ot
- Every Year
- Love, In Relationships
- Marriage, Purpose Of
- Double Portions
- Reasons For Barrenness
- Provoking
- School
- Fun
- Fasting, Nature Of
- Diseases
- Suffering, Nature Of
- Pot
- Faithfulness, In Human Relationships
- Children, needs of
- Robes
- Moms
- Individuals going home
- Adultery, Examples Of
- Shame
- They Committed Immorality
- Horses
- Injustice, Nature And Source Of
- Children Suffering
- Ploughing
- Weapons
- Ploughmen
- Servants Of People
- Giving To Others
- Servanthood
- History Of Nations
- Sin Confessed
- Covetousness, Example Of
- Annihilation
- Rejecting God's Word
- Pride, Evil Of
- Self Will
- God Abandoning Individuals
- Arrogantly Like God
- Idolatry
- Nature Of Idolatry
- Cancer
- Disobedience
- Arrogance
- Rebellion
- Harps
- Leisure, And Pastimes
- Medicine
- Atmosphere
- Instruments
- Saul
- Demonic Influence
- Servanthood, In Society
- Beer
- Slings
- Five Things
- Throwing Stones
- Heroes
- Specific Holy Individuals
- Ingratitude
- Reward, Human
- People Actually Doing Evil
- Five People
- Riding Donkeys
- Plundering
- Extermination
- Banishment
- Prophets, Lives Of
- Mourning The Death Of Others
- Visiting
- During One Night
- Those Who Deceived
- Historical Books
- Teaching The Way Of God
- Length
- Tributes
- Types Of Christ
- Fairness
- Cups, Literal Use
- Noting What Animals Eat
- Lambs
- Unkindness
- People Unwilling
- Parents Prayer For Their Children
- Sons
- Parents Duty To Children
- Parental Love
- Fasting
- Axes
- Horrors Of War
- Saws
- Clothing, Kinds Of
- Weights Of Other Things
- Gates
- Where From?
- Bowing
- Dust On The Head
- Preparing To Travel
- Old Sayings
- Man's Counsel
- Touching To Harm
- Burning People
- Three To Four Hundred
- Three Hundred And Above
- Killing Many People
- Warming
- Teenager
- Generosity, Human
- Governors
- Solomon, Life Of
- People Providing
- Twelve Beings
- Weights And Measures, Dry
- Weights And Measures, Liquid
- Commerce
- Masons
- Hammers
- The First Temple
- Construction
- Cedar Wood
- Wood And Stone
- Amassing Bronze
- Building Altars
- Lyre
- Singing
- The Number Two Hundred
- Forests
- Ivory
- Ships For Trading
- Trade With Metals
- Sailing
- Mules
- Gifts
- Herbs And Spices
- Unceasing
- Always Being Active
- The Elderly
- Idolatry, Wicked Practices Of
- Abandoning Idols
- God, The Provider
- Divine Supplies
- Helpfulness
- Barrels
- Weed
- Other Volume Measures
- Sheep
- Wool
- God, Will Of
- Named Prophets Of The Lord
- Accompaniment
- God's Hand
- Serenity
- Drums
- Defecation
- Money Box
- Carpenters
- Woodworking
- Occupations
- Trumpet
- Repairing
- Fidelity
- Servants, Good
- Trustworthiness
- Money Management
- Accounting
- Secrecy
- Acting In Secret
- False Religion
- Provoking God
- Pagan Practices
- Character Of Wicked
- Reeds
- Staff
- Trusting Other People
- Languages
- Languages Mentioned In Scripture
- Time Passing
- Collections
- Masters
- Acting
- Ashes Of Humiliation
- Serving Asherah
- Abolition
- Household Gods
- The Law Given To Israel
- Pillars For Solomon's Temple
- Conscription
- Scribes
- Secretary
- Sixties
- Shields
- Skill
- Archers, In Armies
- Named Gates
- Warriors
- Arrows
- Commander
- Eagerness
- Choirs
- People Teaching
- Division
- Priests
- Lamps
- Giving, Of Oneself
- Sanctification, Nature And Basis
- Craftsmanship
- Talents
- Being Beautiful
- Washing
- Roses
