42 Bible Verses about Arms

Most Relevant Verses

Numbers 11:12

Am I the father of all this people? have I given them birth, that you say to me, Take them in your arms, like a child at the breast, to the land which you gave by an oath to their fathers?

Numbers 20:11

And lifting up his hand, Moses gave the rock two blows with his rod: and water came streaming out, and the people and their cattle had drink enough.

2 Samuel 22:35

He makes my hands expert in war, so that a bow of brass is bent by my arms.

Psalm 18:34

He makes my hands expert in war, so that a bow of brass is bent by my arms.

2 Kings 5:18

But may your servant have the Lord's forgiveness for this one thing: when my master goes into the house of Rimmon for worship there, supported on my arm, and my head is bent in the house of Rimmon; when his head is bent in the house of Rimmon, may your servant have the Lord's forgiveness for this thing.

2 Kings 7:2

Then the captain whose arm was supporting the king said to the man of God, Even if the Lord made windows in heaven, would such a thing be possible? And he said, Your eyes will see it, but you will not have a taste of the food.

Isaiah 17:5

And it will be like a man cutting the growth of his grain, pulling together the heads of the grain with his arm; even as when they get in the grain in the valley of Rephaim.

Isaiah 44:12

The iron-worker is heating the metal in the fire, giving it form with his hammers, and working on it with his strong arm: then for need of food his strength gives way, and for need of water he becomes feeble.

Hosea 11:3

But I was guiding Ephraim's footsteps; I took them up in my arms, but they were not conscious that I was ready to make them well.

Genesis 49:24

But their bows were broken by a strong one, and the cords of their arms were cut by the Strength of Jacob, by the name of the Stone of Israel:

Judges 15:14

And when he came to Lehi, the Philistines came out, meeting him with loud cries; then the spirit of the Lord came rushing on him, and the cords on his arms became like grass which has been burned with fire, and the bands came falling off his hands.

Judges 16:12

So Delilah took new thick cords, knotting them tightly round him, and said to him, The Philistines are on you, Samson. And men were waiting secretly in the inner room. And the cords were broken off his arms like threads.

Ezekiel 30:24-25

And I will make the arms of the king of Babylon strong, and will put my sword in his hand: but Pharaoh's arms will be broken, and he will give cries of pain before him like the cries of a man wounded to death. And I will make the arms of the king of Babylon strong, and the arms of Pharaoh will be hanging down; and they will be certain that I am the Lord, when I put my sword into the hand of the king of Babylon and it is stretched out against the land of Egypt.

Job 35:9

Because the hand of the cruel is hard on them, men are making sounds of grief; they are crying out for help because of the arm of the strong.

Jeremiah 48:25

The horn of Moab is cut off, and his arm is broken, says the Lord.

Job 38:15

And from the evil-doers their light is kept back, and the arm of pride is broken.

Psalm 10:15

Let the arm of the sinner and the evil-doer be broken; go on searching for his sin till there is no more.

Ezekiel 30:21-22

Son of man, the arm of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, has been broken by me, and no band has been put round it to make it well, no band has been twisted round it to make it strong for gripping the sword. For this cause the Lord has said: See, I am against Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and by me his strong arm will be broken; and I will make the sword go out of his hand.

Zechariah 11:17

A curse on the foolish keeper who goes away from the flock! the sword will be on his arm and on his right eye: his arm will become quite dry and his eye will be made completely dark.

Jeremiah 40:4

Now see, this day I am freeing you from the chains which are on your hands. If it seems good to you to come with me to Babylon, then come, and I will keep an eye on you; but if it does not seem good to you to come with me to Babylon, then do not come: see, all the land is before you; if it seems good and right to you to go on living in the land,

Acts 12:7

And a great light was seen shining in the room, and an angel of the Lord came to Peter and, touching him on his side so that he came out of his sleep, said, Get up quickly. And his chains came off his hands.

Job 26:2

How have you given help to him who has no power! how have you been the salvation of the arm which has no strength!

Hebrews 12:12

For this cause let the hands which are hanging down be lifted up, and let the feeble knees be made strong,

2 Chronicles 32:8

With him is an arm of flesh; but we have the Lord our God, helping us and fighting for us. And the people put their faith in what Hezekiah, king of Judah, said.

Psalm 77:15

With your arm you have made your people free, the sons of Jacob and Joseph. (Selah.)

Psalm 89:10

Rahab was crushed by you like one wounded to death; with your strong arm you put to flight all your haters.

Isaiah 63:12

He who made the arm of his glory go at the right hand of Moses, by whom the waters were parted before them, to make himself an eternal name;

Jeremiah 27:5

I have made the earth, and man and beast on the face of the earth, by my great power and by my outstretched arm; and I will give it to anyone at my pleasure.

Exodus 6:6

Say then to the children of Israel, I am Yahweh, and I will take you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians, and make you safe from their power, and will make you free by the strength of my arm after great punishments.

Deuteronomy 9:29

But still they are your people and your heritage, whom you took out by your great power and by your stretched-out arm.

2 Chronicles 6:32

And as for the man from a strange land, who is not of your people Israel but comes from a far country because of the glory of your name and your strong hand and your outstretched arm; when he comes to make his prayer, turning to this house:

Psalm 98:1

O make a new song to the Lord, because he has done works of wonder; with his right hand, and with his holy arm, he has overcome.

Genesis 29:13

And Laban, hearing news of Jacob, his sister's son, came running, and took Jacob in his arms, and kissing him, made him come into his house. And Jacob gave him news of everything.

Genesis 48:10

Now because Israel was old, his eyes were no longer clear, and he was not able to see. So he made them come near to him, and he gave them a kiss, folding them in his arms.

Acts 20:37

And they were all weeping, falling on Paul's neck and kissing him,

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Basic English, produced by Mr C. K. Ogden of the Orthological Institute - public domain