14 Bible Verses about Advice, Receiving God's Advice
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Come, I pray you, and let us settle the disputer Saith Yahweh, - Though your sins be found like scarlet, As snow, shall they be made white, Though they appear red like crimson, As wool, shall they become.
Then told they David, saying, - Lo! the Philistines are fighting against Keilah, and they are plundering the threshing-floors. So David enquired of Yahweh, saying, Shall I go and smite these Philistines? And Yahweh said unto David - Go, and smite the Philistines, and save Keilah. But the men of David said unto him, Lo! we, here, in Judah, are afraid, - how much more, then, if we go to Keilah, against the ranks of the Philistines?read more.
So David yet again enquired if Yahweh, and Yahweh answered him, - and said - Arise, go down to Keilah, for I am about to deliver the Philistines into thy hand.
And it came to pass, after this, that David enquired of Yahweh, saying - Shall I go up into one of the cities of Judah? And Yahweh said unto him, Go up. And David said - Whither shall I go up? And he said - Unto Hebron.
And Jehoshaphat said unto the king of Israel, I am as thou art, my people are us thy people, my horses as thy horses.
Then said Jehoshaphat, unto the king of Israel, - Seek, I pray thee, some time to-day, the word of Yahweh.
Trust thou in Yahweh, with all thy heart, and, unto thine own understanding, do not lean: In all thy ways, acknowledge him, and, he, will make straight thy paths.
He that is of God, heareth, the sayings of God; therefore, do, ye, not hear, because, of God, ye are not.
My sheep, unto my voice, hearken, - and, I, know, them, and they follow me, - And, I, give unto them life age-abiding, and in nowise shall they perish, unto times age-abiding; and no one shall carry them off out of my hand.
For nothing, be anxious, but, in everything, by your prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let, your petitions, be made known unto God;
And, after the earthquake, a, fire, Not, in the fire, was, Yahweh, - And, after the fire, the voice of a gentle whisper.
Howbeit, as soon as, he, hath come - The Spirit of truth, he will guide you into all truth; for he will not speak from himself, but, whatsoever he heareth, he will speak, and, the coming things, will he announce unto you.
And, calling near the multitude, he said to them - Hear and understand!
Whereas, in many parts and in many ways of old, God spake unto the fathers, in the prophets, At the end of these days, He hath spoken unto us in his Son, - whom he hath appointed heir of all things, through whom also he hath made the ages;
Be asking, and it shall be given you, Be seeking, and ye shall find, - Be knocking, and it shall be opened unto you. For, whosoever asketh, receiveth, and, he that seeketh, findeth, - and, to him that knocketh, shall it be opened.
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