- Praise, Manner And Methods Of
- Inventions
- God, Human Descriptions Of
- Heart, Divine
- Holiness, As Set Apart For God
- Watchfulness, Divine
- Sanctification
- Organization
- Seafaring
- Trade
- Maturity, Physical
- Readiness
- Spears
- Head covering
- Sports
- Intelligence
- Bereavement, Expression Of
- Lamenting
- Songs
- Mourners
- Foundations
- Protecting Your Family
- Vulnerability
- Fear Of Enemies
- Overcoming
- Stairways
- Gatekeepers
- Times Of People
- Meat offerings
- Provinces
- Africa
- A Hundred And Some
- Seven People
- Languages Confused
- Alphabet
- Once A Day
- Women's Beauty
- Women's Roles
- Praising Specific People
- Sealing The Message
- Rich Apparel
- Distinctive Clothing
- Banquets, Activities
- Amusements
- Celebration
- Bad Parents
- Rising Early, Examples Of
- Making People Holy
- Early Rising
- Sacrifice
- Kids
- Archaeology
- Resolving Conflict
- Vain Talk
- Useless Words
- Reinforcement
- Dung and manure
- People Passing Away
- Poop
- Useful People
- God Is Holy
- Not Pleasing God
- The Past
- Preservation
- God Giving Light
- Orphans
- People Helping Orphans
- Helping The Poor
- Helping Those In Need
- Helping Others In Need
- Helping
- Sympathy
- Spiritual Fathers
- Not Knowing People
- Fatherhood
- False Confidence
- Home
- Sand
- Sand And Gravel
- Individuals Being Silent
- Roots
- Salt
- Toughness
- Flutes
- Musical Instruments, types of
- Sad Music
- Sharing
- Disappointment
- Youth
- God Feeds All The Earth
- When?
- Weapons Of God
- Vanity
- Flattery
- Flattery, Used By The Wicked
- Double mindedness
- Those Who Are Liars
- Deception
- Hurt And Betrayal
- Lying And Deceit
- Motives
- Backbiting
- Confrontation
- Protection From Enemies
- Spiritual Malnutrition
- Thrift
- Sins Of The Fathers
- Rejoicing In Evil
- Gossip
- Lips
- Tongue
- Falsehood
- Speaking, Evil
- The Tongue
- Speaking
- Lieing
- Prophecies Concerning Christ
- Old Testament People As Types
- Friends
- Best Friends
- Losing A Friend
- Losing Friends
- Crowds
- Multitudes
- Joy In Worship
- Holiday
- Thanksgiving
- Prayer, Offered With
- Processions
- People Going Before
- Festivals Observed
- Commending Oneself
- Blessings And Prosperity
- Mouths
- Deceitful Tongues
- Loving Evil
- Fellowship, Among Believers
- Companionship
- Sweetness
- Conversation
- Twisting
- Misrepresentation
- Infidelity To God
- Unhearing
- Delighting, Wrong Kinds Of
- Heart, Fallen And Redeemed
- Psalm Interjections
- Ungodly Cursing
- Excellence
- Suffering, Of The Innocent
- Those Who Envied
- Prospering
- Necks
- Do Not Be Proud
- Unable To Harm
- Generosity, God's
- Provision From Rocks
- Civil authorities
- Wisdom, Human Importance
- Oppression, God's Attitude To
- Power Of God, Described
- Greatness
- Saints, As Pilgrims
- Tears
- Metaphorical Springs
- Overcoming Adversity
- God, Justice Of
- God, Righteousness Of
- Jacob, The Patriarch
- Evil Speaking
- Continual Hardship
- Being Reproved
- Plants
- Service
- Growing
- No Help
- The Fact Of Toil
- Hardwork
- Discipline, divine
- Defeat
- Suffering, Of Believers
- People Going Astray
- Afflictions
- Loving God's Things
- Iniquity, Believer's Relation To
- Sceptre
- God, Wisdom Of
- Understanding
- God, All knowing
- God, The Rock
- Warfare, Nature Of
- God Teaching
- War
- Bad Counsel
- Folly, Effects Of
- Adults
- Beginning
- Resentment, Against People
- Fools, Description Of
