20 Bible Verses about Falling
Most Relevant Verses
Then they went on from Mount Hor by the way to the Red Sea, going round the land of Edom: and the spirit of the people was overcome with weariness on the way.
Then he went on through the waste land and round the land of Edom and the land of Moab, and came by the east side of the land of Moab, and put up their tents on the other side of the Arnon; they did not come inside the limit of Moab, for the Arnon was the limit of Moab.
Then we went back, journeying into the waste land by the way to the Red Sea, as the Lord had said to me: and we were a long time going round Mount Seir.
You have been journeying round this mountain long enough: now go to the north;
Now let all your fighting-men make a circle round the town, going all round it once. Do this for six days.
And he said to the people, Go forward, circling the town, and let the armed men go before the ark of the Lord.
The second day they went all round the town once, and then went back to their tents: and so they did for six days.
And let seven priests go before the ark with seven loud-sounding horns in their hands: on the seventh day you are to go round the town seven times, the priests blowing their horns.
Then on the seventh day they got up early, at the dawn of the day, and went round the town in the same way, but that day they went round it seven times.
So he made the ark of the Lord go all round the town once: then they went back to the tents for the night.
And when David went for directions to the Lord, he said, You are not to go up against them in front; but make a circle round them from the back and come on them opposite the spice-trees.
From year to year he went in turn to Beth-el and Gilgal and Mizpah, judging Israel in all those places. And his base was at Ramah, where his house was; there he was judge of Israel and there he made an altar to the Lord.
By faith the walls of Jericho came down, after they had been circled for seven days.
Topics on Falling
Animals Falling
Exodus 21:33If a man makes a hole in the earth without covering it up, and an ox or an ass dropping into it comes to its death;
Falling Away From God
Hebrews 6:6And then let themselves be turned away, it is not possible for their hearts to be made new a second time; because they themselves put the Son of God on the cross again, openly shaming him.
Falling Backwards
John 18:6And when he said to them, I am he, they went back, falling to the earth.
Falling From Heaven
Mark 13:25And the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers which are in the heavens will be moved.
People Falling From A Height
Revelation 2:5So keep in mind where you were at first, and be changed in heart and do the first works; or I will come to you, and will take away your light from its place, if your hearts are not changed.
Things Falling
Joshua 6:5And at the sound of a long note on the horns, let all the people give a loud cry; and the wall of the town will come down flat, and all the people are to go straight forward.
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