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Now we give you orders, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to keep away from all those whose behaviour is not well ordered and in harmony with the teaching which they had from us.

Verse Conceptsevil, believers' responses toExcommunicationSluggardsTraditionsFellowship With WickedBad CompanyEvil AssociationsIn The Name Of ChristChristian TraditionsA Mans CharacterHaving No DealingsMen's OrdersChristians Being Called Brothers

Now such people we command and exhort in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and work quietly and earn their own food and other necessities [supporting themselves instead of depending on the hospitality of others].

Verse ConceptsMoney, Stewardship OfQuietnessPhysical LabourDoing One's WorkMen's OrdersMen Working

Desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither the things they say, nor those concerning which they confidently affirm.

Verse ConceptsTeachersTeachers Of The LawBeing Without UnderstandingThe Law ProclaimedPositive ThinkingBeing Positivelaw

understanding the fact that law is not enacted for the righteous person [the one in right standing with God], but for lawless and rebellious people, for the ungodly and sinful, for the irreverent and profane, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers,

Verse ConceptsLawlessnessGrace, And SalvationMurderSin, Nature OfHomosexualityJudgement On MurderersLack Of Holinessdisobedience

for sexually immoral persons, for homosexuals, for kidnappers and slave traders, for liars, for perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine,

Verse ConceptsTradeSound DoctrineThe End Of LiarsDefilementgaysSexual ImmoralityBeing GayGay MarriageSame Sex MarriageSexual Purity

This, then, is the charge that I lay upon you, Timothy, my Child, in accordance with what was predicted of you--Fight the good fight in the spirit of those predictions,

Verse ConceptsOrdinationSonsAffection, ExpressingChildren In The FaithReady For WarProphecies concerningWarSpiritual Warfare

Those are the points on which you should dwell, that there may be no call for your censure.

Verse ConceptsBlamelessness, In Christian LivingMen's Orders

If any believing man or woman have widows, let them impart relief to them, and let not the assembly be charged, that it may impart relief to those that are widows indeed.

Verse ConceptsBelieversMoney, Stewardship OfPoverty, Remedies ForLove Between RelativesRemoving BurdensPeople HelpingEach Local Church

In like manner good works also are manifest beforehand, and those that are otherwise cannot be hid.

Verse ConceptsThings Manifestdeeds

All those who are under the yoke as slaves must regard their own masters as worthy of all honor, lest the name of God and the teaching be slandered.

Verse Conceptsethics, personalMonotonyYokesEmployeesProfaning God's NameSlavesHonour The HonourableGentleness As A Fruit Of The Spirit

and those having believing masters, let them not slight them, because they are brethren, but rather let them serve, because they are stedfast and beloved, who of the benefit are partaking. These things be teaching and exhorting;

Verse ConceptsBelieversPartakersTeaching In The ChurchServing PeopleExhort OthersRespect For PeopleThose Who Had Faith

If any one teach differently, and do not accede to sound words, those of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the teaching which is according to piety,

Verse ConceptsTeachersTeachingSound DoctrineMisteachingDifferent TeachingsFalse TeachersDoctrines of the The GospelGodly Mandoctrine

for there are those who, while asserting their proficiency in it, have yet, as regards the Faith, gone altogether astray. God bless you all.

For that reason, I endure everything for the sake of those who have been chosen so that they, too, may receive the salvation that is in the Messiah Jesus, along with eternal glory.

Verse Conceptseternal life, nature ofEndurance, Results Ofelection, to salvationChristiansGlorySalvation, Described AsEternal BlessingEnduringThe Gospel Of SalvationTemporary Affliction Of SaintsSelflessness

Now in a large house there are not only gold and silver bowls, but also those of wood and clay, some for honorable use, some for dishonorable.

Verse ConceptsClayGoldWoodPeople Have HonourWood And StonePurposehonourVarieties

for of these there are those coming into the houses and leading captive the silly women, laden with sins, led away with desires manifold,

Verse ConceptsLicentiousnessCharacter Of WickedCaptivesHeavy BurdensWeak WomenProblem Peoplevulnerabilityimpulsivenessworms

persecutions, and sufferings: those things that happened to me at Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra. I endured those persecutions. Out of them all the Lord delivered me.

Verse ConceptsFreedom, Through Jesus ChristAfflictions, In Christian LivingDeliverance, Types OfRescuePersecution Of The Apostle PaulPersecution

In the presence of God and the Messiah Jesus, who is going to judge those who are living and those who are dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I solemnly appeal to you

Verse ConceptsGospel, Essence OfSolemn ChargesJudgesLast JudgmentThe Judgement InvolvesSecond Coming Of Christ, The PurposeEternal JudgmentChrist AppearingChrist JudgingLife And Deathepiphany

Give my love to Prisca and Aquila and those of the house of Onesiphorus.

