63 Bible Verses about desires

Most Relevant Verses

Psalm 42:1-2

To the Overseer. -- An Instruction. By sons of Korah. As a hart doth pant for streams of water, So my soul panteth toward Thee, O God. My soul thirsted for God, for the living God, When do I enter and see the face of God?

Psalm 63:1-8

A Psalm of David, in his being in the wilderness of Judah. O God, Thou art my God, earnestly do I seek Thee, Thirsted for Thee hath my soul, Longed for Thee hath my flesh, In a land dry and weary, without waters. So in the sanctuary I have seen Thee, To behold Thy strength and Thine honour. Because better is Thy kindness than life, My lips do praise Thee.read more.
So I bless Thee in my life, in Thy name I lift up my hands. As with milk and fatness is my soul satisfied, And with singing lips doth my mouth praise. If I have remembered Thee on my couch, In the watches -- I meditate on Thee. For Thou hast been a help to me, And in the shadow of Thy wings I sing. Cleaved hath my soul after Thee, On me hath Thy right hand taken hold.

1 Timothy 5:11

and younger widows be refusing, for when they may revel against the Christ, they wish to marry,

Isaiah 26:8-9

Also, in the path of Thy judgments, O Jehovah, we have waited for Thee, To Thy name and to Thy remembrance Is the desire of the soul. With my soul I desired Thee in the night, Also, with my spirit within me I seek Thee earnestly, For when Thy judgments are on the earth, The inhabitants of the world have learned righteousness.

Deuteronomy 5:21

Thou dost not desire thy neighbour's wife; nor dost thou covet thy neighbour's house, his field, and his man-servant, and his handmaid, his ox, and his ass, and anything which is thy neighbour's.

Romans 1:26

Because of this did God give them up to dishonourable affections, for even their females did change the natural use into that against nature;

Exodus 20:17

Thou dost not desire the house of thy neighbour, thou dost not desire the wife of thy neighbour, or his man-servant, or his handmaid, or his ox, or his ass, or anything which is thy neighbour's.'

Proverbs 11:6

The righteousness of the upright delivereth them, And in mischief the treacherous are captured.

Psalm 119:174

I have longed for Thy salvation, O Jehovah, And Thy law is my delight.

1 Thessalonians 4:3-4

for this is the will of God -- your sanctification; that ye abstain from the whoredom, that each of you know his own vessel to possess in sanctification and honour,

2 Peter 2:18

for overswellings of vanity speaking, they do entice in desires of the flesh -- lasciviousnesses, those who had truly escaped from those conducting themselves in error,

Hebrews 13:18

Pray for us, for we trust that we have a good conscience, in all things willing to behave well,

Romans 7:8

Thou shalt not covet;' and the sin having received an opportunity, through the command, did work in me all covetousness -- for apart from law sin is dead.

Matthew 12:7

and if ye had known what is: Kindness I will, and not sacrifice -- ye had not condemned the blameless,

1 Timothy 6:9-10

and those wishing to be rich, do fall into temptation and a snare, and many desires, foolish and hurtful, that sink men into ruin and destruction, for a root of all the evils is the love of money, which certain longing for did go astray from the faith, and themselves did pierce through with many sorrows;

2 Chronicles 1:7-12

In that night hath God appeared to Solomon, and saith to him, 'Ask -- what do I give to thee?' And Solomon saith to God, 'Thou hast done with David my father great kindness, and hast caused me to reign in his stead. Now, O Jehovah God, is Thy word with David my father stedfast, for Thou hast caused me to reign over a people numerous as the dust of the earth;read more.
now, wisdom and knowledge give to me, and I go out before this people, and I come in, for who doth judge this Thy great people?' And God saith to Solomon, 'Because that this hath been with thy heart, and thou hast not asked riches, wealth, and honour, and the life of those hating thee, and also many days hast not asked, and dost ask for thyself wisdom and knowledge, so that thou dost judge My people over which I have caused thee to reign -- the wisdom and the knowledge is given to thee, and riches and wealth and honour I give to thee, that there hath not been so to the kings who are before thee, and after thee it is not so.'

