20 Bible Verses about Fine Clothes
Most Relevant Verses
And Rebekah took the fair robes of her oldest son, which were with her in the house, and put them on Jacob, her younger son:
Now the love which Israel had for Joseph was greater than his love for all his other children, because he got him when he was an old man: and he had a long coat made for him.
So when Joseph came to his brothers, they took off his long coat which he had on;
Now she had on a long robe, such as in past times the king's virgin daughters were dressed in. Then the servant put her out, locking the door after her.
And Tamar, in her grief, put dust on her head; and she put her hand on her head and went away crying loudly.
And he saw that it was, and said, It is my son's coat; an evil beast has put him to death; without doubt Joseph has come to a cruel end.
And Herod, with the men of his army, put shame on him and made sport of him, and dressing him in shining robes, he sent him back to Pilate.
And in the middle of them one like a son of man, clothed with a robe down to his feet, and with a band of gold round his breasts.
But the father said to his servants, Get out the first robe quickly, and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet:
Awake! awake! put on your strength, O Zion; put on your beautiful robes, O Jerusalem, the holy town: for from now there will never again come into you the unclean and those without circumcision.
When I saw among their goods a fair robe of Babylon and two hundred shekels of silver, and a mass of gold, fifty shekels in weight, I was overcome by desire and took them; and they are put away in the earth in my tent, and the silver is under it.
Now at that time, when Jeroboam was going out of Jerusalem, the prophet Ahijah the Shilonite came across him on the road; now Ahijah had put on a new robe; and the two of them were by themselves in the open country.
And in his teaching he said, Be on your watch against the scribes, whose pleasure it is to go about in long robes and be respected in the market-places,
Keep away from the scribes, whose pleasure it is to go about in long robes, and to have words of respect said to them in the market-places, and to take the chief seats in the Synagogues and the first places at feasts;
For if a man comes into your Synagogue in fair clothing and with a gold ring, and a poor man comes in with dirty clothing,
But what went you out to see? a man delicately clothed? Those who have fair robes are in kings' houses.
But what did you go out to see? a man in soft clothing? See now, those who have beautiful clothing and delicate food are in kings' houses.
But I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these.
Give thought to the flowers: they do no work, they make no thread; and still I say to you, Even Solomon, in all his glory, was not clothed like one of these.
Do not let your ornaments be those of the body such as dressing of the hair, or putting on of jewels of gold or fair clothing;