From: Paul, a servant of God, and also an apostle of Jesus the Messiah, to bring the faith to those chosen by God, along with full knowledge of the truth that leads to godliness,

Verse ConceptsApostles, Function In Early ChurchFaith, Nature OfChristiansLettersPaul, Apostle To GentilesNames And Titles For The ChristianMaintaining FaithKnowing God's TruthThe Truth Of The Gospel

whose mouths it is necessary to stop; who overturn whole families, teaching those things which it does not behoove, for the sake of disgraceful gain.

Verse ConceptsProfitsSelf IndulgenceSacrilegeMisteachingRelatives Also InvolvedDishonestyFamiliesvulnerability

and may pay no attention to Jewish legends, or to the directions of those who turn their backs upon the Truth.

Verse ConceptsCounterfeitsMythsHuman PreceptsThose Against TruthAgainst The TruthDo Not Listen!Men's Ordersattention

But you should speak those things which agree with sound teaching:

Verse ConceptsTeachingTheologySound Doctrinebehaviordoctrine

that the elder women in like manner be in deportment as becoming those who have to say to sacred things, not slanderers, not enslaved to much wine, teachers of what is right;

Verse ConceptsAddictionsMentoringAlcoholBeing A Womendrinking, abstention fromSlanderTemperanceAlcohol ConsumptionCharacters Of Old PeopleTeaching In The ChurchNot Too Much WineWomen's Rolesgossiping

This is a faithful and trustworthy saying; and concerning these things I want you to speak with great confidence, so that those who have believed God [that is, those who have trusted in, relied on, and accepted Christ Jesus as Savior,] will be careful to participate in doing good and honorable things. These things are excellent [in themselves] and profitable for the people.

Verse ConceptseagernessProfitsWork, And RedemptionProfitable ThingsFaithful SayingsBelief In GodDo Good!Useful ThingsWorks Of FaithAnxiety And StressWork Ethic

Having confidence in your obedience I have written to you, knowing that you will do even more than those things which I say.

But of which of the angels has he said at any time, Take your seat at my right hand till I put all those who are against you under your feet?

Verse ConceptsFootstoolsenemies, of Jesus ChristRight Hand Of GodAngels, DescriptionRight SidesAngelsChrist OvercomingEnemies Of GodSubject To GodJesus Destroying His Enemies

For who were they who heard and yet provoked Him [with rebellious acts]? Was it not all those who came out of Egypt led by Moses?

Verse ConceptsAttitudes Of RebellionUnbelief, Nature And Effects OfLeaving EgyptHearing God's Voice

For we who believe [that is, we who personally trust and confidently rely on God] enter that rest [so we have His inner peace now because we are confident in our salvation, and assured of His power], just as He has said,

As I swore [an oath] in My wrath,
They shall not enter My rest,”

[this He said] although His works were completed from the foundation of the world [waiting for all who would believe].

Verse ConceptsCompletionHeaven,  Redeemed CommunityOpportunities, And SalvationPerfection, DivineEntering LifeSaved By FaithGod Swearing HarmFrom The BeginningGod Giving RestNew Testament Claiming Old Testament Is InspiredRestFinishing Strongfinishing

Seeing therefore it remains that some enter into it, and those who first received the glad tidings did not enter in on account of not hearkening to the word,

Verse ConceptsSpiritual FailureExclusionEntering LifeCauses of failure indisobedience

For the one who has once entered His rest has also rested from [the weariness and pain of] his [human] labors, just as God rested from [those labors uniquely] His own.

Verse ConceptsWorks Of The LawstruggleRestStruggles

Let us therefore make every effort to enter that rest [of God, to know and experience it for ourselves], so that no one will fall by following the same example of disobedience [as those who died in the wilderness].

Verse ConceptsExamples, Purpose OfExamples, BadeagernessHolidayRest, EternalUnbelief, Nature And Effects OfUnbelief, Results Of Being GuiltyEntering LifeeffortUnbelief Toward God

Every high priest who is taken from among men is given his position to take care of the interests of men in those things which have to do with God, so that he may make offerings for sins.

Verse ConceptsAtonement, in OTLeaders, SpiritualPriesthood, In NtSacrifice, Nt Fulfilment OfAaron, As High PriestAtoning By SacrificesOffering SacrificesRivers

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