Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in proclaiming it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. "Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest."

And He was saying to them, The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. Verse ConceptsBinding cornHarvestMissionaries, Task OfOpportunities, And SalvationMissionary WorkFruitful LabourReapingReapersFew In The KingdomWorkers

Now I urge you, brethren, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together with me in your prayers to God for me, that I may be rescued from those who are disobedient in Judea, and that my service for Jerusalem may prove acceptable to the saints; so that I may come to you in joy by the will of God and find refreshing rest in your company.

With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints, and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in proclaiming it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

for I know that this will turn out for my deliverance through your prayers and the provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, Verse ConceptsMinistry, In The ChurchMissionaries, Support ForIntercessory PrayerThe Spirit Of ChristGod ProvidingPray For UsWorking Togetherdeliverance

Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving; praying at the same time for us as well, that God will open up to us a door for the word, so that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ, for which I have also been imprisoned; that I may make it clear in the way I ought to speak.

Finally, brethren, pray for us that the word of the Lord will spread rapidly and be glorified, just as it did also with you; and that we will be rescued from perverse and evil men; for not all have faith.

At the same time also prepare me a lodging, for I hope that through your prayers I will be given to you. Verse ConceptsIntercessory PrayerPray For UsStaying TemporarilyPrivate RoomsGuest Rooms

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Pray for us, for we are sure that we have a good conscience, desiring to conduct ourselves honorably in all things. And I urge you all the more to do this, so that I may be restored to you the sooner.

Jesus was going throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people. Verse Conceptsevangelists, identity ofDoctrine, CommunicatedGospel, Descriptions OfMissionaries, Task OfNewsPreaching, Content OfPreaching, Importance OfTeachingJesus As Our TeacherChrist PreachingChrist TeachingDiseaseSicknessHealing SicknessStress And Hard TimesIllnesspreaching

If others share the right over you, do we not more? Nevertheless, we did not use this right, but we endure all things so that we will cause no hindrance to the gospel of Christ. Verse ConceptsCoveting, prohibition ofControlling PeopleSuffering For The GospelAvoid Being HinderedEnduringHindrances

and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, Verse ConceptsMinistry, In The ChurchMysteryGod Revealing Mysteriesholy BoldnessBoldnessfearlesssupplicationpetition

and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, Verse ConceptsMinistry, In The ChurchMysteryGod Revealing Mysteriesholy BoldnessBoldnessfearlesssupplicationpetition

and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, Verse ConceptsMinistry, In The ChurchMysteryGod Revealing Mysteriesholy BoldnessBoldnessfearlesssupplicationpetition

and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in proclaiming it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

Now I urge you, brethren, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together with me in your prayers to God for me, that I may be rescued from those who are disobedient in Judea, and that my service for Jerusalem may prove acceptable to the saints; so that I may come to you in joy by the will of God and find refreshing rest in your company.

Pray for us, for we are sure that we have a good conscience, desiring to conduct ourselves honorably in all things. Verse ConceptsConsciences, Before OthersdesiresMinistry, In The ChurchSelf RespectPray For UsconscienceClear Consciences

Finally, brethren, pray for us that the word of the Lord will spread rapidly and be glorified, just as it did also with you; Verse ConceptsHonorHonouring GodMissionaries, Support ForPrayer, In The ChurchPreaching, Effects OfLast WordsPray For UsSpreading The Gospelevangelising

Pray for us, for we are sure that we have a good conscience, desiring to conduct ourselves honorably in all things. Verse ConceptsConsciences, Before OthersdesiresMinistry, In The ChurchSelf RespectPray For UsconscienceClear Consciences

and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, Verse ConceptsMinistry, In The ChurchMysteryGod Revealing Mysteriesholy BoldnessBoldnessfearlesssupplicationpetition

With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints, and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel,

Then all the people said to Samuel, “Pray for your servants to the Lord your God, so that we may not die, for we have added to all our sins this evil by asking for ourselves a king.” Verse ConceptsCalling upon GodConfession, Examples OfAskingNot DyingAdding EvilDeath PreventedPray For Us

Pray for us, for we are sure that we have a good conscience, desiring to conduct ourselves honorably in all things. Verse ConceptsConsciences, Before OthersdesiresMinistry, In The ChurchSelf RespectPray For UsconscienceClear Consciences

and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, Verse ConceptsMinistry, In The ChurchMysteryGod Revealing Mysteriesholy BoldnessBoldnessfearlesssupplicationpetition

Finally, brethren, pray for us that the word of the Lord will spread rapidly and be glorified, just as it did also with you; Verse ConceptsHonorHonouring GodMissionaries, Support ForPrayer, In The ChurchPreaching, Effects OfLast WordsPray For UsSpreading The Gospelevangelising

The king said to the man of God, “Please entreat the Lord your God, and pray for me, that my hand may be restored to me.” So the man of God entreated the Lord, and the king’s hand was restored to him, and it became as it was before. Verse ConceptsPray For UsPraying For Sinners

But Simon answered and said, “Pray to the Lord for me yourselves, so that nothing of what you have said may come upon me.” Verse ConceptsPray For UsPraying For SinnersUnfulfilled Word

Then the sons of Israel said to Samuel, “Do not cease to cry to the Lord our God for us, that He may save us from the hand of the Philistines.” Verse ConceptsRescueUnceasingAlways PrayingIndividuals Saving OthersPray For Us

But just as you abound in everything, in faith and utterance and knowledge and in all earnestness and in the love we inspired in you, see that you abound in this gracious work also. Verse ConceptsFaith, Growth IneagernessAbounding, Good ThingsGenerosity, Used TowardsKnowingLove Exists Between PeopleGraceGivingReciprocitySpeechgraciousness

and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, Verse ConceptsMinistry, In The ChurchMysteryGod Revealing Mysteriesholy BoldnessBoldnessfearlesssupplicationpetition

that in everything you were enriched in Him, in all speech and all knowledge, Verse ConceptsBenefits Of KnowledgeSpeaking As From GodSpiritual GiftsSpeechatheismeverything

But just as you abound in everything, in faith and utterance and knowledge and in all earnestness and in the love we inspired in you, see that you abound in this gracious work also. Verse ConceptsFaith, Growth IneagernessAbounding, Good ThingsGenerosity, Used TowardsKnowingLove Exists Between PeopleGraceGivingReciprocitySpeechgraciousness

and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, Verse ConceptsMinistry, In The ChurchMysteryGod Revealing Mysteriesholy BoldnessBoldnessfearlesssupplicationpetition

that in everything you were enriched in Him, in all speech and all knowledge, Verse ConceptsBenefits Of KnowledgeSpeaking As From GodSpiritual GiftsSpeechatheismeverything