41 Bible Verses about God, Perfection Of

Most Relevant Verses

Psalm 25:8

Good and upright is Jehovah, Therefore He directeth sinners in the way.

Psalm 18:25-26

With the kind Thou showest Thyself kind, With a perfect man showest Thyself perfect. With the pure Thou showest Thyself pure, And with the perverse showest Thyself a wrestler,

Psalm 92:15

To declare that upright is Jehovah my rock, And there is no perverseness in Him!

Isaiah 26:7

The path for the righteous is uprightness, O upright One, The path of the righteous Thou dost ponder.

Luke 18:19

And Jesus said to him, 'Why me dost thou call good? no one is good, except One -- God;

Leviticus 11:44-45

For I am Jehovah your God, and ye have sanctified yourselves, and ye have been holy, for I am holy; and ye do not defile your persons with any teeming thing which is creeping on the earth; for I am Jehovah who am bringing you up out of the land of Egypt to become your God; and ye have been holy, for I am holy.

1 Peter 1:16

because it hath been written, 'Become ye holy, because I am holy;'

2 Samuel 22:31

God! Perfect is His way, The saying of Jehovah is tried, A shield He is to all those trusting in Him.

Psalm 40:5

Much hast Thou done, Jehovah my God; Thy wonders and Thy thoughts toward us, There is none to arrange unto Thee, I declare and speak: They have been more than to be numbered.

Psalm 96:3

Declare among nations His honour, Among all the peoples His wonders.

Psalm 139:14

I confess Thee, because that with wonders I have been distinguished. Wonderful are Thy works, And my soul is knowing it well.

Psalm 145:4-6

Generation to generation praiseth Thy works, And Thy mighty acts they declare. The honour -- the glory of Thy majesty, And the matters of Thy wonders I declare. And the strength of Thy fearful acts they tell, And Thy greatness I recount.

Jeremiah 32:19-20

Great in counsel, and mighty in act, in that Thine eyes are open on all the ways of the sons of Adam, to give to each according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings: In that thou hast done signs and wonders in the land of Egypt unto this day, and in Israel, and among men, and Thou dost make for Thee a name as at this day.

Psalm 19:7-11

The law of Jehovah is perfect, refreshing the soul, The testimonies of Jehovah are stedfast, Making wise the simple, The precepts of Jehovah are upright, Rejoicing the heart, The command of Jehovah is pure, enlightening the eyes, The fear of Jehovah is clean, standing to the age, The judgments of Jehovah are true, They have been righteous -- together.read more.
They are more desirable than gold, Yea, than much fine gold; and sweeter than honey, Even liquid honey of the comb. Also -- Thy servant is warned by them, 'In keeping them is a great reward.'

Job 42:3

Who is this, hiding counsel without knowledge?' Therefore, I have declared, and understand not, Too wonderful for me, and I know not.

Ezekiel 18:25

And ye have said, Not pondered is the way of the Lord. Hear, I pray you, O house of Israel, My way -- is it not pondered? Are not your ways unpondered?

Ezekiel 33:17-20

And the sons of thy people have said: The way of the Lord is not pondered, As to them -- their way is not pondered. In the turning back of the righteous from his righteousness, And he hath done perversity -- he dieth for it. And in the turning back of the wicked from his wickedness, And he hath done judgment and righteousness, by them he liveth.read more.
And ye have said: The way of the Lord is not pondered, Each according to his ways do I judge you, O house of Israel.'

Psalm 139:1-6

To the Overseer. -- A Psalm by David. Jehovah, Thou hast searched me, and knowest. Thou -- Thou hast known my sitting down, And my rising up, Thou hast attended to my thoughts from afar. My path and my couch Thou hast fanned, And with all my ways hast been acquainted.read more.
For there is not a word in my tongue, Lo, O Jehovah, Thou hast known it all! Behind and before Thou hast besieged me, And Thou dost place on me Thy hand. Knowledge too wonderful for me, It hath been set on high, I am not able for it.

1 John 4:8-12

he who is not loving did not know God, because God is love. In this was manifested the love of God in us, because His Son -- the only begotten -- hath God sent to the world, that we may live through him; in this is the love, not that we loved God, but that He did love us, and did send His Son a propitiation for our sins.read more.
Beloved, if thus did God love us, we also ought one another to love; God no one hath ever seen; if we may love one another, God in us doth remain, and His love is having been perfected in us;

Hebrews 5:8-9

through being a Son, did learn by the things which he suffered -- the obedience, and having been made perfect, he did become to all those obeying him a cause of salvation age-during,

Hebrews 7:28

for the law doth appoint men chief priests, having infirmity, but the word of the oath that is after the law appointeth the Son -- to the age having been perfected.

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