22 Bible Verses about finishing

Most Relevant Verses

2 Corinthians 8:11

So, now finish doing it also, so that just as you were eager to want to, you will also [be eager to] finish it, according to your ability.

Luke 14:28

For which one of you who wants to build a [lookout] tower will not first sit down and calculate its cost, to see whether he has enough [money and materiel] to complete it?

Luke 14:29

For if he does not, maybe after he has laid the foundation and [then] is not able to complete [the tower], everyone who sees it will ridicule him,

John 19:30

After drinking some of the sour wine, Jesus said, "It is completed," [i.e., His work of dying for the sins of mankind] and gave up His spirit [i.e., to God. See Luke 23:46].

Romans 9:28

For the Lord will carry out His word in the world [i.e., He will require an accounting from the people] quickly and decisively."

Hebrews 4:3

Now we who have believed [will someday] enter that rest, even as God has said [Psa. 95:11], "So, I vowed in my anger, 'They will not enter a state of rest with me,'" although God's works were completed since the creation of the world.

John 19:28

Now Jesus knew that everything had been completed [i.e., relating to His crucifixion], so then He said, in order to fulfill Scripture [Psa. 69:21], "I am thirsty."

Matthew 10:23

When they persecute you in one town, run to the next one, for it is true when I tell you, you will not have traveled through [all] the towns of the Israelites until the Son of man comes [i.e., in His kingdom].

Galatians 3:3

Are you so foolish [as to believe that after] having begun [your Christian lives] through [the power of] the Holy Spirit, you can [now] become complete by [living according to your human strength]?

Matthew 26:1

And it happened when Jesus had finished all this teaching, He said to His disciples,

Matthew 13:53

And it happened, when Jesus had finished [giving] these parables, He went away from that place.

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