1 Kings 3:5-14

In Gibeon hath Jehovah appeared unto Solomon, in a dream of the night, and God saith, 'Ask -- what do I give to thee?' And Solomon saith, 'Thou hast done with Thy servant David my father great kindness, as he walked before Thee in truth and in righteousness, and in uprightness of heart with Thee, and Thou dost keep for him this great kindness, and dost give to him a son sitting on his throne, as at this day. And now, O Jehovah my God, Thou hast caused thy servant to reign instead of David my father; and I am a little child, I do not know to go out and to come in;read more.
and Thy servant is in the midst of thy people, whom Thou hast chosen, a people numerous, that is not numbered nor counted for multitude, and Thou hast given to Thy servant an understanding heart, to judge Thy people, to discern between good and evil; for who is able to judge this Thy great people?' And the thing is good in the eyes of the Lord, that Solomon hath asked this thing, and God saith unto him, 'Because that thou hast asked this thing, and hast not asked for thee many days, nor asked for thee riches, nor asked the life of thine enemies, and hast asked for thee discernment to understand judgment, lo, I have done according to thy words; lo, I have given to thee a heart, wise and understanding, that like thee there hath not been before thee, and after thee there doth not arise like thee; and also, that which thou hast not asked I have given to thee, both riches and honour, that there hath not been like thee a man among the kings all thy days; and if thou dost walk in My ways to keep My statutes, and My commands, as David thy father walked, then I have prolonged thy days.'

James 1:13-15

Let no one say, being tempted -- 'From God I am tempted,' for God is not tempted of evil, and Himself doth tempt no one, and each one is tempted, by his own desires being led away and enticed, afterward the desire having conceived, doth give birth to sin, and the sin having been perfected, doth bring forth death.

2 Peter 3:3

this first knowing, that there shall come in the latter end of the days scoffers, according to their own desires going on,

1 Corinthians 14:1-5

Pursue the love, and seek earnestly the spiritual things, and rather that ye may prophecy, for he who is speaking in an unknown tongue -- to men he doth not speak, but to God, for no one doth hearken, and in spirit he doth speak secrets; and he who is prophesying to men doth speak edification, and exhortation, and comfort;read more.
he who is speaking in an unknown tongue, himself doth edify, and he who is prophesying, an assembly doth edify; and I wish you all to speak with tongues, and more that ye may prophecy, for greater is he who is prophesying than he who is speaking with tongues, except one may interpret, that the assembly may receive edification.

Amos 5:21-24

I have hated -- I have loathed your festivals, And I am not refreshed by your restraints. For though ye cause burnt-offerings and your presents to ascend to Me, I am not pleased, And the peace-offering of your fatlings I behold not. Turn aside from Me the noise of thy songs, Yea, the praise of thy psaltery I hear not.read more.
And roll on as waters doth judgment, And righteousness as a perennial stream.

1 Corinthians 12:27-31

and ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. And some, indeed, did God set in the assembly, first apostles, secondly prophets, thirdly teachers, afterwards powers, afterwards gifts of healings, helpings, governings, divers kinds of tongues; are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all powers?read more.
have all gifts of healings? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret? and desire earnestly the better gifts; and yet a far excelling way do I shew to you:

John 4:21-24

Jesus saith to her, 'Woman, believe me, that there doth come an hour, when neither in this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, shall ye worship the Father; ye worship what ye have not known; we worship what we have known, because the salvation is of the Jews; but, there cometh an hour, and it now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father also doth seek such to worship him;read more.
God is a Spirit, and those worshipping Him, in spirit and truth it doth behove to worship.'

Hebrews 10:5-14

Wherefore, coming into the world, he saith, 'Sacrifice and offering Thou didst not will, and a body Thou didst prepare for me, in burnt-offerings, and concerning sin-offerings, Thou didst not delight, then I said, Lo, I come, (in a volume of the book it hath been written concerning me,) to do, O God, Thy will;'read more.
saying above -- 'Sacrifice, and offering, and burnt-offerings, and concerning sin-offering Thou didst not will, nor delight in,' -- which according to the law are offered -- then he said, 'Lo, I come to do, O God, Thy will;' he doth take away the first that the second he may establish; in the which will we are having been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once, and every priest, indeed, hath stood daily serving, and the same sacrifices many times offering, that are never able to take away sins. And He, for sin one sacrifice having offered -- to the end, did sit down on the right hand of God, -- as to the rest, expecting till He may place his enemies as his footstool, for by one offering he hath perfected to the end those sanctified;

