Thematic Bible: Sure
Thematic Bible
God's word » Sure
For I tell you, as long as heaven and earth endure, not one dotting of an i or crossing of a t will be dropped from the Law until it is all observed.
Verse Concepts
Earth and sky will pass away, but my words will not.
Verse Concepts
That is why it all turns upon faith; it is to make it a matter of God's favor, so that the promise may hold good for all Abraham's descendants, not only those who are adherents of the Law, but also those who share the faith of Abraham. For he is the father of all of us;
Verse Concepts
God's Mercy » Described as » Sure
Word » Sure » Absolutely trustworthy
For I tell you, as long as heaven and earth endure, not one dotting of an i or crossing of a t will be dropped from the Law until it is all observed.
Verse Concepts
Earth and sky will pass away, but my words will not.
Verse Concepts
That is why it all turns upon faith; it is to make it a matter of God's favor, so that the promise may hold good for all Abraham's descendants, not only those who are adherents of the Law, but also those who share the faith of Abraham. For he is the father of all of us;
Verse Concepts