14 Bible Verses about Bad Thoughts
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Now, brothers, practice thinking on what is true, what is honorable, what is right, what is pure, what is lovable, what is high-toned, yes, on everything that is excellent or praiseworthy.
For I am demolishing arguments and every barrier that is raised against the genuine knowledge of God, taking captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ,

Instead, put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and put a stop to gratifying the evil desires that lurk in your lower nature.
The good man, out of his good inner storehouse, brings forth what is good, the bad man, out of his bad one, what is bad. For a man's mouth usually speaks the things that fill his heart.
For the Spirit that God has given us does not impart timidity but power and love and self-control.
For God's message is alive and full of power in action, sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing even to the depths of soul and spirit, to the dividing of joints and marrow, and passing judgment on the thoughts and purposes of the heart.
Stop living in accordance with the customs of this world, but by the new ideals that mold your minds continue to transform yourselves, so as to find and follow God's will; that is, what is good, well-pleasing to Him, and perfect.
For people who live by the standard set by their lower nature are usually thinking the things suggested by that nature, and people who live by the standard set by the Spirit are usually thinking the things suggested by the Spirit.
But anyone is tempted to do evil when he is allured by his own evil desire and enticed by a bait. Then evil desire conceives and gives birth to sin, and when sin is completed, it brings forth death.
Therefore, my Christian brothers, fix your thoughts on Jesus, the Messenger and High Priest whom we profess to follow,
For to be thinking the things suggested by the lower nature means death, but to be thinking the things suggested by the Spirit means life and peace.
to lay aside, with your former way of living, your old self which is on the way to destruction in accordance with its deceptive impulses; and to have a new attitude of mind and put on the new self which has been created in the likeness of God, which fruits in right and holy living inspired by the truth.
But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman so as to have an evil desire for her at once has already committed adultery with her in his heart,
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