12 Bible Verses about Amazement, Of God's Actions

Most Relevant Verses

Psalm 98:1

A Psalm. Sing ye to Jehovah a new song, For wonders He hath done, Given salvation to Him hath His right hand and His holy arm.

Joshua 3:5

And Joshua saith unto the people, 'Sanctify yourselves, for to-morrow doth Jehovah do in your midst wonders.'

Judges 13:19

And Manoah taketh the kid of the goats, and the present, and offereth on the rock to Jehovah, and He is doing wonderfully, and Manoah and his wife are looking on,

1 Chronicles 16:24

Rehearse among nations His glory, Among all the peoples His wonders.

Psalm 71:17

God, Thou hast taught me from my youth, And hitherto I declare Thy wonders.

Psalm 72:18

Blessed is Jehovah God, God of Israel, He alone is doing wonders,

Psalm 96:3

Declare among nations His honour, Among all the peoples His wonders.

Daniel 3:24

Then Nebuchadnezzar the king hath been astonished, and hath risen in haste; he hath answered and said to his counsellors, 'Have we not cast three men into the midst of the fire -- bound?' They have answered and are saying to the king, 'Certainly, O king.'

Job 37:5

God thundereth with His voice wonderfully, Doing great things and we know not.

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