- God Gives Wisdom
- Parenting
- Fools
- New Beginnings
- Rejection
- Motivation
- Morality
- Guidance And Strength
- Piety
- Wise
- Reverence
- Keeping Man's Word
- Riches, Nature Of
- Industry
- Money
- Physical Labour
- Riches
- Dishonesty
- Wealth And Prosperity
- Forethoughts
- Valuing Knowledge
- Crimes
- Discipline, in the family
- Responsibility, For God's World
- Discipline
- Fathers Loving Care
- Raising Children
- Discipline Child
- Loving Children
- Spanking
- Advertising
- Fools, Characteristics Of
- Commendation
- Speech, Power And Significance Of
- Speech, Positive Aspects Of
- Money, Attitudes To
- Education
- Investing
- Anger
- Speaking, Wisdom In
- Anger Management
- Slow To Anger
- Discernment
- Limitations
- Laziness
- Sluggards
- Slothfulness
- Those Who Destroy
- Working Hard And Not Being Lazy
- Sloth
- Proverbs
- Powers Of Speech
- Beware Of Your Speech
- Power
- Christmas Tree
- The Power Of Words
- Consequences
- Mercy, Human
- Riches, Dangers Of
- Discourtesy
- Strictness
- Balances, For Business
- Buying and selling
- Balances, Dishonest Use
- Plans
- Predestination
- Striving With God
- Wisdom, Source Of Human
- God's Plan
- Trusting God's Plan
- Spiritual Warfare
- Gods Plan
- Evil, warnings against
- Sowing And Reaping
- Fruits Of Sin
- Injustice
- God Defending
- Honey
- More Than Enough
- Bitterness
- The poor
- Being Content
- Under The Sun
- Tragedy
- Equality Of Fate
- Fate
- Useless Endeavour
- Bad Luck
- Being Lost
- Benefits Of Wisdom
- Bad Days
- Natural Life
- Days
- Faith in hard times
- Staying Positive
- Family Problems
- Overcoming Hard Times
- Having A Good Day
- Staying Strong During Hard Times
- Hardship
- Being Positive
- Getting Through Hard Times
- Prayer During Hard Times
- God Turning Bad Things Into Good
- Being Happy And Enjoying Life
- Worrying About The Future
- Enjoying Life
- Weather In The Last Days
- Burying places
- Spouse
- Sharpening
- Success And Hard Work
- Energy
- Pleasure
- Rewards Of Ritual
- Tired
- Babylon
- Injustice, Examples Of
- Abandonment
- Pagans
- Syncretism
- Relations With Foreigners
- Alcohol
- Drinking, abstention from
- Hedonism
- Alcohol Abuse
- Woe To The Wicked
- Alcoholics
- Drunkenness
- Alcoholism
- Drunkards
- Ropes
- Continuing In Sin
- Scoffers
- Six Things
- Two Of Body Parts
- Baldness, Figurative Use
- Barbers
- Baldness
- Beards
- Tilling The Soil
- Occult Being Powerless Before God
- Civil Liberty
- God Freeing Captives
- Shoes
- Weapons For Fuel
- Houses
- Property, Houses
- Forts
- Stone Items
- Things Improved
- Rebuilding
- Self Confidence
- Wood
- Clubs
- Flogging
- Cessation
- Relentless
- Welcome
- Pasturing The Flock
- Advisers
- Puzzlement
- Uncertainty
- Far From Here
- Merchandise
- Storing Treasure On Earth
- Like People In Character
- Firewood
- Nothing
- Sourness
- Purity, Nature Of
- Way, The
- Holiness
- Error
- Bridges
- Confusion
- Idols Not Existing
- Image
- Belonging
- Branding
- Coal, Uses Of
- Shame Of Idolatry
- Arms
- Self Image
- Magicians
- God Renaming People
- Listening To God
- Futility
- Vindication
- Divorce, in OT
- Certificate of divorce
- Imperfection, And God's Purposes
- Bills Of Divorce
- Justification Under The Gospel
- Imputed Righteousness
- Judgement
- Condemnation
- Being Fair
- Violence
- Pathways Of Sin
- Spiritual Ignorance
- Unrest
- No Peace
- Paths
- Future
- God Killing