Romans 8:5-14

For those who are according to the flesh, the things of the flesh do mind; and those according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit; for the mind of the flesh is death, and the mind of the Spirit -- life and peace; because the mind of the flesh is enmity to God, for to the law of God it doth not subject itself,read more.
for neither is it able; and those who are in the flesh are not able to please God. And ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God doth dwell in you; and if any one hath not the Spirit of Christ -- this one is not His; and if Christ is in you, the body, indeed, is dead because of sin, and the Spirit is life because of righteousness, and if the Spirit of Him who did raise up Jesus out of the dead doth dwell in you, He who did raise up the Christ out of the dead shall quicken also your dying bodies, through His Spirit dwelling in you. So, then, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh; for if according to the flesh ye do live, ye are about to die; and if, by the Spirit, the deeds of the body ye put to death, ye shall live; for as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God;

Psalm 40:6-8

Sacrifice and present Thou hast not desired, Ears Thou hast prepared for me, Burnt and sin-offering Thou hast not asked. Then said I, 'Lo, I have come,' In the roll of the book it is written of me, To do Thy pleasure, my God, I have delighted, And Thy law is within my heart.

Romans 13:11-14

And this, knowing the time, that for us, the hour already is to be aroused out of sleep, for now nearer is our salvation than when we did believe; the night did advance, and the day came nigh; let us lay aside, therefore, the works of the darkness, and let us put on the armour of the light; as in day-time, let us walk becomingly; not in revellings and drunkennesses, not in chamberings and lasciviousnesses, not in strife and emulation;read more.
but put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and for the flesh take no forethought -- for desires.

James 1:19-20

So then, my brethren beloved, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger, for the wrath of a man the righteousness of God doth not work;

Ephesians 4:22-24

ye are to put off concerning the former behaviour the old man, that is corrupt according to the desires of the deceit, and to be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and to put on the new man, which, according to God, was created in righteousness and kindness of the truth.

2 Chronicles 9:8

Let Jehovah thy God be blessed who hath delighted in thee, to put thee on His throne for king for Jehovah thy God; in the love of thy God to Israel, to establish it to the age, He hath put thee over them for king, to do judgment and righteousness.'

Psalm 132:13

For Jehovah hath fixed on Zion, He hath desired it for a seat to Himself,

1 Peter 1:14-15

as obedient children, not fashioning yourselves to the former desires in your ignorance, but according as He who did call you is holy, ye also, become holy in all behaviour,

1 Peter 4:1-5

Christ, then, having suffered for us in the flesh, ye also with the same mind arm yourselves, because he who did suffer in the flesh hath done with sin, no more in the desires of men, but in the will of God, to live the rest of the time in the flesh; for sufficient to us is the past time of life the will of the nations to have wrought, having walked in lasciviousnesses, desires, excesses of wines, revellings, drinking-bouts, and unlawful idolatries,read more.
in which they think it strange -- your not running with them to the same excess of dissoluteness, speaking evil, who shall give an account to Him who is ready to judge living and dead,

Galatians 5:16-17

And I say: In the Spirit walk ye, and the desire of the flesh ye may not complete; for the flesh doth desire contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit contrary to the flesh, and these are opposed one to another, that the things that ye may will -- these ye may not do;

Romans 7:18

for I have known that there doth not dwell in me, that is, in my flesh, good: for to will is present with me, and to work that which is right I do not find,

From Thematic Bible

Communion with God » Saints » Desires

Psalm 42:1

To the Overseer. -- An Instruction. By sons of Korah. As a hart doth pant for streams of water, So my soul panteth toward Thee, O God.

Desires » Select readings, psalms 42; 84 ps 42; 84 » General references to

Psalm 119:20

Broken hath my soul for desire Unto Thy judgments at all times.

Isaiah 26:9

With my soul I desired Thee in the night, Also, with my spirit within me I seek Thee earnestly, For when Thy judgments are on the earth, The inhabitants of the world have learned righteousness.

Desires » Evil

Habakkuk 2:5

And also, because the wine is treacherous, A man is haughty, and remaineth not at home, Who hath enlarged as sheol his soul, And is as death that is not satisfied, And doth gather unto itself all the nations, And doth assemble unto itself all the peoples,

Numbers 11:4

And the rabble who are in its midst have lusted greatly, and the sons of Israel also turn back and weep, and say, 'Who doth give us flesh?

Proverbs 21:10

The soul of the wicked hath desired evil, Not gracious in his eyes is his neighbour.

Proverbs 30:15

To the leech are two daughters, 'Give, give, Lo, three things are not satisfied, Four have not said 'Sufficiency;'

Desires » What the lord desires

Job 33:29-32

Lo, all these doth God work, Twice -- thrice with man, To bring back his soul from the pit, To be enlightened with the light of the living. Attend, O Job, hearken to me, Keep silent, and I -- I do speak. read more.
If there are words -- answer me, Speak, for I have a desire to justify thee.

