6 Bible Verses about Craftiness

Most Relevant Verses

1 Corinthians 3:19

for the wisdom of this world is folly, in the eye of God: as it is written, "he surprizes the wise in all their artifices."

Luke 20:23

but Jesus perceiving their malicious design, said to them, why do you practise upon me?

Matthew 26:4

and consulted how to seize Jesus by surprize, and take away his life.

Mark 14:1

Within two days was the feast of the passover, and of unleavened bread. and the chief priests, with the Scribes, contriv'd how they might seize Jesus by surprize, and put him to death.

From Thematic Bible

Craftiness » Craftiness, general references to

Matthew 26:4

and consulted how to seize Jesus by surprize, and take away his life.

Luke 20:23

but Jesus perceiving their malicious design, said to them, why do you practise upon me?

Craftiness » Instances of » Jews, in seeking to entangle the master

Matthew 22:15-17

Upon this the Pharisees withdrew, and consulted how they might insnare him in his discourse. they dispatch'd therefore some of their disciples, together with the Herodians, who thus address'd themselves to him; master, we know that you are sincere, and faithfully teach the divine law without fear or flattery: for you have no regard to the outward quality of men. tell us therefore, what is your opinion? is it lawful to pay tribute to Cesar, or no?

Matthew 22:24-28

master, said they, by the law of Moses, in case a man die without children, his brother is oblig'd to marry his wife, in order to perpetuate his brother's name. now there happen'd among us seven brothers, the first married but died without issue, leaving his wife to his brother: the same happen'd to the second, and the third, and so on to the seventh. read more.
last of all the woman died too: now if there be another life after this, whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all married her.

Mark 14:18-23

and as they sat eating, Jesus said, verily I say unto you, one of you that is eating with me, will betray me. and they were seized with sorrow, all successively asking him, is it I? but he answered them, saying, it is one of the twelve, he that eats of the same mess with me. read more.
the son of man is going indeed, according to what is written of him: but wo to that man, by whom the son of man is betrayed: it would be better for that man, if he had never been born. When they had been eating, Jesus took bread, and having given thanks, he brake it, and gave it to them, and said, take it, this represents my body. and he took the cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, and they all drank of it.

Luke 20:19-26

The chief priests, and the Scribes perceiving that he had applied this parable to them, were eager to seize upon him at that very time; but they were afraid of the people. they watch'd then, and suborn'd spies, who under pretence of their tender consciences, might ensnare him in his discourse, and so betray him to the civil power and jurisdiction of the governor. they address'd him therefore in this manner; master, we know that what you say and teach is all right. you are not influenc'd by the quality of men, but explain the divine law with sincerity: read more.
should we pay tribute to Cesar, or no? but Jesus perceiving their malicious design, said to them, why do you practise upon me? show me a penny: whose image and inscription is this? they answer'd, Cesar's. render then, said he, to Cesar, what belongs to Cesar, and to God, what belongs to God. so not being able to take any advantage from his words, before the people, they said no more, being surpriz'd at his answer.

Craftiness » Who the lord takes in their own craftiness

1 Corinthians 3:18-19

let no man deceive himself: if any among you pretends to worldly wisdom, let him commence fool, in order to be truly wise. for the wisdom of this world is folly, in the eye of God: as it is written, "he surprizes the wise in all their artifices."

Craftiness » Who does not walk in craftiness

2 Corinthians 4:1-2

Therefore, having by the divine favour such a ministry, I exert myself: renouncing all secret dishonesty, and void of all artifice, I deliver the word of God unadulterated, and recommend my self by urging the truth home to every man's conscience, as in the presence of God.

Craftiness » Instances of » In seeking to kill jesus

Matthew 26:4

and consulted how to seize Jesus by surprize, and take away his life.

Mark 14:1

Within two days was the feast of the passover, and of unleavened bread. and the chief priests, with the Scribes, contriv'd how they might seize Jesus by surprize, and put him to death.

Craftiness » Instances of » In management of laban's flocks and herds

Craftiness » Instances of » Jacob, in purchase of esau's birthright

Craftiness » Instances of » Gibeonites, in deceiving joshua and the israelites into a treaty

Craftiness » Instances of » Obtaining isaac's blessing

Craftiness » Instances of » Satan, in the temptation of eve

Craftiness » Instances of » Sanballat, in trying to deceive nehemiah into a conference

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