- Past, The
- Swearing By
- Lifelong
- Hard Work
- Live
- Trust, Lack Of
- Fall Of Man, Consequences Of
- Minerals
- Sin, And God's Character
- Sin, Effects Of
- Chemicals
- Cleansing
- Heat
- Seeking For Concrete Things
- Passion
- Licentiousness
- Sacrificing On The High Places
- Unforgiveness
- Those Who Committed Adultery
- Delicacies
- Good Things From Far Away
- Dirt
- Bones
- False Wisdom
- Word Of God
- God's Word Gives Wisdom
- Debauchery
- Lukewarmness
- Dissipation
- Nails
- Safety
- Fools, In Teaching Of Jesus Christ
- Hardness Of Heart
- Impenitence, Warnings Against
- Bowing To False Gods
- Refusing To Hear
- Useless People
- Different Gods
- Famine Killing
- False Apostles, Prophets And Teachers
- Forgetting
- Old Things
- Incense Offered Amiss
- Studying The Law
- God's Plan For Us
- Rumors
- Dishonesty, Kinds Of
- Leaders, Political
- Servants, Working Conditions Of
- Wages
- Unjust Gain
- Employers
- Eating And Drinking
- Habits
- Listening
- Disobedience, To God
- Being Evil From Youth
- Dryness
- Power, Human
- Drawbacks To Man's Power
- Adultry
- Prophets
- Bad Items
- Looking And Seeing
- Survivors Of Israel
- Made A Horror
- Hissing
- Envoy
- Ministry, Nature Of
- Rulers
- Gifts Of God
- Other Gifts Of God
- Serving Kings
- Famine Coming From God
- Cursing The Ungodly
- Foreigners
- Breaking Chains
- Weighing
- Signatures
- Signs And Wonders Before Christ
- Regulations For Men And Women
- Sitting In The Gateway
- Deceiving Oneself
- Worldly Wisdom
- Threshing
- Nakedness
- Losing Honour
- Beautiful
- Spectators
- People Made Perfect
- Savouriness
- Purple Clothes
- Elders
- False Visions
- Near The Time Generally
- Things Stopping
- End Of Days
- Fulfillment
- False Ways
- Deception Through False Teachers
- Prophets Who Were Not Sent
- Deceit Leading to Judgment
- Entering The Kingdom
- Scorching
- Sexual Immorality
- Not Like People
- Parenthood
- Oppressors
- Things On High
- Burning Plants
- Parables
- Others Using Parables
- Magical Arts, Practice Of
- People Shaking
- People Stripping People
- Putting Things Down
- Prophesying Lies
- Shedding
- Slander
- Visions
- White
- Whitewashing
- Abuse Of Authority, Warnings Against
- Outsiders
- Poor, The Wicked Response To
- Not Helping The Poor
- Feet
- Veils
- Clothing Oneself
- Silence
- Precious Stones
- Wearing Jewellery
- Thorns
- Plans For A New Temple
- Disarmament
- Four Other Things
- Killing Sacrifices
- Shame Of Bad Conduct
- Sprinkling Blood
- Incurring Guilt
- People Stripping Off
- Outside The House
- Holy Land
- Drawing near to God
- Honesty
- Healing
- River Banks
- Foliage
- God Heals
- Faithfulness, To God
- Measuring Jerusalem And The Land
- Math
- Anger Of Man, Cause
- Bearing Fruit
- God, Living And Self sustaining
- Praise
- Regaining Sanity
- Specific Praising Of God
- All Nations
- Abstinence
- Self Denial
- Living For God
- Water
- Man Providing Water
- Provision Of Oil
- Baal Worship, History
- Materialism, As An Aspect Of Sin
- Rich, The
- Criminals
- Food
- Grapes
- Monogamy
- Idolatry Consists Of
- Loving Your Wife
- Being Loved
- Lifestyles
- Emptiness
- Being Without Understanding
- Light, Natural
- People Cut In Pieces
- The Effect Of The Word Of God
- Sick Individuals
- Mourning In Regret
- Kindness
- Like Men
- Love
- Doves
- Stealing
- Cheating
- Ministry
- Moral Decay
- Porches
- God Not Existing
- Where Is God?
