Thematic Bible: Pipe
Thematic Bible
Music » Instruments of » Pipe
And corded instruments and wind-instruments and wine are in their feasts: but they give no thought to the work of the Lord, and they are not interested in what his hands are doing.
Verse Concepts
And all the people came up after him, piping with pipes, and they were glad with great joy, so that the earth was shaking with the sound.
Verse Concepts
So my heart is sounding for Moab like the sound of pipes, and my heart is sounding like pipes for the men of Kir-heres: for the wealth he has got for himself has come to an end.
Verse Concepts
Pipe » Used in religious services
After that you will come to Gibeah, the hill of God, where an armed force of the Philistines is stationed: and when you come to the town, you will see a band of prophets coming down from the high place with instruments of music before them; and they will be acting like prophets:
Verse Concepts
You will have a song, as in the night when a holy feast is kept; and you will be glad in heart, as when they go with music of the pipe to the mountain of the Lord, the Rock of Israel.
Verse Concepts