11 Bible Verses about Experimental Knowledge

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Job 32:7

I said to myself, 'Age should speak, and length of years should make wisdom known.'

Ecclesiastes 1:16

I thought to myself, "I have become much wiser than any of my predecessors who ruled over Jerusalem; I have acquired much wisdom and knowledge."

Mark 5:19

But Jesus did not permit him to do so. Instead, he said to him, "Go to your home and to your people and tell them what the Lord has done for you, that he had mercy on you."

John 3:10

Jesus answered, "Are you the teacher of Israel and yet you don't understand these things?

John 3:11

I tell you the solemn truth, we speak about what we know and testify about what we have seen, but you people do not accept our testimony.

John 9:25

He replied, "I do not know whether he is a sinner. I do know one thing -- that although I was blind, now I can see."

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experimental Knowledge » General references to

Job 32:7

I said to myself, 'Age should speak, and length of years should make wisdom known.'

Ecclesiastes 1:16

I thought to myself, "I have become much wiser than any of my predecessors who ruled over Jerusalem; I have acquired much wisdom and knowledge."

experimental Knowledge » Prepares men for the duties of life » Fitted paul for a ministry of comfort

experimental Knowledge » Prepares men for the duties of life » Enabled the apostles to speak with authority

experimental Knowledge » Prepares men for the duties of life » Christ's message grounded in experience

John 3:10-11

Jesus answered, "Are you the teacher of Israel and yet you don't understand these things? I tell you the solemn truth, we speak about what we know and testify about what we have seen, but you people do not accept our testimony.

experimental Knowledge » Prepares men for the duties of life » Fitted israel to sympathize with strangers

experimental Knowledge » Prepares men for the duties of life » Qualified the blind man to testify

John 9:25

He replied, "I do not know whether he is a sinner. I do know one thing -- that although I was blind, now I can see."

experimental Knowledge » Prepares men for the duties of life » Prepared the demoniac to witness

Mark 5:19

But Jesus did not permit him to do so. Instead, he said to him, "Go to your home and to your people and tell them what the Lord has done for you, that he had mercy on you."

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