29 Bible Verses about Making Vows
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When you make a vow to God, do not delay in fulfilling it, for {he takes no pleasure} in fools. Fulfill what you vow! It is better that you not vow than that you vow and not fulfill it. Do not let your mouth lead your flesh into sin, and do not tell the messenger that it [was] a mistake. Why anger God at your words, so that he destroys the work of your hands?read more.
For with many dreams [come] vanities and numerous words. Therefore, fear God! Do not be surprised if you see the poor being oppressed with violence or [do not see] justice and righteousness in the province. For one official is watched by a higher official, and [there are] even higher officials over them!
if a man makes a vow for Yahweh or swears an oath with a binding pledge on himself, he must not render his word invalid; he must do all that went out from his mouth.
From you [is] my praise. In [the] great assembly, I will pay my vows before those who revere him.
So I will sing the praise of your name forever, that I may fulfill my vows {daily}.
I will come into your house with burnt offerings. I will pay to you my vows
The utterance of your lips {you must perform diligently} [just] as you have vowed freely to Yahweh your God whatever [it was] that you promised with your mouth.
"Again you have heard that it was said to the {people of old}, 'Do not swear falsely, but fulfill your oaths to the Lord.'
Make vows and fulfill them to Yahweh, your God; let all surrounding him bring tribute to the [one to be] feared.
Look! On the mountains! The feet of the one who brings good tidings, the one who proclaims peace! "Celebrate [a festival], O Judah, Fulfill your vows! For he will not invade you again; the wicked one is cut off completely!"
"{When you make a vow} to Yahweh your God, you shall not postpone {fulfillment of it}, [for] certainly Yahweh your God shall require it from you and [if postponed] {you will incur guilt}.
When you make a vow to God, do not delay in fulfilling it, for {he takes no pleasure} in fools. Fulfill what you vow!
And Yahweh will make himself known to Egypt, and Egypt will know Yahweh on that day, and they will worship [with] sacrifice and offering, and they will make vows to Yahweh, and they will fulfill [them].
Praise awaits you, O God, in Zion, and to you [the] vow shall be fulfilled.
But I, with a voice of thanksgiving, will sacrifice to you; I will fulfill what I have vowed. Deliverance [belongs] to Yahweh!"
Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying, "Speak to the {Israelites} and say to them, 'When a man or a woman takes a special vow, a vow of a {Nazirite}, to keep separate for Yahweh, he will abstain from wine and fermented drink; he will not drink wine vinegar or vinegar of fermented drink; he will not drink the fruit juice of grapes or eat fresh or dry grapes.read more.
All the days of his separation you will not eat from anything that is made from the grapevine, from sour grapes to the skin [of grapes]. " 'All the days of the vow of his separation a razor will not pass over his head. Until fulfilling the days that he separated himself to Yahweh he will be holy and grow long the locks of the hair of his head. " 'All the days of keeping himself separated for Yahweh he will not go to a person who is dead; for even his father, mother, brother, or sister he will not make himself unclean {by their death}, because the separation to his God [is] on his head. He will be holy for Yahweh all the days of his separation. " 'If someone dies suddenly and makes the head of his separation unclean, he will shave off [the hair of] his head on the day of his cleansing; on the seventh day he will shave it off. On the eighth day he will bring two turtledoves or two {young pigeons} to the priest by the doorway of the tent of assembly, and the priest will offer one for a sin offering and one for a burnt offering, and he will make atonement for him because he sinned concerning the corpse. He will consecrate his head on that day. He will rededicate to Yahweh the days of his separation and bring a ram-lamb {in its first year} as a guilt offering. The former days [of his vow] will fall away because his separation was defiled. " 'This [is] the regulation of the Nazirite for the day of the fulfilling of the days of his separation: one will bring him to the doorway of the tent of the assembly. He will present his offering to Yahweh, one ram-lamb {in its first year} without defect as a burnt offering, and one ewe-lamb {in its first year} without defect as a sin offering, and one ram without defect as a fellowship offering; and a basket of unleavened bread, finely milled flour of ring-shaped bread cakes mixed with oil, and wafers of unleavened bread smeared with oil, and their grain offering and their libations. The priest will present {before Yahweh} and offer his sin offering, his burnt offering; he will offer a ram as a sacrifice of a fellowship offering to Yahweh, in addition to the basket of the unleavened bread; the priest will offer his grain offering and his libation. The Nazirite will shave off [the hair of] {his consecrated head} [at] the doorway of the tent of assembly, and he will take the hair of {his consecrated head}, and he will put [it] on the fire that [is] beneath the sacrifice of the fellowship offering. The priest will take the shoulder from the ram that is boiled, and one ring-shaped bread cake of unleavened bread from the basket, and one wafer of unleavened bread, and he will put [them] on the hands of the Nazirite after he has shaved {his consecrated head}. The priest will wave them [as] a wave offering {before the presence of} Yahweh; they are a holy object to the priest, in addition to the breast section of the wave offering, and in addition to the upper thigh of the contribution; and afterward the Nazirite may drink wine. " 'This is the regulation of the Nazirite who has made a vow of his offering to Yahweh according to his separation, {in addition to what he can afford}. In accordance to the word of his vow that he vowed, he will do, concerning the instruction of his separation.'"
