19 Bible Verses about God Judges The Wicked
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All Yahweh has made [is] for his purpose, and even the wicked for the day of trouble.
Yahweh protects all those who love him, but all the wicked he will exterminate.
You have rebuked [the] nations; you have destroyed [the] wicked. Their name you have blotted out forever and ever.
{When I say} to the wicked, 'Surely you will die,' and you do not warn him and you do not speak to warn [the] wicked from his wicked way {so that he may live}, that wicked [person] will die because of his guilt, and from your hand I will seek his blood.
For Yahweh loves justice and will not forsake his faithful ones. They are protected forever. But [the] children of [the] wicked will be cut off.
But transgressors shall be destroyed altogether. [The] future of [the] wicked shall be cut off.
Look! On the mountains! The feet of the one who brings good tidings, the one who proclaims peace! "Celebrate [a festival], O Judah, Fulfill your vows! For he will not invade you again; the wicked one is cut off completely!"
You will trample down the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day that I [am] going to act," says Yahweh of hosts.
When the wicked flourish like grass and all [the] workers of evil blossom, [it is] so they can be destroyed forever.
And then {I will say to them plainly}, 'I never knew you. Depart from me, you who practice lawlessness!'
And he will reply, saying to you, 'I do not know where you are from! Go away from me, all [you] {evildoers}!'
The Son of Man will send out his angels and they will gather out of his kingdom all the causes of sin and those who do lawless deeds,
For the eyes of the Lord [are] on the righteous, and his ears [are open to] their prayer. But the face of the Lord [is] against those who do evil.
[then] the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to reserve the unrighteous to be punished at the day of judgment,
This [is] a wicked human being's portion from God and the inheritance of his decree from God."
"This [is the] portion of [the] wicked human being with God, and they receive from Shaddai [the] inheritance of [the] ruthless.
For to the person who [is] good in his eyes, he gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy; but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and heaping up only to give [it] to [him who is] pleasing to him. This also [is] vanity and chasing wind!
Therefore [the] wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of [the] righteous;
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