34 Bible Verses about Fifties

Most Relevant Verses

Genesis 18:24

peradventure there are fifty righteous in the midst of the city; dost Thou also consume, and not bear with the place for the sake of the fifty -- the righteous who are in its midst?

Genesis 18:26

And Jehovah saith, 'If I find in Sodom fifty righteous in the midst of the city, then have I borne with all the place for their sake.'

Exodus 18:21

And thou -- thou dost provide out of all the people men of ability, fearing God, men of truth, hating dishonest gain, and hast placed these over them, heads of thousands, heads of hundreds, heads of fifties, and heads of tens,

Exodus 18:25

and Moses chooseth men of ability out of all Israel, and maketh them chiefs over the people, heads of thousands, heads of hundreds, heads of fifties, and heads of tens,

Deuteronomy 1:15

'And I take the heads of your tribes, men, wise and known, and I appoint them heads over you, princes of thousands, and princes of hundreds, and princes of fifties, and princes of tens, and authorities, for your tribes.

2 Samuel 15:1

And it cometh to pass afterwards, that Absalom prepareth for himself a chariot, and horses, and fifty men are running before him;

1 Kings 1:5

And Adonijah son of Haggith is lifting himself up, saying, 'I do reign;' and he prepareth for himself a chariot and horsemen, and fifty men running before him,

1 Kings 18:4

and it cometh to pass, in Jezebel's cutting off the prophets of Jehovah, that Obadiah taketh a hundred prophets, and hideth them, fifty men in a cave, and hath sustained them with bread and water --

1 Kings 18:13

'Hath it not been declared to my lord that which I have done in Jezebel's slaying the prophets of Jehovah, that I hide of the prophets of Jehovah a hundred men, fifty by fifty in a cave, and sustained them with bread and water?

Isaiah 3:3

Head of fifty, and accepted of faces, And counsellor, and the wise of artificers, And the intelligent of charmers.

2 Kings 1:9

And he sendeth unto him a head of fifty and his fifty, and he goeth up unto him (and lo, he is sitting on the top of the hill), and he speaketh unto him, 'O man of God, the king hath spoken, Come down.'

2 Kings 1:11

And he turneth and sendeth unto him another head of fifty and his fifty, and he answereth and speaketh unto him, 'O man of God, thus said the king, Haste, come down.'

2 Kings 1:13

And he turneth and sendeth a third head of fifty and his fifty, and the third head of fifty goeth up, and cometh in, and boweth on his knees over-against Elijah, and maketh supplication unto him, and speaketh unto him, 'O man of God, let be precious, I pray thee, my soul and the soul of thy servants -- these fifty -- in thine eyes.

2 Kings 1:10

And Elijah answereth and speaketh unto the head of the fifty, 'And if I am a man of God, fire doth come down from the heavens, and consume thee and thy fifty;' and fire cometh down from the heavens, and consumeth him and his fifty.

2 Kings 1:12

And Elijah answereth and speaketh unto them, 'If I am a man of God, fire doth come down from the heavens, and consume thee and thy fifty;' and fire of God cometh down from the heavens, and consumeth him and his fifty.

2 Kings 2:7

-- and fifty men of the sons of the prophets have gone on, and stand over-against afar off -- and both of them have stood by the Jordan.

2 Kings 2:16

and say unto him, 'Lo, we pray thee, there are with thy servants fifty men, sons of valour: let them go, we pray thee, and they seek thy lord, lest the Spirit of Jehovah hath taken him up, and doth cast him on one of the hills, or into one of the valleys;' and he saith, 'Ye do not send.'

2 Kings 2:17

And they press upon him, till he is ashamed, and he saith, 'Send ye;' and they send fifty men, and they seek three days, and have not found him;

2 Kings 13:7

for he left not to Jehoahaz of the people except fifty horsemen, and ten chariots, and ten thousand footmen, for the king of Aram hath destroyed them, and maketh them as dust for threshing.

2 Kings 15:25

And Pekah son of Remaliah, his captain, doth conspire against him, and smiteth him in Samaria, in the high place of the house of the king with Argob and Arieh, and with him fifty men of the sons of the Gileadites, and he putteth him to death, and reigneth in his stead.

Luke 9:14

for they were about five thousand men. And he said unto his disciples, 'Cause them to recline in companies, in each fifty;'

Mark 6:40

and they sat down in squares, by hundreds, and by fifties.

Ezra 8:6

And from the sons of Adin: Ebed son of Jonathan, and with him fifty who are males.

Exodus 26:5

fifty loops thou dost make in the one curtain, and fifty loops thou dost make in the edge of the curtain which is in the joining of the second, causing the loops to take hold one unto another;

Exodus 26:10

'And thou hast made fifty loops on the edge of the one curtain, the outermost in the joining, and fifty loops on the edge of the curtain which is joining the second;

Exodus 36:12

fifty loops he hath made in the one curtain, and fifty loops hath he made in the end of the curtain which is in the joining of the second; the loops are taking hold one on another.

Exodus 36:17

And he maketh fifty loops on the outer edge of the curtain, in the joining; and fifty loops he hath made on the edge of the curtain which is joining the second;

Exodus 26:6

and thou hast made fifty hooks of gold, and hast joined the curtains one to another by the hooks, and the tabernacle hath been one.

Exodus 36:13

And he maketh fifty hooks of gold, and joineth the curtains one unto another by the hooks, and the tabernacle is one.

Exodus 36:18

and he maketh fifty hooks of brass to join the tent -- to be one;

Nehemiah 7:70

And from the extremity of the heads of the fathers they have given to the work; the Tirshatha hath given to the treasure, of gold, drams a thousand, bowls fifty, priests' coats thirty and five hundred.

Ezra 2:29

Sons of Nebo, fifty and two.

Nehemiah 7:33

Men of the other Nebo: fifty and two.

Ezra 2:22

Men of Netophah, fifty and six.

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