[It is] a snare to humankind to say rashly "[It is] holy," and after vows, to scrutinize.
"If a woman makes a vow to Yahweh, and she binds a pledge [on herself] in her father's house in your childhood, but if her father hears her vow or her pledge that she bound on herself and says nothing to her, then all her vows will stand, and every pledge that she binds on her life will stand. If her father forbids her on the day he hears [of it], all her vows or her pledges that she bound on herself will not stand, and Yahweh will forgive her because her father has forgiven her.read more.
"If {she has a husband} while bound by her vows or a rash promise of her lips, and her husband hears [of it] and is silent on the day he hears [it], her vows will stand, and her pledge that she bound upon herself will stand. But if on the day her husband hears [of it], he forbids her, then he will nullify her vow that she is under, and the rash promise of her lips that she bound on herself; and Yahweh will forgive her. "But the vow of a widow or a woman who is divorced, all that she binds on herself will stand on her. But if she made a vow [in] her husband's house, or bound herself on a pledge with a sworn oath, and her husband heard [it] but was silent to her, and he did not forbid her, all her vows will stand and every pledge that she bound on herself will stand. But if her husband nullified them on the day he hears [them], all her vows going out of her lips concerning her vows or the pledge on herself will not stand; her husband has nullified them, and Yahweh will forgive her. "Any vow and any sworn oath of a pledge to inflict on herself, her husband can confirm it or her husband can nullify it. But if her husband is completely silent from day to day, then he confirms all her vows or all her pledges that [are] on her; he confirms them because he was silent to her on the day he heard [them]. But if he indeed nullifies them after he hears them, then he will bear her guilt." These [are] the decrees that Yahweh commanded Moses, as between a husband and his wife, and between a father and his daughter, [while] her childhood [is in] her father's house.
But you say, 'Whoever says to his father or his mother, "Whatever {benefit you would have received} from me [is] a gift [to God],"
But you say, 'If a man says to his father or to his mother, "Whatever {benefit you would have received} from me [is] corban" (that is, a gift [to God]),
"Speak to Aaron and to his sons and to all the {Israelites}, and say to them, 'Anyone from the house of Israel or from the alien in Israel who presents his offering for any of their vows or for any of their freewill offerings that they present to Yahweh as a burnt offering, [it must be] without defect {to be acceptable for you}: a male among the cattle, among the sheep, or among the goats.
As for an ox or sheep that is deformed or that is stunted, you may present it [as] a freewill offering, but for a vow it will not be accepted.
"Cursed is the one who cheats, who has in his flock a male and vows [it], but [instead] sacrifices a blemished one to the Lord! For I [am] a great king," says Yahweh of hosts, "and my name [is] awesome among the nations."
