23 Bible Verses about Christians, Names Of
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but still a vast number of people, both men and women, who believed in the Lord, continued to join them,
Do you not know, brothers -- for I speak to those who are acquainted with the law -- that the law can press its claim over a man only so long as he lives?
Therefore, my Christian brothers, fix your thoughts on Jesus, the Messenger and High Priest whom we profess to follow,
To pay me back, I tell you, my children, you too must stretch your hearts with love for me.
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The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirits that we are God's children;
For at one time you were darkness itself, but now in union with the Lord you are light itself. You must live like children of light,
So you must keep on following God's example, as dearly loved children of His,
but his disciples took him one night and let him down through the city wall, by lowering him in a hamper-basket.
Who can bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who declared them in right standing;
and if children, then also heirs, heirs of God and fellow-heirs with Christ if in reality we share His sufferings, so that we may share His glory too.
My dear children, I am writing you this so that you may not sin; yet if anyone ever sins, we have One who pleads our case with the Father, Jesus Christ, One who is righteous.
But as it now is, God has placed the parts, every one of them, in the body just as He wanted them to be.
Dearly beloved, I beg you as aliens and exiles to keep on abstaining from the evil desires of your lower nature, because they are always at war with the soul.
and has made us a kingdom of priests for His God and Father: to Him be glory forever. Amen.
and He who searches our hearts knows what the Spirit thinks, for He pleads for His people in accordance with God's will.
This girl kept following Paul and the rest of us, shrieking, "These men are slaves of the Most High God, and they are proclaiming to you a way of salvation."
No soldier ever allows himself to be involved in the business affairs of life, so that he may please the officer who enlisted him.
So if a man will cleanse himself from these things, he will be an instrument for honorable uses, consecrated, useful for the Master, and ready for any good service.
but you are going to receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you must be witnesses for me in Jerusalem and all over Judea and Samaria, and to the very ends of the earth."
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