17 Bible Verses about Error
Most Relevant Verses
Jesus answered them, "You are wrong, because you do not understand the Scriptures nor the power of God.
Jesus said to them, "Does not this show that you are wrong, and do not understand either the Scriptures or the power of God?
you may be sure that whoever brings a sinner back from his misguided way will save the man's soul from death, and cover up a host of sins.
My brothers, if any one of you is led astray from the truth, and someone brings him back,
We are God's children. Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not a child of God will not listen to us. In this way we can tell what is inspired by truth from what is inspired by error.
So you, dear friends, now that you are forewarned, must be on your guard against being led away by the errors of unprincipled men and losing your present firmness.
Remind men of these things. Charge them before God to avoid idle arguments which do no one any good and only bring destruction on those who listen to them.
This is why God sends upon them a misleading influence, to make them believe what is false,
We must not be babies any longer, blown about and swung around by every wind of doctrine through the trickery of men with their ingenuity in inventing error.
and men too in the same way have disregarded the natural function of women and been consumed with passion for one another, men for men, acting indecently, and experiencing in their own persons the inevitable penalty of what they have done.
All Scripture is divinely inspired, and useful in teaching, in reproof, in correcting faults, and in training in uprightness,
"But if your brother wrongs you go to him and show him his fault while you are alone with him. If he listens to you, you have won back your brother.
They utter arrogant nonsense and use physical cravings to lure into immorality men who are just escaping from among those who live in error;
They have left the straight path and gone astray. They have followed the path of Balaam, the son of Beor, who set his heart on dishonest gain,
correcting his opponents with gentleness; for God may possibly let them repent and acknowledge the truth,
From Thematic Bible
Drunkenness » Leads to » Error
Error » Sin's penalty » Abandonment by God
So God abandoned them, with their heart's cravings, to impurity, and let them degrade their own bodies.
Error » Sin's penalty » Penalty sometimes delayed
who had once been disobedient, when in Noah's time God in his patience waited for the ark to be made ready, in which a few people, eight in all, were brought safely through the water.
Error » Sin's penalty » Death, physical and spiritual
It is just like the way in which through one man sin came into the world, and death followed sin, and so death spread to all men, because all men sinned.
For the wages sin pays is death, but the gift God gives is eternal life through union with Christ Jesus our Lord.
Error » Known to God » Loved by men
Error » Definition of » Sin deceptive
and it was not Adam who was deceived, it was the woman who was deluded and fell into sin.
For we ourselves were once without understanding, disobedient, deluded, enslaved to all kinds of passions and pleasures. Our minds were full of malice and envy. Men hated us and we hated one another.
And the animal was captured and with it the false prophet who performed wonders on its behalf by means of which he led astray those who had let the animal's mark be put on them and who worshiped its statue. Both of them were flung alive into the fiery lake of burning brimstone.
You must lay aside with your former habits your old self which is going to ruin through its deceptive passions.
but encourage one another every day, as long as we can still speak of Today, so that no one of you may have his heart hardened by the pleasantness of sin.
Error » Definition of » To be forsaken
Therefore, let us too, with such a crowd of witnesses about us, throw off every impediment and the entanglement of sin, and run with determination the race for which we are entered,
Dear friends, I beg you, as aliens and exiles here, not to indulge the physical cravings that are at war with the soul.
You must lay aside with your former habits your old self which is going to ruin through its deceptive passions.
Through your relation to him you have received not a physical circumcision, but a circumcision effected by Christ, in stripping you of your material nature,
Error » Known to God » Hateful to God
And he said to them, "You are the men who parade your uprightness before people, but God knows your hearts. For what men consider great is detestable in the sight of God.
Error » Definition of » Despised by saints
and saved the upright Lot who was so distressed by the immoral conduct of unprincipled men??8 for as long as that upright man lived among them, day after day his upright soul was tormented by what he saw and heard of their lawless actions??9 then the Lord knows how to rescue God-fearing people from trial and to punish wrongdoers while they are being kept for the Day of Judgment,
Error » Definition of » Consequences of parents' sins upon children
Error » Known to God » Allurements of
They utter arrogant nonsense and use physical cravings to lure into immorality men who are just escaping from among those who live in error;
Error » Definition of » Forbidden
My dear children, I am writing you this so that you may not sin; yet if anyone does sin, we have in Jesus Christ one who is upright and will intercede for us with the Father.
Afterward Jesus found him in the Temple, and said to him, "See! You are well again. Give up sin, or something worse may happen to you."
So sin must not reign over your mortal bodies, and make you obey their cravings,
Error » Sin's penalty » Separation from God
Error » Sins » Our deliverance from, through Christ
For I passed on to you, as of first importance, the account I had received, that Christ died for our sins, as the Scriptures foretold,
and from Jesus Christ the trustworthy witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the sovereign of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has released us from our sins by his blood
who to save us from the present wicked world gave himself for our sins at the will of our God and Father.
He carried the burden of our sins in his own body on the cross, in order that we might die to sin and live for uprightness. By his wounds you have been healed.
He is himself an atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the whole world.
Error » Sins » Of ignorance
But one who does wrong without knowing them will be lightly punished. From anyone who has been given much, much will be required, and of the man to whom people have intrusted much, they will demand even more.
though I once used to abuse, persecute, and insult him. But he had mercy on me, because I had acted in ignorance and unbelief,
Yet I know, brothers, that you did not know what you were doing, any more than your leaders did;
Error » Definition of » Forgiven
Yes, you who were dead through your misdeeds and physically uncircumcised, God raised to life with Christ. He forgave us all our misdeeds,
When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, "My son, your sins are forgiven."
Error » Sins » Of omission
"Alas for you, you hypocritical scribes and Pharisees, for you pay tithes on mint, dill, and cummin, and you have let the weightier matters of the Law go??ustice, mercy, and integrity. But you should have observed these, without overlooking the others.
The slave who knows his master's wishes, but does not get ready or act upon them, will be severely punished.
So when a man knows what is right and fails to do it, he is guilty of sin.
Then he will answer, 'I tell you, in so far as you failed to do it for one of these people who are humblest, you failed to do it for me.'
But alas for you Pharisees! For you pay tithes on mint, rue, and every tiny herb, and disregard justice and the love of God. But you should have observed these, without neglecting the others.
Error » Definition of » Origin of
For out of the heart come wicked designs, murder, adultery, immorality, stealing, false witness, impious speech.
Then desire conceives and gives birth to sin, and when sin is mature, it brings forth death.
What causes wars and fights among you? Is it not your cravings, which are at war within your bodies?
Error » Definition of » Inexcusable
Therefore you have no excuse, whoever you are, if you pose as a judge, for when you pass judgment on someone else, you are condemning yourself, for you, who sit in judgment, do the very same things yourself.
If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have been guilty of sin, but as it is, they have no excuse for their sin.
Ever since the creation of the world, his invisible nature??is eternal power and divine character??ave been clearly perceptible through what he has made. So they have no excuse,
Error » Definition of » Contempt for others
Error » Definition of » Vain talk
Error » Definition of » Foolish thoughts
Error » Definition of » Unbelief
but the man who has misgivings about eating, and then eats, is thereby condemned, for he is not following his convictions, and anything that does not rest on conviction is wrong.
Error » Definition of » All unrighteousness
Error » Definition of » Transgression of the law
Error » Definition of » Neglect of opportunity
So when a man knows what is right and fails to do it, he is guilty of sin.
Ignorance of God » Leads to » Error
Jesus answered them, "You are wrong, because you do not understand the Scriptures nor the power of God.