14 Bible Verses about Clapping
Most Relevant Verses
And he brought out the son of the king and put the crown upon him, and delivered him the witness, and made him king and anointed him. And they clapped their hands and said, "God save the king."
{To the Chanter, a Psalm of the children of Korah} O clap your hands together, all ye people; O sing unto God with the voice of melody!
And so shall ye go forth with joy, and be lead with peace. The mountains and hills shall sing with you for joy, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
{Samekh} All they that go by thee clap their hands at thee - hissing and wagging their heads upon the daughter Jerusalem - and say, "Is this the city that men call so fair, wherein the whole land rejoiceth?"
A vehement wind carrieth him hence, and departeth: a storm plucketh him out of his place. It rusheth in upon him, and spareth him not, he may not escape from the power thereof. Then clap men their hands at him, yea and jest of him, when they look upon his place.
yea, above his sins he hath blasphemed, which offense he hath done even before us, in that he striveth against God with his words!"
For thus sayeth the LORD God: Insomuch as thou hast clapped with thine hands, and stamped with thy feet; yea, rejoiced in thine heart over the land of Israel with despite;
Thy wound cannot be hid, thy plague is so sore. All they that hear this of thee, shall clap their hands over thee. For what is he, to whom thou hast not always been doing hurt?
Then clap men their hands at him, yea and jest of him, when they look upon his place.
Prophesy, thou son of man, and smite thine hands together: make the sword two edged, yea make it three edged, that manslayer's sword, that sword of the great slaughter, which shall smite them even in their privy chambers:
The LORD said moreover unto me, "Smite thy hands together, and stamp with thy feet, and say, 'Woe worth all the abominations and wickednesses of the house of Israel, for because of them they shall perish with the sword, with hunger and with pestilence.
I will smite my hands together also and satisfy my wrathful indignation: Even I the LORD have said it."
And Balak was wroth with Balaam, and smote his hands together, and said unto him, "I sent for thee to curse mine enemies: and behold, thou hast blessed them this three times,