Psalm 132:13-14

For Jehovah hath fixed on Zion, He hath desired it for a seat to Himself, This is My rest for ever and ever, Here do I sit, for I have desired it.

Matthew 9:12-13

And Jesus having heard, said to them, 'They who are whole have no need of a physician, but they who are ill; but having gone, learn ye what is, Kindness I will, and not sacrifice, for I did not come to call righteous men, but sinners, to reformation.'

More verses: 1 Timothy 2:3-4

Desires » Select readings, psalms 42; 84 ps 42; 84 » For companionship

Titus 3:12

When I shall send Artemas unto thee, or Tychicus, be diligent to come unto me to Nicopolis, for there to winter I have determined.

Matthew 26:37

And having taken Peter, and the two sons of Zebedee, he began to be sorrowful, and to be very heavy;

2 Timothy 4:21

be diligent to come before winter. Salute thee doth Eubulus, and Pudens, and Linus, and Claudia, and all the brethren.

Philippians 2:26

seeing he was longing after you all, and in heaviness, because ye heard that he ailed,

Desires » What the lord does not desire

Matthew 9:12-13

And Jesus having heard, said to them, 'They who are whole have no need of a physician, but they who are ill; but having gone, learn ye what is, Kindness I will, and not sacrifice, for I did not come to call righteous men, but sinners, to reformation.'

Psalm 40:5-6

Much hast Thou done, Jehovah my God; Thy wonders and Thy thoughts toward us, There is none to arrange unto Thee, I declare and speak: They have been more than to be numbered. Sacrifice and present Thou hast not desired, Ears Thou hast prepared for me, Burnt and sin-offering Thou hast not asked.

Hebrews 10:1-9

For the law having a shadow of the coming good things -- not the very image of the matters, every year, by the same sacrifices that they offer continually, is never able to make perfect those coming near, since, would they not have ceased to be offered, because of those serving having no more conscience of sins, having once been purified? but in those sacrifices is a remembrance of sins every year, read more.
for it is impossible for blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. Wherefore, coming into the world, he saith, 'Sacrifice and offering Thou didst not will, and a body Thou didst prepare for me, in burnt-offerings, and concerning sin-offerings, Thou didst not delight, then I said, Lo, I come, (in a volume of the book it hath been written concerning me,) to do, O God, Thy will;' saying above -- 'Sacrifice, and offering, and burnt-offerings, and concerning sin-offering Thou didst not will, nor delight in,' -- which according to the law are offered -- then he said, 'Lo, I come to do, O God, Thy will;' he doth take away the first that the second he may establish;

Desires » Select readings, psalms 42; 84 ps 42; 84 » Spiritual thirst, examples of

Psalm 63:1

A Psalm of David, in his being in the wilderness of Judah. O God, Thou art my God, earnestly do I seek Thee, Thirsted for Thee hath my soul, Longed for Thee hath my flesh, In a land dry and weary, without waters.

Psalm 119:174

I have longed for Thy salvation, O Jehovah, And Thy law is my delight.

Amos 8:11

Lo, days are coming, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah, And I have sent a famine into the land, Not a famine of bread, nor a thirst of water But of hearing the words of Jehovah.

Desires » General references to

Mark 10:35

And there come near to him James and John, the sons of Zebedee, saying, 'Teacher, we wish that whatever we may ask for ourselves, thou mayest do for us;'

Psalm 145:16

Opening Thy hand, and satisfying The desire of every living thing.

Desires » What to desire

1 Corinthians 12:27-31

and ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. And some, indeed, did God set in the assembly, first apostles, secondly prophets, thirdly teachers, afterwards powers, afterwards gifts of healings, helpings, governings, divers kinds of tongues; are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all powers? read more.
have all gifts of healings? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret? and desire earnestly the better gifts; and yet a far excelling way do I shew to you:

1 Peter 2:2-3

as new-born babes the word's pure milk desire ye, that in it ye may grow, if so be ye did taste that the Lord is gracious,

Desires » What not to desire

Proverbs 24:1-2

Be not envious of evil men, And desire not to be with them. For destruction doth their heart meditate, And perverseness do their lips speak.