- Trampling People
- Big Things
- Marketing
- Cutting Off Branches
- Fruitless Learning
- God Saves From Sin And Death
- Deceit, Practice Of
- Knowing God, Effects Of
- Distrust
- Sculpture
- Unreliability
- Misteaching
- Futile Faith
- Bow And Arrows, Symbol Of Strength
- Obstinate Individuals
- Thinking Aright
- Prayer, Advice For Effective
- Receptiveness
- Fighting One Another
- Filling People
- Fear Of Stoning
- Temple Utensils In Use
- Gathered By God
- Redeemed
- Interlopers In The Temple
- Profits
- Useless Religion
- Serving God
- Improvement
- Decay
- Sanctification, Means And Results
- Personal Contact
- Tastelessness
- Restoring Things
- Tasteless
- Adulterers
- Adultery and Divorce
- Adultery In The Church
- Bodily Limbs
- Blindness, Symbolic
- Self Discipline
- Priority
- Profitable Things
- The Entrance Of Sin
- Abusive Relationships
- Infidelity
- Insults
- Self Defence
- Turning The Other Cheek
- Forgiving Others Who Hurt You
- Beggars
- Alms, Good Deeds
- Giving, Advice On
- Generosity, Used Towards
- Giving Without Expecting Return
- Giving Back
- Grace, In Human Relationships
- Malice
- Opposition, To Sin And Evil
- Persecution, Attitudes To
- Prayer, For Others
- Intercessory Prayer
- Duties To Enemies
- Praying For Sinners
- Loving Your Enemies
- Enemies
- Loving Yourself
- Forgiving Yourself
- Persecution
- Loving Everyone
- Beauty And Self Worth
- Haters
- Prayerfulness
- Man's Conduct Towards God
- What Foreigners Do
- Saying Repeatedly
- Examples of secret prayer
- Praying
- Ethics, incentives towards
- Good Rebounding
- Judgments
- Treating Others
- Judging Others Actions
- Others
- Newness
- Wine
- Parables Of Christ
- Alcohol Consumption
- Putting Off The Old Man
- Fresh
- Wineskins And Vats
- Putting In Order
- Sweeping
- Order
- Possessing
- Adding Blessing
- Those To Whom God Gives
- Taking God's Things
- Likening
- Figurative Fields
- Likening Things
- Parables Of The Kingdom
- Leavened
- Jesus Using Parables
- People Eating
- Plenty Through Christ
- Breaking Of Bread
- Being Devoted to God
- Support
- Trust In Relationships
- Legalism
- Pharisees
- Taxes
- Efficiency
- Christ Summoning
- Lording It
- Exercise
- Servant Leadership
- Dominion
- Jesus Christ, Meekness Of
- Assertiveness
- Groups Shouting
- Save Us!
- The Fact Of His Coming
- In God's Name
- Treading Grapes
- Leasing
- Faithlessness, As Disobedience
- Kingdom Of God, Entry Into
- Israel Hardened
- Snares Laid For Christ
- Man Trapping
- Caesar
- Judaism
- Neglect
- Pharisees, Beliefs Of
- Neglecting God's Things
- Neglecting Duties
- Religion
- Sins Of Omission
- Tithing Produce
- Hypocrites
- Hypocrisy
- Wicked Described As
- Figurative Burials
- Inner Beauty
- Reading
- Image Of The Beast
- End times prophecy
- Accompanying The Second Coming
- Giving, Of Talents
- What Heaven Will Be Like
- Heaven, Redeemed Community
- Work, And Redemption
- Good People
- Few Things
- Faithfulness
- Rest, Eternal
- Abundance, Spiritual
- Gifts And Talents
- Passover lamb
- Body Of Christ, Symbolized
- Lord's Supper
- Sacraments
- Thanking God For Food
- The Lord's Supper
- Bread
- Jesus Eating
- Aggression
- Resistance
- Christ Teaching
- Arresting Christ
- Treasuries
- Responsibility For Blood Shed
- Crowds Seeking
- People Releasing Others
- Innocence, Examples Of
- Disorder Among People
- Jesus Christ, Sinlessness
- Hour
- Loneliness
- Interpreting Language
- The Dead
- Leather
- Asceticism, People Practicing
- John The Baptist
- Faults
- Uniqueness
- Blasphemy
- Following Jesus Christ
- Serving Jesus
- Stretching Out
- Christ Seeing
- Those Jesus Healed
- Pressing
- Disciples' Movements
- Christ Telling The Truth
- Exorcisms
- Evil, victory over
- Demons, Delivered From
- Sitting At The Feet
- Fear Of Christ
- Those Demonised
- Help
- Miracles, Nature Of
- People Casting Out Demons
- In The Name Of Christ
- People Following People
- Demons
- Casting Out Demons
- Groups
- Cures
- Other Miracles
- Good Qualities
- Recognition
- Evenings For Jesus And His Disciples
- Disputes
- People Sitting Down
- Right Use Of Wealth
- Perfume
- Preparation For Burial
- Eating Christ's Body
- Table Grace
- Ministering
- Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
- Infirmities
- Apostles, Miraculous Power
- Apostles, Given Miraculous Power
- Signs And Wonders Of The Gospel
- Man's Authority Over The Devil
- Things Like Snakes
