17 Bible Verses about Nature Of The Heart

Most Relevant Verses

Ezekiel 3:7

But the house of Israel will not be willing to hearken unto thee, for they are not willing to hearken unto me, - for all the house of Israel are bold of forehead and hard of heart.

Proverbs 14:10

The heart, knoweth its own bitterness, and, in its joy, no stranger shareth.

Proverbs 16:23

The heart of the wise, giveth discretion to his mouth, and, upon his lips, increaseth persuasiveness.

Jeremiah 4:18

Thine own way And thine own doings, Have done these things unto thee, - This thy wickedness, Surely it is bitter, Surely it hath reached unto thy heart.

Psalm 36:1

Declareth the transgression of the lawless one, within my heart, There is, no dread of God, before his eyes;

Ezekiel 14:3

Son of man These men have brought up their manufactured gods upon their hear, And their stumbling-block of iniquity, have they set straight before their face, - Shall I be at all enquired of by them?

Ezekiel 14:4

Therefore speak unto them and say unto them, Thus, saith My Lord, Yahweh, Any man whatsoever of the house of Israel Who shall bring up his manufactured gods upon his heart, And set his stumbling, block of iniquity, straight before his face, And then some in unto the prophet. Yahweh, have myself answered him thereby. By the multitude of his manufactured gods:

Matthew 13:15

For the heart of this people hath become dense, and, with their ears, heavily have they heard, and, their eyes, have they closed, - lest, once they should see with their eyes, and, with their ears, should hear, and, with their hearts, should understand, and return; when I would certainly heal them.

Acts 28:27

For the heart of this people, hath become dense, and, with their ears, heavily, have they heard, and, their eyes, have they closed, - lest once they should see with their eyes, and, with their ears, should hear, and, with their hearts, should understand, and return, - when I would certainly heal them.

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