17 Bible Verses about Being A Husband
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Husbands, have love for your wives, even as Christ had love for the church, and gave himself for it;
And you husbands, give thought to your way of life with your wives, giving honour to the woman who is the feebler vessel, but who has an equal part in the heritage of the grace of life; so that you may not be kept from prayer.
If anyone has no care for his family and those in his house, he is false to the faith, and is worse than one who has no faith.
For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the church, being himself the saviour of the body.
Letting yourselves be ruled by one another in the fear of Christ. Wives, be under the authority of your husbands, as of the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the church, being himself the saviour of the body.read more.
And as the church is under Christ's authority, so let wives be under the rule of their husbands in all things. Husbands, have love for your wives, even as Christ had love for the church, and gave himself for it; So that he might make it holy, having made it clean with the washing of water by the word, And might take it for himself, a church full of glory, not having one mark or fold or any such thing; but that it might be holy and complete. Even so it is right for husbands to have love for their wives as for their bodies. He who has love for his wife has love for himself: For no man ever had hate for his flesh; but he gives it food and takes care of it, even as Christ does for the church; Because we are parts of his body. For this cause will a man go away from his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a great secret: but my words are about Christ and the church.
But it is important for you to keep this fact in mind, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God.
To the woman he said, Great will be your pain in childbirth; in sorrow will your children come to birth; still your desire will be for your husband, but he will be your master.
Wives, be under the authority of your husbands, as is right in the Lord.
And the Lord God said, It is not good for the man to be by himself: I will make one like himself as a help to him
Whoever gets a wife gets a good thing, and has the approval of the Lord.
Let married life be honoured among all of you and not made unclean; for men untrue in married life will be judged by God.
A newly married man will not have to go out with the army or undertake any business, but may be free for one year, living in his house for the comfort of his wife.
House and wealth are a heritage from fathers, but a wife with good sense is from the Lord.
Wives, be ruled by your husbands; so that even if some of them give no attention to the word, their hearts may be changed by the behaviour of their wives, When they see your holy behaviour in the fear of God. Do not let your ornaments be those of the body such as dressing of the hair, or putting on of jewels of gold or fair clothing;read more.
But let them be those of the unseen man of the heart, the ever-shining ornament of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great price in the eyes of God. And these were the ornaments of the holy women of the past, whose hope was in God, being ruled by their husbands: As Sarah was ruled by Abraham, naming him lord; whose children you are if you do well, and are not put in fear by any danger.
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