- Baptised By John
- Greed, Believers' Response To
- Soldiers
- Do Not Steal
- Lonliness
- Imitating Wicked People
- People Jumping
- Prophets Suffering
- Belonging To Heaven
- Reward For Works
- Reward
- Joy And Happiness
- Luck
- Jumping
- Fake Friends
- People Blessing
- Hurt
- Hope, Nature Of
- Expectations
- Giving, Of Possessions
- Stewardship
- Economics
- Blindness
- Providing
- Possessions
- Chains
- Iron Chains
- Thankfulness
- Feeding The Poor
- Driving out
- Intolerance
- Being Devout
- Worth
- Satan, Resistance To
- The Devil
- Agape Love
- Affluence
- Equipping, spiritual
- Purses
- Treasure
- Abrasion
- Giving To The Poor
- Treasure In Heaven
- Cutting
- Love, Abuse Of
- Guest Rooms
- Friendlessness
- Networking
- Love And Relationships
- Wealth
- Trusting Others
- Abraham, New Testament References
- Lazarus
- Widows
- Pride, Examples Of
- Righteousness, As Faith
- Self Righteousness, Nature Of
- Holier Than Thou
- Confidence And Self Esteem
- Business
- Others Summoning
- Inscriptions
- Baptism
- Jews, The
- Purifying Oneself
- Christ In The Temple
- Baptism, significance of
- Affirmations
- Born Again, Necessary
- Being Born Again
- Spiritual Blindness, Removal Of
- Necessity
- Regeneration
- Resurrection, Spiritual
- Racial Prejudice
- Jews Separate From Gentiles
- Moving On
- Movement
- Being First
- Persecution, Nature Of
- Grace, And Holy Spirit
- The Holy Spirit, And Preaching
- The Holy Spirit, And Regeneration
- The Holy Spirit, And Scripture
- That Which Is Spiritual
- Life In A Material World
- Spiritual life
- Value
- Speaking Again
- Witnessing, Importance Of
- Experimental Knowledge
- Self Knowledge
- Not Knowing About Christ
- Christ's Origin
- Gateways Of The Temple
- Greeks
- Flexibility
- Christ Is Lord
- Commitment, to God
- Love, Nature Of
- Shepherds, As Church Leader
- Names And Titles For The Christian
- The Need To Love Christ
- Zeal
- Prayer Meetings
- Upper Rooms
- Zealots
- Apostles, Description
- Foreknowledge
- Enemies, of Jesus Christ
- God, Purpose Of
- Gospel, Historical Foundation Of
- Lawlessness
- Peter, Preacher And Teacher
- The Cross
- Christians
- Believers
- Individualism
- Sharing Material Things
- Working Together
- Discrimination
- Christianity
- Cripples
- Lameness
- From The Womb
- The Healed Walking
- Never Giving Up
- Peter
- Surprises
- Power Through God
- Spiritual Foundations
- Christ The Rock
- Love, For One Another
- Agreeing With One Another
- Mindset
- Sin, Against Holy Spirit
- Selfishness
- Holy Spirit, Deity Of
- Liars
- The Unpardonable Sin
- Resisting Holy Spirit
- Couples
- Church Gatherings
- Work Ethic
- Speaking As From God
- Wise Men In The Church
- Lies
- Persecution, Forms Of
- Angels as God's servants
- Angels Giving The Law
- Angels As Mediators
- Ears
- Hearing
- Spirituality
- Unbelief, As Response To God
- Superiority
- Boasters
- Great Individuals
- Evangelists, ministry of
- Hatred
- Persecution Of The Apostle Paul
- Reasoned Argument
- Boldness
- Sisterhood
- Water For Baptism
- Evangelism
- Evangelizing
- Evangelism, kinds of
- Lord's Day, The
- Sabbath, In Nt
- Outside The City
- On The Sabbath
- Studying
- Christians, Names Of
- The Gospel Of Salvation
- Paul, Life Of
- Envy
- Unbelievers
- Unbelief, Examples Of
- Consciousness
- Reason
- Discussions
- Eloquence
- Race
- Christian Teachers
- Fervour
- Zealousness, Examples Of
- Unbelief, Results Of Being Guilty
- Illness
- Rivers
- Man
- Craftsmen
- Prophecy, In Nt
- Singleness
- Clear Consciences
- Consciences, Description Of
- Conscience
- Ships
- Desires
- Sodomy
- Evil Passions
- Affection
- Change And Growth
- Same Sex Marriage
- Gays
- Relationships And Dating
- Being Gay
- Man And Woman
- Chastity
- Ritual
- Necessity Of Circumcision
- Perspective
- Snakes
- Obscenity
- Other References To Mouths
- Behaviour
- Justification, Necessity Of
- Law, And Gospel
- Salvation Not By Works
- Justified By Works
- Justification
- Justification Is Not By The Law
- Keeping Faith
- Saved By Faith
- God's Promise To Abraham
- Grace, And Christian Life
- Victory, Over Spiritual Forces
- Sin Producing Death
- Sin Produces Death
- The Grace Of God
- God's Grace
- Sin, Causes Of
- Our Resurrection
- The Surrendered life
- Surrender
- Taking Care Of Your Body
- Heart, And Holy Spirit
- Teaching
- Obedience To God
- Thanksgiving, Offered
- Subject To Evil
- Thank God!
