5 Bible Verses about The Spirit Of Truth

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We, are, of God: he that is getting to understand God, hearkeneth unto us, - whoso is not of God, hearkeneth not unto us: from this, perceive we - the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.

This, is he that came through means of water and blood, Jesus Christ: not, by the water, only, but, by the water and by the blood, - and, the Spirit, it is, that is bearing witness, because, the Spirit, is the truth.

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John 15:1-27

I, am the real vine, and, my Father, is, the husbandman. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit, He taketh it away; and, every one that beareth, fruit, He pruneth it, that, more fruit, it may bear. Already, ye, are, pure, because of the word which I have spoken unto you: read more.
Abide in me, and, I, in you. Just as, the branch, cannot be bearing fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine, so, neither, ye, except, in me, ye abide. I, am the vine: Ye, are the branches. He that abideth in me and, I, in him, the same, beareth much fruit; because, apart from me, ye can bring forth, nothing. If one abide not me, he is cast out as the branch, and withered, and they gather them, - and, into fire, they cast them, and they are burned. If ye abide in me, and, my sayings, in you, abide, whatsoever ye may be desiring, ask! and it shall be brought to pass for you. Herein, was my Father glorified, that, much fruit, ye should bear, and become my disciples. Just as the Father loved me, I also, loved you: Abide ye in my love. If, my commandments, ye keep, ye shall abide in my love, - just as, I, the Father's commandments, have kept, and abide in his love. These things, have I spoken unto you, that, my own joy, in you, may be, and, your joy, may be made full. This, is my own commandment, That ye be loving one another, just as I loved you. Greater love than this, hath, no one, That, his life, one should lay down in behalf of his friends. Ye, are, friends of mine, if ye be doing that which, I, am commanding you. No longer, do I call you, servants, for, the servant, knoweth not what, his lord, is doing. But, you, I have called, friends, because, all things which I heard from my Father, made I known unto you. Not, ye, chose, me, but, I, chose you, and placed you, that ye should go your way and bear, fruit, - and, your fruit, should abide: that, whatsoever ye should ask the Father in my name, he might give unto you. These things, I command you, That ye be loving one another. If, the world, is hating, you, ye are getting to know that, me, before you, it hath hated. If, of the world, ye had been, the world, of its own, had been fond; but, because, of the world, ye are not, on the contrary, I, chose you out of the world, therefore, the world, doth hate you. Remember the word which, I, spake unto you: A servant is not greater than his lord. If, me, they persecuted, you too, will they persecute, - If, my word, they kept, your own also, will they keep. But, all these things, will they do unto you, on account of my name, because they know not him that sent me. Had I not come and spoken unto them, Sin, had they none; but, now, have they no, excuse, for their sin. He that hateth me, hateth, my Father also. Had I not done among them, the works, which, no other, had done, sin, had they none; but, now, have they, both seen and hated both me and my Father. But -- that the word which, in their law, is written, might be fulfilled - They hated me without cause. Whensoever the Advocate shall come, Whom, I, will send unto you from the Father, The Spirit of truth, which, from the Father, cometh forth, He, will bear witness concerning me; And do, ye also, bear witness, because, from the beginning, ye are, with me,

John 14:16-19

And, I, will request the Father, and, Another Advocate, will he give unto you, that he may be with you age-abidingly, The Spirit of truth, - which, the world, cannot receive, because it beholdeth it not, nor getteth to know it. But, ye, are getting to know it; because, with you, it abideth, and, in you, it is. I will not leave you bereft, - I am coming unto you. read more.
Yet a little, and, the world, no longer beholdeth me; but, ye, behold me, - Because, I, live, ye also, shall live.

John 16:5-13

But, now, I go my way unto him that sent me, and, not one from among you, questioneth me - Whither goest thou? But, because, these things, I have told you, sorrow, hath filled your heart. But, I, the truth, am telling you - It is profitable for you, that, I, depart; for, if I should not depart, The Advocate, would in nowise come unto you, but, if I go, I will send him unto you. read more.
And, having come, He, will reprove the world - Concerning sin, and concerning righteousness, and concerning judgment: Concerning sin, indeed, because they are not believing on me; But, concerning righteousness, because, unto the Father, I go my way, and, no longer, do ye behold me; And, concerning judgment, because, the ruler of this world, hath been judged. Yet many things, have I, unto you, to be saying, - but ye cannot bear them, just now; Howbeit, as soon as, he, hath come - The Spirit of truth, he will guide you into all truth; for he will not speak from himself, but, whatsoever he heareth, he will speak, and, the coming things, will he announce unto you.

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