6 Bible Verses about Cherubim, Description of
Most Relevant Verses
And I looked, and behold: a stormy wind came out of the North with a great cloud full of fire, which, with his glister, lightened all round about. And in the midst of the fire it was all clear, and as it were the likeness of four beasts: which were fashioned like a man, that every one had four faces and four wings.read more.
Their legs were straight; But their feet were like bullock's feet, and they glistered, as it had been fair scoured metal. Under their wings upon all the four corners they had men's hands. Their faces and their wings were toward the four corners: yet were the wings so, that one ever touched another. When they went, they turned them not about: but each one went straight forward. Upon the right side of these four, their faces were like the face of a man, and the face of a Lion: But upon the left side, they had the face of an ox and the face of an eagle. Their faces also and their wings were spread out above: so that two wings of one touched ever two wings of another, and with the other two they covered their body. Every one, when it went, it went straight forward. Whereas the spirit led them, thither they went; and turned not about in their going. And the similitude of the beasts and the fashion of them was as burning coals of fire and as fire brands, walking between the beasts. And the fire did shine, and out of the fire proceeded lightning. And the beasts ran and returned after the fashion of lightning.
Their whole bodies, their backs, their hands and wings, yea and the wheels also, were all full of eyes round about them, all four. And I heard him call the wheels Gilgal. Every one of them had four faces: so that the one face was the face of a Cherub, the second of a man, the third of a lion, the fourth of an Eagle,
Now the figure of their faces was even as I had seen them, by the water of Chebar, and so was the countenance of them: Every one in his going went straight forward. Moreover, the spirit of the LORD lift me up, and brought me unto the east port of the LORD's house. And behold, there were twenty five men under the door: among whom I saw Jaazaniah the son of Azzur, and Pelatiah the son of Benaiah, the rulers of the people. Then said the LORD unto me, "Thou son of man: these men imagine mischief, and a wicked counsel take they in this city,
Yea and the sound of the Cherubims' wings was heard into the fore court, like as it had been the voice of the almighty God when he speaketh.
And before the seat there was a sea of glass, like unto crystal, and in the midst of the seat, and round about the seat, were four beats full of eyes before and behind. And the first beast was like a lion, the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle. And the four beasts had, each one of them, six wings about him, and they were full of eyes within. And they had no rest day neither night saying, "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God almighty, which was, and is, and is to come."
And he cast Adam out, and set at the entering of the garden Eden, Cherubim with a naked sword moving in and out, to keep the way to the tree of life.