" 'But if his sacrifice [is] [for] a vow or [as] a freewill offering, it must be eaten on the day of his presenting his sacrifice, and on the next day the remainder from it may be eaten,
"Speak to the {Israelites}, and say to them, 'When a man makes a vow according to your proper value [of] persons to Yahweh, if your proper value is [for] a male from {twenty years of age} up to {sixty years of age}, then your proper value shall be fifty shekels [of] money according to the sanctuary's shekel. But if it [is for] a female, then your proper value shall be thirty shekels.read more.
And if from {five years of age} up to {twenty years of age}, then your proper value shall be twenty shekels [for] the male and ten shekels for the female. And if from {a month of age} up to {five years of age}, then your proper value shall be five shekels [of] money [for] the male, and your proper value for the female [shall be] three shekels [of] money. And if from {sixty years of age} and above: if a male, then your proper value shall be fifteen shekels; and for the female, ten shekels. But if he [is] poorer than your proper value, then he shall present himself {before} the priest, and the priest shall set a value [on] him; the priest shall value him {according to} what the person who made a vow {can afford}. " 'And if [it is] a domestic animal from which they present an offering for Yahweh, all that he gives from it for Yahweh shall be a holy object. He shall not replace it, nor shall he exchange it, [either] good with bad or bad with good; and if he indeed exchanges a domestic animal with a domestic animal, then {it and its substitution shall be a holy object}. But if [it is] any unclean animal from which they may not present an offering for Yahweh, then he shall present the animal {before} the priest. And the priest shall set a value on it, {either good or bad}; as the priest [sets] your proper value, so it shall be. And if he indeed wants to redeem it, then he shall add a fifth of it onto your proper value. " 'And if a man consecrates his house [as] a holy object for Yahweh, then the priest shall set a value on it, {either good or bad}; [just] as the priest sets a value on it, so it shall remain. But if the one who consecrates [it] wants to redeem his house, then he shall add a fifth of your proper value's money onto it, and it shall be his. " 'And if a man consecrates {some of} his property's fields for Yahweh, then your proper value shall be {in accordance with its seed requirements}: a homer of barley seed for fifty shekels of money. If he consecrates his field from the Year of Jubilee, it shall stand as your proper value. But if he consecrates his field after the Jubilee, then the priest shall calculate the money for him {according to the number of years} that are left over until the Year of Jubilee; and it shall be deducted from your proper value. And if he indeed redeems the field that is consecrated, then he shall add a fifth of your proper value's money onto it, and it shall stand for him. And if he does not redeem the field and if he sells the field to another man, it may not be redeemed again, and the field shall be a holy object for Yahweh when it goes out in the Jubilee, like a devoted field; {it shall be the priest's property}. " 'And if he consecrates for Yahweh his acquired field that [is] not the field of his [inherited] possession, then the priest shall calculate for him the {amount} of your proper value until the year of the Jubilee, and he shall give your proper value on that day [as] a holy object for Yahweh. In the Year of the Jubilee the field shall return to the one who bought it from him, to the one whose property the land [is]. And every proper value of yours shall be in the sanctuary's shekel--the shekel shall be twenty gerahs. " 'However, a man shall not consecrate a firstborn among livestock, which belongs as firstborn to Yahweh; whether an ox {or} small livestock, it is for Yahweh. And if [it is] among the unclean animals, then he shall ransom [it] according to your proper value, and he shall add a fifth of its [value] onto it; and if it is not redeemed, then it shall be sold according to your proper value. However, anything devoted that a man has devoted to Yahweh {from all that he has}, from human or animal, or from the field of his property, may not be sold, and it may not be redeemed; anything devoted [is] {a most holy thing} for Yahweh. Anyone devoted who is devoted from {human beings} cannot be ransomed--he shall surely be put to death. " 'And any tithe of the land from the land's seed [or] from the fruit of the trees [is] for Yahweh; it [is] a holy object for Yahweh. And if a man indeed redeems from his tithe, he shall add a fifth of its [value] onto it. As for every tithe of cattle or of the flock, all which crosses under the rod, the tenth shall be a holy object for Yahweh. He shall not inspect between [the] good and [the] bad, and he shall not exchange it; but if he indeed exchanges it, then {it and its substitution shall be} a holy object--it shall not be redeemed.'"
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