- Doctrine
- Ethics, and grace
- Sin, Avoidance Of
- Impurity
- Lust
- Evil Desires
- Effect Of The Law
- Self Centeredness
- Emotions
- Service To God
- Dead To Sin
- Good Words
- Legal
- People Have Honour
- Purpose
- Honour
- Variety Of Function
- The church
- The Bible
- Serving The Church
- Being Different
- Being Unique
- Christ
- Importance
- Revelation, In Nt
- Prophesying
- Prophesying In The Church
- The Grace Given To Men
- Prophecy
- The Gifts of God
- Spiritual Gifts
- Having Faith
- Teachers
- Teaching In The Church
- Duty
- Helping Others
- Serving
- Encouragement
- Encouraging Others
- Encouraging
- Discipleship, nature of
- Labor
- Zeal, Religious
- Serving Christ
- Diligent Prayer
- Doing Your Best
- Persistence
- Religious Freedom
- Veganism
- Assurance, nature of
- Criticism
- Enticers
- The power of Christ
- Preaching
- Eyes, Figurative Use
- Benefits Of Heaven
- Preparation
- Spiritual
- Thoughts
- Reality
- Encouraging Faith In Christ
- Opportunity
- Mere Talk
- Adultery, Results Of
- Fornication
- Lasciviousness
- Sexual Relationships
- Exclusion
- Fate Of Idolaters
- Universalism
- Inheritance
- Gay Marriage
- Sex Before Marriage
- Addiction
- Covetousness
- Greed
- Thieves
- Sexuality
- The Holy Spirit, And Sanctification
- The Blood Of Jesus
- Sexual Purity
- Marriage Controlled
- Communication In Marriage
- Husband And Wife
- Wife
- Reconciliation
- Love Marriage
- A Good Husband
- Marraige
- Consider Your Call To Salvation
- Positive Thinking
- Free
- Commitment, to the world
- Redeeming The Time
- Abuse, Of Spiritual Things
- Defilement, Objects Of
- Milk
- Coveting, prohibition of
- Paul's Boasting
- Ministers, Way They Should Teach
- The Gospel Preached
- Charge
- Spreading The Gospel
- Covenant, the new
- Blood, of Jesus Christ
- Sharing In Christ
- Being Thankful For Blessings
- Thanksgiving And Gratitude
- Food Permitted
- Respecting Your Body
- Church
- Attending Church
- Order In Pastoral Care
- The Church Universal
- Varieties
- Faith Hope And Love
- Hope And Love
- Prophecies concerning
- Adulthood
- Growing Spiritually
- Children, attitudes towards
- Childishness
- Childhood
- Growth
- Thought
- Spiritual Maturity
- Like Children
- Adult Children
- Manhood
- Prayer Language
- Building Up The Church
- Each Local Church
- Mental Abuse
- Thankfulness To Others
- Maturity
- Childlikeness
- Babies, Figurative Use
- Maturity, Spiritual
- Spiritual Immaturity
- Babies Used As A Spiritual Image
- Baby
- Not Believing The Gospel
- Fickleness
- Living For The Material
- Assenting
- Dissent
- Manifesting (making Something Clear)
- Adventure
- Deception, Christian Leaders Must Not
- Character Of Saints
- Sincerity, In Christian Living
- Sincereity
- Speaking Truth
- The Word Of God
- Corruption
- Boldness, To People
- Holy Boldness
- Craftiness
- Morality, And Creation
- Rejecting Things
- Ministers, Should Not Be
- Receiving God's Word
- Darkness, Deliverance From
- Enlightenment
- Light, Spiritual
- From Darkness To Light
- Darkness
- Outward Appearance
- Hypocrites, Description Of
- Those Who Had Faith
- Connection
- Encouragement, examples of
- Optimism
- Distress
- Pride
