11 Bible Verses about Boldness Examples Of
Most Relevant Verses
And Jacob came in peace to the city of Shechem, which is in the land of Canaan, - when he came in from Padan-aram, - and he encamped before the city.
Then said David unto the Philistine - Thou, art coming unto me with sword, and with spear, and with javelin, - but, I, am coming unto thee in the name of Yahweh of hosts, God of the ranks of Israel which thou hast reproached.
Then said Elijah - By the life of Yahweh of hosts, before whom I stand, to-day, will I show myself unto him.
Then said I, Should, such a man as I, flee? Who then, being such as I, would enter the temple to save his life? I will not enter.
But, Daniel, when he knew that the writing, was signed, went to his own house, and, the windows being opened to him, in his chamber, toward Jerusalem, three times a day, was he kneeling upon his knees, and praying and giving thanks before his God, in like manner as he had been doing aforetime.
Joseph of Arimathaea, a noble counsellor, who, also himself, was awaiting the kingdom of God, came; and, venturing, went in unto Pilate, and claimed the body of Jesus.
Ye stiff-necked and uncircumcised in hearts and in ears, ye, always, against the Holy Spirit, do strive! As your fathers, ye also:
But, Barnabas, taking him, brought him unto the apostles, and related unto them, - how, in the way, he had seen the Lord, and that he had spoken unto him; and how, in Damascus, he had spoken boldly in the name of Jesus.
And, entering into the synagogue, he was speaking boldly for three months, reasoning and persuading concerning the kingdom of God.
A good while, therefore, tarried they, using boldness of speech in dependence upon the Lord, who was bearing witness unto his word of favour, granting signs and wonders to be coming to pass through their hands.
The same, also began speaking boldly in the synagogue; and Priscilla and Aquila, hearing him, took him unto them, and, more accurately, expounded unto him the way of God.