7 Bible Verses about Avoiding Secrecy
Most Relevant Verses
for there is nothing conceal'd but what shall be made manifest: nor was any thing kept secret, but in order to be divulged.
whatever is now obscure, shall hereafter be made clear; whatever is now conceal'd, shall then be publickly known.
for no body acts in private, that designs to distinguish himself: since you do such things, shew yourself to the world.
Jesus answered him, I spoke openly to the world; I was continually teaching in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither all the Jews resort, and in secret have I said nothing.
but Paul replied, they have publickly scourg'd us, who are Romans, without any trial, they have thrown us into jayl, and now do they give us a private discharge? no, let them come themselves and release us.
the king is inform'd of these things, to whom I address myself with the greater confidence, being persuaded he is fully apprized of these matters, that were far from being transacted in private.
renouncing all secret dishonesty, and void of all artifice, I deliver the word of God unadulterated, and recommend my self by urging the truth home to every man's conscience, as in the presence of God.