Proverbs 23:1-8

When thou sittest to eat with a ruler, Thou considerest diligently that which is before thee, And thou hast put a knife to thy throat, If thou art a man of appetite. Have no desire to his dainties, seeing it is lying food. read more.
Labour not to make wealth, From thine own understanding cease, Dost thou cause thine eyes to fly upon it? Then it is not. For wealth maketh to itself wings, As an eagle it flieth to the heavens. Eat not the bread of an evil eye, And have no desire to his dainties, For as he hath thought in his soul, so is he, 'Eat and drink,' saith he to thee, And his heart is not with thee. Thy morsel thou hast eaten thou dost vomit up, And hast marred thy words that are sweet.

Galatians 5:26

let us not become vain-glorious -- one another provoking, one another envying!

Desires » Desiring the lord

Psalm 73:25-26

Whom have I in the heavens? And with Thee none I have desired in earth. Consumed hath been my flesh and my heart, The rock of my heart and my portion is God to the age.

Isaiah 26:8-9

Also, in the path of Thy judgments, O Jehovah, we have waited for Thee, To Thy name and to Thy remembrance Is the desire of the soul. With my soul I desired Thee in the night, Also, with my spirit within me I seek Thee earnestly, For when Thy judgments are on the earth, The inhabitants of the world have learned righteousness.

Desires » Who desires

Desires » Who shall have their desires fulfilled by the lord

Psalm 145:18-19

Near is Jehovah to all those calling Him, To all who call Him in truth. The desire of those fearing Him He doth, And their cry He heareth, and saveth them.

Desires » The desire of the righteous

Proverbs 10:24

The feared thing of the wicked it meeteth him, And the desire of the righteous is given.

Proverbs 11:23

The desire of the righteous is only good, The hope of the wicked is transgression.

Desires » Who desires evil

Proverbs 12:12

The wicked hath desired the net of evil doers, And the root of the righteous giveth.

Proverbs 21:10

The soul of the wicked hath desired evil, Not gracious in his eyes is his neighbour.

Desires » The wandering of the desire

Ecclesiastes 6:9

Better is the sight of the eyes than the going of the soul. This also is vanity and vexation of spirit.

Desires » Evil concupiscence

Colossians 3:5-6

Put to death, then, your members that are upon the earth -- whoredom, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and the covetousness, which is idolatry -- because of which things cometh the anger of God upon the sons of the disobedience,

Desires » The time when the desire comes

Desires » The desire of the slothful

Proverbs 21:25

The desire of the slothful slayeth him, For his hands have refused to work.

Desires » The desire accomplished

Desires » The desire of a man

Proverbs 19:22

The desirableness of a man is his kindness, And better is the poor than a liar.

Desires » The desire of the wicked

Psalm 112:10

The wicked seeth, and hath been angry, His teeth he gnasheth, and hath melted, The desire of the wicked doth perish!

Desires » Who does not desire God

Job 21:7-15

Wherefore do the wicked live? They have become old, Yea, they have been mighty in wealth. Their seed is established, Before their face with them, And their offspring before their eyes. Their houses are peace without fear, Nor is a rod of God upon them. read more.
His bullock hath eaten corn, and doth not loath. His cow bringeth forth safely, And doth not miscarry. They send forth as a flock their sucklings, And their children skip, They lift themselves up at timbrel and harp, And rejoice at the sound of an organ. They wear out in good their days, And in a moment to Sheol go down. And they say to God, 'Turn aside from us, And the knowledge of Thy ways We have not desired. What is the Mighty One that we serve Him? And what do we profit when we meet with Him?'

Evil » Results of » Desires

Habakkuk 2:5

And also, because the wine is treacherous, A man is haughty, and remaineth not at home, Who hath enlarged as sheol his soul, And is as death that is not satisfied, And doth gather unto itself all the nations, And doth assemble unto itself all the peoples,

Numbers 11:4

And the rabble who are in its midst have lusted greatly, and the sons of Israel also turn back and weep, and say, 'Who doth give us flesh?

Proverbs 21:10

The soul of the wicked hath desired evil, Not gracious in his eyes is his neighbour.

Proverbs 30:15

To the leech are two daughters, 'Give, give, Lo, three things are not satisfied, Four have not said 'Sufficiency;'

Topics on Desires

Desires Of The Heart

Acts 7:39

to whom our fathers did not wish to become obedient, but did thrust away, and turned back in their hearts to Egypt,

Spiritual Desires

Isaiah 26:9

With my soul I desired Thee in the night, Also, with my spirit within me I seek Thee earnestly, For when Thy judgments are on the earth, The inhabitants of the world have learned righteousness.

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Theasaurus: Desires