18 Bible Verses about Evil Devices
Most Relevant Verses
For they intended mischief against thee, and imagined such a device as they are not able to perform.
Hold thee still in the LORD, and abide patiently upon him: but grieve not thyself at one that hath prosperity, and liveth in abomination.
Let not the ungodly have his desire, O LORD; let not his mischievous imagination prosper, lest they be too proud. Selah.
But they say, 'No more of this, we will follow our own imaginations, and do every man according to the wilfulness of his own mind.'
He imagineth mischief upon his bed, and hath set himself in no good way; neither doth he abhor any thing that is evil.
he is ever imagining mischief and frowardness in his heart, and causeth discord.
They that imagine wickedness, shall be disappointed; but they that muse upon good things, unto such shall happen mercy and faithfulness.
He that winketh with his eyes, imagineth mischief; and he that biteth his lips, will do some harm.
These are the perilous weapons of the covetous, these be his shameful counsels: that he may beguile the poor with deceitful works, yea, even there as he should give sentence with the poor.
Then said the LORD unto me, "Thou son of man: these men imagine mischief, and a wicked counsel take they in this city,
Woe unto them that imagine to do harm, and devise ungraciousness upon their beds, to perform it in the clear day: for their power is against God.
and how Esther went and spake to the king, that through letters his wicked device - which he imagined against the Jews - might be turned upon his own head, and how he and his sons were hanged on the tree.
Which destroyeth the devices of the subtle, so that they are not able to perform the things that they take in hand;
While the ungodly hath the overhand, the poor must suffer persecution; let them be taken in the crafty wiliness that they have imagined!
The LORD bringeth the counsel of the Heathen to naught, and maketh the devices of the people to be of none effect, and casteth out the counsels of princes.
a heart that goeth about with wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to do mischief,
A good man is acceptable unto the LORD; but the wicked will he condemn.