10 Bible Verses about Accomplishing
Most Relevant Verses
Yahweh, will carry through my cause, - O Yahweh! thy lovingkindness, is age-abiding, The works of thine own hands, do not thou desert.
So, shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth, It shall not return unto me void, - But shall accomplish that which I please, And shall prosper in that whereunto I have sent it.
Daily, was I with you, in the temple, teaching; and ye secured me not. But, that, the Scriptures, may be fulfilled --
And it came to pass, when the days for taking him up were on the point of being fulfilled, even he himself, set, his face, to be journeying unto Jerusalem;
But, an immersion, have I, to be immersed with, and how am I distressed, until it be ended!
Now, is my soul troubled, - and what can I say? Father! save me from this hour? But, on this account, came I unto this hour. Father, glorify thy name!
Be openly confessing, therefore, one to another, your sins, and be praying in each other's behalf, - that ye may be healed. Much availeth, the supplication of a righteous man, when it is energised:
But, Yahweh, hurled a great wind against the sea, - and, there arose a mighty tempest in the sea, - and, the ship, thought to be broken in pieces, Then were the mariners, afraid, and made outcry every man unto his own god, and they hurled the wares which were in the ship, into the sea, to lighten it of them, - but, Jonah, had gone down into the hinder parts of the vessel, and had lain down, and fallen into a sound sleep. Then drew near unto him the shipmaster, and said to him, What meanest thou, O sound sleeper? Arise, cry unto thy God, Peradventure God will bethink himself of us, that we perish not.read more.
And they said - every one unto his fellow, Come, and let us cast lots, that we may get to know for whose sake this calamity is upon us. So they cast lots, and the lot fell upon Jonah. Then said they unto him, Tell us, we pray thee, for whose sake this calamity is upon us? What is thy business? and from whence comest thou? what is thy country? and of what people art thou? And he said unto them, A Hebrew, am I, - and, Yahweh, the God of the heavens, do, I, revere, him who made the sea, and the dry land. Then did the men revere with great reverence, and said unto him, What is it thou hast done? For the men knew that, away from the presence of Yahweh, he was fleeing, - for he had told them.
Not, as to the things without measure, boasting ourselves in other men's toils, but having, hope - your faith, growing - among you, to be enlarged, according to our limit for something beyond, - Unto the regions beyond you, to carry the glad-message: not, within another man's limit, as to the things made ready, to boast ourselves.
Because, whatsoever hath been born of God, overcometh the world; and, this, is the victory that hath overcome the world - our faith.
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