8 Bible Verses about Child Bearing
Most Relevant Verses
And God gave them his blessing and said to them, Be fertile and have increase, and make the earth full and be masters of it; be rulers over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing moving on the earth.
So it is my desire that the younger widows may be married and have children, controlling their families, and giving the Evil One no chance to say anything against them,
To the woman he said, Great will be your pain in childbirth; in sorrow will your children come to birth; still your desire will be for your husband, but he will be your master.
When a woman is about to give birth she has sorrow, because her hour is come; but when she has given birth to the child, the pain is put out of her mind by the joy that a man has come into the world.
And she had her first son; and folding him in linen, she put him to rest in the place where the cattle had their food, because there was no room for them in the house.
But if they go on in faith and love and holy self-control, she will be kept safe at the time of childbirth.
And she was with child; and she gave a cry, in the pains of childbirth.
And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who was to have rule over all the nations with a rod of iron: and her child was taken up to God and to his high seat.