- A Bold Front
- In Men's Presence
- Spiritual Warfare, Armour
- Spiritual Warfare, As Conflict
- Divine
- Perfectionism
- Foolish People
- Apostles, Authority In Church
- Destruction Of The Church
- Men Pleasers
- Striving
- Trying
- Past
- Faith, As A Body Of Beliefs
- Gospel, Transmission Of
- Prejudice
- God, Impartiality Of
- Leaders
- Cowardice
- Instability
- Circumcision Party
- Grace
- Freedom, Abuse Of Christian
- Commitment, to God's people
- Ministry, In The Church
- Self Indulgence
- Slavery, Spiritual
- Unselfishness
- Abuse, Of Christian Freedom
- Calling, Of Christians
- 4th of july
- Serving People
- Christian Liberty
- Christians Being Called Brothers
- Immorality, Nature Of Sexual
- Sexual Aberrations
- Sexual Sin, Nature Of
- Partying
- Bad Attitude
- Letters
- God, Fatherhood Of
- Praise, Reasons For
- Present, The
- Unconditional Love
- Blessings From God
- The Future Age
- Principalities
- The Sin Nature
- Being Dead In Sin
- Elect
- Ranks Of Angels
- False Teachings
- Edification, Goal Of
- False Doctrine, Dangers Of
- Charm
- Heresies
- False Doctrines
- False Teachers
- Problem People
- Diligence, Rewards Of
- The Benefits Of Labor
- Work, As Ordained By God
- Wasting Time
- Minding Your Own Business
- Vulgarity
- Conflict Resolution
- Abusive Marriages
- Uplifting
- Giving Thanks
- Thanks
- Humor
- Sleep, Spiritual
- Potential
- Light As A Symbol Of Salvation
- Giving, Of Time
- Opportunities, In Life
- Waste
- Right Time For People
- Deadlines
- Redemption
- Equality
- Respect
- Praying For Others
- Staying Strong And Not Giving Up
- God Answering Prayers
- Hard Work And Perseverance
- Vocation
- Supplication
- Petition
- Ambassadors
- Grasping
- Pain
- Enemies Of God
- Possessions Decaying
- Mortification
- Self Control
- Coveting
- Sexual Chastity
- Covetousness, Nature of
- Applying The Bible
- Memorizing Scripture
- Grateful Heart
- Opportunities, And Salvation
- Time Management
- Overworking
- Cloaks
- Ministers, Should Be
- Seeking Honour
- Dignity
- Diligence
- Labour Day And Night
- Those Who Toiled
- Working
- Contact With People
- Effort
- Christ's Disciples Will Suffer
- Sinners
- Ignorance Towards God, Leads To
- Antichrist, Described As
- Counterfeits
- The Power Of Other Creatures
- Satan
- Being Chosen
- People Of God, In Nt
- Chosen Disciples
- Diligence, Results Of
- Men Working
- Works Of Faith
- Ignorance of God
- Ignorance
- Unbelief Toward Christ
- Reproach
- Hospitality, A Duty Of God's People
- Hospitality
- Faith, Nature Of
- Showing Hypocrisy
- Knowing God's Truth
- Self Respect
- Marijuana
- Hope, In God
- Destruction Of The Wicked
- Reminders Of The Gospel
- Serving Individuals
- Winter
- Worldly Pleasures, Characteristic Of The Wicked
- Belief In God
- Do Good!
- Causes of failure in
- Unbelief Toward God
- Examples, Purpose Of
- Unbelief, Nature And Effects Of
- Experience
- Eternal Death
- Faith That Works
- End Of The Ages
- Last Hour
- Conformity
- Obedience
- Slaves Of God
- Punishment, By God
- Angels
- Instinct
- Mammals
- Sexual Immorality Brings Punishment
- Mockers
- Angels Doing God's Work
- Sin, God's Judgment On
- The End Of Liars